Gmail Actions Whitelisting Process: Unsubscribe Link Requirement - google-schemas

As part of the whitelisting process for the Gmail Actions, is an unsubscribe link required to be in the email if the audience is internal (only employees)?
We currently use Google Apps (and thus Gmail) for our enterprise mail. We would like to implement the Gmail actions in our issue tracking system's email notifications. The only people that receive these emails are other employees but we need to ensure that 1) people cannot unsubscribe from notifications for themselves and 2) if the notification is sent to a distribution list, not unsubscribe for the entire list.

The unsubscribe link is not required but please describe your use case with the form linked from and note that you are only interested in sending emails internally to your domain.


Questions about the Twilio Authy API

We currently have a solution where we implement 2FA ourselves over Twilio Programmable SMS.
We're also using Twilio Verify for Payment PSD2 authorization.
We're now looking to migrate everything to Authy to make use of the Authy app and I have the following questions that I'm hoping you can help me with.
User Migration. I understand in authy, users need to be registered to our application. How can I register all our current users? Is there any way to bulk upload them, or do I have to write a script that calls the API to register them one by one?
User Number phone update. Sometimes our users will update their phone or email in our system. If that happens, how do I update that info in Authy? I couldn't find anything in the docs about that. Do I need to call the api to remove the user and readd with the new info?
Migrating from Verify PSD2 to Authy PSD2. Is the implementation very different? Is there any sample I can look through, as the documentation seems to mainly be talking about QR codes, while what we want to do, is to send it over SMS or Authy depending on the user's choice.
Thanks for your help
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You will need to write a script to register your users. When you have registered a user, you will receive an authy_id for the user, which you will need to store with your user record.
If a user updates their phone number then you should update the Authy user. To do so, you will want to delete the old user and re-register with the new phone number. You will then receive a new authy_id and you should re-confirm the user can authenticate by challenging them for a new code before you complete the update. If the user updates their email then you can do the same process of deleting and creating a new user though you should receive the same authy_id back if the phone number hasn't changed (though this will add the email address to Authy's representation of the user).
Check the documentation on PSD2 compliant authentication with Authy here. If you are sending SMS messages, then you should set the action and action_message parameters, which tie the message to the authentication. For the app based authentications you can do it via Push Notifications (in which you can include transaction details in the push). If you don't want to implement push, then you do need to get your user to scan a QR code in order to tie the transaction to the authentication (the regular code generated by the app is not connected to a transaction, so is ineligible for PSD2 authentication).
Let me know if this helps at all.

Can I register with Google for markup emails without sending hundreds of emails before?

I read the guidelines and I have a problem with "Consistent history of sending a high volume of mail from your domain (order of hundred emails a day minimum to Gmail) for a few weeks at least." The thing is, I need RSVP buttons for an internal application that manages leaves and holidays, and the particular email address we created for our app does not send any other messages. So I can't possibly send "hundreds of emails" in order to prove that I'm not spamming anyone. If I describe the situation in the registration form, can I get a pass?
#SilviaFilip, I see that you've mentioned internal app. If your domain is a Google Apps for Work/Education domain, you can request to have that registered. This will give you capability to send Gmail schemas internally to users within your domain.
If you need to send to external domains this will not fit your use case. Additionally, if you don't have a Google Apps domain, unfortunately, it looks like you will have to fulfill their guidelines.

Registering with Google Schemas: What is the process when sending from multiple email addresses?

I work for a direct marketing company that sends many emails on behalf of many clients, and we wish to start using Actions in Gmail. I am in charge of heading up the testing of this.
I am concerned about this step in the registration process:
Send a real-life email coming from your production servers (or a
server with similar DKIM/SPF/From:/Return-Path: headers) including the
markup / schema to
Since we will be sending email on behalf of many clients, we will need to send from a multitude of sender addresses. Is it possible to whitelist our company as a whole or will we need to whitelist each email that we wish to send?
For this you have to list all the email id's to be whitelisted or create a common domain and then you can request for whitelisting.
However, in order to whitelist these emails id's the emails you are requesting should be transactional not promotional emails. Like the email notifications that user has been subscribed for or emails related to order processing etc.
You can refer to Actions / Schema Guidelines in this page for more details.
Hope that helps!

Desire2Learn Notifications - Are they email & SMS only, or can notifications be sent via other channels?

I'm doing some feasibility work for a mobile app. We'd like to send D2L notifications directly to the mobile app (not via SMS or email).
We'd like to know if D2L's notifications system only notifies via email or SMS, or is it possible to configure it to send notifications via other channels, such as a message broker, ESB, etc.?
I've read D2L online doco; it's not clear if the system can be configured for anything other than email or SMS delivery. If it is only email/SMS, is it possible to use the REST API to get notifications for a student? That way we could have the app 'poll' for notifications.
The D2L learning platform as delivered currently can only deliver notifications to SMS or Email endpoints. It may be possible to expand the list of endpoints available through a customization services engagement with D2L. The Learning Framework API does not currently provide any direct access to the notifications themselves, only to the association between message types and endpoints.

Parsing and Receiving Email in iOS

Suppose I have an email address that only receives a specific type of email, i.e. an automatically generated receipt email from a transaction.
I would like to build an iOS app to receive the email text from this email address and parse according to a predefined format and display the results. Is it possible to do this without dealing with the email server directly from the app?
Meaning can I for instance piggyback off the native mail client (assuming it is set up to receive pushed email sent to the email address). I tried looking through Apple's docs for iOS but could not find anything useful. Anyone know of something?
3rd party apps have no way to integrate with the Mail app or to make use of any configured mail account the user has setup on the device.
However, you can write an app that can access external email accounts if the user provides all of the usual email account details. The App Store has several 3rd party mail apps that serve as replacements for Apple's Mail app.
If your app is written to work with a specific email account, and not one entered by the user of the app, then you can hardcode all of the account details in the app.
Your app is basically a run of the mill email client. You just have to know how to access IMAP or POP3 accounts, retrieve the emails, and process them as needed.
Again, there is no way your app can intercept or make use of any emails accessed by any email accounts the user has setup for use with the standard Mail app.
There are at least two aspects to your question:
How do I get an email to open in my iOS app?
Put the data in an attachment and see this link
What format can I use in an email attachment to transport persistent
I've had decent results with NSKeyedArchive as an interchange format. There are lots of other choices, depending on what generates the receipts attachments.
Post a followup with your choices. Good luck!
