Paypal - IOS SDK - Business account / sole trader - ios

We are creating an IOS app and we'd like to use your IOS SDK for payments on behalf of our clients clients. We have implemented your SDK into our app and all works great and we are really happy with it but we just have a few things we'd like to clarify if possible?
Our app is for personal trainers and we want to be able to offer them the facility of charging their clients for services in app. So the Paypal account would need to be setup in the personal trainers name, they would need to create a client id and then enter their paypal email and account ID information into the apps CMS - which would then be fed securely into the app which is used by their clients to order services.
The SDK requires a client ID and registered email - which we were able to create in our business account via a rest api. Our question is whether this process would still work if the Personal Trainer registered their Paypal account as a sole trader - or would they need a business account to create a client ID?

It has to be Business account.

Just to understand your question is the same as ours.
We have an app for a client.
We want to integrate payment for them in the app.
With Paypal iOS SDK the parameters initWithClientId and receiverEmail need to be obtained by our client from paypal by registering for a developer api?
Why would a business register for a developer api?
payerId is our client's customers paypal/emailid?
With MPL this was not needed?


Stripe allowed for split payments to vendor direct to bank account in India?

I need to integrate the Payment gateway to the React Native mobile app India.
I am using rails 6 in Backend. As per my application, I need to do a split payment between the vendor and the platform.
The important thing is that the vendors are very small and they do not have the stripe account so I need to make the payment to their Bank Account directly without getting into their stripe account.
As per my research, I can do that here but it's not possible for India.
Am I missing something, is it possible with stripe?
I also did research with razorpay and there is a gem for that here.
Does anyone have experience with that?
To make payouts to vendors you must use Connect and fund recipients must have connected accounts. Note there are some limitations on platforms in India. You can use, for example, Custom accounts that you manage and take advantage of Connect Onboarding to collect identity information, then you can collect payout bank account information on your platform and manage payouts to your vendors.

Paypal Kinvey Integration

I am trying to develop an iOS app with Kinvey as the mBaas and Paypal.
-Kinvey will store and transmits location data of users
-Paypal Adaptive payments facilitates payments between users and other users as well as between users and the application owner
-One of the 2 stores credit card information (haven't gotten that far yet but I assume Paypal most likely)
Can the Paypal Adaptive Payments API be employed with Kinvey mBaas for a mobile iOS application written in Swift?
Currently, Kinvey doesn’t expose Paypal/Braintree’s (server side) API through backend SDK.
But you should be able to implement it using DLC (Data Link Connector). Please take a look at this:
Thanks, Pranav Kinvey

Stripe Connect payment in iOS

We want to integrate Stripe Connect with iOS application to transfer amount from one person to person.
Let's say, I want to transfer $100 to my sister's account using Stripe Connect Standalone/Managed Account. And we also want to take business commission from sender which includes stripe commission also.
We have gone through Sharing Customers also but won't be able to find any solution for Stripe Connect with iOS SDK.
We have also checked iOS SDK.
Can anyone please guide us how to integrate Stripe Connect with iOS mobile app in above scenario?
How can we transfer payment to end customer?
Do we need to integrate through iOS SDK or web page?
Stripe's iOS and Android SDKs serve the same purpose in a mobile application as Checkout or Stripe.js do in a web application: they take payment information and produce a token in return.
Once the token has been created, it must then be sent to a backend server where it can be used in API requests sent with the secret key. You can't create charges or transfers directly from your mobile app -- that must be handled by an external server.
(Also, please note that there might be compliance issues with what you're trying to do. I recommend you reach out to Stripe's support to explain your usecase and make sure it's something that Stripe can support.)
You can easily integrate Stripe Connect with your iOS app check the following link
Once you connect your stripe user id with server you can create charges and application fee using Stripe Api's from backend

How to pay out money to multiple paypal or venmo or checking accounts from a single business account inside an iOS app

In our app, we are trying to implement a payout feature. If the user correctly performs Action A, we want to be able to pay some incentive money to this user, assuming the user has already connected his account to PayPal or Venmo.
How can I implement this, do PayPal and/or Venmo SDKs/APIs make this possible?
Venmo does not allow you to send money from a business to customers. PayPal does, I believe. You should do this from a backing web service, rather than the app itself. To complete the payment from the app, you would need to embed your account information in the app itself, which would be a security disaster.

Migration Questions from Paypal MPL to PaypalMobile iOS SDK

We are migrating from MPL to Paypal Mobile iOS SDK and we have what you call classic app. We could not find the migration guide and are having following questions.
The new sdk needs client id. Is the client id same as API Key?
According to the guide
"You need two credentials:
clientId: Available on the PayPal developer site.
receiverEmail: Your PayPal account email address
These are used to identify you as the recipient of payments. Both are public credentials; there is no need to attempt to obscure them or keep them private.
Important The receiverEmail should match the account used to get your client_id and secret."
We are not a receiver. We only facilitate payments between our users. Also we don't have a secret key. How do we let our users pay to other users?
In our app, user can pay their peers and also service providers. How do we make the distinction?
Your help is really appreciated!
Josh from PayPal here.
The PayPal iOS SDK does not currently have support for peer to peer payments.
The client_id is not the same as an API Key. You can get one from the PayPal developer website.
If you don't need support for direct credit card payments (sender has no PayPal account) you don't need the client_id. There is an option in the SDK to suppress direct credit card option. All you need to do is pass the payee's email address when initializing PaymentViewController. You can see the code snippet at
