Rails partial locals not working - ruby-on-rails

I got
Class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :answers
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :question
My index action of question list all the questions and the basic CRUD actions.
<% #questions.each do |question| %>
And inside this loop I have another to show all answers to that question
<% question.answers.each do |answer| %>
After the action buttons I rendered the answer form partial
<%= render partial: 'answers/form' , question_id: question.id%>
But when them partial is rendered the question_id to the answer is aways 1.
I also tried
<%= render partial: 'answers/form', :locals => {:question_id => question.id} %>
Still no success.
This is the full index and form codes.
(Please ignore the data-toggle on the Index, its also not working yet)

Its not a good practice to pass new instance variable as local to a partial
you can build the answer and then pass it as locals
<%= render partial: 'answers/form', :locals => {:answer => question.answers.build} %>
and in partial
<div class="answer_form">
<%= form_for(answer) do |f| %>
<% if answer.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(answer.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this answer from being saved:</h2>
<% answer.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :content %><br>
<%= f.text_area :content %>
<%= f.label :question %>
<%= f.collection_select(:question_id, #questions, :id, :title) %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

As Thomas Klemm showed it was easier to pass the #answer to the partial.
<%= render partial: 'answers/form', :locals => {:#answer => question.answers.build} %>


Save Question(s) form with one submit button

In my rails app I have a questions view that renders all the questions in a poll. I want to make sure that all the questions rendered can be submitted using 1 submit button.
If that's not possible, how can I render one question after another until there are no more quesitons?
The front-end code goes:
<% #poll.questions.each do |qst| %>
<%= render "questions" , qst: qst%>
<p style="color: red"><%= notice %></p>
<% end %>
Render partial _questions.html.erb:
<%= form_with model: qst.question_results.build, url: question_question_results_path(qst) do |f| %>
<% qst_type = qst.poll.voting_type %>
<% option_length = qst.options.count %>
<%= f.hidden_field :question_id, value: qst.id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :option_id, value: qst.options.first.id %>
<h3> <%= qst.title %></h3>
<h6> <%= qst.description %> </h6>
<% qst.options.each do |option| %>
<%= f.fields_for :question_result_ranks, f.object.question_result_ranks.build do |rank_f| %>
<%= rank_f.hidden_field :option_id, value: option.id %>
<%= option.title %>
<%= rank_f.select :rank, options_for_select((1..option_length).step(1)) %><br>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Save Answer" %>
<% end %>
Here is my routes.rb
resources :users do
resources :polls
# Questions
resources :questions, shallow: true do
resources :options
resources :question_results
patch "/create_question_results", to: "questions#create_question_results", as: "create_question_results"
Edit: These views are not rendered under the Poll and Question Controller, They are rendered under the session module which has no relationships in the model.
If you want to submit all the questions with one click, you should use a nested form.
Main template poll_question.html.erb:
<%= form_with model: #poll do |form| %>
<%= form.fields_for :questions do |f| %>
# This block renders a collection of partials.
<%= render 'question', f: %>
<% end %>
<%= form.submit 'Save' %>
<% end %>
Question form _quiestion.html.erb:
<% qst = f.object %>
<% qst_type = qst.poll.voting_type %>
<% option_length = qst.options.count %>
<%= f.hidden_field :question_id, value: qst.id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :option_id, value: qst.options.first.id %>
<h3> <%= qst.title %></h3>
<h6> <%= qst.description %> </h6>
<% qst.options.each do |option| %>
<%= f.fields_for :question_result_ranks, f.object.question_result_ranks.build do |rank_f| %>
<%= rank_f.hidden_field :option_id, value: option.id %>
<%= option.title %>
<%= rank_f.select :rank, options_for_select((1..option_length).step(1)) %><br>
<% end %>
<% end %>
And don't forget to add accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions in your poll model.

Showing associated model errors in Rails 6 form

I'm using Rails and Ruby 2.7.2. Using the Rails getting started tutorial as an example, I'm wondering how to show form validation errors of an associated model.
Show page
<%= #article.title %>
<%= #article.text %>
<%= render #article.comments %>
<h2>Add a comment:</h2>
<%= render 'comments/form' %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(#article) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', articles_path %>
Comments form (this is the form in question)
<%= form_with(model: [ #article, #article.comments.build ], local: true) do |form| %>
<%= form.label :commenter %><br>
<%= form.text_field :commenter %>
<%= form.label :body %><br>
<%= form.text_area :body %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :article
validates :commenter, presence: true
class Article < ApplicationRecord
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
validates :title, presence: true,
length: { minimum: 5 }
For a single model articles form, errors could be shown like this.
<% if #article.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<%= pluralize(#article.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited
this article from being saved:
<% #article.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
How do I show errors for the comments form? When I submit a comment without a commentor, it does not save, so validations are happening, but I'm not sure how to show errors for this type of form.
<% if #???????.errors.any? %> ###### What do I say here to get the comment errors?
<div id="error_explanation">
<%= pluralize(#?????.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited
this article from being saved:
<% #?????.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
1. Create a reusable partial for errors
# app/views/shared/_errors.html.erb
<div class="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(object.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited
this <%= object.model_name.singular %> from being saved:</h2>
<% object.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
And a little helper method:
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
module ApplicationHelper
# Displays the errors for a model instance if there are any
def display_errors_for(object)
return unless object.errors.any?
render partial: 'shared/errors',
locals: { object: object }
2. Get the object from the form builder
You can always access the model wrapped by the form builder instance through the #object method instead of using a instance variable:
<%= form_with(model: [ #article, #comment ], local: true) do |form| %>
# ...
<%= display_errors_for(form.object) %>
<% end %>
And like magic you can add errors to any form with a single line.
Do not use #article.comments.build. That will always bind the form to a new instance of comment instead of displaying the errors! It will also remove anything the user entered into the form... Assign the variable in the controller. I have no idea how this snuck its way into the guides.
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def show
#article = Article.find(params[:id])
#comment = #article.comments.new

Rails - Couldn't find Student with 'id'=

I'm getting the error above when I try to create a a 'mark' for a 'student'. I can't figure out how to pass the :student_id when I create a new mark.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :students do
resources :marks
resources :marks
root 'students#index'
Marks Controller
class MarksController < ApplicationController
def create
#student = Student.find(params[:student_id])
#mark = #student.marks.create(params[:input1, :input2, :input3, :weight1, :weight2, :weight3, :mark1, :mark2, :mark3, :final_mark].permit(:input1, :input2, :input3, :weight1, :weight2, :weight3, :mark1, :mark2, :mark3, :final_mark))
if #mark.save
redirect_to student_path(#student)
render 'new'
def new
#mark = Mark.new
def set_mark
#mark = Mark.find(params[:id])
Students Show View
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<strong>Student Number</strong>
<%= #student.StudentNumber %>
<strong>Project Title</strong>
<%= #student.ProjectTitle %>
<strong>Project PDF</strong>
<%= #student.ProjectTitle %>
<strong>Reader 1</strong>
<%= #student.Reader1 %>
<strong>Reader 2</strong>
<%= #student.Reader2 %>
<h3> <%= link_to 'Add Mark', new_student_mark_path(#student), class:"btn btn-warning"%> </h3>
<strong>Reader 3</strong>
<%= #student.Reader3 %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_student_path(#student) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', students_path %>
Marks Form
<%= form_for #mark, html: {multipart: true} do |f| %>
<% if #mark.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(#mark.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this grading from being saved:</h2>
<% #mark.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
<li><%= message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label 'Introduction' %><br>
<%= f.text_area :input1 %>
<%= f.number_field :weight1 %>
<%= f.number_field :mark1 %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label 'Main' %><br>
<%= f.text_area :input2 %>
<%= f.number_field :weight2 %>
<%= f.number_field :mark2 %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label 'Conclusion' %><br>
<%= f.text_area :input3 %>
<%= f.number_field :weight3 %>
<%= f.number_field :mark3 %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit class:"btn-xs btn-success"%>
<% end %>
Mark model
class Mark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
Student Model
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :marks
has_attached_file :document
validates_attachment :document, :content_type => { :content_type => %w(application/pdf) }
It's probably something really stupid but if anyone could explain the problem I'd be really grateful.
I don't suggest you using hidden fields for this purpose.
You should pass student together with mark into form_for helper and rails will generate proper url for you which will look like: /students/:student_id/marks
In this case it will be possible to extract student_id from params in your action later.
form_for [#student, #mark], html: {multipart: true} do |f|
More information about nested resources:
Forgot to mention that in order to make this work you need to pass student instance into your template at new action:
def new
#student = Student.find(params[:student_id])
#mark = #student.marks.build

How to have a polymorphic model's partials associate to different things on the same page

Essentially, I have a binary voting system Like/Dislike. Thee class is called Like It has polymorphic associations to likeable:
class Like < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :likeable, polymorphic: true
and we have the class Comment, which also has polymorphic associations to commentable and can be liked
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
has_many :likes, :as :likeable
We have the class Section, which can also be liked and commented on
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :likes, as: :likeable
has_many :comments, as: commentable
However, on the page section#show I display the Section information, the section likes, and then the comments (from a comments/comments partial). Here is the Section#show view:
<h1><%= exercise.name %></h1>
<p><%= exercise.description %></p>
<%= render 'likes/like_button' %>
<%= render 'comments/comments' %>
<%= render 'comments/comment_form' %>
However, I want the ability to vote on each comment.
The following code is from the _comments.html.erb - What currently doesn't work is the rendering of the _like_button.html.erb because it doesn't apply to the comment at hand.
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= comment.content %>
<%= render 'likes/like_button' %>
<hr />
<% end %>
And here is the _like_button.html.erb partial
<% if #like.nil? %>
<%# No record of Like in table %>
<%= form_for [#likeable, Like.new] do |f| %>
<%= f.submit "Like" %>
<%= f.submit "Dislike" %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%# Marks current chosen option, if the opposite option is chosen, the record is updated to reflect the descion by the user %>
<%= form_for [#likeable, #like] do |f| %>
<% if #like.is_liked %>
Currently Liked!
<%= f.submit "Dislike" %>
<% else %>
<%= f.submit "Like" %>
Currently Disliked!
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
So ultimately, I just want to know how to make it possible to vote on a comment from within the Section#show view
Try this:
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= comment.content %>
<%= render 'likes/like_button', :like => comment.like, :likeable => comment %>
<hr />
<% end %>
<% if like.nil? %>
<%# No record of Like in table %>
<%= form_for [likeable, Like.new] do |f| %>
<%= f.submit "Like" %>
<%= f.submit "Dislike" %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%# Marks current chosen option, if the opposite option is chosen, the record is updated to reflect the descion by the user %>
<%= form_for [likeable, like] do |f| %>
<% if like.is_liked %>
Currently Liked!
<%= f.submit "Dislike" %>
<% else %>
<%= f.submit "Like" %>
Currently Disliked!
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Rails 3 has_one/has_many question

I am writing an application that contains a database with several tables and joining tables and so forth... the two I am working with currently (and am stumped on) are my pages table and my templates table.
Now a page can contain only one template, but a template can have many pages.
Model for Page:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :template
accepts_nested_attributes_for :template
Model for Template:
class Template < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :pages
When a user creates a page, I want them to be able to select a layout, but for some reason the select list is not showing up
HTML for show:
<%= form_for(#page) do |page| %>
<% if #page.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(#page.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this page from being saved:</h2>
<% #page.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<%= page.label "Page title" %><br />
<%= page.text_field :slug %>
<div class="field">
<%= page.label :active %>?<br />
<%= page.check_box :active %>
<%= page.fields_for :category do |cat| %>
<%= cat.label :category %>
<%= select :page, :category_id, Category.find(:all).collect{|c| [c.name, c.id] } %>
<% end %>
<%= page.fields_for :template do |temp| %>
<%= temp.label :template %>
<%= select :page, :template_id, Template.find(:all).collect{|t| [t.content, t.id] } %>
<% end %>
<div class="actions">
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
Any reasons why the last select wouldn't show up?
Thanks in advance for all the help!
All I had to do to fix the problem was put the Model logic in my controller and then call that object in the view and it worked
def new
#page = Page.new
#categories = Category.find(:all)
#templates = Template.find(:all)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #page }
<div class="field">
<%= page.label :template %>
<%= page.select("template_id", #templates.collect { |t| [t.content, t.id] }, :include_blank => 'None') %>
Hope this helps someone else!
First page could "belongs to" template:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :template
accepts_nested_attributes_for :template
And instead of:
<%= page.fields_for :template do |temp| %>
<%= temp.label :template %>
<%= select :page, :template_id, Template.find(:all).collect{|t| [t.content, t.id] } %>
<% end %>
I would use a simple collection_select:
<%= page.select("template_id", Template.all.collect {|t| [ t.contet, t.id ] }) %>
