After getting my chromcast whitelisted and receiving Application ID. I downloaded the DemoCastPlayer from github & the ios SDK. The following are the steps i did to setup and run the application
1) set up the ios project with the cast framework,
changed [YOUR_APP_NAME] with google supplied app ID
2) In the app bundle Root.plist changed Default Value to point to
3) I uploaded the example receiver.html with the app ID & medial.xml to my website
Unfortunately Im getting the following Error white Discovering the Devices :
-[GCKNetworkRequest performHTTPGet:timeout:] started GET request
-[GCKNetworkRequest httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:finalURL:headers:data:]
httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:200:data:1082 bytes
-[GCKNetworkRequest performHTTPGet:timeout:]
started GET request for:
-[GCKNetworkRequest httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:finalURL:headers:data:]
httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:404:data:0 bytes
**-[GCKApplicationSupportFilterListener networkRequest:didFailWithError:]
Device <0x1fda9d70:GCKDevice> Chromecast0704 (64cb88c8-9617-8099-8d1c-8218b784ae25)
does not support app [7a479924-b922-41a0-ae85-xxxxxxxxxxxx]**
I doubled checked that both my receiver.html file and ios application have the same ID
and the send chromcast serial number to google is set .
Any Idea how to solve that issue ?
You have extra "[" and "]" around your appId, please remove them from everywhere, including from your receiver file and try again.
Using the Airwatch SDK v21.4 on iOS an error is shown:
"We were unable to retrieve the configuration information. Press
continue to try again"
Using Airwatch SDK 20.9 worked fine, but after upgrading to version (21.0 thru 21.4) on iOS the SDK is displaying the error.
The message text can be found in an AWSDK.framework file Localizable.strings within the entry RetryToFetchConfigurationInformation
I can do a fresh install from the HUB app just fine.
After launching the app the UI is not displayed until a successful response from controllerDidFinishInitialCheck.
My controllerDidFinishInitialCheck method does not contain any errors.
After receiving a valid controllerDidFinishInitialCheck result the UI is displayed, followed by a popup alert message with the error.
Advice / Suggestions / How can I isolate this issue? It may be a timeout issue?
i am trying to set up deeplinks for my ionic 4 ios app, i followed these steps to accomplish the given task:
i uploaded an apple site association file to the web version of the app, i used the actual bundle id and app id prefix from Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page on
i verified the website url using, i got 5/5 green results
i also enabled associated domains in both xcode and on dev space for the application
inside the code in the app components i used the following code :
const subDeepLinks = this.deeplinks.route({
'/verify/:code': VerifyPage,
'/reset-password/:token': ResetPasswordPage,
}).subscribe((match: any) => { => this.router.navigate([match.$link.path]));
And here is the list of the deeplink variables from package.json
"ionic-plugin-deeplinks": {
"URL_SCHEME": "<my-domain-name>",
"DEEPLINK_HOST": "<my-domain-name>"
I test this using iPhone simulator, i created a contact with a url that is supposed to lead to the app. But when i click on it i get redirected to the web version of the app.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
well, it turned out aasa worked. i used my gf's iphone installed the app and checked. so nevermind
We are developing app for iOS and Android and we are using Ti.Gelocation to getCurrentPosition and then set the Region of the MapView of module.
The app is already on marketplace and downloaded, so we are developing an important upgrade with this new feature. We dont't have problem with Android platform, but with iOS version of the app we get a several error invoking Ti.Geolocation module
The error on iOS 9.x on iPad and iPhone (we have no test on iPod) is:
-[__NSCFString containsObject:] unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1463d500 at GeoView.js (line xxxx)
This error happens with the project with it.vocami.vocamiapp app-id, in the test project (ap-id=it.vocami.vocamitest) that we use for research and test of new features, no error happens and all run good. When we add at every level of our code (in the first row too), for example, Ti.Geolocation.locationServiceEnabled, in the main vocamiapp project, we get the error.
We have tried all we could think but at the end, if we change the app-id, the code runs otherwise we get the error. We cannot change the app-id because we need to update our published app.
We are developing with AppceleratorStudio version and Ti SDK ver 5.2.0GA on Mac OS X 10.10.5.
I just recently was "hit" by the fact that when I made my app ready for Google Play I use a specific key/user to sign it with. That behaves differently from just running it locally on the phone.
I had to make sure that I had registered two certificates with Google's API in the developer console. It didn't give me exactly the message that you show - but wouldn't show the map with a location. And the way I read the location prior to showing it on the map led me in the wrong direction looking at permissions on Android first :-)
I'm in the process of updating projects to Swift 2 and iOS 9. One of the projects I'm doing relies heavily on Facebooks SDK. I use it to login, get user information, ect... Prior ot the update, once you logged in the Safari would redirect you directly to the app. Now I'm getting a fun little modal displaying the following (See Fig 1 at bottom)
I assume this has some connection to the new Info.plist key we add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes with a Item0 as fbauth2 now required by iOS 9.
I also noticed I'm getting a stack trace with my app saying:
failed for URL: "fbauth2:///" - error: "(null)"
I found the reoccurence of the new key data fbauth2 interesting, and I'm assuming that there is now a way to configure what this modal will say upon redirect. Does anyone have any idea how to configure this? I'm assuming this is a common issue for all those updating their apps. Thanks!
Fig 1
Make sure that you have updated to the newest version of the Facebook SDK at
You will also want to Whitelist the Facebook Servers for Network Requests.
More information on this can be found here.
Specifically look at steps #2 & #3.
From the documentation in Step #3 there were also changes to the canOpenURL method:
Why do I see console messages like 'canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fb...://' or ?
This is an Xcode warning indicating the the canOpenURL: call returned false. As long as you have configured the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes entry in your plist as described above, you can ignore this warning
Anyone encountered this already?. I downloaded the sample code for IOS from github. I replaced the app id with my own, that i got after whitelisting my device. I ran the app and selected the device and media to cast. Soon after I hit the cast button, I am getting the following error....
Failed to start application (; caused by: entity not found (
Found solution for this one. Once I enabled the Chromecast to send it's serial number to Google, the error went away (for future reference). It can be done in settings.