Embedded youtube Playlists do not work on iPad (iOS) - ios

I am embedding a Youtube playlist and it works fine on normal desktop browsers, but on iPad it is not working. From the various questions here and some other info I read that Youtube is capable of detecting the client and serve an HTML5 version of the video instead. However, it seems that it works only for a single video URL. When I am using a playlist URL instead it does not work. I am using the <frame> embedding approach.
Is there any way to go around this? I can't seem to find any settings on the Youtube playlist to make it 'html5 friendly'.

There few bugs on YT iFrame player on iOS. Hopefully, they are all going to be resolved soon. You can track them all in issue tracker. Here's the main one.

I couldn't add a comment so had to add an answer.
It appears they have fixed the issue at their end, see latest updates here:


How to manage quality in video HLS in iOS/Safari?

I have made a player with hls.js in web but when integrating it in a webview in flutter I have problems to handle the different qualities of the video in safari iOS. This is because Hls.isSupported() is false. So I have to use the native browser to play the .m3u8 file with the video tag.
The issue is that I can't handle the different qualities that I have in the playlist (.m3u8). There must be some way to handle such qualities in safari or iOS because youtube does allow it.
I believe this is not possible.
See this comment which I think suggests that it is not possible to have manual quality selection and access to metadata and manifest tag attributes when using the browser's native HLS implementation (i.e. without HLS.js).
Also see this GitHub issue.
Also see this answer to a similar question.
For reference, also see Embedding HLS.js in the official docs.

Unusual issue: Youtube iOS player helper "restricted from playback on certain sites." message, but works on Android

I know this question seems to have been asked before, but it apparently hasn't (at least on stack overflow). I get the following error using Youtube iOS helper api for certain videos when I attempt to embed them in my iOS app.
"This video contains content from VEVO. It is restricted from playback on certain sites."
The error below is fairly self explanatory... and it appears that there is nothing you can do about it. I can live with that. But there is more to it.
The reason I am puzzled by this message (and it refers to any VEVO music video on Youtube) is that the videos play on Android. Someone else has also had this problem... stated here: https://github.com/youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper/issues/52
If there is a restriction on other sites - and there may well be - it should be restricted on both iOS and Android devices. I find it highly odd that the restriction applies to only iOS.
Can someone advise?
add this in your playerVars #"origin" :#"http://www.youtube.com" it will work. I had the same problem.. i solved it using playvars
According to this answer,
...iOS devices use iframe so they basically embed. Android devices that
use player API can check syndicated.
From the documentation: if a video is embeddable, it can be embedded into a webpage, and if it is syndicated, it can be played outside of youtube.com.
A video that is embeddable but not syndicatable will play on YouTube.com or on other sites that embed the YouTube player, but may not play on devices such as mobile phones or TVs (source). Therefore, if a video plays on Android but not on iOS, it's possible that it's syndicateable but not embeddable, in which case it's working as intended.

how to play youtube videos in half and full screen (iOS 6,7)

I have already posted two questions
Question 1 Question 2
last week, but no answer worked. I am working on an app(I have completed the UI),
I have to show the youtube videos in the app, just like the youtube app. that is to show youtube videos in the full mode and in half screen too.
Some Body told me to use MPMoviePlayerViewController , but the problem with this player is, that it takes the url of videos like "www.xyz.com/videos.mov". It doesn't play youtube videos. I went to Youtube Developer site. There is lot of information, but all that is for some scripting(javascript using iframe) language, that I don't understand.
Its been a week, and am stuck with this youtube API(I tried to read each and every thing on youtube developer blog, but most of the stuff is related to javascript, which I don't know).
There are few codes available over stackoverflow and Github, which are very old, and are not working now.
If any body know anything then please help. Thanks in advance
I've managed to play YouTube videos with MPMoviePlayerController using LBYouTubeView Library.
Which is a good and upto date library. Basically it extract "www.xyz.com/videos.mov" kind of URL from YouTube and plays in a MPMoviePlayerController. You can also set the quality of the video (low,medium,high) etc. This library comes with a sample project you can test.

YouTube Embed Shows Different Video in Various Browsers

I've got a YouTube video I'm embedding in an iFrame. Here's the embed URL:
In the current versions of Safari, Mobile Safari, and Firefox on my Mac I get a doubled video (3D version?) once the video actually starts playing, as shown below:
(Note: the preview image looks normal, you have to actually start playing the video before it doubles like this.)
In Chrome I get the correct version:
Both are using the HTML5 player FWIW, and these embed links have been working for me until recently. I see the same results when actually embedding the links in an iFrame; it's just easier to link to the embed URL here. In my testing, I don't see this for all YouTube videos; it might be limited to videos that have been uploaded recently, but I'm not 100% sure on that (here's another example that shows the problem).
Any idea what is going on? Could this be an embed code error on YouTube that popped up recently? Give that URL a try and let me know if how it works on other browsers.
I'm having the same problem.
Looks like YouTube is forcing 3D on embeds for random HTML5 videos. I noticed mozstereomode="1" is being applied on videos that are having this issue.

Phonegap Video player plugin for iOS [duplicate]

I am using a Phonegap plugin for playing a video in my iOS app. I'm able to play a video with the URL format like http://easyhtml5video.com/images/happyfit2.mp4.
How do I play Youtube videos using the phonegap-videoplayer-plugin?
YouTube Terms of Service: "You agree not to access Content
through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of
the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly
authorized means YouTube may designate."
There are some methods that will give you direct link to youtube videos. Use "gdata" option to find all possible video formats.
Then parse the result to get desired link. Hope this might be useful
But everywhere I found the code to be edited in .m and .h files. None have explained how to use it.
That's because you can only directly use MPMoviePlayerController from native apps (written in Objective-C). For any other technology you'll have to have an intermediary layer in between.
From googling, I found this plugin for PhoneGap that claims to integrate with MPMoviePlayerController. I've no idea if it's any good, but it might do as a starting point.
try to give the youtube url in this format.
You will get the desired result. But Autoplay is not enabled, as Apple stopped supporting autoplay to save user's bandwidth
