Facebook App Store linking old app version - ios

I have a native iOS facebook app in the Facebook appstore. Now, 2 days ago, the latest version of our iOS app for better iOS 7 support and networking issues that made all previous versions of the app unusable was made available in the app store.
My problem is, when the users download the App by opening the App Store application on their phone and then downloading the app from there, everything works fine and the latest version of the app is installed.
But, if the user download our app by going in the Facebook App Store in the Facebook iOS app, and then downloading our app from a link in there, an older version of our native iOS app will be installed.
Since iOS 7, you can disable older version in the right and pricing section of your app in itunes connect. I disabled all previous versions of our app in there (did this today so maybe the chance did not propagate) but the Facebook App Store in the Facebook iOS app still links to our old version.
I checked our Facebook app settings to find a way to make sure the users are linked to our latest version with no success.

This is a pretty common issue. This often lasts around an hour but I have noticed it taking up to a day or so. Give it some time and I am sure it will straightened itself out. I have not found any documentation about this issue but have heard of it happening quite often.


Check Build SDK Version

With the new App Requirements and Guidelines from Apple, one of them is that Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later.
My company has several apps on iTunes, and I was wondering if there is some way to see what SDK version a build was built with, either in iTunes or in the Organiser in Xcode.
Otherwise I guess the only option is to rebuild and upload apps that we haven't build for a while, but I'm not sure.
The requirement to use the iOS 13 SDK only applies to new submissions. Apps already on the App Store don't need to be updated.
If you submit a new version containing enhancements or bug fixes, then you need to use the iOS 13 SDK.
You do not need to submit an otherwise unchanged app simply to use the iOS 13 SDK.

How can I make allow users with older versions of iOS to download an older version of my app

I've updated my app and due to some of the functions I'm releasing it has to be for iOS 10 and up. I understand that there is a way for users that have not upgraded to iOS 10 to be able to get the older version of my app but I haven't been able to figure out how to enable that in the app store. I just tested on a device and currently if you have iOS 9 it will tell you that you can't get the app because it is only supported on iOS 10. No option to download the previous version.
According to the redit article below Apple enabled the behavior I want. I just don't know how to turn it on for my app.
So to update everyone: This only works if the app is already purchase. All new purchases will force to upgrade to the latest OS.
I think this feature just works if you already purchased the app and want to reinstall it.
A solution would be to purchase the app on your Mac and then try again on the iOS device.
Here is an article about it: https://sites.google.com/site/appleclubfhs/support/advice-and-articles/app-store-downloading-older-versions-of-apps-ios

updating my app to only support iOS 4.3+, what happens to users running iOS < 4.3?

This seems like a question that should have a lot of answers on Google, but I can not find an answer to this....
I am updating my app to only support iOS 4.3 or later. What happens to users that currently have my app installed and are using iOS < 4.3. Does the app remain installed on their devices and they are just not eligible for updates?
They will not be able to update the app, I believe there will then be a permanent "1" on the AppStore icon. If the user downloads the update in their desktop iTunes, it will overwrite the old version and they'll never be able to install that version on their devices.
As long as they don't restore their iOS (wipe the phone) the app will remain.
There is no reason now to support "4.3+". Any device that canrun 4.3+ can run 5.0+, and any device that can run 5.0+ can run 6.0+.
Staying under 4.3 for iPhone 3G is fine, but if you now support 4.3+ you've really gained nothing other than alienating iPhone 3G users for no benefit.
In other words, users who are still on 4.3 are probably not the type of users who are updating apps from the App Store anyway.

How can AppStore apps stop supporting ios4?

I have a app on App Store supporting IOS4+ device. However, I really wanted to use some new API feature in ios5 and decided to bump my base SDK to IOS5.
My questions is, what is the setting needed on iTunesConnect? Does Apple allow me to do this? What will happen to those clients running my app on IOS4? Will they just stop receiving update notification from app store?
If Apple forbidden the change, what is the best option for me? I don't want to make another app which has the same interface/functionality but with only iOS5+ device support..
All you need to do is update your project by setting the Deployment Target to your new minimum version. In this case, set the Deployment Target to iOS 5.0 or 5.1. Build and test. When your app is approved, it will only be usable on devices with the version of iOS you selected, or later.
Existing users still on iOS 4 will still be able to use their existing app. But they can't install any further updates.

Upgrading app to support ios5

I wish to update an app to support ios5 and up. CUrrently the app supports ios5 and below and i was wondering what the implications of setting the build to be ios5 and above would be to customers still using the ios4 app on ios4. Would app store refuse to download the ios5 and up app update and complain to the user to update their os to 5? what exactly would happen in this case?
The App Store would simply refuse to upgrade the app and tell the user to upgrade to iOS 5 (or 6).
That's the standard policy, so that if you have an old iOS you can still use your old apps.
As a side note, the cumulated market share of iOS 5 and up is more than 90%, so you won't have to worry about supporting old versions. Most iOS devs I know are moving on or already have.
