Authentication and Authorization of HTTP API in Play Framework - oauth

I am building an API using the Scala version of the play framework. Some of the endpoints will contain confidential data but I am not sure how exactly to secure this.
Secure social ( is a library that I've been looking at but it seems oriented around websites and logging in with OAuth providers.
In this case it seems like I need to be an OAuth provider. Or is it possible that I can allow users to login with a provider, say Twitter? But then how would that work? The documentation around OAuth seems to be incredibly awful.

There is no built in way to manage tokens. I would recommend building a token system, that would distribute and manage access token use. You can have one per user, or use a different system.
Then for each endpoint, you would have a wrapped action to secure the API.
case class SecuredAPIRequest(request:Request[AnyContent]) extends
trait SecuredController{
import play.api.mvc.Results._
//This takes an action for a request, and checks to see if the apiKey equals or API_KEY
def SecuredAPIAction(f:SecuredAPIRequest => Result) = Action{
request =>{ jsValue =>
(jsValue \ "apiKey").asOpt[String] match{
case Some(key) if validKey(key) => f(SecuredAPIRequest(request)) //We are clear to go, execute our function.
// NOTE: validKey would be a function that checks the key against our DB ensuring that it is valid.
case None => Forbidden
What SecureSocial does is route security request to the authentication service ( Twitter, Facebook, etc ), and uses their token as security. This would not work as an API, because it would be impossible to redirect users for auth.


getTokenSilentlyEquivalent that avoids third party cookies

I wrote a cypress plugin that helps to simulate auth0 for testing without having to go through the whole redirect to and from the login pages.
It uses silent authentication or getTokenSilently to avoid the redirects etc.
return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let person = atom.slice(, 'person').get();
assert(!!person && typeof !== 'undefined', `no scenario in login`);
auth0Client.getTokenSilently({ ignoreCache: true, currentUser:, test: Cypress.currentTest.title })
.then((token) => {
log(`successfully logged in with token ${JSON.stringify(token)}`);
}).catch((e) => {
The auth0 docs appear to be saying that silent authentication is not the preferred way for single-page applications.
This post Refresh token rotation does not suggest an alternative to getTokenSilently that does not use third-party cookies.
If I look at the source code in #auth0/spa-js, getTokenSilently still appears to use cookies, even if you have
scope: "offline_access",
useRefreshTokens: true
I am confused as to what is an alternative to getTokenSilently that does not use third party cookies.
getTokenSilently also does not currently work in safari because of this reason.
The simplest all round option might be to do a full redirect at the start of your test suite, as in this Curity code example, which uses Cypress tests. This has the advantage that the SPA can call real APIs afterwards. It will also work in all browsers including Safari. It is probably the option I would use.
I like your mock plugin idea, since at times it is useful to be able to bypass some of the Authorization Server behaviour, if it gets in the way of testing.
It feels like infrastructure that you cannot control is getting in your way though. Perhaps your plugin should not need to depend on client side SDKs. Maybe you could just have a mock getTokenSilently that issues its own tokens using a JWT library?
Token issuing code
It depends though on what you want to do next, eg do you want to call real APIs? If so then the Secured SPA Tests option might be simplest.
One useful technique to be aware of is the Wiremock tool, which can register canned responses with tokens base on tokens you've issued in your own test code. Here are some API tests of mine that use this approach.
In my case the API requires user level tokens and a code flow by default. These tests enable a more productive API development setup, where the API code validates mock tokens in the standard way. It may not be such a good fit for SPA tests though.
In a real SPA, getTokenSilently relies on the Authorization Server's (third party) SSO cookie. A code flow is run on a hidden iframe to get new tokens, using OpenID Connect's prompt=none request parameter. This does not work in the Safari browser with default settings, since it drops the SSO cookie, as part of an initiative to prevent third parties from tracking users.
To solve the above problem in a real SPA, the current best practice is to use first party cookies instead of relying on the SSO session cookie. An SPA running at can use an API at to enable this. More on this theme in the Token Handler Pattern.

How to manage API side authorization for Google?

I'm responsible for the API side of our product. We have several different clients, from browsers to iPads to Chromebooks. Right now, all our authentication is done directly from the client to our API, with username & password.
I've inherited some code that does authentication using OAuth, with the usual username/password setup. So inside my OwinAuthConfig class, I have:
var oAuthAuthorizationOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Authenticate"),
Provider = new MyAuthorizationProvider(),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
AllowInsecureHttp = true
Then, through some dark magic, this connects up with my MyAuthorizationProvider class (which inherits OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider), and on login, this invokes the method:
public override Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
{ ... }
where context contains the important stuff (Username and Password) which I can then use to authenticate the user, build his claims, create an AuthenticationTicket and this information then magically gets returned to the client with the access token etc.
All well and good.
Now I have a new requirement - to allow 3rd party authentication from Google. In this case, the client app (iOS/Android/whatever) does the authentication with Google, and they should just pass the token (and any other required info) to me on the API side. On my side I then need to re-authenticate the Google token, and get all the user info from Google (email, name, etc.), from which I should then again link that to our User table, build up the claims etc. and return a new token to the client, which will be used in all subsequent calls.
Being kinda new to the whole OWIN pipeline thing, I'm not sure exactly how to go about this. I could write a new GoogleAuthController, that just acts like any other controller, and have an API that accepts the Google token, and returns the new token and other info in the same format that the username/password authentication API does it. But 2 things are nagging at me:
I have this awkward feeling like this is the noobie way of doing things, reinventing the wheel, and really there's a super-cool magical way of hooking things together that I should rather be using; and
In MyAuthorizationProvider.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(), I've got access to an OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext object, which allows me to validate my new AuthenticationTicket. If I'm doing this inside a plain vanilla controller, I have no idea how I would mark that ticket as validated.
Any clues, please?
EDIT I've seen the Google auth flow as described here. I'm still confused by how best to manage the process from the API side. The client will be obtaining the authorization code, and then calling the API with that auth code. I get that then I've got to take that auth code and convert it to a token by calling the Google API. (Or maybe that should be the client's responsibility?) Either way, I then need to use that token to go back to the Google API and get the user's name, email and avatar image, then I need to match up that email with my own database to identify the user and build up their claims. Then I need to return a new token that the client can use to connect to me going forward.
Let me be more specific about my questions, before my question is closed as "too broad":
When the client has completed authentication with the Google API, it gets back a "code". That code still needs to be converted into a token. Whose responsibility should that be - the client or the API? (I'm leaning towards making it the client's responsibility, if just for the reason of distributing the workload better.)
Whether the client is passing through a code or a token, I need to be able to receive it in the API. Should I just use a plain vanilla Controller to receive it, with an endpoint returning an object of type AuthenticationProperties, or is there some special OWIN way of doing this?
If I'm using a plain vanilla Controller, how do I validate my token? In other words, how do I get access to the OWIN context so that I can mark the AuthenticationTicket as validated?
How do I write an automated test that simulates the client side of the process? AFAICT, the authentication wants to have a user physically click on the "Allow" button to grant my app access to their identity stuff, before it will generate the auth code. In an automated test, I would want to pass username/password etc. all from code. How do you do that?
So I found a solution of my own. It's only slightly kludgy, doesn't require referencing any Google OWIN libraries, and best of all, reuses the code from my username/password authentication.
Firstly, I get the app to call the same Authenticate endpoint as I do for username/password, only with dummy credentials, and add in a "GoogleToken" header, containing the token.
In my authentication code, I check for the GoogleToken header, and if it exists, follow that code path to validate on the Google servers, get an email address, and link to my own User table. Then the rest of the process for building claims and returning a new API token follows the original path.
start here :
This explains how oAuth2 works. So you receive a Google token, now you call Google and request the user's details. you will receive their email which is enough to authenticate them. You could store the token as they are valid for a while and you can keep reusing it for whatever you need until it expires or it is invalidated.
Check this discussion on the same subject :
How can I verify a Google authentication API access token?
if you need more info on how OAuth2 works I can point you to one of my own articles :
There's a lot to take in, but it sounds like you need to understand how these things work together. Hope this helps.
I don't have full access to your setup, but I hope that the following code might help you with using Google as ID provider. Please add the following code to your startup.auth.cs file.
var googleAuthOptions = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "DAK0qzDasdfasasdfsadwerhNjb-",
Scope = { "openid", "profile", "email" },
Provider = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider
OnAuthenticated = async ctx =>
//You can get the claims like this and add them to authentication
var tokenClaim = new Claim("GoogleAccessToken", ctx.AccessToken);
var emailClaim = new Claim("email", ctx.Email);
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity();
await Task.CompletedTask;
AuthenticationType = "Google"
This allows the Google to act as ID Provider and the OnAuthenticated gets called when the authentication is successful. You can get the claims out of it and use them to signin. Please let me know if this worked, if not give me more details about your setup (what kind of framework, client setup and may be more details about your setup in startup file).
Thank you.
Please see this link for details on how we can use Google as ID Provider. I am sure you might have looked at this link, but in case you missed it. If none of these links work for you please include specific details on where you are deviating from what is mentioned in the links.
I assume you have a different requirement than what is specified in those links. Hence, I will try to answer your questions individually. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
When the client has completed authentication with the Google API, it gets back a "code". That code still needs to be converted into a token. Whose responsibility should that be - the client or the API? (I'm leaning towards making it the client's responsibility, if just for the reason of distributing the workload better.)
Exchanging the code for access token is definitely the responsibility of the API as the token exchange involves sending the ClientId and Client Secret along with the code. Client secret is supposed to be saved on the server side (API) but not on the client
Whether the client is passing through a code or a token, I need to be able to receive it in the API. Should I just use a plain vanilla Controller to receive it, with an endpoint returning an object of type AuthenticationProperties, or is there some special OWIN way of doing this?
This should work seamlessly if you are using the Google provider as mentioned in the above links. If not, the endpoint should be an anonymous endpoint accepting the code and making a request to Google (may be by using HttpClient) to get the access token along with the profile object for user related information.
If I'm using a plain vanilla Controller, how do I validate my token? In other words, how do I get access to the OWIN context so that I can mark the AuthenticationTicket as validated?
You have to implement OnGrantAuthorizationCode as part of your MyAuthorizationProvider class. This gives access to the context to set validated to true.
How do I write an automated test that simulates the client side of the process? AFAICT, the authentication wants to have a user physically click on the "Allow" button to grant my app access to their identity stuff, before it will generate the auth code. In an automated test, I would want to pass username/password etc. all from code. How do you do that?
This can be achieved partially, but, with that partial test you can be sure of good test coverage against your code. So, you have to mock the call to the Google API and assume that you have retrieved a valid response (hard code the response you received from a valid manual test). Now test your code on how it behaves with the valid response. Mock the Google API cal for an invalid response and do the same. This is how we are testing our API now. This assumes that Google API is working fine and tests my code for both valid/ in-valid responses.
Thank you,
Having gone through something like this recently, I'll try to answer at least some of your questions:
The client should be getting a token from Google, which you can pass unaltered through to the API:
function onSignIn(googleUser) {
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
var idToken = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token;
A plain vanilla Controller should do it. The client can subsequently post an object in there, containing at least that token plus the client id (might be useful to know where the request comes from) and even the providerUserId;
Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with the Owin stack
Fully end-to-end integration testing might be tricky, although you might achieve something through tools like Selenium, or some mocking tool. The API however should be testable just by posting some fake data to that vanilla controller, although you might have to rely on some sort of mock implementation when you get to validating that token through Google (although you could also validate it manually on the server, provided you get the Google public api key).

WWW-Authenticate schemes for OpenID Connect

I'm writing my own codes for the OpenID Connect protocol. Basically, I intend to write my own provider and related stuff on Google App Engine's platform using Jersey and Google's datastore via Objectify library.
I'm in the middle of implementing the (access/refresh) token endpoint and there's this client authentication that I need to take care of. I'm just wondering if there are preset authentication schemes' keywords that I could send if in case the client did not have client_secret_basic set during the registration process (or whatever's set in the datastore entry.)
For a failed client authentication with the following methods, the scheme is used as response in the WWW-Authenticate header (401):
client_secret_basic: Basic,
client_secret_post: ???,
client_secret_jwt: ???,
private_key_jwt: ???,
none: obviously none.
I've looked at some open source implementations, nimbus' and OAuth-Apis', but they don't seem to handle this minor issue (they only respond with the generic error response defined in OAuth2 rfc6749#section-5.2.)
If there are no predefined keywords, then I suppose I'll have to make up my own. But it would be great if they exist.
The authoritative list for these is at IANA. There, you can find these handfuls:
Which of these is client_secret_post, client_secret_jwt and private_key_jwt? None. You'll need to map those to one from the registered list above or return your own values. Better yet, you can submit a draft to the OAuth working group or the OpenID Foundation to get the above IANA registry updated with something that makes sense for these missing cases. Then, we can all interop :-)

Dropbox OAuth 2 dynamic return URL

The Dropbox OAuth 2 requires me to set a return URL. Is it possible to implement the OAuth 2 flow with a dynamic return URL?
Background on why I need the return_url to be dynamic: The flow works great if the integration is through a website, however I am working on a product which is managed through a web console, and typically users will access it using the private IP on the unit. This IP is something I cannot know in advance.
Possible Solutions if dynamic return URLs aren't possible:
I host a cloud service of some sort to act as a broker --- the broker is a fixed URL and I relay back the access code to the device.
Use OAuth 1, which doesn't seem to have this restriction.
Florent's comment is correct, this isn't currently possible, as all OAuth 2 redirect URIs are required to be pre-registered as a matter of security. I'll be sure to pass this along as feedback though.
As mentioned though, one thing you may be able to do instead is to use one static redirect URI but encode the necessary information in the 'state' parameter, and decode it as necessary after the redirect back to your app, to handle it as necessary:
Alternatively, you can use OAuth 1, which doesn't require pre-registered redirect URIs. Edit: note that OAuth 1 is only available for API v1, which is now deprecated.

How to use omniauth to make authenticated calls to services?

I've received a token / secret from a service using OmniAuth and can store it for users, but I'm stuck as to how to actually use these to call a service.
The closest thing I've seen to this question is here but the way he's solved that there doesn't feel right. I feel like OmniAuth likely does this all for you if you know what you're doing.
Netflix has a pretty involved auth process, so I was hoping to skirt all of this by using OmniAuth to abstract me from all of this.
Given that I have a token and secret for a user, how to use these in calling a service like Netflix?
Many thanks :)
Hey, I'm the author of the OmniAuth gem. OmniAuth is meant to be used for the authentication process. In the case of OAuth providers like Netflix, this means exchanging a request token for an access token which is then used to pull user information from the API. These one-off calls are specifically designed for each provider and are not meant to be a generic API client for the given provider.
What you can do it use OmniAuth to obtain the credentials and then use another specific library for the site itself (such as ruby-netflix or anything else, I'm not sure what the best one is) to make calls. You can retrieve the access token and secret that is obtained in the authentication dance by accessing env['omniauth.auth']['credentials'], then use those to initialize the API client.
You can also use the OAuth library directly to make these calls, but I would strongly recommend just using an existing library, it will be much faster and easier. Does all of that make sense?
OmniAuth is all about authentication; you should probably look at another gem for making actual calls to the service. E.g., for Facebook, I use the OAuth2 gem and code like the following:
module Facebook
class Client < OAuth2::Client
# Return a new OAuth2::Client object specific to the app.
def initialize
:site => '',
:parse_json => true
class Token < OAuth2::AccessToken
# Return a new OAuth2::AccessToken specific to the app
# and the user with the given token.
def initialize(token)
access_token =
url = "{user_fb_id}/feed"
response =, :message => "My update")
Note that there are gems for popular services, like Facebook and Twitter, that can manage the behind-the-scenes things like creating tokens, managing URLs, etc. For Netflix, you might check the following:
Also keep in mind that OmniAuth just returns the service data to you; you're free to store it and use it how you will (Devise has it's own pattern for OmniAuth that you might butt heads with if you try to go outside the lines). The other question you linked doesn't look too far fetched to me.
