iCloud iCon in Settings showing white only in iOS - ios

In my app , I am using iCloud features.
However when i go to settings > iCloud > Manage Storage , my app icon is only show white.
I have already added iCon-Small and all #2x into my project and also I tried delete my app from my iPad and run again. That's showing only white iCon like the following pic.
How can I do it?

If your app is not live then you cant seen application icon in settings.

I have this in a long-standing live app (so not in initial development) - the same white generic icon as you're seeing, and also the bundle name is used, rather than the bundle display name which is subtly different in my case. It's not just you and me, Pixelmator also appears the same on my devices - and it's bundle name also looks to be slightly off from the display name as well.
I suspect however this is a cached server side thing in iCloud. I have many apps listed that I've never installed on certain devices, including OS X apps on my iOS devices - so this is something that is probably uploaded to iCloud when your app update is processed by Apple.
This problem started for me sometime after I implemented Asset Catalogs for storing my app icons, and looking in my Info.plist, I can see I still have some of the old icon keys referenced, though the icon file references themselves have been removed from the plist. I'm wondering if this slight misconfiguration led to iTunes Connect incorrectly processing my binary and failing to extract the image from the asset catalog. However, I don't see how this would lead to the wrong bundle name being applied, unless this is just what the iCloud settings screen does.
I'll update this if the next update fixes it. It could even just be a sporadic error or bug on Apple's end.


Is it allowed to let the alternate app icon to be dynamic?

Since iOS 10.3 has been released, Apple added a new feature which allows us to change the app icon dynamically, by using setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) method. So far, as mentioned in the method documentation, we have to mention the name(s) of the alternate app icon(s) in the project .plist file, assigned to CFBundlePrimaryIcon key.
Actually, when working with static icons (icons that have been added directly to the app main bundle) it works as expected without any problems:
My question is:
Is it possible -or is there a workaround- to set the alternate app icon dynamically (for instance: icons that have been downloaded from the web and saved in the app documents directory)?
I don't think its possible.
setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API looks for the icons inside app bundle and cannot be changed to fetch from sandbox.
Also, most probably Apple reviews the app icons you have bundled for avoiding use of same app icons or icons similar to Apple apps.
Refer: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/uikit/how-to-change-your-app-icon-dynamically-with-setalternateiconname

Xcode build not showing up on iTunes Connect

I am trying to upload my app to TestFlight. I have created new provisioning profiles and have code signed the app as following:
In Xcode, the app successfully uploads to iTunes Connect, and soon after, I see the "processing build" screen on the Activity tab on iTunes Connect:
A few minutes later, the processing build disappears and there are no builds on the screen. I am unable to select a build as it simply says, Submit your builds using Xcode 6 or later, or Application Loader 3.0 or later.. How can I find the build on iTunes Connect? Thanks!
My solution... is terrible, but I have found success uploading builds until they show up. It sometimes takes like 30 uploads, and other times it only takes one. This problem is affecting every build I have tried since I switched to Xcode 8 in December. It's horribly inefficient but it's the only thing I have found that works.
EDIT: Right after I sent this answer, I got my build processed at upload 13. Good luck, buddy.
I also faced the same problem With xCode 9.
The reason behind it was, the new icon we have to include in App Icon for App Store (1024 * 1024) was in .jpg format instead of .png.
Here is the mail, I received from Apple.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MyAppName". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Image - For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the PNG format.
If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 57x57 pixels.
If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 72x72 pixels.
For macOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the ICNS format and must include a square 512x512#2x image.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
So my advice is
Look into your/client's mail box, you must have received email from Apple regarding the issue
Make sure you have included every image file in .png format
Make sure you have included every privacy description correct regarding the exact usage
For example, for Location usage description, instead of "App would like to use location", please write something like "Location is required for driver to find out where you are as well as for nearby suggestions."
Add missing items in info.plist, such as icon files, privacy usage description, requirements etc. It works for me.

Is there any way currently to browse an App Folder / App Sandbox on an iOS device with iOS 9

As a developer doing many operations with files in my own apps' sandboxes (An app's subfolder environment such as Documents folder etc.) on the device, I found it extremely useful to be able to browse my app folder to see if my code was writing things to the correct places etc. I always used to use iExplorer for this & it was vital. To my horror, I came to do the same browsing today, only to find that you can no longer look inside the app's folders with tools like iExplorer. Some research tells me that as of iOS 8.3, Apple have placed restrictions which stop these tools from doing the great job they did.
Is there a work-around now at the iOS9 stage or even any tools that still manage to do it? This was so essential as a dev.
I'm assuming you mean a physical device, not the Simulator. In that case, you could open the Devices window (Xcode > Window > Devices) and then select the relevant device on the left.
In the Installed Apps section, select your app, and then click the gear icon which will give you a menu to Show, Download or Replace Container...
Now, it's available FileBrowser to browse the content of an app folder (in its sandbox).

Get installed app's icon

Is it possible to get the icon file of an app (on NOT-jailbroken devices)?
Could URL schemes be used to do this? Is there an API to get the icon or the only way to obtain the image is by downloading it from iTunes?
iOS apps run in Sandbox mode, which means that you can't access it's information, including icons.
If you need icons, you may get it from iTunes preview page, but you will face many other problems to get it done as, for example, how you will get the list of installed apps and it's id's on iTunes.

Installing iOS app with iTunes has no image

I create an app for distribution with ad-hoc, but when i drop it into iTunes there is no image. Then we i drop the app to the device there is still now image. I must be missing a step somewhere.
I have the images in the correct places with Xcode, but still no dice.
This is in reponse to Sergio
I would suggest checking that the .plist file in your project has got the correct settings for the app icon. E.g. (image)
Keep also in mind that on one occasion at least I had the experience of the app icon not showing and the only thing I could come up with was the fact that the icon had a custom name (e.g. myapp-icon). reverting the icon name to "Icon.png" everything went ok.
