How can I access the result of the response of HttpRequest in Dart? - dart

After many attempts to get the content of the response in HttpRequest, I failed completely to know or understand why I can't have what I want, and I must mention that I can log and manipulate the response only inside an onReadyStateChange (onLoad and onLoadEnd are giving me the same results!), but I really want that value outside the callback.
Here is the part of code that I'm stuck with
Map responsData;
req=new HttpRequest(),url)
req.onReadyStateChange.listen((ProgressEvent e){
if (req.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE ){
if(req.status == 200){
responsData = {'data': req.responseText};
print("data receaved: ${ req.responseText}");
//will log {"data":mydata}
if(req.status == 0){
responsData = {'data':'No server'};
print(responsData );
//will log {"data":No server}
//anything here to get responsData won't work

You have to assign an onLoad callback before you call send.
I'm not sure what you mean with only inside an onReadyStateChange.
Maybe you want to assign the responseText to a variable outside the the callback.
Create a method:
Future<String> send(String method, String url, String infojson) {
var completer = new Completer<String>();
// var result;
req=new HttpRequest(),url)
..onLoad.listen((event) {
//print('Request complete ${}'))
// result =;
return completer.future;
and call this method like
var result;
send(method, url).then(
(e) {
// result = e;
print('Request complete ${e}'));


Chrome mv3 await sendMessage to background service worker [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
chrome.runtime.onMessage response with async await
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am having an issue of asynchronicity (I believe). sendResponse() in contentscript.js does not wait for getThumbnails() to return.
I am sending a message in popup.js:
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {message: "get_thumbnails", tabUrl: tabs[0].url},
function (respThumbnails) {
const thumbUrl = respThumbnails.payload;
console.log("payload", thumbUrl)
Then, in contentscript.js I listen for this message:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async function(request,sender,sendResponse) {
if(request.message === "get_thumbnails") {
const payload = await getThumbnails();
console.log("thumbPayload after function:", payload)
async function getThumbnails() {
let tUrl = null;
var potentialLocations = [
{sel: "meta[property='og:image:secure_url']", attr: "content" },
{sel: "meta[property='og:image']", attr: "content" },
for(s of potentialLocations) {
if(tUrl) return
const el = document.querySelector(s.sel);
if(el) {
tUrl = el.getAttribute(s.attr) || null;
return tUrl;
But it is also possible that the problem is coming from my getThumnails() function, because most of the times, payload is null and not undefined. So getThumbnails() might return before it is completely executed.
If this is the case, I have no idea why...
I also tried this code for getThubnails():
async function getThumbnails() {
let x = await function() {
let tUrl = null;
var potentialLocations = [
{sel: "meta[property='og:image:secure_url']", attr: "content" },
{sel: "meta[property='og:image']", attr: "content" },
for(s of potentialLocations) {
if(tUrl) return
const el = document.querySelector(s.sel);
if(el) {
tUrl = el.getAttribute(s.attr) || null;
return tUrl;
return x;
But this does not work, it seems to break my code...
The callback of onMessage should return a literal true value (documentation) in order to keep the internal messaging channel open so that sendResponse can work asynchronously.
Your callback is declared with async keyword, so it returns a Promise, not a literal true value. Chrome extensions API doesn't support Promise in the returned value of onMessage callback until is fixed so it's just ignored, the port is immediately closed, and the caller receives undefined in response.
Remove the async keyword from before (request, sender, sendResponse), then...
Solution 1
Call an async function that can be embedded as an IIFE:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (request.message === "get_thumbnails") {
(async () => {
const payload = await getThumbnails();
console.log("thumbPayload after function:", payload)
return true; // keep the messaging channel open for sendResponse
Solution 2
Declare a separate async function and call it from the onMessage listener:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (msg.message === "get_thumbnails") {
return true; // keep the messaging channel open for sendResponse
async function processMessage(msg) {
console.log('Processing message', msg);
// .................
return 'foo';

Mapping a Stream<List> to another type is returning a Stream<Null>

I'm trying to transform a Stream of a list of one type into a Stream of a list of another type, and having an issue with this.
I have this list of Habits that I'm streaming from Firebase, and I want to accept that stream in a function, and return a new stream that is a list of ViewModels of another type from it. But my function is returning a stream of the wrong type.
Here is my code:
Stream<List<HabitCompletionViewModel>> _getTodaysHabits(
Stream<List<Habit>> habitsStream) {
var result = {
(habit) async {
await _getHabitCompletionsCurrent(habit);
HabitCompletion completion = habit.completions!.firstWhere(
(completion) =>
return HabitCompletionViewModel(completion: completion, habit: habit);
return result;
I am getting a compile error because the result variable is showing as type Stream<Null> when I hover over it, where I would expect it to be Stream<List<HabitCompletionViewModel>>. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Your outer .map call does not have a return statement which is why you are getting a Stream<Null>.
So add a return statement like so:
Stream<List<HabitCompletionViewModel>> _getTodaysHabits(
Stream<List<Habit>> habitsStream) {
var result = {
// added return statement here
(habit) async {
await _getHabitCompletionsCurrent(habit);
HabitCompletion completion = habit.completions!.firstWhere(
(completion) =>;
return HabitCompletionViewModel(completion: completion, habit: habit);
return result;
However the above code still has an error because it is now returning a Stream<List<Future<HabitCompletionViewModel>>> instead of the desired Stream<List<HabitCompletionViewModel>>. To solve this you can use .asyncMap instead of .map.
Stream<List<HabitCompletionViewModel>> _getTodaysHabits(
Stream<List<Habit>> habitsStream) {
var result = habitsStream.asyncMap((habitsList) {
return Stream.fromIterable(habitsList).asyncMap(
(habit) async {
await _getHabitCompletionsCurrent(habit);
HabitCompletion completion = habit.completions!.firstWhere(
(completion) =>;
return HabitCompletionViewModel(completion: completion, habit: habit);
return result;

Convert String to GET request Parameter in Dart using standard library

I have a multiword String that I'd like to convert to a GET request parameter.
I have an API endpoint /search that takes in the parameter query. Now typically your request would look like http://host/search?query=Hello+World.
I have a String Hello World that I'd like to convert to this URL encoded parameter.
Ofcourse, I could just write the logic to break it into words and add a + in between but I was wondering if the URI class could help with this
I'm using Dart's httpClient to make a request.
Future<String> _getJsonData(String queryToSearch) async {
List data = new List();
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var request = await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse(
config['API_ENDPOINT'] + '/search?query=' +
var response = await request.close();
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK) {
var jsonString = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
data = json.decode(jsonString);
return data[0].toString();
} else {
return "{}";
Essentially, need to encode queryToSearch as the URL parameter.
You can use Uri.http(s) which wrap everythings (query, host, and path) together and encode them accordingly.
final uri = new Uri.http(config['API_ENDPOINT'], '/search', {"query": queryToSearch});
The Uri class provides methods for that
You can use Uri.parse(url_string) if you have the full URL in this way.
final String accountEndPoint = '';
Future<Account> getAccountData() async {
try {
final uri = Uri.parse(accountEndPoint); // <===
final response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
Map<String, dynamic> accountJson = jsonDecode(response.body);
return Future.value(Account.fromJson(accountJson));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to get account');
} catch (e) {
return Future.error(e);

Null while returning a Future in Dart

I have two classes, a user_api_manager and a base_api_manager. From user_api_manager i call the get method of base_api_manager which performs an http get request and returns a Future<String>. The getrequest is performed but i am not pass the result to my user_api_manager class. The callback result is always null.
This is my user_api_manager.dart
static Future<Map<String,dynamic>> forgotPasswordAPI(String email) async{
String url = Constants.BASE_URL + Constants.FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL + email;
await BaseApiManager.get(url: url).then((val) {
var response = JSON.decode(val);
var status = response['status'];
String message = '';
switch (response['status']) {
case Constants.SUCCESS:
message = Constants.SUCCESS_RESPONSE;
case Constants.SERVER_ERROR:
message = Constants.SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE;
case Constants.UNAUTHORISED:
message = Constants.UNAUTHORISED_MESSAGE;
return {'status':status,'message':message};
and here is my base_api_manager.dart
static Future<String> get({url : String,
parameters : Map ,
headers: Map }) async {
var client = new http.Client();
Map<String,dynamic> resultJSON;
final c = new Completer();
await client.get(url).then((response) { //response is always null
resultJSON = {
'status' : response.statusCode,
'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
return c.future;
How to solve this issue?
Move the return c.future outside of the response processing, i.e you want to return this from your get otherwise you will return null.
You can simplify the code. That should make it easier to locate the problem
static Future<String> get({url : String, parameters : Map, headers: Map }) async {
var client = new http.Client();
final response = await client.get(url);
var resultJSON = {
'status' : response.statusCode,
'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
return resultJSON.toString()
What does that code print?

Dartlang server call my function more than once

I'm sending a data to the server like this:
var el = this.parent.nodes;
request = new HttpRequest();
if(el.length == 1) print('No lines to save!');
var opt = el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[0].options[el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[0].selectedIndex].text;
for(var i=1; i < el.length; i++)
'poid': orderHeader[0]['OrderID'],
'ponum': orderHeader[0]['onum'],
'lnum' : i.toString(),
'itmid' :el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[0].value,
'icode' : opt,
'qty': el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[1].value,
'rqty': 0,
'bqty': el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[1].value,
'iqty': 0,
'biqty': el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[1].value,
'price': el[i].shadowRoot.nodes[2].value,
'rdd': orderHeader[0]['rdd'],
'eta': '',
'flag': 0
request.onReadyStateChange.listen(onData_save);'POST', host+'/sPO');
and my server side function is:
void main() {
connections = new List<WebSocket>();
HttpServer.bind(HOST, PORT).then((HttpServer server) {
print('Server listening on port ${PORT}.');
server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
if (WebSocketTransformer.isUpgradeRequest(request)) {
} else gotMSG(request);
handleWS(WebSocket ws){
print('Client connected, there are now ${connections.length} client(s) connected.');
ws.listen((String message) {
for (WebSocket connection in connections) {
onDone: () {
print('Client disconnected, there are now ${connections.length} client(s) connected.');
void gotMSG(HttpRequest request) {
switch (request.method) {
case 'POST':
case 'OPTIONS':
void serveRequest(HttpRequest request){
print('Listening for GET and POST on http://$HOST:$PORT');
request.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "WebSocket connections only";
void handlePost(HttpRequest req) {
HttpResponse res = req.response;
switch (req.uri.path) {
case '/login': login(req); break;
case '/sPO': savePO(req); break;
default: break;
The /sPO => savePO is executed once if the order sent is of one line only, but if n lines in the order, the function is executed more than once, could not find a pattern for that,
In the SavePO I used oracledart pub, so thought something wrong in it, and tried postgresql pub, but got same results, the savePO function is:
void savePO(HttpRequest req){
HttpResponse res = req.response;
print('${req.method}: ${req.uri.path}');
Future future() => new Future.value(true);
req.listen((List<int> buffer) {
var theDataLines = JSON.decode(new String.fromCharCodes(buffer));
connect(db).then((conn) {
for (var theData in theDataLines)
insert into pol
(poid,ponum,lnum,itmid,icode,qty,rqty,bqty,iqty,biqty,price,rdd, eta, flag)
values (#poid,#ponum,#lnum,#itmid,#icode,#qty,#rqty,#bqty,#iqty,#biqty,#price,
to_timestamp(#rdd,'YYYY-MM-DD'), to_timestamp(#eta,'YYYY-MM-DD'), #flag)
'poid': theData['poid'],
'ponum': theData['ponum'],
'lnum' : theData['lnum'],
'itmid' : theData['itmid'],
'icode' : theData['icode'],
'qty': theData['qty'],
'rqty': theData['rqty'],
'bqty': theData['bqty'],
'iqty': theData['iqty'],
'biqty': theData['biqty'],
'price': theData['price'],
'rdd': theData['rdd'].toString(),
'eta': theData['eta'].toString(),
'flag': theData['flag']
.then((_)=>conn.query('commit').toList().then((rows) {print('committed');}))
}); // END of SQL
}, onError: printError); // End of server listen
} // END of function
I even tried to change the:
case '/sPO': savePO(req); break;
to be
case '/sPO': print(1); break;
the it printed the 1, 4 times after sending an order of 6 lines!!
It's hard to see for me what you actually try to accomplish.
The problem is very probably your save() method. You wrote how it behaves but not much about what you try to accomplish?
Why don't you put more lines into one JSON string and post them together in one request?
You create one request instance and call send repeatedly on this one request instance.
You also register the onReadyStateChange handler more than once on the same request object which results in onData_save being called several times when the event occurs just once.
I think you should either move request = new HttpRequest(); down just before'POST', host+'/sPO');
or better move request.onReadyStateChange.listen(onData_save); up to request = new HttpRequest();,
add all orderlines into one JSON and call'POST', host+'/sPO');
after the for loop.
Another problem I see is that you do a fire and forget. What if the send request fails for some reason?
I would create a sendJSON method that returns a future (with a Completer which completes on onDone and completeError when something goes wrong.
When you want to create more than one request in your save() you can use something like
// create your JSON
var futures = [];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
futures.add(sendData(myJson)); // collects the futures returned from sendData
// executes all futures and waits for all to respond and then returns another future
return Future.wait()
.then((results) {
results.forEach((r) {
// check result
