Adding default define button to annotation toolbar. iOS PSPDFKIT - ios

I just started using PSPDFKIT and I am having trouble with the default define functionality that you get with iOS.
I want the define button to show up instead of "Wikipedia" when I select a word.
I looked into calling the define button from other toolbar, but is it allowed?


What is this 'block' called in a UITextView?

I am looking at creating a contained block like in the notes app Bear. When you click the ‘hashtag’ icon in the Keyboard Accessory it adds a ‘contained block’ in the text view. You can then continue to write text but if you backspace it selects the whole block as if it’s a single element? It also shows it with a background colour. When you click the tag icon what is that ‘contained block’ element called? Here is the example:
That's definitely a custom view.
I searched their site for 3rd party libraries but can't seem to find the specific one that does this behavior. Tbf, I just skimmed. But there's a possibility it could be their own code.
3rd-party libraries used:

How to create a toggle box using Angular Material?

I am trying to make a toggle box similar to the one you use in the Angular Material docs when you want to view the source code. You press the <> button on the menu bar and the panel slides open underneath revealing the html. For example, this page has one:
I can't seem to find it anywhere in the docs and I am not sure what the element is called or how to use it.

Xamarin forms Master detail Icon

I am trying to add an image next to the hamburger menu in my app. I am using a master detail page and it renders fine in ios and android. I tried using setting the icons for the detail pages. but the icons never showed. How do I achive this. I am looking to add an image similar to the amazon app.
I checked out this app on my phone and it uses a lot of custom constructions that aren't supported by out of the box Xamarin Forms controls. Something like the back arrow next to the hamburger menu is not a standard thing (on iOS at least). Also looking at the actual menu that the hamburger button triggers it becomes clear that its not an out of the box hamburger menu. Theirs pops over the content instead of sliding it out of view as the built-in one does.
More than likely they implemented their own hamburger menu and navigation structure which gave them the freedom to add buttons next to it. If you want to achieve this with out of the box controls you will most likely need custom renderers for each platform to create a replica of this navigation structure.
What is built-in in Xamarin Forms is that you can set the page title to an image instead of text by using the NavigationPage.SetTitleIcon method, which could be used to achieve what you want:
public class MyPage : NavigationPage
public MyPage ()
var myContentPage = new MyContentPage (Color.White);
this.Push (myContentPage);
var s = "icon.png";
NavigationPage.SetTitleIcon (myContentPage, s);
Even then, this is limited in functionality. If you want to fiddle with the alignment of the image e.g. you would also need to resort to a custom renderer.

Adding multiple buttons in UITextfield iOS swift

I doing one project in swift.In that i want to add multiple buttons in UItextfield.While typing in textfield,a dropdown will come with results.while selecting that result,It should be added like a button in textfield.For example I want it in a "Mail To: format".Please help me to do this.Give some idea

iOS get UINavigationBar's back button in order to set accessibility properties

I have a navigation controller stack where one of the views has a dynamic title.
The view controllers and their titles go like this:
Main --> ItemsTableView --> ItemDetails
Title:Main Title: NN Items Title: Details
Because the iOS UINavigationController sets the text of the "Back" button to be the title of the previous screen, the "Back" button on the details screen says "< NN Items" where NN is a dynamically changing number.
I'm trying to do some iOS UI automation, but the accessibility Label / ID of the back button is set by the system to it's button text. This means that the accessibility label of the back button on the details screen will change dynamically, and I can't find it from my scripts!
If I could get a reference to the UIBarButtonItem then I could easily set it's accessibilityLabel or accessibilityIdentifier from code to be a fixed string, however I can't figure out how to do this?
All of the stuff I've been able to find references setting the back button to a custom button via self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem or similar, but when I read this property it's nil. I haven't been able to find out how to get access to the standard item without replacing it. I'd prefer not to replace the button if possible
This was bugging me as well. I've been writing Xcode 7 UI Tests and was trying to come up with a generic way of tapping on the back button without having to replace it with a custom button.
The following is how I solved this for Xcode 7 UI Tests - but you may also be able to apply this to UI Automation as well.
I discovered that (in terms of Xcode 7 UI Tests at least) the back bar button item that is created by the system consists of two buttons the entire thing is a button with an accessibility label of whatever the title of the button is, and then the arrow is also a button with an accessibility label of "Back".
Thus, as long as there aren't any other buttons on the screen that are identified as "Back", the back button can be accessed via the accessibility label of "Back". Like so in the case of UI Tests:
[[app.buttons matchingIdentifier:#"Back"] elementBoundByIndex:0]
Here I'm getting the first button that can be identified by "Back". I my case there could only ever be two such buttons - the arrow, or the whole back button itself (in the case where the back button's title is also "Back"). Since both of these buttons are essentially the same, just getting the first one it finds is sufficient.
