OpenCL code behavior is different for AMD vs NVIDIA cards - sdk

I have a constant at the top of my code...
__constant uint uintmaxx = (uint)( (((ulong)1)<<32) - 1 );
It compiles fine on AMD and NVIDIA OpenCL compilers... then executes.
(correct) on ATI cards, returns... 4294967295 or (all 32 bits = 1)
(wrong) on NVIDIA cards, returns... 2147483648 or (only 32'nd bit = 1)
I also tried -1 + 1<<32 and it worked on ATI but not NVIDIA.
What gives? Am I just missing something?
While I'm on the topic of OpenCL compiler differences, does anyone know a good resource that lists the compiler differences between AMD and NVIDIA?

OpenCL conveniently provides that for you already. You can use the predefined UINT_MAX in your kernel code and the implementation will guarantee that it holds the correct value.
However there is also nothing wrong in the method you use. The spec guarantees that uint is 32bits and ulong 64bits, ints are twos complement and everything that is not explicitly mentioned works exactly as is written in C99 spec.
Even just this should work and give you the correct result:
uint uintmaxx = -1;
It seems that NVidia just has a broken compiler, if not I really hope I'll be corrected on the issue. The really odd part there is that how on earth the 32nd bit is 1? Shift to left by 32 moves the original bit to the 33rd place. So what on earth places a bit in the 32nd spot? The only thing I got in my mind is that they don't respect operator ordering at all and transform the formula into (ulong)1 << (32-1) or something like that.
You probably should file a bug report. But to be frank considering that they hate OpenCL as much as Microsoft hates OpenGL, if not even more, I wouldn't really anticipate fast response times.

I fully agree with #sharpneli answer. But just try this:
__constant uint uintmaxx = -1;
And like sharpneli said, use the UINT_MAX macro, it is the safer way.


Outputting values from CAMPARY

I'm trying to use the CAMPARY library (CudA Multiple Precision ARithmetic librarY). I've downloaded the code and included it in my project. Since it supports both cpu and gpu, I'm starting with cpu to understand how it works and make sure it does what I need. But the intent is to use this with CUDA.
I'm able to instantiate an instance and assign a value, but I can't figure out how to get things back out. Consider:
#include <time.h>
#include "c:\\vss\\CAMPARY\\Doubles\\src_cpu\\multi_prec.h"
int main()
const char *value = "123456789012345678901234567";
multi_prec<2> a(value);
char *cc = a.prettyPrintBF();
printf("\n%s\n", cc);
Compiles, links, runs (VS 2017). But the output is pretty unhelpful:
Prec = 2
Data[0] = 1.234568e+26
Data[1] = 7.486371e+08
Prec = 2
Data[0] = 0x1.987bf7c563caap+86;
Data[1] = 0x1.64fa5c3800000p+29;
0x1.987bf7c563caap+86 + 0x1.64fa5c3800000p+29;
1.234568e+26 7.486371e+08
Printing each of the doubles like this might be easy to do, but it doesn't tell you much about the value of the 128 number being stored. Performing highly accurate computations is of limited value if there's no way to output the results.
In addition to just printing out the value, eventually I also need to convert these numbers to ints (I'm willing to try it all in floats if there's a way to print, but I fear that both accuracy and speed will suffer). Unlike MPIR (which doesn't support CUDA), CAMPARY doesn't have any associated multi-precision int type, just floats. I can probably cobble together what I need (mostly just add/subtract/compare), but only if I can get the integer portion of CAMPARY's values back out, which I don't see a way to do.
CAMPARY doesn't seem to have any docs, so it's conceivable these capabilities are there, and I've simply overlooked them. And I'd rather ask on the CAMPARY discussion forum/mail list, but there doesn't seem to be one. That's why I'm asking here.
To sum up:
Is there any way to output the 128bit ( multi_prec<2> ) values from CAMPARY?
Is there any way to extract the integer portion from a CAMPARY multi_prec? Perhaps one of the (many) math functions in the library that I don't understand computes this?
There are really only 2 possible answers to this question:
There's another (better) multi-precision library that works on CUDA that does what you need.
Here's how to modify this library to do what you need.
The only people who could give the first answer are CUDA programmers. Unfortunately, if there were such a library, I feel confident talonmies would have known about it and mentioned it.
As for #2, why would anyone update this library if they weren't a CUDA programmer? There are other, much better multi-precision libraries out there. The ONLY benefit CAMPARY offers is that it supports CUDA. Which means the only people with any real motivation to work with or modify the library are CUDA programmers.
And, as the CUDA programmer with the most vested interest in solving this, I did figure out a solution (albeit an ugly one). I'm posting it here in the hopes that the information will be of value to future CAMPARY programmers. There's not much information out there for this library, so this is a start.
The first thing you need to understand is how CAMPARY stores its data. And, while not complex, it isn't what I expected. Coming from MPIR, I assumed that CAMPARY stored its data pretty much the same way: a fixed size exponent followed by an arbitrary number of bits for the mantissa.
But nope, CAMPARY went a different way. Looking at the code, we see:
double data[prec];
Now, I assumed that this was just an arbitrary way of reserving the number of bits they needed. But no, they really do use prec doubles. Like so:
multi_prec<8> a("2633716138033644471646729489243748530829179225072491799768019505671233074369063908765111461703117249");
// Looking at a in the VS debugger:
[0] 2.6337161380336443e+99 const double
[1] 1.8496577979210756e+83 const double
[2] 1.2618399223120249e+67 const double
[3] -3.5978270144026257e+48 const double
[4] -1.1764513205926450e+32 const double
[5] -2479038053160511.0 const double
[6] 0.00000000000000000 const double
[7] 0.00000000000000000 const double
So, what they are doing is storing the max amount of precision possible in the first double, then the remainder is used to compute the next double and so on until they encompass the entire value, or run out of precision (dropping the least significant bits). Note that some of these are negative, which means the sum of the preceding values is a bit bigger than the actual value and they are correcting it downward.
With this in mind, we return to the question of how to print it.
In theory, you could just add all these together to get the right answer. But kinda by definition, we already know that C doesn't have a datatype to hold a value this size. But other libraries do (say MPIR). Now, MPIR doesn't work on CUDA, but it doesn't need to. You don't want to have your CUDA code printing out data. That's something you should be doing from the host anyway. So do the computations with the full power of CUDA, cudaMemcpy the results back, then use MPIR to print them out:
#define MPREC 8
void ShowP(const multi_prec<MPREC> value)
multi_prec<MPREC> temp(value), temp2;
// from mpir at
mpf_t mp, mp2;
mpf_init2(mp, value.getPrec() * 64); // Make sure we reserve enough room
mpf_init(mp2); // Only needs to hold one double.
const double *ptr = value.getData();
mpf_set_d(mp, ptr[0]);
for (int x = 1; x < value.getPrec(); x++)
// MPIR doesn't have a mpf_add_d, so we need to load the value into
// an mpf_t.
mpf_set_d(mp2, ptr[x]);
mpf_add(mp, mp, mp2);
// Using base 10, write the full precision (0) of mp, to stdout.
mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, mp);
mpf_clears(mp, mp2, NULL);
Used with the number stored in the multi_prec above, this outputs the exact same value. Yay.
It's not a particularly elegant solution. Having to add a second library just to print a value from the first is clearly sub-optimal. And this conversion can't be all that speedy either. But printing is typically done (much) less frequently than computing. If you do an hour's worth of computing and a handful of prints, the performance doesn't much matter. And it beats the heck out of not being able to print at all.
CAMPARY has a lot of shortcomings (undoced, unsupported, unmaintained). But for people who need mp numbers on CUDA (especially if you need sqrt), it's the best option I've found.

Fast way to swap endianness using opencl

I'm reading and writing lots of FITS and DNG images which may contain data of an endianness different from my platform and/or opencl device.
Currently I swap the byte order in the host's memory if necessary which is very slow and requires an extra step.
Is there a fast way to pass a buffer of int/float/short having wrong endianess to an opencl-kernel?
Using an extra kernel run just for fixing the endianess would be ok; using some overheadless auto-fixing-read/-write operation would be perfect.
I know about the variable attribute ((endian(host/device))) but this doesn't help with a big endian FITS file on a little endian platform using a little endian device.
I thought about a solution like this one (neither implemented nor tested, yet):
uint4 mask = (uint4) (3, 2, 1, 0);
uchar4 swappedEndianness = shuffle(originalEndianness, mask);
// to be applied on a float/int-buffer somehow
Hoping there's a better solution out there.
Thanks in advance,
Sure. Since you have a uchar4 - you can simply swizzle the components and write them back.
output[tid] = input[tid].wzyx;
swizzling is very also performant on SIMD architectures with very little cost, so you should be able to combine it with other operations in your kernel.
Hope this helps!
Most processor architectures perform best when using instructions to complete the operation which can fit its register width, for example 32/64-bit width. When CPU/GPU performs such byte-wise operators, using subscripts .wxyz for uchar4, they needs to use a mask to retrieve each byte from the integer, shift the byte, and then using integer add or or operator to the result. For the endianness swaping, the processor needs to perform above integer and, shift, add/or for 4 times because there are 4 bytes.
The most efficient way is as follows
#define EndianSwap(n) (rotate(n & 0x00FF00FF, 24U)|(rotate(n, 8U) & 0x00FF00FF)
n could be in any gentype, for example, an uint4 variable. Because OpenCL does not allow C++ type overloading, so the best choice is macro.

False autovectorization in Intel C compiler (icc)

I need to vectorize with SSE a some huge loops in a program. In order to save time I decided to let ICC deal with it. For that purpose, I prepare properly the data, taking into account the alignment and I make use of the compiler directives #pragma simd, #pragma aligned, #pragma ivdep. When compiling with the several -vec-report options, compiler tells me that loops were vectorized. A quick look to the assembly generated by the compiler seems to confirm that, since you can find there plenty of vectorial instructions that works with packed single precision operands (all operations in the serial code handler float operands).
The problem is that when I take hardware counters with PAPI the number of FP operations I get (PAPI_FP_INS and PAPI_FP_OPS) is pretty the same in the auto-vectorized code and the original one, when one would expect to be significantly less in the auto-vectorized code. What's more, a vectorized by-hand a simplified problem of the one that concerns and in this case I do get something like 3 times less of FP operations.
Has anyone experienced something similar with this?
Spills may destroy the advantage of vectorization, thus 64-bit mode may gain significantly over 32-bit mode. Also, icc may version a loop and you may be hitting a scalar version even though there is a vector version present. icc versions issued in the last year or 2 have fixed some problems in this area.

Why dead code in OpenCL kernel influence result in Nvidia GTX550ti?

I am using OpenCL dev software of Nvidia on GTX550ti graphics card, and encounter a strange problem. (I am freshman for OpenCL).
My kernel code is like this:
__kernel void kernel_name(...)
size_t d = get_local_id(0);
char abc[8];
Actually, the char abc[8] is useless (dead code) for my case. But, if I have the char abc[8] in my kernel code, the result will be totally messy and the running time of kernel will be much longer (2095712 ns). If I comment out the char abc[8], the result becomes correct, and the running time of kernel becomes shorter (697856 ns). The compiler of kernel won't wipe off the dead code?
The above is just an explicit example that I can repeat. I also encounter more stranger case that one program gets different result when run at different time in totally the same environment.
Is that related to memory allocation or..? Anyone can give me some advice on how to find the problem?
By the way, oclDeviceQuery output information is listed as follows:
Platform Version = OpenCL 1.1
CUDA 4.2.1,
SDK Revision = 7027912
My OS is Windows XP.
Today is 2012-07-17, and I think I have resolved this problem.
don't use #include in kernel source file.
don't use ultra length line (for example, you write program to generate some line data for kernel source file) in kernel source file.
You're right, that shouldn't effect anything.
That's not your real code though, and I suspect given those run-times that your kernel isn't a simple thing. Possibly you're pushing your locals over some limit which means that variables are having to be stored in some slower memory which pushes your run-times up.
Something like that might also cause a change in behaviour if you had an uninitialised variable bug somewhere. In the fast store it happens to get a value that works. In the slow store it gets something else.
To check this theory I'd try to remove some other local data structure and see if it has the same effect. Anything else 8 bytes or larger should have the same effect.
...of course it's possibly you've found a bug in the OpenCL implementation, but that's easy to check. Just compile the kernel for a different OpenCL device, e.g. the CPU. This is worth doing anyway because different compiler pick up different issues.
Other than that I think you're back to standard debug techniques.
BTW: at one point in your question you call the array abs[8] rather than abc[8]. I assume that's a typo, but if it isn't then that could be your problem as the abs name will clash with the abs() function. That could confuse a stupid compiler.

Inverse Mappings

Saying right now: Yes, this is homework. I'm not asking for an answer, but I would love any help into a general direction to look at this problem at. I've been working on it now for hours and have not made any real progress.
Can a function, with a well defined inverse, be implemented to map 32 bit integers to 64 bit integers. Do all functions from 32bit to 64bit integers have well defined inverses?
Of course not.
Take the identity function for example. All 32-bit values have an identity in the 64-bit value space (just use 0 in the top 32 bits, using only the bottom 32 bits for the value). However, any 64-bit value where the top 32 bits is not 0, will not have a corresponding value in the 32-bit value space.
The above is a layman's explanation, and is probably not rigorous enough as a homework solution (as intended). You'd do well to read up on the pigeonhole principle.
