Rails3: How to implement multiple checkboxes in a form? - ruby-on-rails

What I have now gives me a dropdown menu where I can only select one:
<%= form_for(#submission) do |f| %>
<%= f.collection_select :id, Submission::SUB_ID, :to_s, :to_s %>
<% end %>
where SUB_ID=[1,2,3] in model Submission
I want to implement a checkbox instead of a dropdown menu so that I can select multiple SUB_ID (i.e. 1&2 or 1&3 or 2&3 or 1&2&3). I tried to use this but it does not work:
<%= f.check_box :id, Submission::SUB_ID, :to_s, :to_s %>
Any idea?

Try this:
# view
<%= form_for(#submission) do |f| %>
<%= Submission::SUB_ID.each do |sub_id| %>
<%= f.checkbox 'ids[]', value: sub_id, checked: #submission.id == sub_id %>
<%= sub_id %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
# controller
params[:submission][:ids].each do |checked_sub_id|
# do your logic here

you have to iterate over SUB_ID
somehow like this...
<% Submission::SUB_ID.each do |ssid| %>
<%= f.check_box "ids[]", value: ssid %>
<% end %>
or you can use formtastic gem. it has :as=>:check_boxes input fields http://www.ruby-doc.org/gems/docs/n/nuatt-formtastic-0.2.3/Formtastic/Inputs/CheckBoxesInput.html

The core answer is you need to loop over each item in Submission::SUB_ID and make a checkbox for each id. Depending on how your models are set up and what you want to do - you may need to be much more involved in the form building. I hesitate to provide specific examples without know more about how you want the data to come back to the controller
<%= form_for(#submission) do |f| %>
<% Submission::SUB_ID.each do sub_id %>
<%= f.check_box_tag 'submission_ids[]', sub_id %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Note that that will not default anything to checked and it does not come back as part of the submission parameters.
Usually when I have a similar situation I'm using nested forms to add or remove objects.

If you're using Rails 4, there is a new helper, collection_check_boxes, which helps streamline the building of your check boxes.
<%= f.collection_check_boxes :submission_ids, Submission::SUB_ID, :to_s, :to_s %>
Form builder version - which wraps...
...the general form options helper
If you look at the documentation in the second link, you'll also find how to use the optional block syntax to customise the HTML structure for each check box.


Get data attribute value from the Rails form builder without using input field

I have what I hope to be a simple question. I need to display the value for an attribute on the Edit page, while keeping the input field for the same attribute. How might this be accomplished?
Well generally you can just use the original object, like you'll have an #foo that you'll have used in your form_for statement, so you can just use that directly: = #foo.the_attribute
If you're within a partial, or elsewhere where you have only the form builder instance, then you can refer to the underlying object with the .object method, eg.:
= form_for #foo do |f|
# in here, f.object == #foo
In my case, I'm working with accepts_nested_attributes_for in two models. Event accept nested objects from Speaker. And Speaker has a perfil_id attribute which could be ['Maker', 'Developer', 'Entrepreneur', ...].
The Speaker's form is a partial rendered from the principal form, Event's form:
<%= form_for(event) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.label :title, 'Event name' %>
<%= f.fields_for :speakers do |builder| %>
<%= render 'events/partials/speaker_fields', f: builder %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<%= builder.number_field :name %>
<%= builder.label :name %>
<% options = options_from_collection_for_select(#profiles, 'id', 'name', f.object.member_profile_id ) %>
<%= select_tag "event[speakers_attributes][profile_id]", options, prompt: 'Select a Profile' %>
When editing Event's Speakers I wanted a select_tag to select the profile name for the actual Speaker.
I could not use an input field for this. So I need to get the correct values from the builder object and I get what I need by doing this:
Passing it as a fourth param to the select options I get this working:
<% options = options_from_collection_for_select(#profiles, 'id', 'name', f.object.profile_id ) %>
I hope it could be useful for you too!

How to send one or the other attribute in the form

I have a form for which I am using checkboxes (Not using radio buttons for my purpose). The problem I run into is when I submit a form, I get an error saying params is missing or value is empty:checkup. I am trying to use hidden filed but get the same error. HOw to have an option of sending only one if selected?
def checkup_params
params.require(:checkup).permit(:eye, :heart)
my form:
<%= form_for(#checkup) do |f| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "checkup[eye]", nil %>
<%= check_box_tag :eye, "eye" %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "checkup[heart]", nil %>
<%= check_box_tag :heart, "heart" %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
I suggest reading this guide http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html#dealing-with-model-objects
Most specifically section 2.2. You really shouldn't be using tag helpers here.

How to use checkboxes using simpleform

My code is as below :
<% for market_language in #pyr_market_languages %>
<%= f.input :"pyr_crm_call_script[market_language_ids][]", :as => :check_box, input_html:{value: market_language.id}, #callscript.market_languages.include?(market_language) %>
<%= market_language.name %><br/>
<% end %>
I just want to use simple form tag for checkbox like f.input,because i couldn't see the errors for checkbox field even if it is mandatory.
Can any one of you provide the way of using checkbox in a simple form in rails.

Rails metasearch search_form with checkboxes

I am a little confused.
Despite all questions around this theme here, I can't find the right solution.
What I want to do is to simply add check-boxes to my index filter form.
I am using Metasearch gem and here is my current code :
<form class="filter_form">
<%= form_for #search do |f| %>
<%= f.collection_select :categories_id_equals, Category.all, :id, :name, :include_blank => true, :prompt => "All categories" %>
<%= f.collection_select :location_id_equals, Location.all, :id, :name, :include_blank => true, :prompt => "All locations" %>
<b> Type </b>
<% Type.all.each do |type|%>
<%= check_box_tag :types_id_equals, type.id %>
<%=h type.name %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Find Now", :class => "find" %>
<% end %>
All works fine, except the checkboxes.
I don't have much experience in rails, so I don't really see what I am doing wrong and what could be the most convenient and simplest way.
More explanation - I have a model Trips, which has HABTM relationship with two models (
Categories, Types) and belongs to Location.
I want to be able to filter Trips on it's index by categories (f.collection select) ,location (f.collection select) and types (checkboxes).
After checking types and submitting - nothing changes, no filtering is done!
<%= check_box_tag "type_ids[]", type.id %>
Will do it for you. The selected ids will be transfered as a string seperated by commatas. You can find them in params[:type_ids] but you have to deal with them manually! Rails is not a magican, its a framework.
Here's how I handled it.
<% #sub_categories.each do |cat| %>
<h2><%= cat.name %> <%= check_box_tag "q[product_category_id_in][]", cat.id %></h2>
<% end %>
Basically just q is whatever your query param is, then right after that in brackets sub in your meta_search method. I used whatever_foreign_key_in since I want to be able to add more than one id to the array to search on. Then add empty brackets after it so rails handles the post params correctly.

Rails many-to-many fields_for: How to access fields_for values?

I'm trying to created a set of nested (many-to-many) forms in rails 3. Everything works fine thanks to fields_for, but I need to put a title above each nested form. That title has the value of the profession_type.name field (which has a prepopulated value) in each respective nested form.
I'm having a heckuva time extracting that profession_type.name value from fields_for form objects. What I need to know is either:
a.) Is it possible to extract prepopulated values from fields_for objects, and if so how?
b.) How can I make a many-to-many nested form loop over only the relevant "fields_for" entry for each |specform| value, instead of all of them?
Any suggestions using either method (or alternative approaches) very much appreciated.
<% #professional.professional_specialties.each do |specform| %>
<%= specform.profession_type.name %>
<% f.fields_for :professional_specialties do |specialtyform| %>
<%= specialtyform.label :profession_type %>
<%= specialtyform.text_field :profession_type %>
<%= specialtyform.label :qualifications %>
<%= specialtyform.text_field :qualifications %>
<%= specialtyform.label :license_number %>
<%= specialtyform.text_field :license_number %>
<%= specialtyform.label :enabled %>
<%= specialtyform.check_box :enabled %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The FormBuilder has attribute accessors like :object_name and :object.
For your particular issue try using:
<%= specform.object.name %>
