Invite user to install an iOS App using Facebook - ios

I have an iOS social app, which used Facebook to login. Now I have access to the friends list. Is there a way to send a request to a Facebook friend (who is currently not using app) to install my App. What I mean to say how can you advertise an app using Facebook circle.

You can use FBWebDialogs, there's a presentRequestsDialogModallyWithSession method which does what you need.
You can also see this tutorial -


How invite facebook friends and get their id from ios app?

I develop ios app with chats (it's not game). I have a task to invite all fb friends(not only who using my app) to a defined chat in my app. So for do this I need get all friend list, choose friens, send them notification(post on wall or message) and save fb friiend's id to my server. What I should use for implemetation this all things?
Facebook iOS sdk has all the features you need. You can see the friend list of the user logged in using Facebook session, etc more info at

facebook SDK, invite friends

I am developing an app, and users will be able to log in with Facebook. They only can start using the app if a minimum of their Facebook friend are already using the app. If not, they have to wait until the minimum required number of friend use the app in order to use it. I want to allow them to invite their Facebook friends to join.
Also, I would like to know how I can make it happen?
Do I HAVE TO create a facebook canvas or is there any other ways I can make it works?
Thank you for your help.
Games on Canvas: App Request
Other Apps/Games: Send Dialog or Message Dialog
You can't access invitable_friends without enabling facebook canvas in your app's settings, but maybe app requests safisfy your needs? It will list friends (user needs to authorise reading friends list by app) and allow user to send them a notification in their mobile facebook app which will open an app or take user to app's page in App Store if they haven't installed your app yet.
Remember to enable deep linking, facebook SSO and provide App Store ID in platform settings for this work.

App requests in Facebook without re-logging and use session in Social Framework

I've successfully connected in Facebook using Social Framework, also able to get list of my friends. However, I need to invite friend to use my app, I have been reading some articles and stackoverflow, that this need to use Facebook SDK.
Now, I able to achieve this using Facebook SDK. but then I need to re-logging (show pop up or direct to FB app). What I want is, to use session or outhToken that I have while I connected using Social Framework and use it in Facebook SDK. what I know, I have outhToken already. how to use this maybe to pass in FBSession or whatever class object to show app request ?
below is sample of app request.
For those who stumbled this question,
Facebook now remove graph API to grab friends that doesn't install the app. hence we cannot invite friends who doesn't install app.
even using Facebook SDK. if anyone has better solution or any updates on this, please share.

Tracking Facebook Ad Users

So we use Facebook Ads for Mobile to get users for our iOS app.
I've been looking through the documentation and I can't seem to find a way to know WHEN the user who has come into the app is a facebook user. Facebook can send app insights and I assume that means that somehow the SDK knows if the user is a converted Facebook user or not.
Is there any native API call that I can use to determine if the user is in fact a facebook app install?
I would also be cool if there was a third party service that did as long as it is reported INSIDE the app wether they were from Facebook or not.
Any help would be appreciated.
32 {'action.type': 'mobile_app_install', 'application':APPLICATION_ID} Number of times users install the app through a mobile app install ad if there is an iOS/Android version
check this link:
Suprising I did not think apple would allow facebook to access information that would also facebook to know whether the user actually installed the app or not as It just redirect's the user to the app in the app store.

Facebook registration

I need to add the 'Share' on Facebook and Twitter buttons to my iPhone app. Before I get any further, do I have to go register on Facebook Developers, under Mobile Apps, in order to get an App ID (and then implement the Single Sign On)? How about Twitter?
First of all you need to register your app in facebook and twitter under development
For twitter go to this and for the facebook go to this
when you register your mobile app you will get api key go to . here is the open source api for share item (text, image , file , link ) to share on facebook , twitter and many more.
just check it.
Yes, you do need to register with Facebook and be issued an App ID. Without this, you won't be able to do very much at all with their API. All the information you will need is available here: well as the facilities to create your app and App ID.
If you are intending to use Facebook and Twitter official SDK, you will have to get ID from their respective developer console. For Facebook the official SDK can be downloaded here and for twitter the official SDK is here.
Updated : From iOS 6 onwards, you can use Apple's own Social Framework to share with Facebook and Twitter.
