Unable to see image files in xcode folder reference - ios

I added a folder which contains some images in Xcode as "Create folder references for any added folders". It added the blue folder but it doesn't show the arrow to see its contents.
Is this an issue in Xcode or am I missing something ?
Screenshot :

Blue folder means you added folder reference ,not folder
Right click on the images folder you added and select show in finder...See if the images are there..if not.. you linked the wrong folder
Make sure the search bar at bottom of the file explorer is empty

You have added the folder in a wrong way. To create a reference folder select the checkbox
'Copy items into destination's group folder if needed'
and in folder options select the radio button
"Create folder references for any added folders".
This works.

If you use blue folder references for your resources these folders will also be created inside your application bundle, while resource files in groups will simply be copied to your mainBundle's root directory.
When folder structure is managed outside of XCode (for example, a cross-platform project which has project files for different versions of XCode, Visual Studio and other IDEs, all using mostly the same directory tree), you normally want folder references. Otherwise one would have to recreate every project file every time folder structure changes.
This is Your solution->
if you do want to auto-import newly added files from the file system's folder to this group in XCode, instead of using "Create groups for any added folders", change to "Create folder references to any added folders"


how to add subfolders inside in-app-purchase iOS package?

For some reason, any files I put inside my IAP package (hosted on Apple) under a subfolder, gets eventually downloaded directly under the iOS temporary Contents folder.
I've created a simple IAP package using xcode template which initially had the following directory structure:
I then placed some extra files in the package under a subdir like so:
Then I go to xcode->add files->select dir1 and check "create groups" for added folders. All is ok so far. When I look at xcode, I see a group called "dir1", its location relative to group is "dir1" and full path is correctly set to xxxx/dir1.
I also see "file1.txt" with its location relative to group is "file1.txt" and full path correctly set to xxxx/dir1/file1.txt.
I package everything and upload to Apple.
I run a test to download the package and set a breakpoint after the content has been downloaded. I run a file scan function to list all the files. This is what I see under the xxx.zip/Contents folder that iOS creates:
dir1 is missing and file1.txt is directly under Contents!
I decided then to reopen the package xcode created (xcarchive) using "Show Package Contents" and indeed I see file1 under Contents/ and not under Contents/dir1...
How do I get the package to retain the directory structure when it's built?
Ah, after several hours, found the answer:
I needed to remove the file and group references and re-create them by "adding files" to the project, selecting dir1 folder with "create folder references", not "create groups" option.
After re-packaging this way, the folders were retained inside the package!

Put files in bundle into specific folder locations on iOS app

The files inside of my app bundle are arranged into folders, but when I check the file layout of the bundle, it seems these files are all added to the same directory, and not sorted by folder as I have them in XCode. How can I make sure they're added to the device in the same folder structure?
The folders created in Xcode using "Group" or "Group from Selection" (yellow folders) are not true Folders, but Groups. They are only a visual way to organize your sources.
To make true folders (blue), create them on disk (using, say, the Finder).
You can then import them into Xcode using the option "Create folder references for any added folders".
In short:
Groups (yellow). Not related to the actual file/folder layout
Folders (blue). Direct representation of the OS hierarchy

Xcode can't find my .h file that was made in the project

Disregard the typo in the body of the #implementation where the view controller being called is different than the one being imported. I've fixed that and the error still occurs..
I can't figure out why it doesn't find the file when the file is clearly within the project..
And it does this for every file that is in the Models, Views and Controller files..
The problem is that the "Controllers" folder is a folder reference and not a group. That is why it is blue and not yellow like the other groups in your project. Remove the folder reference and add the "Controllers" folder as a group to your project. To do this, when you drag the folder into your project, in the dialog that appears make sure to choose "Create groups for any added folders" and not "Create folder references for any added folders". The "Models" and "Views" folders will also need to be fixed.
When you have a folder reference the files will be added to the product of the target, but not compiled.
Don't attached imgur pictures... You can attach them inline with your post.
Ensure that your header is included with the linked headers under the build information.
Run a clean build and ensure you're running the regular target and not the test target.
If your file is included during compilation (aka your build settings include it) then restart Xcode.
I press OptCmd+a to add the folder and got this issue.
A simple image to solve the issue:
Make sure you selected the "Create groups", I must clicked the "Create folder references" by mistake sometime before

Accidentally removed xcassets file from Xcode project

I wanted to remove a single folder from the image collection, however, I somehow managed to throw the entire xcassets file into the trash.
The normal 'Put back' method is not available, and simply dragging the deleted folder to Xcode yields an error:
"Images.xcassets" couldn't be copied to "ProjectPear" because an item with the same name already exists.
To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or
delete the existing file, and try again.
I'm not sure where this collection is located within my Xcode project, as the navigator doesn't appear to show anything, and the command-line isn't dropping any hints either. I'm afraid to mess around with the project.pbxproj file, as it might jumble up a lot more than just my image collection.
Dragging the files back to Finder from Trash was successful, however, the Xcode navigator no longer recognises - or in this case, still doesn't recognise - the .xcassets file. I'm not sure whether to add something in the .pbxproj file.
I just did this myself and figured out how to quickly remedy the issue.
Go to the project folder in the Finder. You should find that the
folder Images.xcassets is still there.
Move it to a separate location like to the Desktop or something. It
still has all of the images and json files.
Jump back to Xcode and create a new asset catalog for images.
File > New > File... > Resource > Asset Catalog
Name it Images.
Quit Xcode and return to the Finder.
Copy the folders from within your old Images.xcassets to the new
Images.xcassets directory in your project.
Launch Xcode and you're back in business!
If you didn't delete it completely, you can just drag it back in from Finder. (Right click your project and select 'Reveal in Finder' to check)
If it's gone completely you simply go Cmd+N -> Resource and select Asset Catalog. You then re-add your imagages via drag and drop or right-click and 'Add Files to ...' and should be good to go.
Hope that helps.
Usually the file's reference is removed from Xcode, the original folder still exists in the project directory.
Right-click on your project folder, click "Add files to "your project"", find Assets in your project and click Add and you're
Had the same problem today with Xcode Beta, I also couldn't create a new assets catalog for some reason.
This was on a Watchkit Extension Project
Here's what I did to solve it:
In finder I copied an existing images.xcassets from another folder in my app to my desktop.
Removed the content of this folder.
Copied a deleted (single) Image Asset from my trash into the folder (on my desktop).
Dragged the entire folder into my project in XCode.
That fixed it and everything went back to normal.
If you have deleted it completely, then also these are the steps to get a new Images.xcassets:
In the Navigator, click on the project.
Go to : File>New>File> Add Asset Catalog> Name it.
To add AppIcon and LaunchImage in it:
Go to the Project Setting:
In General Tab, Slide down to App Icons and Launch Images
Click option next to App Icons Source and select Use Asset Catalogs
A window will pop up- select the name of your new Images.xcassets file and click on Migrate.
Select Also add LaunchImage. Now you can see the new Images.xcassets in your project :).
I accidentally deleted the reference to the asset folder so that it was no longer visible in Xcode. But when I checked from the finder, the asset folder was still in the project folder.
If you did that, just open the file menu in Xcode (from within your current project) and at the very top you can add (existing) files to that very project (back again) - it says "Add files to..."
Right click on anything in your project and click "Show in Finder". Search around in your project folder in the finder for a bit and you'll find it. I'm not on a Mac right now, or I'd give you a more direct path straight to the default .xcassets folder location.
And anyway, if you're not able to copy/create a "new" folder in that location because "an item with the same name already exists", then that means you didn't actually delete the folder. You just deleted your project's references to that folder in XCode. The folder on your hard drive didn't go anywhere.
[I realize this is a very old question from you #Aeveus]
All the answers talk about re-doing the adding assets again. Given you could not undo, the one step that is missing in your original description is this:
In your project.pbxproj file, there would have been references to assets as below:
45AE4E781C183FBA0051674F /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {...
Assuming you have source code control system (git, etc) you can revert to the original contents of your project.pbxproj file, or manually just re-add the deleted lines, and re-open the project file in xcode. You are all set now.
I had the same problem. Open your XCode Project. Just go to File -> Add Files to...(your Project) -> Assets.xcassets and you are good to go!
I had same problem and I have followed the steps above from Jason, but finally i got Image.xassets in red color, so the in order to find my images I had to click in Image.xassets and then on the top right corner put the absolute path to my image.xassets folder and it fixed my problem.
Hope it helps!

move xcode project causes red text (missing files from project)

When I move iphone project directory to a new path.
There are some red texts indicate the missing files from the project source codes.
How to avoid these?
Here is how to locate the missing (red) files using the Xcode 4 interface:
Select the file or files in the left hand Project Navigator (the folder icon)
In the right sidebar click on "File Inspector" which is the leftmost icon resembling a page
In the "Identity and Type" section, there is a grey box labeled "Location".
Click on the small icon to the lower left that resembles a file browser - this will come up with a file browser to locate the file.
Voila, you are done.
Xcode 7
1.) Right click on the red (missing) file.
2.) Select "Show File Inspector"
3.) Look at the right hand side of the screen under "Identity and Type" between "Location" and "Full Path"
4.) Click on the folder icon to the right of the file name.
5.) Navigate to the file's new location in the pop-up window and select the file.
I encountered this issue when copying my project from one mac to another.
The solution for me:
assuming your files are grouped (in folder)
from xcode open the group in file inspector
The group will probably be missing the absolute path.
press the little icon nearby to pick the folder to associate the group with.
restart xcode to see the changes.
I had the same problem, when I changed the permission on the files/folders to everyone read/write they then appeared in Xcode.
This worked on a Pod project. Quit XCode.
rm -rf project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/*
Restart XCode and reopen project.
In Finder, create a duplicate of the project directory just in case all goes squiffy.
In Finder, open the project directory that contains all the files with red references
For all the red files you see in XCode, except the info.plist file (see step 5 below), highlight them in Finder and drag them from Finder to XCode's project navigator. i.e. import them.
In XCode's "Choose options for adding these files" window: a) Select Copy items into Destination's group folder (if needed)
b) Select Create groups for any added folder
c) Select Add to Targets, and press Finish
Highlight and drag the info.plist file from Finder to Project Navigator and repeat step 4 WITHOUT selecting Add to Targets
If you had groups in Project Navigator (e.g. Supporting Files), reorder the files to be in the right places.
Delete the original bad red references in Project Navigator, and Cmd-Shift-K to clean for good measure.
Build and run on a device to remove the bad reference to the .app file
you just have to locate the missing file press in file icon in the identity and type you will find the full path just locate your file where do you move it click the file icon
When you create these files be sure to save in your app directory. Or if you import classes from other project be sure to check the copy option.
I dont know if this is the main reason but when you are importing files to the application, do you mary the "Copy items in to destination group's folder (if needed)" ?
this make sure the file is not only referenced but added to your project folder and ir will move any where you move your project.
Did you move files in to folders directly in your project folder and not in xcode?
This worked on a Pod project.
go into finder and project.
right click on your project .xcworkspace and click show package contents
right click on contents.xcworkspacedata and open with textEdit then make sure file path is correct. If project has been moved this can change
I also did this below but now sure if you need it
Quit XCode.
rm -rf project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/*
Restart XCode and reopen project.
If you create an Xcode project, then move the .xcodeproj file or the newly created project folder to a different folder using Finder, subsequent builds may show many missing files which still reference the original folder locations (which no longer exist because you moved them). These missing files can appear as red text or as issues in the Issue Navigator.
This can happen when Xcode is configured to automatically add or remove files to/from source control (under Xcode > Preferences > Source Control). When configured this way, simply creating a project in Xcode causes new project folders and files to be marked for addition to source control. When you later move the project folder or .xcodeproj file these pending adds now point to missing files.
To resolve this issue when Subversion is the source control program, revert the pending adds for the phantom items from your local working copy folder. In my case this requires dropping into a Terminal window, navigating to the parent of the phantom project folder, then reverting the automatic add, e.g.
cd /my-working-copy-folder
svn status --depth infinity
svn status --depth infinity existing-parent-folder/phantom-project-folder/
svn revert --depth infinity existing-parent-folder/phantom-project-folder/
Note that the first svn status command will list both missing files as well as properly added, modified or deleted files which you must take care to avoid reverting. The second status command is "practice" for the final revert command, to ensure you've specified the proper path to revert.
I do not know git but I assume it offers corresponding commands.
It's too simple to do :
Close the project that includes the missed files and open the Xcode, go to "Organizer">"Projects" and remove the project from the list there. Open your project from Finder and that's it.
hope this help.
