Single image as launch image for iOS 6 and iOS 7 in iPad - ios

For iPhone app which support iOS 6 and iOS 7, we can use single image as launch image for both os versions. But in iPad, iOS 6 version launch image size should be 1024x748 and iOS 7 version launch image size should be 1024x768. Due to separate images, i feel the app size get increased unnecessary. Is there any way to reduce the app size or any way to use a single image for both version of the app?
Any suggestions please...

This will not be best answer to your query (there may be better solution), in iOS7 as application gets full access of screen, splash image size is 1024x768, where in iOS6 access starts after status bar so it's 1024x748.
If you will check option [Hide status bar during application launch] than for iOS 6 splash size will be 1024x768, so you don't need to add any extra image, check attached image to see that option in Target->general settings


iOS keyboard appears too large. Is this an issue with launch images? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
The keyboard in my iOS app is too tall on the iPhone 6. How can I adjust the resolution of the keyboard in XCode?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
In our iOS apps, I have seen that if we leave out certain launch images sizes, that the screen appears as if it is scaled up from a lower resolution device.
When this happens, the devices also display a taller keyboard with chunkier looking text.
When built in on my iPhone 6s+, from Xcode 7.x the keyboard in our app is 1 & 7/8ths" of an inch tall.
Looking at Skype, Slack, Waze, Messages, on the same device the keyboard is 1 & 3/8ths" tall.
I'm using whatever the standard keyboard is when our app's text fields are tapped on.
I have seen that this can be caused by missing launch images at the target device's size, but I'm not sold that this is the only cause. Does anyone have any insight why an app would appear at a lower resolution than what is native to the device?
Is there a known issue related to launchImages or some other factor that might be causing this?
In some of my testing, at one point I got the app to launch as expected at the correct size after switching full size retina launch images. This may have been fixed by building under Xcode 8.x, but I'm not sure and we can't do that yet because of other limitations.
Thanks much.
It's related to Launch Images in assets because when iPhone 5 came out first, XCode had this functionality to add certain launch image sizes to zoom in the UI of smaller screens and make it compatible to iPhone 5's screen. This was called Branding when I worked on it to make app compatible to bigger screen in a short time.
But it isn't the preferred way and you should avoid using Launch Images, use Launch.xib instead to create your Launch Screen. You can also use Launch.storyboard, whatever you prefer. It won't zoom in the Keyboard or other UI aspects then.
Hope it helps!

Launch screen is not being presented for iOS 9

I am having issues displaying an image as a launch screen. I have added some images that will walk you through what I have done.
My recommendation is to not use Launch Image and use the Launch Screen instead, since you can use auto layout and support any screen size, including iPad multitasking, or new devices released in the future.
However, if you really want to use the Launch Image, seems like iOS9 requires different launch images for each device orientation. That might be your issue.
iOS 9 enforces the UILaunchImages requirement; apps can no longer
declare the same launch image to support different interface

how to get a normal keypad on iphone 6 and 6 plus

I'm building an app that works fine on iphone 5. When I look at it on a iphone 6 or 6 plus however, I see that the keypad is stretched, basically zoomed in. I'm using autolayout and storyboards.
What do I need to set in order to make the keyboard scale to a normal size?
You need to ensure that the app is optimized to run in the native resolution of these devices, rather than the zoomed compatibility mode. This can be done by setting a properly-sized launch image for the iPhone 6/6+.
These launch images will be labeled Retina HD 4.7 and Retina HD 5.5 in your launch images file, respectively. If you do not see these options available in your launch image assets, create a new launch image set and they should be there.

my iOS app is in low resolution (status bar included)

I use an iPhone 6 and I launch Skype and my app.
My app launches in low resolution (seems like non-retina) and Skype launches in high resolution - status bar resolution stays the same as in home menu of iOS, while the status bar in my app seems "bigger".
The one on the left (mine) is clearly lower resolution.
What could be causing that ?
Make sure you have Launch Screen or launch Images at correct resolution for iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, otherwise your application will run in 'display zoom' mode. (scaled up version from iPhone 5 or 4...)
See this SO question, you can either :
use a XIB that adapt to different screen resolutions
use XCode Asset catalog 'LaunchImage' image set, and fill the correct sizes

Launch image for iOS 7 iPhone

I have a problem. I've created launch images for my app. I added them through assets catalog.
Ipad ios 6 and 7 works, but iphone works only for ios 6. Ios 7 on iphone shows only black screen (for all: 3, 3 retina and 4 inch), and then app starts, but launch image don't shows.
Yes, iOS6 and iOS7 require you to insert separate launch images for each… Actually, technically, the 2x iOS7 and 2x iOS6 iPhone launch images can be identical, and the R4 iOS7 and R4 iOS7 launch images can likewise be identical, but they are associated separately in the images.xcassets folder based on version.
To guarantee you have launch images associated with each version, go to Targets > General then go to "Launch Images":
Then select all of your supported devices in the right-hand menu under the 3rd tab (in this screenshot from my particular app, only portrait interface is available for iPhone, but if your app also supports landscape, landscape should show up here too). To find out the "expected size" of each launch image, select its placeholder then scroll down to look for the "expected size" also in the right-hand menu. And finally drag the appropriate images into the appropriate placeholder slots to make sure your app has launch images suitable for each device/interface.
I have faced same problem few days ago and i posted my Answer in this question-
iPhone application developed in X-code 5, not showing icon and launch image while running on iPad
Hope it help you.
