Passing state as parameter to a ring handler? - dependency-injection

How does one inject state into ring handlers most conveniently (without using global vars)?
Here is an example:
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/api/fu" [] (rest-of-the-app the-state)))
(def app
(-> (handler/api main-routes)))
I would like to get the-state into the compojure handler for main-routes. The state might be something like a map created with:
(defn create-app-state []
{:db (connect-to-db)
:log (create-log)})
In a non ring application I would create the state in a main function and start injecting it, or parts of it, as function parameters to the different components of the application.
Can something similar be done with ring's :init function without using a global var?

I've seen this done a couple of ways. The first is using middleware that injects the state as a new key in the request map. For instance:
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/api/fu" [:as request]
(rest-of-the-app (:app-state request))))
(defn app-middleware [f state]
(fn [request]
(f (assoc request :app-state state))))
(def app
(-> main-routes
(app-middleware (create-app-state))
The other approach is to replace the call to defroutes, which behind the scenes will create a handler and assign it to a var, with a function that will accept some state and then create the routes, injecting the state as parameters to function calls within the route definitions:
(defn app-routes [the-state]
(GET "/api/fu" [] (rest-of-the-app the-state))))
(def app
(-> (create-app-state)
Given a choice, I'd probably go with the second approach.

In addition to what Alex described some routing frameworks for ring have a place for additional arguments which can be accessed by all handlers. In reitit this would work by putting custom objects under :data:
[ ["/api"
["/math" {:get {:parameters {:query {:x int?, :y int?}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total pos-int?}}}
:handler (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
{:status 200
:body {:total (+ x y)}})}}]] ]
{:syntax :bracket
:exception pretty/exception
:data {:your-custom-data your-custom-data
:coercion reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
:muuntaja m/instance
:middleware []}}))
In your handler you're supposed to only work with :parameters, but you will be able to access your custom data by selecting :reitit.core/match and :data. The argument that the handler receives is based entirely on this:
(defrecord Match [template data result path-params path])
(defrecord PartialMatch [template data result path-params required])

The "correct" way to do this is to use a dynamically bound var. You define a var with:
(def ^:dynamic some-state nil)
And then you create some ring middleware which binds the var for each handler call:
(defn wrap-some-state-middleware [handler some-state-value]
(fn [request]
(bind [some-state some-state-value]
(handler request))))
You would use this to inject dependencies by using this in your 'main' function where you launch the server:
(def app (-> handler
(wrap-some-state-middleware {:db ... :log ...})))


Access tasks results launched by other tasks in Dask

My application requires me to launch tasks from within other tasks, like the following
def a():
# ... some computation ..
def b():
# ... some computation ..
def c():
client = get_client()
a = client.submit(a)
b = client.submit(b)
[a,b] = client.gather([a,b])
return a+b
client = get_client()
res = client.submit(c)
However, I would like to have access to the intermediate results a and b (when calling c), but only c shows up in client.futures.
Is there a way to tell dask to keep the results for a and b?
I have tried to use the Future.add_done_callback method but it does not work for submit calls inside other submit calls.
Thank you
You probably want to look at Dask's coordination primitives like shared variables, queues, and pub/sub.

Elixir List All Modules in Namespace

I am working on an Elixir/Phoenix app that is intended to create a user in my UserController controller. There is a /lib/helpers/user_helpers directory with a number of modules (each in a separate file). These modules all have a common namespace UserHelpers.ModuleName. In each of these modules I have a function called apply which I want to apply to the user data. For example if I have the following file structure:
where each of module1 and module2 contains a function apply(user_info) which returns user_info. In my UserController I have the function create(conn, params) in which I want to run the following:
|> UserHelpers.Module1.create
|> UserHelpers.Module2.create
|> ...
|> UserHelpers.ModuleN-1.create
|> UserHelpers.ModuleN.create
But I'm unsure how to dynamically load all of the modules in the UserHelpers folders to do the above. Any suggestions?
Assuming, that your application is called :my_app and helpers have the .ex extension and/or explicitly compiled into your application:
with {:ok, list} <- :application.get_key(:my_app, :modules) do
|> Enum.filter(& &1 |> Module.split |> Enum.take(1) == ~w|UserHelpers|)
|> Enum.reduce(user_data, fn m, acc -> apply(m, :create, acc) end)
:application.get_key(:my_app, :modules) returns the list of modules, known to that application. The second line filters out those unneeded, and the latter one applies their :create functions to user_data subsequently.
You probably want to embed Enum.sort just before the last line to sort the modules to apply in the appropriate order.

How to mock objects in Erlang using Meck?

Okay, I'm using Meck and I'm lost. My first language (that I've been writing for about 7 months) is Ruby, so I can't seem to wrap my brain around Meck mocking yet. I do get Ruby mocking though. Hoping someone can help me. Also, I've only been writing Erlang for a week.
Updated Code (but mocking still isn't working)...
I have a Erlang console_io prompter module that looks like this:
-export([prompt/1, guess/0]).
prompt(Message) ->
gets() ->
{_, [Input]} = io:fread("Enter: ", "~s"),
guess() ->
Guess_Input = gets(),
Guess_List = convert_guess_to_list(Guess_Input).
convert_guess_to_list(Guess_Input) ->
re:split(Guess_Input, "", [{return, list}, trim]).
My test now looks like this:
guess_1_test() ->
meck:expect(prompter, gets, fun() -> "aaaa" end),
?assertEqual(prompter:guess(), ["a","a","a","a"]),
The error I'm getting is this:
Eshell V5.9.3.1 (abort with ^G)
1> prompter_test: guess_1_test (module 'prompter_test')...*failed*
in function prompter:guess/0
called as guess()
in call from prompter_test:guess_1_test/0 (test/prompter_test.erl, line 10)
in call from prompter_test:guess_1_test/0
I want to mock (stub?) the gets function in my test so that gets will return "aaaa" and then when I assert on get_guess() it should equal ["a", "a", "a", "a"].
How do I do this?
There are two problems:
The prompter module has two exported functions, but you only mock one of them (gets) with meck:expect. By default, Meck creates a new module that only contains the functions that you explicitly mock. You can change that by using the passthrough option:
meck:new(prompter, [passthrough]),
When you mock the gets function, all module-prefixed calls (i.e. prompter:gets()) are intercepted, but Meck has no way (yet?) of intercepting internal calls (e.g. the gets() call in the guess function), so you would still get the unmocked version of the function. There is no completely satisfactory way to avoid this. You could change the call in guess to prompter:gets(), or you could move gets into a separate module and mock that.
The first line says to create a new mocked module, my_library_module:
Next, we mock the function fib in my_library_module to return 21 when 8 is passed in:
meck:expect(my_library_module, fib, fun(8) -> 21 end),
We have some eunit assertions to test our mocked function. The code_under_test:run call is what you want to replace with the the function using your mocked module, and the 21 is the result you are expecting from the function call:
?assertEqual(21, code_under_test:run(fib, 8)), % Uses my_library_module
Then we unload the mocked module:
If you wanted to write the same test for your module, you could write:
my_test() ->
meck:expect(console_io, gets, fun() -> "aaaa" end),
?assertEqual(["a", "a", "a", "a"], console_io:get_guess()), % Uses console_io

Is there any State variable in Mochiweb?

I have skimmed through the Mochiweb code, but have not found any sign of the State variable.
Does something similar to gen_server's State variable exist in Mochiweb?
I need to store some small amount of state-related server-side (not session-related) data on the server and I do not want to use ETS or Mnesia for that.
I think you have somewhat a misunderstanding of what gen_server state is.
First, let me explain briefly how mochiweb works.
Mochiweb doesn't produce a gen_server process per client. Instead, it just spawns a new process using proc_lib:spawn/3 and creates a parametrized module, which is, basically, a tuple of the following kind:
{mochiweb_request, #Port<0.623>, get, "/users", {1, 1}, []}
which is
{mochiweb_request, Socket, Method, RawPath, HTTPVersion, Headers}
This tuple is used as an argument to a function that you pass as a loop parameter to mochiweb_http:start/1. So, when this "loop" function is called, it will look like this:
handle_request(Req) ->
%% The pattern matching below just shows what Req really is
{mochiweb_request, _, _, _, _, _} = Req,
Now, to explanation of gen_server state.
Basically, gen_server is a process with approximately the following structure. Of course, IRL it's more complicated, but this should give you the general idea:
State = ...
loop(Module, State).
loop(Module, State)
NewState = receive
{call, Msg, From} -> Module:handle_call(Msg, From, State)
{cast, Msg} -> Module:handle_cast(Msg, State)
Info -> Module:handle_info(Info, State)
loop(Module, NewState).
So, state is just an argument that you drag through all the function calls and change inside your loop. It doesn't actually matter if your process is a gen_server or not, it doesn't have what lifetime it has. In the following example the term [1, 2, 3] is a state too:
a() ->
b([1, 2, 3], now()).
b(State, Timestamp) ->
Result = do_something(Timestamp)
c(State, Result).
c(State, Payload) ->
exit({State, Payload}).
Now, back to mochiweb.
If you need to create a state of your own, you can just add an extra function argument:
handle_request(Req) ->
User = Req:get(path),
UserData = load_user_data(User),
handle_request(Req, UserData).
handle_request(Req, UserData) ->
Now UserData is a state too. You can loop this process, or let it respond and end right away – but you won't lose UserData as long as you pass it as an argument.
Finally, if you really want to make this process a gen_server (which is really unreasonable in most cases), you can use gen_server:enter_loop/3 function that will make your current process a gen_server. And The 3rd argument of this function will be your state that will be stored inside the started gen_server.

In Erlang, how do you invoke a function dynamically?

I want to call xyz with the name of a function to be invoked.
xyz(Name) -> Name().
p() -> "you called p".
g() -> "you called g".
But I get the following error:
1> c(sample.erl).
./sample.erl:6: Warning: function p/0 is unused
./sample.erl:7: Warning: function g/0 is unused
2> sample:xyz('p').
** exception error: bad function p
in function sample:xyz/1
It is correct that you have to export p and g. You can then use apply/3 to call it.
erlang:apply(sample, p, []).
Only fun-values are usable with the Fun(...) syntax. You are passing in an atom-value. An atom is a 'bad function' as the error message go. You could do something similar to
xyz(p) -> fun p/0;
xyz(g) -> fun g/0.
Then go ahead and call
Fun = xyz(p),
-export([xyz/1, p/0, g/0]).
xyz(Name) -> ?MODULE:Name().
p() -> "you called p".
g() -> "you called g".
1> sample:xyz(p).
"you called p"
Pattern match is the idiom to use:
xyz(p) -> p();
xyz(q) -> g().
p() -> "you called p".
g() -> "you called g".
If you want to be dynamic you can use a gen_event server.
Essentially what this is is a server that holds a state which consists of key/function pair like so:
[{p, #func1},
{g, #func2},
{..., ...},
You can then essentially bind events to functions. (there is, needless to say, a bit more to it than that.
The easiest way to do is to try exporting p and g along with xyz.
-export([xyz/1, p/0,g/0]).
After exporting the function p and g can be called as follows :
1> sample:xyz(fun sample:p/0).
"you called p"
2> sample:xyz(fun sample:g/0).
"you called g"
Another way to look at it is that (depending on the problem you're solving) dynamic calls to functions isn't necessarily the right approach. Given that processes and message passing are the way you organize your code in Erlang since it's a "concurrency oriented language", maybe you could just use message passing with a selective receive rather than mimicking idioms of a sequential language? Send a message for what you want and get the custom reply based on that. It's about the result of each function, not the function itself, after all. (Plus there's the flexibility and scalability of message passing, etc.)
Although processes aren't totally free compared to calling from a library module, Erlang-level processes are dirt cheap (especially if the message communication is within the same node). They're not OS-level processes. The overhead would be comparable (or better) to dynamic function calls and object instantiation in heavier scripting languages.
