How to fetch videos by geolocation with the Youtube API v3? - geolocation

This maps api answer says
Please note you can also use the YouTube API to fetch geolocated
videos to create your own customized YouTube Layer, with filters and
so forth.
Which API request can be used to fetch videos by location? I checked the docs, but I cannot find it.

I believe this: is what you were talking about, note how it says "Not working. This API parameter is temporarily disabled. See the API issue tracker for more information."
Edit: According to it will be fixed "In the second half of 2013"


Aspect ratio not found when listing video from Youtube API V3

Currently, I am using Youtube API V3 to get the video information including field fileDetails.videoStreams. To ensure that it's authenticated by owner using Oauth2.
But, I cannot find aspect_ratio in API response of some videos.
Please see the screenshot below:
Does everyone know how to resolve this issue?
I really appreciate your help.

How can I use the deprecated YouTube Data API to get video comments?

I have an application where we would like to display YouTube video comments. In the YouTube API 2 there was support for retrieving video comments - this functionality is no longer available in API 3.
As stated in the docs:
You can continue using the v2 API for comments and uploading video
captions for now, and we'll be adding this functionality into the v3
API soon. While we don’t have specific dates yet, we will release that
functionality so that developers have as much time as possible to
migrate to v3.
will not be 100% feature parity between the v2 and v3 APIs. Please see
the v3 API documentation for more details as to what functionality is
supported in v3.
As I understand it, you need to register your app through the Google Developer console for the API you wish to use first, and there is no longer an option to add YouTube API 2. I tried sending a request to the old endpoint
but got the following response
No longer available
Is there a way I can still use the API 2 to retrieve video comments? How can I accomplish this?
YouTube video comments are now available at the following endpoint
See the docs here
Nope, API v2 is completely deprecated and no longer available. You will need to use API v3.
Example call:

How do I mark a video as watched with Youtube API v3?

I have a C# program I wrote using the Youtube API V3 that manages my channel's videos.
I already have all the OAuth 2.0 stuff sorted out and I'm looking for a way to tell Youtube that the authenticated account watched the video.
The reason being that I use the "watched" feature to determine which of the videos in my feed is the last one I actually watched.
Is there a way to do that?
Or is it purposefully not in the API because it messes with the view count?
Of course I checked Google and Google's API reference first, didn't find anything.

Using YouTube API v3 to tell if a channel has a live stream

The goal of my YouTube API call is, given a channelId, to return whether that channel is currently live streaming. This is the call I'm making currently:{CHANNEL_ID}&eventType=live&type=video&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
While this call is functional, there is a significant delay between the channel starting a live stream and this call returning the stream.
Is there a better call to use in the YouTube v3 API that doesn't require oAuth? The functionality of my app is read-only.
Probably late but still someone else would use it, i found the answer on google api docs:
(Scroll to bottom, you can use their onsite api to make calls on the fly)
The call you have to make is:
(atm, they have an issue wth the status field). You can remove the filter and check the returned results for
{ "status": { "lifeCycleStatus": "live"}}
And as per google docs:
Before you start
You need a Google Account to access the Google Developers Console, request an >API key, and register your application.
Register your application with Google so that it can submit API requests.
After registering your application, select the YouTube Data API as one of the >services that your application uses:
Go to the Developers Console and select the project that you just registered.
Open the API Library in the Google Developers Console. If prompted, select a >project or create a new one. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for >the YouTube Data API v3 and, if you are a YouTube Content Partner, the YouTube >Content ID API.
Calling the Data API
The API request must be authorized by the Google Account that owns the >broadcasting YouTube channel.
You can check this link for generating an access(OAuth 2.0) token:
I hope this helps.
I was digging for a "cheaper" way to find if a channel is live to save some API quota. I attempted to use Konstantin's workaround by looking at the {channel/channel_id}/live but this appears to not work anymore.
The channel no longer redirects when a person is live. Instead it runs on that page.
If they have a username URL then /c/ works:
If they have don't have a username and use the default like UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig, then you need to use
The /search call is rather expensive. If you are only allotted the initial 10k quota points, you'd run out of points after only 100 queries. That may not be a bother for some use cases, but it is nevertheless limited.
Instead, you can use Playwright and do the following:
page.goto("{channel id}/live")
Then check for a redirection which will happen when the channel is live:
const redirect = page.url()
If redirect contains a link to a YouTube video, then you know the channel is live. Otherwise it is not live and will yield a link similar to the one that's passed in to the goto() function.

How to use the Youtube Analytics API to get the metric "earnings"?

I am a Youtube Partner and I have monetized videos on Youtube. Already receive a small monthly amount through some channels that have associated with my Google Adsense account.
Now, I would like to generate a report gathering the monetary values and views received from each channel.
I did the following question on Google Code, because I thought there was some problem in the API, but it happened that I was using the API incorrectly. See the link below.
Now, I still could not make it work because I do not know where to find the requested data in the response I got from the link above.
Where do I find this CMS_ID? I have more than one channel, so I need to have each accepted as a Youtube Content Manager to use the API and retrieve the gains?
Someone here on Stack Overflow already managed to use the Youtube Analytics API using the metric "earnings"?
My code is in Python based on the example from Google here:
I'm using the following scopes:
As of right now, it's only possible to retrieve monetary information in YouTube Analytics API reports when those reports are run via the context of a content owner, as described in the documentation.
It is possible to have a monetized channel that is opted in for Google AdSense ads without having that channel managed by a content owner, in which case you would not be able to get those metrics via the YouTube Analytics API.
Let's use the issue you previously opened to track the request to open up this type of report to non-content owners as well, as that's a more appropriate place for feature requests than Stack Overflow.
