change the Css of eventbrite calendar widget [closed] - eventbrite

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Closed 9 years ago.
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HI can we change the styling of the calendar widget from Eventbrite.?
I need to adjust width, height and show event details on date click

Unfortunately, you can't change the CSS to Eventbrite's iFrame widgets.
You can replicated the features of the Widget and customize to your liking with Eventbrite's API.
Here is the developer center:
You'll want to use this API method, /user_list_events:
Hope that helps!


World Clock app for ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to replicate the default clock app in my app. Is there any way i can use the default app in my application or i should create a new one inside my app.I would be needing the world clock function in my app , What is the best method to implement it? Thanks in advance.
No, you cannot re-use the current 'World Clock' app within your own. You are going to have to replicate this functionality yourself.
CocoaControls does have a number of open source 'clock' controls that you might find useful.

How to put calendar on uiviewcontroller? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna put calendar on uiviewcontroller.
calendar's dates are must be button. When click button, display another page.
But i don't have idea, can you give any idea?
ps: insert example picture....
You have to make your custom calendar.
You can search on this for Cocoa Controls and use which one is appropriate for you.
Use TapKu Library it may be best for you.
Use klazuka_Calendar
And Also This is best site for all custom Calendar.

How to test keyboard is pressed in textarea on webview ios? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I stuck few hours about this problem. I have webview that contain textarea so i want to know how to know when user press a key.
You need to use Javascript in this case. Please take a look at this possibility.
You need to get JavaScript involved, check below questions:
How to detect keyboard enter key?
UIWebView, customize "return" key

How to create custom calendar like this in ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried it doing with different calendar libraries out there.But its not working for me.
please suggest something to overcome this issue
The calendar View I want to show is given here.
I have made this sliding menu
Looks like it has exact slider menu as per your need.

Are Top Fans available in the YouTube API? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is information about Top Fans somehow available via YouTube API? I can't find anything in the docs.
They are not available as of now. But you can create a feature request
