How can i add slide animation in uitableview - ios

I have three table view.
Left side tableView is CourseTableView
Top table table is MonthTableView
Center one is DurationTableView.
I already implemented the functionalities if is scroll DurationTableView either left or right direction MonthTableView also scroll with it. same if scroll MonthTableView either left or right direction DurationTableView also scroll with it.
Same way if i scroll DurationTableView either up or down direction CourseTableView scroll with it same vice versa.
Now i have to implemented if i scroll DurationTableView left or right means CourseTableView shrink to smaller size like sliding the view and DurationTableViewSize should get enlarge up to reset of the space.
if i stop the scrolling of DurationTableView then CourseTableView again should come back to previous size.
How can i achieve this, kindly suggest me. if u have any tutorial for this kindly mention here.
Thanks in advance

Best solution you have download the code from here :-
For more help you go through this Blog :-
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Quick scroll by touching scroll indicator in UITextView

I'm trying to create the effect seen in some iOS apps where swiping the screen scrolls the ScollView/TextView normally, but sliding on the far right (where the scroll indicator is) creates a quick scrolling effect that allows the user to scroll through the position in the overall length of the view. For example, sliding on the far right from the middle of the screen to the bottom would take the TextView from the middle of its content to the very end.
Is there any pre-established way to do this, or is this an effect I would have to create from scratch?
Thanks a lot for any help, and I'm sorry if this question wasn't very clear.

Is it possible to create an UI with a table View with two columns?

I‘m an absolute beginner! I want to program an app in iOS. The UI of the main screen should have two columns. The left column should have a static width. The right column should be much wider than all iOS displays. When I swipe over the left column up or down the content of the right column should follow this reaction. The same reaction should be the other way around. When I swipe over the right display left or right, the content should move left or right and should be pulled out of the screen on the right or left side. Is it possible to realize this with two table view or two scroll views?
There are many ways you can achieve this, the best one would be with a UICollectionView, you can even use a UICollectionView within a UITableView's cell.
I think you are looking for something like kishikawakatsumi's SpreadsheetView, if you are a beginner, give it a shot.

Horizontal ScrollView Stopping in the middle

I have created a horizontal scrollview in swift with 3 view controllers and it almost works fine except for one thing. When I scroll between view controllers, it is possible for half of one view controller to take up one half of the screen and the next view controller in the other half. I was wondering if there was any way to prevent this so that the view controllers do not get "stuck" halfway and that there will always be only one view controller displaying on the screen.
-Also on a side note I have one left and one right swipe gesture within one of the viewcontrollers in this scrollview, and I noticed that after about 7-10 swipes, the screen no longer responds to the swipe gestures(left, right). Any clues as to what could be solving this?
If anyone could answer or attempt to steer me in the right direction for solving one or both of these questions, it would be greatly appreciated.
First, you need to enable pageing for your scrollview. You should be using something like
scorllView.isPagingEnabled = true
Then most importantly, you to make this paging work, each "page" in your scroll view must has equal width with your scroll view.

How to swipe view up to reveal a menu at the bootom of the screen using Swift

I would like to create a toolbar/navigationbar that appears at the bottom of the screen when the user swipes up on the screen. I would like it to have a bit of resistance in the same way pull to refresh works at the top of a tableview. However I am not using a tableview in my app.
I have tried searching for anything that would point me in the right direction, however the search terms seem to return results either about swiping to delete or facebook style menus.
How would I achieve the swipe up to reveal? Any advice or links to helpful tutorials would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance
Add the menu view to the view but outside of the screen. Add a UIPangestureRecognizer to the view. In the action of the pan recognizer, change the frame of the menu view according to the pan distance.

iOS Horizontal Menu w ScrollView

I want to make a horizontal scrollview menu like top of picture at bottom.(NEWSLETTER, CITY, WOMEN etc.) I'm researching for two days. But i didn't find a solution for my problem.
This menu must can loopable. Selected item will be at center of screen. And have a effect like paging. But when i pagingEnabled on scroll view it's making pages for every frames. I want a page each menu item.
Someone can give me some idea?
Thank you.
There's some decent options out there for wrapping the content in your UIScrollView. Check out: Make UIScrollView wrap around.
Also take a look at this github project:
