Neo4j - Cypher return 1 to 1 relationships - neo4j

Using neo4j 1.9.2, I'm trying to find all nodes in my graph that have a one to one relationship to another node. Let's say I have persons in my graph and I would like to find all persons, that have exactly one friend (since 2013), and this one friend only has the other person as friend and no one else. As a return, I would like to have all these pairs of "isolated" friends.
I tried the following:
START n=node(*) MATCH n-[r:is_friend]-m-[s:is_friend]-n
WHERE r.since >= 2013 and s.since >= 2013
WITH n, m, count(r), count(s)
WHERE count(r) = 1 AND count(s) = 1
But this query does not what it is supposed to do - it simply returns nothing.
Note: There exists just one relation between the two persons. So one friend has a incoming relationship and the other one an outgoing one. Also, these two persons might have some other relations, like "works_in" or so, but I just want to check if there is a 1:1 relation of type *is_friends* between the persons.
EDIT: The suggestion of Stefan works perfect if using node(*) as starting point. But when trying this query for one specific node as start point (e.g. start n=node(42)), it doesn't work. What would the solution look like in this case?
Update: I'm still wondering about a solution for this szenario: How to check if a given start node has a 1-to-1 relation to another node of a specific relationship type. Any ideas?

Here it's crucial to understand the concept of paths in the MATCH clause. A path is a alternating collection of node, relationship, node, relationship, .... node. There is the constraint that the same relationship will never occur twice in the same path - otherwise there would be a danger of having endless loops.
That said, you need to decide if is_friend in your domain is directed. If it is directed you'd distinguish a being friend to b and b being friend to a. From the description I assume is_friend is undirected and the statement should look like:
START n=node(*) MATCH n-[r:is_friend]-()
WHERE r.since >= 2013
WITH n, count(r) as numberOfFriends
WHERE numberOfFriends=1
You don't have to care about the other end, it's traversed nonetheless since you do a node(*). Be aware that node(*) gets obviously more expensive when your graph grows.


Set constraint on relationship property for variable-path search in GraphDB

I have a neo4j graph that is similar in structure to the example below:
MATCH (n:Person)-[k:KNOWS]->(f)
WHERE k.since < 2000
RETURN, f.age,
which comes straight off the neo4j examples.
What I am looking to do is this:
Start with one node by name ("Jennifer" in this case) and find all the nodes, regardless of path depth, that stem from the initial node but where the relationship KNOWS has a property since < 2000
So Jennifer might know Gary since before 2000 who also knows Bill since before 2000. And Jennifer knows Michelle since before 2000 (et cetera)
This is where I am stuck:
MATCH p=(n:Person {name:'Jennifer'})-[:KNOWS*]-(f)
RETURN [k IN p WHERE k.since < 2000]
If I run any query with :KNOWS*, it just hangs up forever, even for a relatively small database of 21 nodes and 840 relationships.
I figured I need to use WITH REDUCE() somehow but it isn't clicking...
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
Much apperciated!
You can use the all() list predicate to ensure that all relationships in the path adhere to the predicate. This will be evaluated during expansion, so may yield better performance:
MATCH p=(n:Person {name:'Jennifer'})-[:KNOWS*]-(f)
WHERE all(rel in relationships(p) WHERE rel.since < 2000)
That said, Cypher is concerned with finding all possible paths that fit the pattern, and that approach isn't always a good match when you're interested in distinct nodes, not distinct paths (especially when the paths backtrack to previously visited nodes via different relationships).
You may want to consider adding an upper limit to your variable length expansion.

In Neo4j for every disjoint subgraph return the node with the most relationships

I’m new to Neo4j and graph theory and I’m trying to figure out if I can use Neo4j to solve a problem I have. Please correct me if I’m using the wrong words to describe stuff. Since I’m new to the subject I haven’t really wrapped my head around what to call everything.
I think the easiest way to describe my problem is with a lot of pictures.
Let’s say you have two disjoint subgraphs that look like this.
From the subgraphs above I want to get a list of subgraphs that fulfills one of two criteria.
Criteria 1.
If a node has a unique relationship to another node, the nodes and relationship should be returned as a subgraph.
Criteria 2.
If the relations are not unique, I'd like the node with the most relationships to be returned, as a subgraph with its relationships and related nodes.
If other nodes come in tie in criteria 2, I want all subgraphs to be returned.
Or put in the context of this graph,
Give me the people who have unique games, and if there are other people having the same games, give me back the person with the most games. If they come in tie, return all people who come in tie.
Or actually, return the whole subgraph, not only the person.
To clarify what I am after here is a picture that describes the result I want to get. The ordering of the result is not important.
Disjoint subgraph A, because of Criteria 1, Andrew is the only person who has Bubble Bobble.
Disjoint subgraph B, because of Criteria 1, Johan is the only person who has Puzzle Bobble 1.
Disjoint subgraph C, because of Criteria 2, Julia since she has the most games.
Disjoint subgraph D, because of Criteria 2, Anna since she comes in tie with Julia having the most games.
Worth noting is that Johan's relationship to Puzzle Bobble 2 is not returned because it's not unique and he has not the most games.
Is this a problem you could solve with only Neo4j and is it a good idea?
If you could solve it how would you do it in Cypher?
Create script:
CREATE (p1:Person {name:"Johan"}),
(p2:Person {name:"Julia"}),
(p3:Person {name:"Anna"}),
(p4:Person {name:"Andrew"}),
(v1:Videogame {name:"Puzzle Bobble 1"}),
(v2:Videogame {name:"Puzzle Bobble 2"}),
(v3:Videogame {name:"Puzzle Bobble 3"}),
(v4:Videogame {name:"Puzzle Bobble 4"}),
(v5:Videogame {name:"Bubble Bobble"}),
I feel like this solution might not be quite what you're looking for, but it could be a good start:
MATCH (game:Videogame)<-[:HAS]-(owner:Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH owner-[:HAS]->(other_game:Videogame)
WITH game, owner, count(other_game) AS other_game_count
ORDER BY other_game_count DESC
RETURN game, collect(owner)[0]
Here the query:
Finds all of the games and their owners (games without owners will not be matched)
Does an OPTIONAL MATCH against any other games those owners might own (by doing an optional match we're saying that it's OK if they own zero)
Pass through each game/owner pair along with a count of the number of other games owned by that owner, sorting so that those with the most games come first
RETURN the first owner for each game (the ORDER is preserved when doing the collect)

neo4j and uni-directional relationship

I'm new to neo4j. I've just read some information on this tool, installed it on Ubuntu and made a bunch of queries. And at this moment, I must confess, that I realy like it. However, there is something (I think very simple and intuitive), which I do not know how to implement. So, I created three nodes like so:
CREATE (n:Object {id:1}) RETURN n
CREATE (n:Object {id:2}) RETURN n
CREATE (n:Object {id:3}) RETURN n
And I created a hierarchical relationship between them:
MATCH (a:Object {id:1}), (b:Object {id:2}) CREATE (a)-[:PARENT]->(b)
MATCH (a:Object {id:2}), (b:Object {id:3}) CREATE (a)-[:PARENT]->(b)
So, I think this simple hierarchy should look like this:
-> (id:2)
-> (id:3)
What I want now is to get a path from any node. For example, if I want to have a path from node (id:2), I will get (id:2) -> (id:3). And if I want to get a path from node (id:1), I will get (id:1)->(id:2)->(id:3). I tried this query:
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children
which I though should return a path (id:2)->(id:3), but unexpectedly (just for me) it returns (id:1)->(id:2)->(id:3). So, what I'm doing wrong and what is the right query to use?
All relationships in neo4j are directed. When you say (n)-[:foo]->(m), that relationship goes only one way, from n to m.
Now what's tricky about this is that you can navigate the relationship both ways. This doesn't make the relationship bi-directional, it never is -- it only means that you can look at it in either direction.
When you write this query: (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) you didn't put an arrow head on that relationship, so children could refer to something either downstream or upstream of the node in question.
In other words, saying (n)-[:test]-(m) is the same thing as matching both (n)<-[:test]-(m) and (n)-[:test]->(m).
So children could refer to the ID 1 object or ID 2 object.
Returning only children
To directly answer your question,
Your query
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children
matches not only relationships FROM (n {id:2}) TO its children, but also relationships TO (n {id:2}) FROM its parents.
You need to additionally specify the direction that you'd like. This returns the results you expect:
MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]->(children) return n, children
Issues with the example
I'd like to answer your comment about uni-directional and bi-directional relationships, but let's first resolve a couple of issues with the example.
Using correct labels
Let's revisit your example:
(:Object {id:1})-[:PARENT]->(:Object {id:2})-[:PARENT]->(:Object {id:3})
There's no point to using labels like :Object, :Node, :Thing. If you really don't care, don't use a label at all!
In this case, it looks we're talking about people, although it could easily also be motherboards and daughterboards, or something else!
Let's use People instead of Objects:
(:Person {id:1})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {id:2})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {id:3})
IDs in Neo4j
Neo4j stores its own IDs of every node and relationship. You can retrieve those IDs with id(nodeOrRelationship), and access by ID with a WHERE clause or by specifying them as a start point for your match. START n=node(2) MATCH (n)-[*]-(children) return n, children is equivalent to your original query MATCH (n:Object {id:2})-[*]-(children) return n, children.
Let's, instead of IDs, store something useful about the nodes, like names:
(:Person {name:'Bob'})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT]->(:Person {name:'Tom'})
Relationship ambiguity
Lastly, let's disambiguate the relationships. Does PARENT mean "is the parent of", or "has this parent"? It might be clear to you which one you meant, but someone unfamiliar with your system might have the opposite interpretation.
I think you meant "is the parent of", so let's make that clear:
(:Person {name:'Bob'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(:Person {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(:Person {name:'Tom'})
More information about uni-directional and bi-directional relationships in Neo4j
Now that we've taken care of a few basic issues with the example, let's address the directionality of relationships in Neo4j and graphs in general.
There are several ways we could have expressed the relationships this example. Let's look at a few.
Undirected/bidirectional relationship
Let's abstract the parent relationship that we used above, for the purposes of discussion:
Here the relationship KIN indicates that they are related but we don't know exactly who is the parent of whom. Is Tom the child of Mary, or vice-versa?
Notice that I didn't use any arrows. In the graph pseudo-code above, the KIN relationship is a bidirectional or undirected relationship.
Relationships in Neo4j, however, are always directional. If the KIN relationship was really how you wanted to track things, then you'd create a directional relationship, but always ignore the direction in your MATCH queries, e.g. MATCH (a)-[:KIN]-(b) and not MATCH (a)-[:KIN]->(b).
But is the KIN relationship really the best way to store this information? We can make it more specific. Let's go back to the PARENT_OF relationship that we were using earlier.
Directed/unidirectional relationship
Back to the example. We know that Bob is the parent of Mary who is the parent of Tom:
Obviously, the corollary of this is:
Or, equivalently:
So, should we go ahead and create both the PARENT_OF and the CHILD_OF relationships between our (bob), (mary) and (tom) nodes?
The answer is no. We can pick one of those relationships, whichever best models the idea, and still be able to search both ways.
Using only the :PARENT_OF relationship, we can do
MATCH (mary {name:'Mary'})-[:PARENT_OF]->(children) RETURN children
to find the children, or
MATCH (mary {name:'Mary'})<-[:PARENT_OF]-(parents) RETURN parents
to find the parents, using (mary) as the starting point each time.
For more information, see this fantastic article from GraphAware

Get full graph that node N is a part of in neo4j

I'm trying use Cypher to get the entire graph that exists if I start at a given node in neo4j. When I say entire graph I mean all nodes and relationships that are connected to at least one other node in the graph.
I've seen examples where people can get all nodes that might be connected to a given start node with a known relationship. Examples of this include this and this, but how could I do this if I do not know the relationships?
Ultimately I'd like every node and relationship where I start at one given node and sprawl out, listing the nodes that are linked by every relationship.
I've tried this:
START n=node(441007) MATHC (n)-[:*]->(d) RETURN d
but the syntax is incorrect. I'm unsure if you can submit a wildcard relationship. Additionaly I do not think this will give me what I am looking for.
Try this:
MATCH (n)-[r*]->(d)
WHERE ID(n) = 441007
This will fan out from n (if using an older version of Neo, you should revert to your START syntax) and return you the paths to each d Node that can be reached. It is relationship type agnostic through not defining the relationship label. If you didn't care about the path you could omit itwith:
MATCH (n)-[*]->(d)
WHERE ID(n) = 441007
Obviously on a large graph this will get expensive!
Meant to add the link to the cheat sheet, check out the section called Patterns.
Hej WildBill,
i have created a Company Graph for learning Neo4J, so i send the following Pattern against the Graph a got this result:
START a=node(9)
MATCH (a)<-[rel]-(d)
MATCH (d)-[sk]->(skill)
RETURN a, d, skill
Node 9 is my Company, which is part of the Graph.

neo4j complex pattern searching

I'm new to NEO4J and I need help on a specific problem. Or an answer if it's even possible.
We have 2 distinct type of nodes: users (A,B,C,D) and Products (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Next we have 2 distinct type of relationships between users and products where a users WANTS a Product and where a product is OWNED BY a user.
1,2 is owned by A
3,4 is owned by B
5,6 is owned by C
7,8 is owned by D
B wants 1
C wants 3
D wants 5
So for now, I have no problems and I created the graph data with no difficulty. My questions starts here. We have a circle, when A wants product 8.
So we have a distinct pattern, U-[:WANTS]->P-[:OWNEDBY]->U
Now what I want to do is to find the paths toward the start node (initiating user that wants a product) following that pattern.
How do I define this using Cypher? Or do I need another way?
Thanks upfront.
i got a feeling this can be hacked with reduce and counting every even (every second) relationship:
WITH r in relationships(p)
RETURN type(r),count(r) as cnt,
WHERE cnt=10;
or maybe counting all paths where the number of rels is even:
RETURN p,reduce(total, r in relationships(p): total + 1) as tt
WHERE tt%2=0;
but you graph must have the strict pattern, where all incoming relationship from the set of ownedby and wants must be different from all outgoin relationships from the same set. in other words, this pattern can not exist: A-[:WANTS]->B-[:WANTS]->C or A-[:OWNEDBY]->B-[:OWNEDBY]->C
the query is probably wrong in syntax, but the logic can be implemented in cypher whn you will play more with it.
or use gremlin, I think I saw somewhere a gremlin query, where you could define a pattern and than loop n-times via that pattern further till the end node.
I've played around with this and created showing the sample graph. I've found the following cypher statement solving the issue:
start a=node(1)
match p=( a-[:WANTS]->()-[:WANTS|OWNEDBY*]-()-[:OWNEDBY]->a )
return p
order by length(p) desc
limit 1
There is just one glitch: the intermediate part [:WANTS|OWNEDBY*] does not mandate alternating WANT and OWNEDBY chains. As #ulkas stated, this should not be an issue if you take care during data modelling.
You might also look into to apply graph algorithms from Java code. You might use unmangaged extensions to provide REST access to that.
