Neo4j Repository - Writing query with a dynamic where clause - neo4j

I am relatively new to Neo4j, and have a doubt regarding writing of dynamic queries in Neo4j with spring.
From what I have read, the queries are annotated with #Query parameter in an interface that extends the GraphRepository class, and the dynamic parameters are supplied as argument.
But my requirement is such that I have to dynamically generate the number of where clauses.
For example,
#Query("match n where n.__type__='com.connectme.domain.Person' and n.age > {0} return
public List<Object> getPeopleWithAge(Integer age);//
My query can also change wherein age can also be less than some value, in which case, the query can become :
#Query("match n where n.__type__='com.connectme.domain.Person' and n.age > {0} and n.age <{1} return
public List<Object> getPeopleWithAge(Integer age1, Integer age2);//
In similar way, many clauses around the age parameter can lead to variation in where clauses.
How can i dynamically handle this as currently I am only aware of this annotated way of executing queries.
Can I override and write my own custom queries ?

You can write your own custom query logic. First you create an extra interface containing the custom query method, so you get two repository interfaces
public interface YourRepository extends GraphRepository<SomeClass> implements YourRepositoryExtension{
//inferred queries, annotated queries
public interface YourRepositoryExtension {
EndResult<SomeClass> customQuery();
Iterable<SomeClass> customTraversal();
Then you make an implementation:
public class YourRepositoryImpl implements YourRepositoryExtension {
private YourRepository yourRepository;
public EndResult<SomeClass> customQuery(){
//your query logic, using yourRepository to make cypher calls.
return yourRepository.query("START n.. etc.. RETURN n", <optional params>);
public Iterable<SomeClass> customTraversal(){
SomeClass startNode = yourRepository.findOne(123);
return yourRepository.findAllByTraversal(startNode, <some custom traversal>);


I want to add a Relationship between two already existing nodes in Neo4j - how to do that using Spring Data Neo4jRepository?

The cypher query to perform the above task would be as follows:
MATCH (a:Buyer), (b:Seller)
MERGE (a) -[:BUY {quantity: 150}]-> (b);
I want the equivalent Neo4jRepository function or some equivalent code that can serve the same above purpose. Please post the answer if you know some solution.
I have posted an answer below. But I am also expecting some other kind of solutions to this purpose. Please feel free to post alternative solutions as answers.
One Possible Way
If we have two Nodes/Entities as Buyer and Stock as POJO classes in SpringBoot Code, and if we are trying to add a relationship called [:HAS] between two such nodes then we can do the following.
class Stock
#Id #GeneratedValue(...)
private Long id;
/* Other attributes here --- */
class Buyer
#Id #GeneratedValue(...)
private Long id;
/* Other Attribute Variables Here --- */
private List<Stock> stockList;
public List<Stock> getStockList()
return stockList;
public void setStockList(List stockList)
this.stockList = stockList;
So we can do this to create the desired relationship.
Here buyerRepo is the object of a Repository that implements Neo4jRepository<Buyer, Long>

Spring Data Query into Elastic search for exact match

I am learning elasticsearch with spring data so can someone help me understand better what elasticsearch query is doing here. I am trying to return back only a set of results based off of a certain value, in this case env. It seems to me that this JPQL query, is not making a difference to only return what I ask for. I have also used an #Query with no difference.
-- here is part of my repository class
public interface MyFormRepo extends ElasticsearchRepository<MyForm, String> {
//??? these function calls are not effecting my return
#Query("{\"bool\": {\"must\": [{\"match\": {\"env\": \"?0\"}}]}}")
Page<MyForm> getAllByEnv(String env, Pageable pageable);
Page<MyForm> findAllByEnv(String env, Pageable pageable);
-- Here is part of my entity class
#Document(indexName = "my_form")
public class MyForm {
private String id;
#Field(type = Text)
private String schema;
#Field(type = Long)
private long version;
#Field(type = Text)
private String env;
Here is what I understand. Elasticsearch has this concept called Fuzziness ( so in it's searches which is based on Levenshtein distance ( Spring data does not allow us to modify this out of the box and is considered Fuzziness.AUTO by default. As for the queries neither of them will do anything different. Both findByAllEnv and getAllBeEnv has a fuziness.AUTO, as for the #Query I found a good reason stated at this site: What is difference between match and bool must match query in Elasticsearch. What I ended up finding is that I must implemented a custom repo for that I have found this example/explaination How to query Elastic with Spring-data-elastic.

How do we generate a cypher query by using Java and APOC for Neo4j?

I am trying to create my own procedure in Java in order to use it for Neo4j.I wanted to know how we can execute Cypher code in Java ?
I tried to use graphDB.execute() function but it doesn't work.
I just want to execute a basic code in Java by using Neo4j libraries.
Example of a basic code I want to execute:
public class Test
#Context public GraphDatabaseService graphDb;
public Result test() {
Result result = graphDb.execute("MATCH (n:Actor)\n" +
"RETURN AS name\n" +
"UNION ALL MATCH (n:Movie)\n" +
"RETURN n.title AS name", new HashMap<String, Object>());
return result;
If you want to display nodes (as in the graphical result view in the browser), then you have to return the nodes themselves (and/or relationships and/or paths), not the properties alone (names and titles). You'll also need this to be a procedure, not a function. Procedures can yield streams of nodes, functions can only return single values.
Change this to a procedure, and change your return type to be something like Stream<NodeResult> where NodeResult is a POJO that has a public Node field.
You'll need to change your return accordingly.

How to make node changes in a TransactionEventHandler that are returned within the same CREATE query

I am trying to implement a plugin for neo4j to add an autoincrement ID using GraphAware library. To this end, I've written the following classes:
public class ModuleBootstrapper implements RuntimeModuleBootstrapper
public RuntimeModule bootstrapModule(String moduleId, Map<String, String> config, GraphDatabaseService database)
return new MyModule(moduleId, config, database);
public class MyModule extends BaseTxDrivenModule<Void>
int counter = 0;
public Void beforeCommit(ImprovedTransactionData transactionData)
throws DeliberateTransactionRollbackException
if (transactionData.mutationsOccurred()) {
for (Node newNode : transactionData.getAllCreatedNodes()) {
newNode.setProperty("id", counter++);
And for the testing I can execute:
And then:
And I can see the effect of my plugin as some id property added to the node. But when I run:
The returned node does not have the mentioned id property but again, when I match the node in a separate query, I see the things have worked out just fine. It's just that in the CREATE query, the returned node infos are the ones before my plugin modified them.
The questions are; why is that? Didn't I modify the nodes through my plugin within the transaction? Shouldn't the returned nodes be showing the modifications I've made on them? Is there any way I can make this happen?
While you're still within the transaction, the Cypher result is already computed and there is no clean way to add additional informations to it.
I guess a feature request on the neo4j repository could be cool but in total honesty this would require a serious change into the neo4j core codebase.
BTW, the incremental ID is already implemented in the graphaware-uuid plugin :

Spring Data Neo4j 4 very slow for large hierarchical queries

I am currently using SpringDataNeo4j–4.1.0.M1 and have a use case where I need to get a sub-graph (actually a tree) and return it in an hierarchical structure similar to this (these sub-graphs are usually around 500 nodes in size and have an unspecified depth):
<Pathway dbId="1" displayName="Name1">
<Pathway dbId="2" displayName="Name2">
<Pathway dbId="3" displayName="Name3">
<Reaction dbId="4" displayName="Name4" />
<Reaction dbId="5" displayName="Name5" />
<Pathway dbId="6" displayName="Name6">
<Reaction dbId="7" displayName="Name7" />
The data model:
public abstract class Event {
private Long id;
private Long dbId;
private String displayName;
... other relationships and properties
public class Pathway extends Event {
#Relationship(type="hasEvent", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private List<Event> hasEvent;
... other relationships and properties
public class Reaction extends Event {
... other relationships and properties
To solve this I have created the following query:
String query = "Match (n:Pathway{dbId:123456})-[r:hasEvent*]->(m:Event) Return n,r,m";
Result result = neo4jTemplate.query(query,Collections.<~>emptyMap());
return result.iterator().next().get("n");
This is working and returns the result as expected. The only problem is the speed. While testing the query using the Neo4j-Browser I get a result within 50-100ms. Using SDN it takes over 2 seconds for Spring to map the result to objects.
The question now is: Is there any way I can speed up this query in Spring or is there a better solution where I can return this hierarchical structure in Cypher using something like nested Collections(since I only need the names and ids and not the objects themselves)?
