trigger IO : not able to import the existing project - ios

I am just started with the trigger IO . I have downloaded the toolkit on my mac machine . I can create new project from UI .But when I am importing the existing project it is giving me the error : Failed to import app: Already have an app imported from /foler path . My folder containing src folder also valid config file . can anybody help me ?


Automate the process of including generated proto files into an Xcode project

Our iOS app currently is using Google protobuffer gRPC as our API layer to communicate between App and backend. And so we have these .proto files in our backend directory which will be converting to .grpc.swift and .pb.swift files by gRPC-Swift-Plugins and then consumed by the App.
This works okay, but the process of converting is very tedious, and we would like to automate the whole process.
Below is how we're doing it:
Delete previously copied directory, and copy all .proto files from backend (.proto files are maintained by backend devs) to App directory named "Protos" via a shell script
We already set up Build rules and include .proto files in Compile Sources. Following the steps from an answer here on SO
Screenshot of the current setup in Xcode Build Rules:
Whenever we build the project, .pb.swift and .grpc.swift are generated and putting into a directory named "generated" under the "Protos" folder.
Here are the problems:
If the backend added a new .proto files into the source directory, my script will only copy the files into the Protos directory but not included news files in the Compile Sources list.
Similar to the first problem, we need to manually set up Compile Sources in Xcode and that means if a new dev joins our team, he/she also needs to do the same setup again.
We sometimes need to refer to the .grpc.swift and .ph.swift files while coding. But If we add these files into Xcode and build the project again, Xcode will complain that these generated files are there like (Sorry, we're working on a private repo, so the project name and file names are replaced):
Multiple commands produce '${user_path}/${proto_name}.pb.o':
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Any answers or comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
It's interesting I didn't have those problems with Swift if I use the $DERIVED_FILE_DIR
protoc "$INPUT_FILE_NAME" --swift_out="$DERIVED_FILE_DIR" --proto_path="Your/proto/path"
I don't use the plugin because I've got the plugin installed in my /usr/local/bin
But I have exactly those problems when we use the output for cpp files.

Header files are not found while archiving the build in xcode

I have a sub project that has been developed as dynamic lib and included that sub project into my main project and been set as target dependency.
When I run my main project, .a file for my sub project has been created successfully and the corresponding header files are created in the build directory such as (build/release-iphoneos/include). I have mentioned path using MACRO
In my main project, I mentioned header search path as the same that i mentioned above using MACRO.
But when I try to archive the build it throws the run time error file not found in the import statement
#import <subproject/myfile.h>
But it is getting build and run successfully even though it displays the file not found error in the xcode editor in compile time.
My question is
Is this because of the build directory will be empty while archieving?
I solved the problem as below
1. The header files were private so changed them as public so they are exposed to main project. (To build & run successfully)
2. I copied the header files and created a directory and add them into my main project and set the header search path to point that directory (To archive successfully)

Packaging electron app using electron-packer - folders shown not existing

I am trying to package my electron app . Follwing the instruction Here. I added an object to my package.json like below
"osx-package": "node_modules/electron-packager/cli.js
./build/bin --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite"
When i run
npm run osx-package
I received the messgage below
Packaging app for platform darwin x64 using electron v0.34.0 Wrote new
app to /...../binary-build-darwin-x64
Below is what i can see from by sublime text.
However, when i visit the folder, i can only see three files . Myapp(i.e execuatble ) , licence file and version file. I unhidden hidden files , still couldnt see my files as expected. However, the files were still shown in the directory in sublime . Clicking my app throws an error saying can't find an electron framework etc. Please what am i misssing ? How do i fix this ?
Did your try running it via the console with npm start?
After packaging the OSX app, the following files should be created:

iOS link static library from xcode command line tool

I have a scenario in which i have to add a static library to my xcode project using shell script . I have static library with me which contains a libSomething.a file and two .h file which is to be included in the project to work . I have to link my xcode project with libSomething.a . Any help is highly appreciated thanks in advance.

Unable to compile / run run book-examples in eclipse

I am trying to run sample code "MyHierarchicalUI" from section 4.2 from "book of vaadin" and this code refers to TreeExample and TableExample classes which can be found at
I downloaded the book example code from mentioned svn link and imported it as existing eclipse project,however when I try to compile / run this project in eclipse I get the following error.
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'book-examples'.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
book-examples project is not valid vaadin project so can not be imported directly, we can not build it directly as vaadin project due to missing artifacts like ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml.
To use any code from book-examples project you will have to bring the code to your project manually (copy/paste), however a support ticker to make book-example project import-able / build-able and run-able has been created and can be tracked using this link Ticket # 13078.
