Where is memory interleaving and memory split up into ranks happening in Linux kernel? - memory

I am working on a course homework on sysfs virtual file system in Linux Kernel. As part of setting up sysfs virtual file system, Linux kernel organizes the physical memory in to blocks and further into sections in this directoy sys/devices/system/memory. In that directory, memory chunks will be represented as memory0, meomory1, memory2 etc..
After digging the Linux kernel, I have found out that the memory is being split into 128MB blocks and then further into sections of memory and found the code which does this in the C file here: Memory.c. In the above C file, the method memory_dev_init() has the logic for the whole memory block splitting and dividing into sections (or that's what i understood :) ). As per my professor, memory in Linux is split up into ranks and ranks contain interleaved memory addresses as shown below:
rank0: [0-512KB] [2048KB-2560KB] [4096KB-4608KB] ...
rank1: [512KB-1024KB] [2560KB-3072KB] [4608KB-5120KB] ...
rank2: [1024KB-1536KB] [3072KB-3584KB] [5120KB-...
rank3: [1536KB-2048KB] [3584KB-4096KB] ...
As part of my homework, I want to change the rank format into this so that i can get a contiguous memory blocks:
rank0: [0-512KB] [512KB-1024KB] [1024KB-1536KB]...
rank1: [1536KB-2048KB] [2048KB-2560KB] [2560KB-3072KB]...
rank2: [3072KB-3584KB] [3584KB-4096KB] [4096KB-4608KB]...
rank3: [4608KB-5120KB] ...
So I just want to know where exactly this memory interleaving is happening and the existing ranking is happening in the current Linux kernel. Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

I'm not quite sure as I don't see any practical use of the question, it is indeed a sort of academic research... and what you are trying to achieve is achievable by disabling the memory interleaving entirely. I guess after you disable interleaving you will see the proper "picture" in sysfs as well.
In other words -- no coding required, just the change of configuration.

Have a look at the memory interleave settings in BIOS. Here's a post which describe how to do this in a couple of platforms.


Largest amount of entries in lua table

I am trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lua and i tried several things but i see myself confronted with the following problem:
The tables of Lua are to small for this scenario. If I just want to create a table with all numbers (see example below), the table is too "small" even with only 1/8 (...) of the number (the number is pretty big I admit)...
max = 600851475143
numbers = {}
for i=1, max do
table.insert(numbers, i)
If I execute this script on my Windows machine there is an error message saying: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: not enough memory. With Lua 5.3 running on my Linux machine I tried that too, error was just killed. So it is pretty obvious that lua can´t handle the amount of entries.
I don´t really know whether it is just impossible to store that amount of entries in a lua table or there is a simple solution for this (tried it by using a long string aswell...)? And what exactly is the largest amount of entries in a Lua table?
Update: And would it be possible to manually allocate somehow more memory for the table?
Update 2 (Solution for second question): The second question is an easy one, I just tested it by running every number until the program breaks: 33.554.432 (2^25) entries fit in one one-dimensional table on my 12 GB RAM system. Why 2^25? Because 64 Bit per number * 2^25 = 2147483648 Bits which are exactly 2 GB. This seems to be the standard memory allocation size for the Lua for Windows 32 Bit compiler.
P.S. You may have noticed that this number is from the Euler Project Problem 3. Yes I am trying to accomplish that. Please don´t give specific hints (..). Thank you :)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes only requires one bit per number, representing whether the number has been marked non-prime or not.
One way to reduce memory usage would be to use bitwise math to represent multiple bits in each table entry. Current Lua implementations have intrinsic support for bitwise-or, -and etc. Depending on the underlying implementation, you should be able to represent 32 or 64 bits (number flags) per table entry.
Another option would be to use one or more very long strings instead of a table. You only need a linear array, which is really what a string is. Just have a long string with "t" or "f", or "0" or "1", at every position.
Caveat: String manipulation in Lua always involves duplication, which rapidly turns into n² or worse complexity in terms of performance. You wouldn't want one continuous string for the whole massive sequence, but you could probably break it up into blocks of a thousand, or of some power of 2. That would reduce your memory usage to 1 byte per number while minimizing the overhead.
Edit: After noticing a point made elsewhere, I realized your maximum number is so large that, even with a bit per number, your memory requirements would optimally be about 73 gigabytes, which is extremely impractical. I would recommend following the advice Piglet gave in their answer, to look at Jon Sorenson's version of the sieve, which works on segments of the space instead of the whole thing.
I'll leave my suggestion, as it still might be useful for Sorenson's sieve, but yeah, you have a bigger problem than you realize.
Lua uses double precision floats to represent numbers. That's 64bits per number.
600851475143 numbers result in almost 4.5 Terabytes of memory.
So it's not Lua's or its tables' fault. The error message even says
not enough memory
You just don't have enough RAM to allocate that much.
If you would have read the linked Wikipedia article carefully you would have found the following section:
As Sorenson notes, the problem with the sieve of Eratosthenes is not
the number of operations it performs but rather its memory
requirements.[8] For large n, the range of primes may not fit in
memory; worse, even for moderate n, its cache use is highly
suboptimal. The algorithm walks through the entire array A, exhibiting
almost no locality of reference.
A solution to these problems is offered by segmented sieves, where
only portions of the range are sieved at a time.[9] These have been
known since the 1970s, and work as follows

eheap allocated in erlang

I use recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types) and get info like below.
34> recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types).
The eheap_alloc is using 28G. But sum up with heap_size of all process
>lists:sum([begin {_, X}=process_info(P, heap_size), X end || P <- processes()]).
Only 683M !Any idea where is the 28G ?
You are not comparing the right values. From erlang:process_info
{heap_size, Size}
Size is the size in words of youngest heap generation of the
process. This generation currently include the stack of the process.
This information is highly implementation dependent, and may change if
the implementation change.
recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types) is in bytes by default. You can change it using set_unit. It is not the memory that is currently used but it is the memory reserved by the VM grouped into different allocators. You can use recon_alloc:memory(used) instead. More details in allocator() - Recon Library
Searching through the Erlang source code for the eheap_alloc keyword I didn't come up with much. The most relevant piece of code was this XML code from erts_alloc.xml (https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/172e812c491680fbb175f56f7604d4098cdc9de4/erts/doc/src/erts_alloc.xml#L46):
<item>Allocator used for Erlang heap data, such as Erlang process heaps.</item>
This says that process heaps are stored in eheap_alloc but it doesn't say what else is stored in eheap_alloc. The eheap_alloc stores everything your application needs to run along with some extra memory along with some additional space, so the VM doesn't have to request more memory from the OS every time something needs to be added. There are things the VM must keep in memory that aren't associated with a specific process. For example, large binaries, even though they may used within a process, are not stored inside that processes heap. They are stored in a shared process binary heap called binary_alloc. The binary heap, along with the process heaps and some extra memory, are what make up eheap_alloc.
In your case it looks like you have a lot of memory in your binary_alloc. binary_alloc is probably using a significant portion of your eheap_alloc.
For more details on binary handling checkout these pages:

How is RAM able to acess any place in memory at O(1) speed

We are taught that the abstraction of the RAM memory is a long array of bytes. And that for the CPU it takes the same amount of time to access any part of it. What is the device that has the ability to access any byte out of the 4 gigabytes (on my computer) in the same time? As this does not seem as a trivial task for me.
I have asked colleagues and my professors, but nobody can pinpoint to the how this task can be achieved with simple logic gates, and if it isn't just a tricky combination of logic gates, then what is it?
My personal guess is that you could achieve the access of any memory in O(log(n)) speed, where n would be the size of memory. Because each gate would split the memory in two and send you memory access instruction to the next split the memory in two gate. But that requires ALOT of gates. I can't come up with any other educated guess, and I don't even know the name of the device that I should look up in Google.
Please help my anguished curiosity, and thanks in advance.
This is what I learned!
quote from yours "the RAM can send the value from cell addressed X to some output pins", here is where everyone skip (again) the thing that is not trivial for me. The way that I see it, In order to build a gate that from 64 pins decides which byte out of 2^64 to get, each pin needs to split the overall possible range of memory into two. If bit at index 0 is 0 -> then the address is at memory 0-2^64/2, else address is at memory 2^64/2-2^64. And so on, However the amout of gates (lets call them) that the memory fetch will go through will be 64, (a constant). However the amount of gates needed is N, where N is the number of memory bytes there are.
Just because there is 64 pins, it doesn't mean that you can still decode it into a single fetch from a range of 2^64. Does 4 gigabytes memory come with a 4 gigabytes gates in the memory control???
now this can be improved, because as I read furiously more and more about how this memory is architectured, if you place the memory into a matrix with sqrt(N) rows and sqrt(N) columns, the amount of gates that a fetch memory will need to go through is O(log(sqrt(N)*2) and the amount of gates that will be required will be 2*sqrt(N), which is much better, and I think that its probably a trade secret.
What the heck, I might as well make this an answer.
Yes, in the physical world, memory access cannot be constant time.
But it cannot even be logarithmic time. The O(log n) circuit you have in mind ultimately involves some sort of binary (or whatever) tree, and you cannot make a binary tree with constant-length wires in a 3D universe.
Whatever the "bits per unit volume" capacity of your technology is, storing n bits requires a sphere with radius O(n^(1/3)). Since information can only travel at the speed of light, accessing a bit at the other end of the sphere requires time O(n^(1/3)).
But even this is wrong. If you want to talk about actual limitations of our universe, our physics friends say the absolute maximum number of bits you can store in any sphere is proportional to the sphere's surface area, not its volume. So the actual radius of a minimal sphere containing n bits of information is O(sqrt(n)).
As I mentioned in my comment, all of this is pretty much moot. The models of computation we generally use to analyze algorithms assume constant-access-time RAM, which is close enough to the truth in practice and allows a fair comparison of competing algorithms. (Although good engineers working on high-performance code are very concerned about locality and the memory hierarchy...)
Let's say your RAM has 2^64 cells (places where it is possible to store a single value, let's say 8-bit). Then it needs 64 pins to address every cell with a different number. When at the input pins of your RAM there 'appears' a binary number X the RAM can send the value from cell addressed X to some output pins, and your CPU can get the value from there. In hardware the addressing can be done quite easily, for example by using multiple NAND gates (such 'addressing device' from some logic gates is called a decoder).
So it is all happening at the hardware-level, this is just direct addressing. If the CPU is able to provide 64 bits to 64 pins of your RAM it can address every single memory cell (as 64 bit is enough to represent any number up to 2^64 -1). The only reason why you do not get the value immediately is a kind of 'propagation time', so time it takes for the signal to go through all the logic gates in the circuit.
The component responsible for dealing with memory accesses is the memory controller. It is used by the CPU to read from and write to memory.
The access time is constant because memory words are truly layed out in a matrix form (thus, the "byte array" abstraction is very realistic), where you have rows and columns. To fetch a given memory position, the desired memory address is passed on to the controller, which then activates the right column.
From http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ram1.htm:
Memory cells are etched onto a silicon wafer in an array of columns
(bitlines) and rows (wordlines). The intersection of a bitline and
wordline constitutes the address of the memory cell.
So, basically, the answer to your question is: the memory controller figures it out. Of course that, given a memory address, the mapping to column and row must be easy to calculate in a constant time.
To fully understand this topic, I recommend you to read this guide on how memory works: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ram.htm
There are so many concepts to master that it is difficult to explain it all in one answer.
I've been reading your comments and questions until I answered. I think you are on the right track, but there is some confusion here. The random access in which you are implying doesn't exist in the same way you think it does.
Reading, writing, and refreshing are done in a continuous cycle. A particular cell in memory is only read or written in a certain interval if a signal is detected to do so in that cycle. There is going to be support circuitry that includes "sense amplifiers to amplify the signal or charge detected on a memory cell."
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are implying, your confusion is in how easy it is to read/write to a cell. It's different dependent on chip design but there IS a minimum number of cycles it takes to read or write data to a cell.
These are my sources:
To avoid a humungous answer, I left most of the detail out but all three of these will describe the process you are looking for.

4 questions about processor architecture. (Computer engineering)

Our teachers has asked us around 50 true of false questions in preparation for our final exam. I could find an answer for most of them online or by asking relative. How ever, those 4 questions adrive driving me crazy. Most of those question aren't that hard, I just cant get any satisfying answer anywhere. Sorry, the original question are not written in english, i had to translate them myself. If you don't understand something, please tell me.
True or false
The size of the manipulated address by the processor determines the size of the virtual memory. How ever, the size of the memory cache is independent.
For long, DRAM technology stayed imcompatible with CMOS technology used to do the standard logic in processor. This is the reason DRAM memory is (most of the time) used outside of the processor (on a different chip).
Pagination let correspond multiple virtual addressing space to a same space of physical addressing.
An associative cache memory with sets of 1 line is an entierly associative cache memory, because one memory block can go in any set since each sets are of the same size that of the block.
"Manipulated address" is not a term of the art. You have an m-bit virtual address mapping to an n-bit physical address. Yes, a cache may be of any size up to the physical address size, but typically is much smaller. Note that cache lines are tagged with virtual or more typically physical address bits corresponding to the maximum virtual or physical address range of the machine.
Yes, DRAM processes and logic processes are each tuned for different objectives, and involve different process steps (different materials and thicknesses to lay down DRAM capacitor stacks/trenches, for example) and historically you haven't built processors in DRAM processes (except the Mitsubishi M32RD) nor DRAM in logic processes. Exception is so-called eDRAM that IBM likes to use for their SOI processes, and which is used as last level cache in IBM microprocessors such as the Power 7.
"Pagination" is what we call issuing a form feed so that text output begins at the top of the next page. "Paging" on the other hand is sometimes a synonym for virtual memory management, by which a virtual address is mapped (on a page by page basis) to a physical address. If you set up your page tables just so it allows multiple virtual addresses (indeed, virtual addresses from different processes' virtual address spaces) to map to the same physical address and hence the same location in real RAM.
"An associative cache memory with sets of 1 line is an entierly associative cache memory, because one memory block can go in any set since each sets are of the same size that of the block."
Hmm, that's a strange question. Let's break it down. 1) You can have a direct mapped cache, in which an address maps to only one cache line. 2) You can have a fully associative cache, in which an address can map to any cache line; there is something like a CAM (content addressible memory) tag structure to find which if any line matches the address. Or 3) you can have an n-way set associative cache, in which you have, essentially, n sets of direct mapped caches, and a given address can map to one of n lines. There are other more esoteric cache organizations, but I doubt you're being taught them.
So let's parse the statement. "An associative cache memory". Well that rules out direct mapped caches. So we're left with "fully associative" and "n-way set associative". It has sets of 1 line. OK, so if it is set associative, then instead of something traditional like 4-ways x 64 lines/way, it is n-ways x 1 lines/way. In other words, it is fully associative. I would say this is a true statement, except the term of the art is "fully associative" not "entirely associative."
Makes sense?
Happy hacking!
True, more or less (it depends on the accuracy of your translation I guess :) ) The number of bits in addresses sets an upper limit on the virtual memory space; you could, of course, choose not to use all the bits. The size of the memory cache depends on how much actual memory is installed, which is independent; but of course if you had more memory than you can address, then it still can't be used.
Almost certainly false. We have RAM on separate chips so that we can install more without building a whole new computer or replacing the CPU.
There is no a-priori upper or lower limit to the cache size, though in a real application certain sizes make more sense than others, of course.
I don't know of any incompatibility. The reason why we use SRAM as on-die cache is because it's faster.
Maybe you can force an MMUs to map different virtual addresses to the same physical location, but usually it's used the other way around.
I don't understand the question.

How does a virtual machine work?

I've been looking into how programming languages work, and some of them have a so-called virtual machines. I understand that this is some form of emulation of the programming language within another programming language, and that it works like how a compiled language would be executed, with a stack. Did I get that right?
With the proviso that I did, what bamboozles me is that many non-compiled languages allow variables with "liberal" type systems. In Python for example, I can write this:
x = "Hello world!"
x = 2**1000
Strings and big integers are completely unrelated and occupy different amounts of space in memory, so how can this code even be represented in a stack-based environment? What exactly happens here? Is x pointed to a new place on the stack and the old string data left unreferenced? Do these languages not use a stack? If not, how do they represent variables internally?
Probably, your question should be titled as "How do dynamic languages work?."
That's simple, they store the variable type information along with it in memory. And this is not only done in interpreted or JIT compiled languages but also natively-compiled languages such as Objective-C.
In most VM languages, variables can be conceptualized as pointers (or references) to memory in the heap, even if the variable itself is on the stack. For languages that have primitive types (int and bool in Java, for example) those may be stored on the stack as well, but they can not be assigned new types dynamically.
Ignoring primitive types, all variables that exist on the stack have their actual values stored in the heap. Thus, if you dynamically reassign a value to them, the original value is abandoned (and the memory cleaned up via some garbage collection algorithm), and the new value is allocated in a new bit of memory.
The VM has nothing to do with the language. Any language can run on top of a VM (the Java VM has hundreds of languages already).
A VM enables a different kind of "assembly language" to be run, one that is more fit to adapting a compiler to. Everything done in a VM could be done in a CPU, so think of the VM like a CPU. (Some actually are implemented in hardware).
It's extremely low level, and in many cases heavily stack based--instead of registers, machine-level math is all relative to locations relative to the current stack pointer.
With normal compiled languages, many instructions are required for a single step. a + might look like "Grab the item from a point relative to the stack pointer into reg a, grab another into reg b. add reg a and b. put reg a into a place relative to the stack pointer.
The VM does all this with a single, short instruction, possibly one or two bytes instead of 4 or 8 bytes PER INSTRUCTION in machine language (depending on 32 or 64 bit architecture) which (guessing) should mean around 16 or 32 bytes of x86 for 1-2 bytes of machine code. (I could be wrong, my last x86 coding was in the 80286 era.)
Microsoft used (probably still uses) VMs in their office products to reduce the amount of code.
The procedure for creating the VM code is the same as creating machine language, just a different processor type essentially.
VMs can also implement their own security, error recovery and memory mechanisms that are very tightly related to the language.
Some of my description here is summary and from memory. If you want to explore the bytecode definition yourself, it's kinda fun:
The key to many of the 'how do VMs handle variables like this or that' really comes down to metadata... The meta information stored and then updated gives the VM a much better handle on how to allocate and then do the right thing with variables.
In many cases this is the type of overhead that can really get in the way of performance. However, modern day implementations, etc have come a long way in doing the right thing.
As for your specific questions - treating variables as vanilla objects / etc ... comes down to reassigning / reevaluating meta information on new assignments - that's why x can look one way and then the next.
To answer a part of your questions, I'd recommend a google tech talk about python, where some of your questions concerning dynamic languages are answered; for example what a variable is (it is not a pointer, nor a reference, but in case of python a label).
