Cocos2D v1.0.1 on iPad Retina - Black Screen - ios

I have developed an app using Cocos2D-iPhone version 1.0.1. When I load the app in the iPad Retina simulator or on an actual device, the screen is black. I read that iPad Retina support begins with 0.13.0-beta. So, I guess that means that it should be working with version 1.0.1. Is there some switch that is needed to enable this for iPad Retina? If it doesn't work on this version, then what version do I need? And if I need to upgrade, is there a documented process for upgrading an xcode project?

Based on input from LearnCocos2D, version 1.0.1 does not support iPad Retina and that cocos2d release 1.1 is required. However, the specific release that is required is cocos2d-iphone-1.1-RC0. This requires a few fixes for deprecation issues and interface changes. The upgrade is not too bad if you follow his tutorial found at


Xcode 9 compiled app and iOS 9.5.3 (iPad 2)

Anyone noticed issues with apps that are created with Xcode 9 and do not seem to work on iOS 9.5.3 and in this case an older iPad 2?
I have a customer that downloaded my app that I’ve complied and uploaded with Xcode 9, but when he installs the app it crashes straight away, and on some occasions in a flash of 2 sec. will display the interface builder screen layout of the app (ie all the views, buttons etc that are visible on interface builder but with a normal app nicely hidden until needed etc).
The minimum development target in Xcode is set to 8.2 so I assume it will and should be backwards compatible?
Seems like the device is jailbroken.. My latest app version includes a check for a jailbroken device, and does not allow the app to load when it detects one.
I Could reproduce the exact behaviour when triggering this validation check.

iPad Pro. Disable native 2732‑by‑2048 resolution

Need to disable the iPad Pro native 2732‑by‑2048 resolution for my app.
I found that it was auto activated if the app use a Launch Screen(LaunchScreen.storyboard).
Is there a way to disable iPad Pro and continue to use Launch Screen.
(I'm surprise that even with no icon for iPad Pro, the native mode was activated, i'm sure a lot of dev don't have the app ready for this)
Are you using LaunchScreen.xib or LaunchScreen.storyboard? If so, if the version of Xcode you use supports the iPad Pro, it will compile the LaunchScreen for everything Xcode supports.
You could use an older version of Xcode which does not recognise the iPad Pro as you don't need it.
Or you could use Images.xcassets and not provide an iPad Pro launch image, though according to what you're asking, this doesn't seem that suitable. You could always use the LaunchScreen.xib/storyboard as the initial storyboard, so as far as the app is concerned, you're using LaunchScreen.storyboard instead of Main.storyboard. Though not providing an app icon should hold all this back, as it does with my current apps. Perhaps file a bug report with Apple? Hope this helps!
Official answer from Apple:
If an application includes a launch storyboard and is built with Xcode 7.1 or later, that application will run at native resolution on the iPad Pro regardless of whether the application includes a 167x167 icon.
If you would like to see this behavior changed in a future version of iOS, I suggest you file a bug report. Bug reports can be filled by visiting

Are non-retina images required for purely iOS7 apps? [duplicate]

The next update of my iPhone app will be targeted for iOS7 only. A couple of questions?
Does this mean I can delete all the non-retina images from my app?
If I have only retina images left do I still need to mark them #2x?
Does Apple keep older iOS versions of my app on the store so those running older versions of iOS who have bought or want to buy can still access it?
Any help would be most appreciated.
Yes you still need to have the #2x at the end. Yes you can drop all the non-retina images but could affect performance as even the newer devices will use some none-retina images but the main performance hit was to iPhone 3GS and below but as iOS 7 will not run on iPhone 3GS or below it isn't a requirement you'll just have to handle the performance issues. No Apple do not keep hold of older versions of your app on the app store, if you drop support for it then it is gone.
To answer the second part of your question YES, Apple does indeed store older versions for download.
For my app Parkable I created one for iOS5/6 then when 7 came about I specifically targeted it and dropped support for older iOS builds, now if you're not on 7+ you can still download the old version (instead of the old error telling the user to update their OS). This happens automatically as I recall, simply change your deployment target in both your project and target under the info tab.
Feel free to test if you have a pre-7 device (iPhone or iPad) and 7+ device

How to upgrade your project for ios 3.0 to ios 6.0 onwords

Right now I am working on non-arc project for ios3.0. They haven't designed anything by interface builder. Everything coded is both for landscape view and portrait view separately. My Problem is when I try to add the same image for background of another screen, it appears to be cropped. also enabling the auto resize subviews gives me error. When I try to set views for portrait and landscape view, it doesn't work.
one more thing, that project is only developed for iPad. if they want it to be done for iPhones, should i have to start from scratch separately for iPhone because of above mentioned problems ?
please suggest me if the upgraded app will support for 64 bit ipad retina.
Thanx in advance
Make your project universal by changing the setting shown in the image below. Also it is better to drop support for iOS 3 as nobody uses it anymore and support iOS 6 and above. It will give much more options and flexibility regarding frameworks and layouts.
To support 64-bit devices you have to build with iOS 5 or higher as minimum supported iOS version. Best practice is to support the two latest releases (iOS 6 and 7 at this moment) as most iOS users update their devices fast after each os release.

What graphics frameworks can be used on Retina display (with a stable release), in particular, for The New iPad?

I thought for a while that Apple's frameworks, Cocos2D, OpenGL ES, can all work fine with The New iPad's Retina display, until I saw this post:
So looks like for now, any coding that has to use Cocos2D to release a version on the App Store for current iOS devices has to use the Beta version? Will that risk our own iOS project because a non-stable version of framework needs to be used? Then maybe only Apple's frameworks and OpenGL ES have stable versions of frameworks that work on The New iPad.
But hopefully when the Cocos2D becomes stable with The New iPad, it won't need to upgrade for higher resolution for a few years because Retina is already at a quite high resolution.
