Long Legend in Highcharts Becomes Hidden - highcharts

I have an issue with a HighCharts pie I've created. Sometimes the tooltip text overlaps with the legend, so I had to increase the legend's y property. However, this is causing parts of the legend (it's horizontal with 4 rows) to become partially hidden. I've tried adjusting the height property of the container, as well as a bunch of other properties, but the problem never goes away...
Here's how it looks like:
Any help is much appreciated.

If you are fine with pagination in legend then fix the height of the legend with maxHeight.
if the legend overflows, then pagination appears automatically.
legend: {
maxHeight: 30,
here is a working fiddle for pagination http://jsfiddle.net/cEcRz/
hope this is what you are looking for.

You can use pagination but in exporting add custom options to the legend like here:
layout: 'horizontal'
Obviosuly you need to adapt other parameters like size etc.


Fixed plot height in scatter chart

I have been searching this but not able to get any solutions for this. I want my scatter chart to be of fixed height regardless of no of legends used.
Please look into below fiddle link:
"chart": {
"type": "scatter",
"zoomType": "xy",
"plotBorderWidth": 2,
"width": 400,
I have set chart height to be 400. If no of legends increase, then scatter chart height gets adjusted (decrease) accordingly. You can try increasing the legends and notice that chart height gets decreased. I have tried other options like setting margin top and bottom (suggested in one post) but no luck.
I see that in highcharts js, there is 'plotHeight' variable which is used to set the chart height but I find no means to set it from my code or provide into as chart options. This scatter chart will be displayed in pdf so there is no scope of adding pagination, scrolls or any other stuff which is feasible only in web browser but not in pdf.
I am answering my own question because I found a way to deal with this scenario.
We hid the legends on the chart, so this way plot height of the chart will be always fixed. (plotHeight will be equal to the height of the chart which we provide in the chart settings considering we don't supply any margins)
We stored the data points (color of the legend and legend name) in the array and printed those outside the chart to make them appear as legends.

maxPointWidth causing more gaps for bars within each x point, in basic Column chart

Using HighChart, I wanted to create grouped column chart with max width, so that when there are less points on x axis the bar does not look wide.
I found some property maxPointWidth which can be applied to achieve the same. but using this there is a gap for each bar within x-point.
How to remove this gap ? I have tried pointPadding:0 as well seems this does not help
I am expecting chart something like below.
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/mcshiva0507/hx83bbzb/2/
groupPadding will help. https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/plotOptions.column.groupPadding
plotOptions: {
series: {
maxPointWidth: 10

Tile layout for highcharts legend items

There is a way to configurate highcharts in order to display legend items as a tile? Or maybe just using the horizontal layout but aligning the items in columns?
At left is an example of how it looks now using the horizontal layout and at right is what I want (it's not a real screenshot but just something I made using paint)
Thanks in advance!
You can set itemWidth
legend: {
itemWidth: 80

Highcharts - Y axis always visible (even after horizontal scrolling)

I am generating Highcharts column charts with many columns. The chart is very wide, necessitating scrolling (via the CSS overflow option on the Highcharts div). Is there a way for the Y axis to always be visible, even when one has scrolled to the right? I am aware that Highstock has an option for a scrollbar, but I'm only using Highcharts. Is there anything comparable there?
Thanks in advance.
You can enable scrollbar in highcharts including highstock.js. but using highcharts. see example: http://jsfiddle.net/xVyLr/
xAxis: {
scrollbar: {

How do I get x-axis to expand to take more of the chart width

As you can see from the attached image, my x-axis categories are getting bunched together in the middle. How can I configure highcharts to take up more of the x-axis? Note: The chart size is dynamic, it grows and shrinks based on the overall browser size and split-panels within the app. So explicit computation of the point-width is not an option (I expect highcharts to do the work for me).
Note: The picture is vertically cropped.
The chart options I'm using are:
Legend legend = new Legend();
highchart.getXAxis().setCategories(result.getAxisXCategories().toArray(new String[] {}));
ColumnPlotOptions options = new ColumnPlotOptions();
In other words, legend is turned off and column plot options is set to zero group-padding.
UPDATE: Here is a JSFiddle showing the same issue
For others who run into the same issue, the solution is to set the pointRange option of the ColumnPlotOptions. In JSON this looks like:
"plotOptions": {
"column": {
"stacking": "normal",
pointRange: 1,
"groupPadding": 0
In GWT-Highcharts, you don't actually have a specific API for pointRange. Therefore set a generic option like this:
ColumnPlotOptions options = new ColumnPlotOptions();
options.setOption("pointRange", 1.0);
You can try to set pointWidth() http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.column.pointWidth
