How do I convert a string into a Time object? - ruby-on-rails

I searched for my problem and got a lot of solutions, but unfortunately none satisfy my need.
My problem is, I have two or more strings, and I want to convert those strings into times, and add them:
time1 = "10min 43s"
time2 = "32min 30s"
The output will be: 43min 13s
My attempted solution is:
time1 = "10min 43s"
d1=DateTime.strptime(time1, '%M ')
# Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:10:00 +0000
time2 = "32min 30s"
d2=DateTime.strptime(time2, '%M ')
# Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:32:00 +0000
Then I can't progress.

There are many ways to do this. Here's another:
time1 = "10min 43s"
time2 = "32min 30s"
def get_mins_and_secs(time_str)
#=> [10, 43] for time_str = time1, [32, 30] for time_str = time2
min, sec = get_mins_and_secs(time1)
min2, sec2 = get_mins_and_secs(time2)
min += min2
sec += sec2
if sec > 59
min += 1
sec -= 60
puts "#{min}min #{sec}sec"
Let's consider what's happening here. Firstly, you need to extract the minutes and seconds from the time strings. I made a method to do that:
def get_mins_and_secs(time_str)
#=> [10, 43] for time_str = time1, [32, 30] for time_str = time2
For time_str = "10min 43s", we apply the String#scan method to extract the two numbers as strings:
"10min 43s".scan(/\d+/) # => ["10", "43"]
Array#map is then used to convert these two strings to integers
["10", "43"].map {|e| e.to_i} # => [10, 43]
This can be written more succinctly as
["10", "43"].map(&:to_i} # => [10, 43]
By chaining map to to scan we obtain
"10min 43s".scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i} # => [10, 43]
The array [10, 43] is returned and received (deconstructed) by the variables min and sec:
min, sec = get_mins_and_secs(time_str)
The rest is straightforward.

Here's a simple solution assuming that the format stays the same:
time1 = "10min 43s"
time2 = "32min 30s"
strings = [time1, time2]
total_time = strings.inject(0) do |sum, entry|
minutes, seconds = entry.split(' ')
minutes = minutes.gsub("min", "").to_i.send(:minutes)
seconds = seconds.gsub("s", "").to_i.send(:seconds)
sum + minutes + seconds
puts "#{total_time/60}min #{total_time%60}s"

Something like the following should do the trick:
# split the string on all the integers in the string
def to_seconds(time_string)
min, sec = time_string.gsub(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
min.minutes + sec.seconds
# Divide the seconds with 60 to get minutes and format the output.
def to_time_str(seconds)
minutes = seconds / 60
seconds = seconds % 60
format("%02dmin %02dsec", minutes, seconds)
time_in_seconds1 = to_seconds("10min 43s")
time_in_seconds2 = to_seconds("32min 30s")
to_time_str(time_in_seconds1 + time_in_seconds2)

My solution that takes any number of time strings and return the sum in the same format:
def add_times(*times)
digits = /\d+/
total_time = times.inject(0){|sum, entry|
m, s = entry.scan(digits).map(&:to_i)
sum + m*60 + s
p add_times("10min 43s", "32min 55s", "1min 2s") #=> "44min, 40s"
p add_times("10:43", "32:55") #=> "38:43"


Need to convert to integer and then sum of the Plucked data ruby 2.6

I need SUM of the plucked timings.
I did
I got following
["00:00:00", "1:52:00", "00:00:00", "00:02:28", "1:54:00"]
output. [Hour:Minute:Second] format
Now I need to convert those Minutes to integer and sum of it.
I need SUM of the plucked timings
I'd start by writing a helper method to convert the hh:mm:ss string to seconds. A regular expression would work:
def to_seconds(string)
string.match(/(?<hours>\d+):(?<minutes>\d+):(?<seconds>\d+)/) do |m|
m[:hours].to_i * 3600 + m[:minutes].to_i * 60 + m[:seconds].to_i
to_seconds('00:00:12') #=> 12
to_seconds('00:01:00') #=> 60
to_seconds('00:01:12') #=> 72
Now you can sum the seconds via:
total_mins = ["00:00:00", "1:52:00", "00:00:00", "00:02:28", "1:54:00"]
total_mins.sum { |str| to_seconds(str) }
#=> 13708
And, if necessary, convert that back to h:mm:ss via divmod:
seconds = 13708
hours, seconds = seconds.divmod(3600)
minutes, seconds = seconds.divmod(60)
format('%d:%02d:%02d', hours, minutes, seconds)
#=> "3:48:28"
We first determine the total seconds:
arr = ["00:00:00", "1:52:00", "00:00:00", "00:02:28", "1:54:00"]
s = arr.sum do |str|
str.split(':').reduce(0) { |t, s| t * 60 + s.to_i }
#=> 13708
and then manipulate s as desired. The number of minutes, for example, equals
#=> 228.46666666666667
which might be rounded or truncated.
Something like this
total_minutes = #dailystatus_infos.task_times.pluck(:total_min) { |t| (::Time.parse(t).seconds_since_midnight / 60).to_i }.sum
arr = ["00:00:00", "1:52:00", "00:00:00", "00:02:28", "1:54:00"] { |t| ::Time.parse(t).seconds_since_midnight / 60 }.sum.to_i
=> 228
You get the minute by splitting on :. Then map and sum.
ary = ["00:00:00", "1:52:00", "00:00:00", "00:02:28", "1:54:00"]{ |s| s.split(':')[1].to_i }.sum #=> 108 (0 + 52 + 0 + 2 + 54)

ActiveSupport::Duration incorrectly calculates interval?

I have a very strange feeling that I am getting incorrect duration calculated by ActiveSupport::Duration. Here is the essence of the code I have
require 'time'
require 'active_support/duration'
require 'active_support/gem_version'
a = Time.parse('2044-11-18 01:00:00 -0600')
b = Time.parse('2045-03-05 04:00:00 -0600') - a).inspect
And here is what I get
[30] pry(main)> require 'time'
=> false
[31] pry(main)> require 'active_support/duration'
=> false
[32] pry(main)> require 'active_support/gem_version'
=> false
[33] pry(main)> a = Time.parse('2044-11-18 01:00:00 -0600')
=> 2044-11-18 01:00:00 -0600
[34] pry(main)> b = Time.parse('2045-03-05 04:00:00 -0600')
=> 2045-03-05 04:00:00 -0600
[35] pry(main)> - a).inspect
=> "3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 19 hours, 32 minutes, and 42.0 seconds"
[36] pry(main)> ActiveSupport.gem_version
I cross-checked the result with PostgreSQL
select justify_interval('2045-03-05 04:00:00 -0600'::timestamp - '2044-11-18 01:00:00 -0600'::timestamp)
and got 3 mons 17 days 03:00:00 (or 107 days and 3 hours). Also there is a web site that gives result consistent with PostgreSQL (although web page says 107 days are 3 months and 15 days).
Am I missing something? Where minutes and seconds are coming from? Is there a better interval calculator for Ruby/Rails?
distance_of_time_in_words returns 4 months!
Update 2
I ended up with slightly modified Wizard's solution wrapped up to produce text
def nice_duration(seconds)
parts = duration_in_whms(seconds)
out = []
I18n.with_options(scope: 'datetime.distance_in_words') do |locale|
out.push locale.t(:x_days, count: parts[:days]) if parts.key?(:days)
out.push locale.t(:x_hours, count: parts[:hours]) if parts.key?(:hours)
out.push locale.t(:x_minutes, count: parts[:minutes]) if parts.key?(:minutes)
out.join ' '
def duration_in_whms(seconds)
parts_and_seconds_in_part = {:days => 86400, :hours => 3600, :minutes => 60}
result = {}
remainder = seconds
parts_and_seconds_in_part.each do |k, v|
out = (remainder / v).to_i
result[k] = out if out.positive?
remainder -= out * v
result.merge(seconds: remainder)
Apparently localization from Action View does not have hours without about. So I also had to add corresponding translation into my locales
one: "1 hour"
other: "%{count} hours"
ActiveSupport::Duration calculates its value using the following constants and algorithm (I have added the explanation on what it's doing below but here is a link to the source). As you can see below, the SECONDS_PER_YEAR constant is the average number of seconds in the gregorian calendar (which is then used to define SECONDS_PER_MONTH). It is because of this, "average definition" of SECONDS_PER_YEAR and SECONDS_PER_MONTH that you are getting the unexpected hours, minutes and seconds. It is defined as an average because a month and year is not a standard fixed amount of time.
SECONDS_PER_MONTH = 2629746 # This is 1/12 of a Gregorian year
SECONDS_PER_YEAR = 31556952 # The length of a Gregorian year = 365.2425 days
# You pass ActiveSupport::Duration the number of seconds (b-a) = 9255600.0 seconds
remainder_seconds = 9255600.0
# Figure out how many years fit into the seconds using integer division.
years = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_YEAR).to_i # => 0
# Subtract the amount of years from the remaining_seconds
remainder_seconds -= years * SECONDS_PER_YEAR # => 9255600.0
months = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_MONTH).to_i # => 3
remainder_seconds -= months * SECONDS_PER_MONTH # => 1366362.0
weeks = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_WEEK).to_i # => 2
remainder_seconds -= weeks * SECONDS_PER_WEEK # => 156762.0
days = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_DAY).to_i # => 1
remainder_seconds -= days * SECONDS_PER_DAY # => 70362.0
hours = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_HOUR).to_i # => 19
remainder_seconds -= hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR # => 1962.0
minutes = (remainder_seconds/SECONDS_PER_MINUTE).to_i # => 32
remainder_seconds -= minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE # => 42
seconds = remainder_seconds # => 42
puts "#{years} years, #{months} months, #{weeks} weeks, #{days} days, #{hours} hours, #{minutes} minutes, #{seconds} seconds"
# 0 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 days, 19 hours, 32 minutes, 42.0 seconds
To avoid the issue you are having, I would suggest to just represent the time in week, days, hours, minutes and seconds (basically anything excluding month & year).
The number of seconds in a month is complicated if you don't use an average since you will need to account for 28, 29, 30 and 31 days for each separate month. Similarly, for the year, you will need to account for leap/non-leap if you don't use the average.
I am not sure of any gems around which do this for you, however I can provide a function which can help you calculate the duration in days, hours, minutes and seconds below.
def duration_in_whms(seconds)
parts_and_seconds_in_part = {:weeks => 604800, :days => 86400, :hours => 3600, :minutes => 60}
result = {}
remainder = seconds
parts_and_seconds_in_part.each do |k, v|
result[k] = (remainder/v).to_i
remainder -= result[k]*v
result.merge(seconds: remainder)
duration_in_whms(9255600) => # {:weeks=>15, :days=>2, :hours=>3, :minutes=>0, :seconds=>0.0}

How to divide Time in float form ( by an integer in ruby?

I am trying to divide Time in float form ( by an integer.
For example 1.30 by 2 must give 00.45.
Is there any simple way to do this?
Using a float to express is a bit unusual. You would typically use strings for formatting.
However, I'd start by extracting hours and minutes from the float value. To do so, I would convert the float to a string using format:
time = 1.3
time_str = format('%.2f', time)
#=> "1.30"
Then I would split the string at . to get the hour part and minutes part and call to_i to convert them to actual integers: (I'm using map here, you could also call h = h.to_i / m = m.to_i afterwards)
h, m = time_str.split('.').map(&:to_i)
h #=> 1
m #=> 30
Now that we have the numbers 1 and 30 as integers, we can easily calculate the total duration in minutes:
duration = h * 60 + m
#=> 90
I would then divide the duration by 2 (or whatever value):
duration /= 2
#=> 45
and convert it back to hours and minutes using divmod: (it returns both values at once)
h, m = duration.divmod(60)
h #=> 0
m #=> 45
We can format these as a string:
format('%02d.%02d', h, m)
#=> "00.45"
or convert it back to a float:
time = h + m.fdiv(100)
#=> 0.45
Which can be formatted like this:
format('%05.2f', time)
#=> "00.45"
time = 1.3
divisor = 2
hr, min = (time.fdiv(divisor)).divmod(1)
#=> [0, 0.65]
min = (60 * min).round
#=> 39
"%02d.%02d" % [hr, min]
#=> "00.39"
Another example.
time = 1005
divisor = 5
hr, min = (time.fdiv(divisor)).divmod(1)
#=> [201, 0.0]
"%02d.%02d" % [hr, (60 * min).round]
#=> "201.00"
See Integer#fdiv, Float#fdiv, Integer#divmod and Integer#round. divmod is an extremely useful method that, for reasons I don't understand, seems to be under-used.
Maybe you can split into an array an then:
n = 2
[1, 30].then { |h, m| [h / n, (m + h % n * 60) / n]}
#=> [0, 45]
For splitting:
num = 1.3
('%.2f' % num).split('.').map(&:to_i) #=> [1, 30]
You can try the following :
num = 1.3
splitted_values = ('%.2f' % num).split('.').map(&:to_i) => [1, 30]
((splitted_values[0] * 60) / 2) + (splitted_values[1] / 2 ) => 45

Ruby: Calculate time difference between 2 times

I want to calculate the difference between 2 times.
start_time: 22:00 (Rails interprets this as 2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100)
second_time: 02:00 (Rails interprets this as 2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100). The second time is 4 hours later, so in the next day. Is there a way to calculate this difference?
I can not simply do this: second_time - first_time, because this gives me a difference of 22 hours instead of 4 hours.
Some background information:
A job is starting at 22:00 and ending the next day at 02:00. Because i fill in the form of this job only times, this times for the above 2 values are 2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100 and 2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100. I don't want the user to fill in the time including the date. The real difference between the times should be 4 hours.
So what i actually want is calculate the difference between 22:00 and 02:00 (in the next day).
I don't understand why you think it should return 4 hours or why it does return 22 hours. 20 hours would be correct for your example:
require 'time'
a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')
a - b
#=> 72000.0 # difference in seconds
(a - b) / 3600
#=> 20.0 # difference in hours
Update: It seems like you are dealing only with the time portion and not with the actual date. And I assume the maximum difference you will have to deal with is 24 hours:
def time_difference(time_a, time_b)
difference = time_b - time_a
if difference > 0
24 * 3600 + difference
a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')
time_difference(a, b) / 3600
# => 4 # hours
a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
time_difference(a, b) / 3600
# => 20 # hours
Old question but I did a nice method to deal with it:
def time(start,ending)
if start != ending
text = "" do |k,i|
text = "#{text} #{I18n.translate medidas[i].to_sym, count: k-array[i]}"
text = text.strip.squish
pos = text.rindex(" ",(text.rindex(" ")-1))
unless pos.nil?
text = text.insert(pos," and")
text = text.strip.squish #This shouldn't be needed but just in case
"0 seconds"
Then in config/locales/en.yml I added:
zero: ''
one: '1 year'
other: '%{count} years'
zero: ''
one: '1 month'
other: '%{count} months'
zero: ''
one: '1 day'
other: '%{count} days'
zero: ''
one: '1 hour'
other: '%{count} hours'
zero: ''
one: '1 minute'
other: '%{count} minutes'
zero: ''
one: '1 second'
other: '%{count} seconds'
So for example when you call:
start =
ending = start + (60*60)
=> "1 hour"
ending = start + (60*60*28)
=> "1 day and 4 hours"
ending = start + (53*60*5874)
=> "7 months 4 days 4 hours and 42 minutes"
Hope it's useful
I'd write it thusly (before adding data checks), in an attempt to make it self-documenting:
require 'time'
DT_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24*60*60
def hours_elapsed(start_str, finish_str)
start = DateTime.strptime(start_str, DT_FMT).to_time
finish = DateTime.strptime(finish_str, DT_FMT).to_time
finish = same_time_tomorrow(finish) if finish < start
def same_time_tomorrow(time)
hours_elapsed '2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100',
'2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100'
#=> 4.0
hours_elapsed '2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100',
'2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100'
#=> 20.0
It may be better for the arguments of hours_elapsed to be strings containing hours and minutes only, in which case we might rename the method as well. time_elapsed("18:00", "2:30") is an example of how this method might be invoked.
def time_elapsed(start_str, finish_str)
start_mins = time_str_to_minutes(start_str)
finish_mins = time_str_to_minutes(finish_str)
finish_mins += MINUTES_PER_DAY if
finish_mins < start_mins
def time_str_to_minutes(str)
hrs, mins = str.split(':').map(&:to_i)
60 * hrs + mins
time_elapsed("8:00", "17:30")
#=> [9, 30]
time_elapsed("18:00", "2:30")
#=> [8, 30]

How to generate a human readable time range using ruby on rails

I'm trying to find the best way to generate the following output
<name> job took 30 seconds
<name> job took 1 minute and 20 seconds
<name> job took 30 minutes and 1 second
<name> job took 3 hours and 2 minutes
I started this code
def time_range_details
time = (self.created_at..self.updated_at).count
sync_time = case time
when 0..60 then "#{time} secs"
else "#{time/60} minunte(s) and #{time-min*60} seconds"
Is there a more efficient way of doing this. It seems like a lot of redundant code for something super simple.
Another use for this is:
<title> was posted 20 seconds ago
<title> was posted 2 hours ago
The code for this is similar, but instead i use
def time_since_posted
time = (
If you need something more "precise" than distance_of_time_in_words, you can write something along these lines:
def humanize(secs)
[[60, :seconds], [60, :minutes], [24, :hours], [Float::INFINITY, :days]].map{ |count, name|
if secs > 0
secs, n = secs.divmod(count)
"#{n.to_i} #{name}" unless n.to_i==0
}.compact.reverse.join(' ')
p humanize 1234
#=>"20 minutes 34 seconds"
p humanize 12345
#=>"3 hours 25 minutes 45 seconds"
p humanize 123456
#=>"1 days 10 hours 17 minutes 36 seconds"
p humanize( - Time.local(2010,11,5))
#=>"4 days 18 hours 24 minutes 7 seconds"
Oh, one remark on your code:
is really bad way to get the difference. Use simply:
self.updated_at - self.created_at
There are two methods in DateHelper that might give you what you want:
time_ago_in_words( 1234.seconds.from_now ) #=> "21 minutes"
time_ago_in_words( 12345.seconds.ago ) #=> "about 3 hours"
distance_of_time_in_words(, 1234.seconds.from_now ) #=> "21 minutes"
distance_of_time_in_words(, 12345.seconds.ago ) #=> "about 3 hours"
chronic_duration parses numeric time to readable and vice versa
If you want to show significant durations in the seconds to days range, an alternative would be (as it doesn't have to perform the best):
def human_duration(secs, significant_only = true)
n = secs.round
parts = [60, 60, 24, 0].map{|d| next n if; n, r = n.divmod d; r}. h m s)).drop_while{|n, u| }
if significant_only
parts = parts[0..1] # no rounding, sorry
parts << '0' if parts.empty?
start =
# perform job
puts "Elapsed time: #{human_duration( - start)}"
human_duration(0.3) == '0'
human_duration(0.5) == '1s'
human_duration(60) == '1m0s'
human_duration(4200) == '1h10m'
human_duration(3600*24) == '1d0h'
human_duration(3600*24 + 3*60*60) == '1d3h'
human_duration(3600*24 + 3*60*60 + 59*60) == '1d3h' # simple code, doesn't round
human_duration(3600*24 + 3*60*60 + 59*60, false) == '1d3h59m0s'
Alternatively you may be only interested in stripping the seconds part when it doesn't matter (also demonstrating another approach):
def human_duration(duration_in_seconds)
n = duration_in_seconds.round
parts = []
[60, 60, 24].each{|d| n, r = n.divmod d; parts << r; break if}
parts << n unless
pairs = h m s)[-parts.size..-1])
pairs.pop if pairs.size > 2 # do not report seconds when irrelevant
Hope that helps.
There is problem with distance_of_time_in_words if u ll pass there 1 hour 30 min it ll return about 2 hours
Simply add in helper:
'day' => 86400,
'hour' => 3600,
'minute' => 60
def formatted_time(total)
return 'now' if do |name, span|
next if span > total
amount, total = total.divmod(span)
pluralize(amount, name)
Basically just pass your data in seconds.
Rails has a DateHelper for views. If that is not exactly what you want, you may have to write your own.
#Mladen Jablanović has an answer with good sample code. However, if you don't mind continuing to customize a sample humanize method, this might be a good starting point.
def humanized_array_secs(sec)
[[60, 'minutes '], [60, 'hours '], [24, 'days ']].inject([[sec, 'seconds']]) do |ary, (count, next_name)|
div, prev_name = ary.pop
quot, remain = div.divmod(count)
ary.push([remain, prev_name])
ary.push([quot, next_name])
This gives you an array of values and unit names that you can manipulate.
If the first element is non-zero, it is the number of days. You may want to write code to handle multiple days, like showing weeks, months, and years. Otherwise, trim off the leading 0 values, and take the next two.
def humanized_secs(sec)
return 'now' if 1 > sec
humanized_array = humanized_array_secs(sec.to_i)
days = humanized_array[-1][0]
when 366 <= days
"#{days / 365} years"
when 31 <= days
"#{days / 31} months"
when 7 <= days
"#{days / 7} weeks"
while humanized_array.any? && (0 == humanized_array[-1][0])
The code even finds use for a ruby while statement.
