I want update "TrackingNumber" field value in Invoice related request query. So which request query i used for updating "TrackingNumber"?
I checked in "InvoiceModRq" request but there is not declare any field with the name of "TrackingNumber".
QuickBooks does not support updating this field programatically yet.
Previously I used Microsoft EWS API to retrieve emails. It has a field called "References", now I am upgrading to MS Graph and couldn't find this particular field via REST API. Note that I could find and retrieve all other fields except this.
The References property is just the References Message header so you get that header as part of the IntenetMessageHeaders https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-get?view=graph-rest-1.0
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/AAMkADhAAAW-VPeAAA=/?$select=internetMessageHeaders
You can also request the underlying Extended Mapi property PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES also eg
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages?$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter=id eq 'String 0x1039')
I'm trying to post REST API of the ORDERS form.
I have added a few customized fields to the sub form PAYMENTDEF in order to post all the credit cards information.
I'm getting the error:
'An error has occurred'
any time I'm posting the customized fields, if I remove them from the request I managed to post.
{"CUSTNAME":"5","CDES":"רועי בן מנחם","CURDATE":"2018-07-18","BOOKNUM":"2164","SHIPTO2_SUBFORM":{"NAME":"רועי בן מנחם","PHONENUM":"0507573753","ADDRESS":"דן 4","STATE":"שערי תקווה","COUNTRYNAME":"Israel","ZIP":"44810","ADDRESS2":"44"},"ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM":[{"PARTNAME":"CLEAN0044","TQUANT":1,"PRICE":19.9,"REMARK1":"","ROYY_ORDISPECS_SUBFORM":[]},{"PARTNAME":"000","TQUANT":1,"PRICE":30,"REMARK1":""}],"PAYMENTDEF_SUBFORM":{"PAYMENTCODE":"3","QPRICE":53.28,"PAYACCOUNT":"1234","PAYCODE":"","VALIDMONTH":"0124","CCUID":"123456789","CONFNUM":"09090909","ROYY_NUMBEROFPAY":"","FIRSTPAY":"","ROYY_SECONDPAYMENT":""}}
And this is my header:
Try check if these fields are visible in the REST api service:
Request the service metadata as following:
In the result check for the PAYMENTDEF subform's metadata (search for <EntityType Name="PAYMENTDEF"> and check if your customized fields appear in the property (field) list.
If they don't appear, probably these fields are set as 'hidden fields' in the 'Priority form' or that you have permission limitations.
If they do appear, the problem is probably related to incorrect values you are trying to post to these fields. Take a look in the metadata result to see the expected values format for each of these fields.
How to get the required/mandatory fields while doing a transaction in JIRA .
I have tried the below API but it is not returning any field id ..
https://ourCompany.jira.com/rest/api/2/issue/" + ticketID
+ "/transitions?expand=transitions.fields"
in the returning JSON all the value of required are coming false for all the fields(system and custom both)
even if i have some mandatory fields in the form for a transaction.
You need the metadata information of the issue. Read this: https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/api-reference/jira-rest-apis/jira-rest-api-tutorials/jira-rest-api-example-discovering-meta-data-for-creating-issues
Note: you'll need the project and the issue type for the call, as the field configuration can be per project + per issuetype configured.
When I query for customers I get back a customer object with all the info. one of the properties is the Address. this contains the billing and shipping addresses for the customer. however, the id field for each address is always null. I am wondering how I push an update back to QBO without the id? how does QBO know which address I am changing without a key of some kind? my goal is to be able to query QBO and get all the customers and address that have changed since a specified date. I have all this working for the customer but need to do the same for addresses. I am going by the assumption that when an address is changed in QBO that is sets the modified timestamp for that customer record. can anyone tell me how I manage the addresses for a customer and be able to push updates back to QBO?
Try using tag(Billing/Shipping) attribute while updating the address. I've tested the same and it is working fine.
You mentioned earlier that you were getting the id field of address as null. It is becuase, the devkit works with both - QBO and QBD. QBD returns valid element id but QBO doesn't. So for QBO, Devkit shows null in place of element id(in your case - address's id).
You can test all these using api explorer(http://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer).
Hope it will solve your porb.
'the id field for each address is always null' - this line is not very clear to me. Did you mean the id of the customer entity ? Plz explain.
You can check the QBO-Customer object's documentation and sample update request xml, from the following Link - https://ipp.developer.intuit.com/0010_Intuit_Partner_Platform/0050_Data_Services/0400_QuickBooks_Online/Customer .
For testing you can use the api-explorer. Link - developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer
We currently have a Jira instance and I have had another odd request to sort the posts by the number of customers affected. Is this at all possible or will this require some custom work on my part?
Simplest is to add a customer impact number to your configuration (a custom field of type number) and bump it each time a new customer is added to the company name field.
You might even add a simple javascript which automatically sets the field if the company name field is modified ...