List of all the event using organiser_list_events which are live only - eventbrite

I am using organizer_list_events API method to list the event. It is returning the list of all the future events which has status of "Draft" as well as "live", is there a way to filter the list to show only "live" events only using APImethod?"
Any suggestion would be appreciated....

While you can pull your events by specific statuses ("Live", "Started", "Ended"), you can't pull a list of events that are only in 'Draft'.
When you pull a full list of events, your draft events will be included -- so you could filter on your side.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll definitely add this use-case to our product request queue.

Though I know that it is quite possible to segregate the list based of the status of the events, once we have a list pulled up using the API method.
It would have been great functionality to have a parameters during the API method call to have a status also. This would make the work of API functionality more easier.


Access call history in app for Microsoft Teams

While it seems it is not possible for an app to register incoming calls, I wondered if it would be possible to access the call history of the current user?
It looks like there is a Graph API to get information of a specific call by id, I didn't find anything about getting the call history or the last call.
This could be a workaround for our approach: We want to enable the employees to make several notes on incoming calls and reference them with existing items in another web application.
Is there any way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
There seems to be a new Preview way of and application subscribing to a call event though still no way to get the full history.
Subscribe to new call records (POST /beta/subscriptions).
There are more details here but it suggests you could capture the incoming call and allow notes as you want.

How to show future events with organizer_list_events on the EventBrite API

I always get ended events from the eventBrite api when i use the organizer_list_events. I tried with statuses live, started (and both). But that doesn't seem to work.
The event_search api has a "date:Future" possibility. Which is working fine, but then I don't have a possibility to pass the organiserId.
Note, I work on the platform team at Eventbrite
organizer_list_events does not accept a status parameter:
However, user_list_events does:
In the case that one user has one organizer, these calls should return the same data. It's possible for one user to have multiple organizers, in which case user_list_events could return more data than needed. Still, using the status parameter should cut down on what you're currently receiving.
We're in the process of building a new and much improved API, but I can look at adding a status field to organizer_list_events.
Using the user_list_events I just did this (in c#):
items = XElement.Parse(xmlResult).Elements("event").Where(e=>e.Element("organizer").Element("id").Value == this.OrganiserId.ToString());

Access Inbox items from the API?

Is there a way to access the items in a workspace's inbox via the API? I'm primarily interested in the unread count, but could make good use out of any unhidden items as well.
At the moment you can't do this with a simple API call.
You might be able to do it by pulling down all projects, and then pulling down all the tasks for each project, storing that in a local database, and then search for tasks with assignee_status set to "inbox" ( But that is probably not the answer you want!

Missing events through the Eventbrite event_search API

I'm using the event_search API method to let my users find their Eventbrite events. I've been getting a lot of complaints from users that their events don't show up. And indeed, it seems that loads of events simply aren't returned by event_search.
One example: It's a big event, it's starting in a few days time and it has a very distinctive name. It's typically an event that should be very easy to find through event_search.
Yet, it's not anywhere to be seen in event_search's results, no matter what search term I try. You can try yourself at - enter 'BlogHer' in the 'keywords' field and you'll get a small handful of fringe events that mention "BlogHer" in their description but not the main event.
This is just one of many missing events I've seen in the past few weeks. I initially thought that the EventBrite API perhaps didn't return events for which ticket sales had closed, which would have explained some of the missing events. But I really can't see any reason for BlogHer to be missing in action.
Is there a trick to get event_search to return all events?
The event owner has configured that event to be 'private', which prevents it from being shared via Eventbrite's public search index.
If you think the event should be public (and accessible via the API), feel free to use the 'contact the host' link on the event page to pass your suggestion on to the event organizer.

Sharepoint Custom List Duplicate elimination

I have custom list in sharepoint and I am doing validation through sharepoint designer using Jquery. My requirement is I want to access list items from sharepoint in the client side before I can enter new data.
Is there anyway I can access custom list items before I can push new list items in to the custom list.
If I can access then I will make sure no duplicates are being entered into the list.
Could anyone help this.. Or could any one suggest any other approach to fulfill my requirement.
There is a jQuery plugin for accessing SharePoint list data. You could use this to retrieve items and compare them. This will not be very fast as the number of list items grows.
Alternatively you can write an Event Handler and attach it to the list. With this, you can attach to a list's OnAdding call. You can examine the list for duplicates and set the cancel flag on the operation if the item would cause a duplicate. This would take longer to build and customize your list but might be the better approach.
Lists expose OnAdding OnAdded OnUpdating OnUpdated OnDeleting OnDeleted. When they are fired is obvious. The 'ing' functions are fired as the operation is in progress and you can stop the event from succeeding. The 'ed' functions are fired after the completion of the activity.
