Strange animation on inserting and deleting cells in UICollectionView - ios

It seem that inserting and deleting cells in ios6 for UICollectionView works incorrectly. I tried making changes in -finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItemAtIndexPath: and initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath: and had no luck in solving the problem. I think the reason it didn't work I don't really get why UICollectionView behaves this way. The video of animation in ios7 is here (it is animation I expect). The way it looks on ios6 can be found here. Please, explain me or give a tip how to get rid of it. Thanks in advance.


How to avoid didSelectRowAtIndexPath being trigged when user tries to scroll bounce-disabled UITableView?

In my application, there's a View controller with bounce-disabled UITableView that covers the entire screen.
However, there is a situation where the table view contains only few items, which the sum of their heights is pretty equals to the screen's height.
As a result the table doesn't scroll (which is fine).
When the user tries to scroll in this situation, it triggers the didSelectRowAtIndexPath of the start scrolling point. How can I avoid this?
One easy solution is to allow bounce effect :D
Couldn't find any other solution :(
to make a better experience make the bounce situational
only allow tableView bounce if the (cellHeight * numberOfCells) < self.tableView.frame.size.height
Looks like some sort of bug in framework (excuse me if it is not). I got this issue today morning and now I am not getting it.
Try adding the below line of code to the cell.
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone
That is the only change I made to the tableview today, and not getting the issue any more. Reverting the change is not reintroducing the issue. Hence I am suspecting a framework issue.

iOS. UITableView -scrollToRowAtIndexPath blank content

I have a question regarding scrollToRowAtIndexPath. It works ok, but sometimes, it shows a blank content until the selected row get's to the top of the tableView. I read somewhere that it has something to do with the fact that the animation is running on main-thread. Any idea how can I solve this issue ? As you can see, the same problem, without any solution Thanks !

Use scrollToItemAtIndexPath in UICollectionView with paging

I have an uicollectionview with paging enabled. One cell per page which is full screen basically. The thing is that when I want to use scrollToItemAtIndexPath and move one cell forward/backward along with animation it will do a swipe but it will go back instantly to the cell/page where I called scrollToItemAtIndexPath. There is really nothing special besides stuff I've described. When I omit animation it's working.
For faster debugging I've setup test project on github - ScrollToItem
EDIT: This might be a bug. Bugreport (18864560) submitted. If someone can provide me a workaround or even solve this issue it will be still appreciated.

IOS UITableView Selection Highlight is sometimes very quick and did select is not being called

Have a strange issue where about 15% of the time, when selecting a cell with a UITableView the cell highlight flashes quickly and didSelectRowAtIndexPath is not called. The rest of the time it is working fine.
Tested how it was being selected (fast / slow finger nail, etc), but this does not seem to be the case. Looks semi-random.
Any thoughts one what might be causing this?
IOS 6.x
Thanks for the comments so far.
If while clicking the mouse (simulator) is moving, the problem can be duplicated. Even if the table is set to .scrollEnabled = false it is still happening. Also, the didHighlightRowAtIndexPath does fire and the didSelectRowAtIndexPath does not in the "quick" case.
Same thing happens on IOS 5.x also...
Well, it turns out that the scrolling was turned off for the table and it seems to be even more picky with the "moving tap" Turning the scrolling on actually made the "moving tap" less picky. There were a couple of other postings that I just found that pretty much said the same thing. This is a strange conclusion for a table view that has scrolling disabled and produces a "quick highlight" with no selection. Looks like this is why they added the didHighlight in IOS 6 to try and get around this "issue".
is it possible that a view from with in the cell is absorbing the touch rather than the cell ?
maybe you have a gesture recognizer in the cell, those take priorities over simple touch events
It seems that for some reason your cell is disabled. Try setting cell.enabled = TRUE; right before the cell is displayed and see if it fixes anything.
You're moving your finger up or down slightly, causing the table to scroll. Your item will not be selected, and the highlight will disappear. I've dealt with this before by tracking the row in tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath, and then doing the action in tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath: . You might also be able to solve your problem by making the tableView not scrollable if that's an option in your ui.

UIPickerView getting stuck between rows?

I've noticed a problem when using UIPickerView, and I'm wondering if anyone has ever encountered it before: Sometimes when scrolling one of the wheels, it gets stuck between two rows (after touches have ended), and just stays like that indefinitely. Dragging the wheel again slightly and releasing always corrects the problem, but regardless, I'm puzzled as to why this is happening in the first place. It occurs when testing both in the simulator and on an actual device.
The problem isn't so much the annoyance of having to re-adjust the wheel when it gets stuck, but rather that sometimes it gets stuck when it's extremely close to selecting a row (but hasn't actually selected it) which can give the user the impression that they have chosen a given row, when really they haven't.
Has this happened to anyone else, and if so, is there a way to fix it?
Still haven't figured out a good way to solve this... the best solution I've been able to think of is including the following line in the pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: method:
[pickerView selectRow:[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0] inComponent:0 animated:YES];
This will make the specified component roll back onto the correct row, ensuring that the user is always seeing an accurate representation of what's selected, however it sometimes looks strange when you think the component is going to stop on a certain row, only to see it animate backwards in the opposite direction before stopping.
I had an issue very similar to this. The UIPickerView would scroll and stop between rows. Normally this view will not stop between rows it will scroll itself to the next row even if you try to stop it in-between two items. I have many apps that did not show the problem even though they used the same code to instantiate UIPickerView.
After much investigation I found my problem was over usage of CPU. My application is an OpenGL game, so I have a game loop running as fast as possible to update the frames. Admittedly my game was CPU bound and not achieving a full frame rate. I was leaving the game running in the background while the pickerView popped up to allow the user to make a selection. This seems to have left no CPU for the UIPickerView to detect it had stopped between rows and pull itself to the nearest row.
My simple solution is to pause the game while the picker view is up.
I see this answer is a year late, but it took me a while to figure out so hope it helps someone.
I think I've figured it out. When the view that you are using the UIPickerView in loads, you need to set the pickers delegate, like this:
picker.delegate = self;
That should fix the issue and cause the picker to automatically center on a value rather than floating between rows.
you should check frames of the subviews in pickerview delegate method (pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView:). frames height should should not exceed from content view's height.
