Reference Multiple files in the same schema.ini - oledb

I have several text files with tab delimited data. I want to have a single ini file for all of them.
Tried this:
But that did not work.
The files are named:

do this.
Hope it works.

Related - Save Directory

I have massive tiff file that contains 8 directories (resolutions). It's also a tiled.
I can cycle thru the directories and get the resolution of each. I want to save the 4th directory to a new tif file. I think it's possible but can't get my hands on it.
Basically want to do this:
using (LibTiff.Classic.Tiff image = LibTiff.Classic.Tiff.Open(file, "r"))
if (image.NumberOfDirectories() > 4) {
It would be so nice if that was possible but I know I have to create an output image and copy the rows of data into it. Not sure how yet. Any help would be much appreciated.
There are no built-in methods in LibTiff.Net library that can be used to copy one directory into a new file.
The task is quite complex and the best place to start is to look at TiffCP utility's source code.
The utility no only can copy images but it can also extract directories.

How to merge multiple plist files into one?

Just to start, I really have no idea what Im doing. I was given this task for an internship, and am really learning as I go. I have multiple plist files, they consist of around 22 items each, and list values of colors. I need to merge all of these files into one, and am really not sure how to go about it. I have a certain structure I need to go by, and really Im not sure how to go about it. I was told to open the plists in texteditor and then paste all of the raw code into one text file, this doesn't seem to work as I only end up getting the values for the first plist I pasted into the text file. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
Assume your from.plist contains keys 1, 2 and to.plist contains 2, 3
Run this:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "Merge from.plist" to.plist
to.plist will contain 1, 2, 3
There are a number of ways to handle this. By default a plist is a special form of XML file. If you figure out the syntax you can in fact use a text editor to merge the contents of multiple files together, but you need to make sure you get it right.
A plist file has a specific header for the entire file. You could not just copy/paste multiple plists together because then they would have that header repeated.
The next way to do it is programmatically. If you can figure out the type of outer collection these files contain (probably an array or a dictionary) then you could write a few lines of code that read in each of the plists as arrays, combines them using NSArray code (assuming they contain arrays of colors) and then save the combined array back to a new plist. As vadian says you can also use the NSPropertyListSerialization class. Thats a more general-pupose way of handling plist files, but it's also more complex and harder to figure out.
A third way to do it is in Xcode. If you right-click on a plist file and select "open in Xcode" it should give you Xcode's property list editor. You can then copy and paste the contents of the files together and save the results to a new file.
I figured it out!! First create the structure, or use the template given to you. I suggest opening this template/ structure in Xcode, as it makes it easier to switch between viewing the list as a plist and source code. Open your template as a source code. Then open each of your plists in text editor, and copy and paste the code from your plists into the appropriate area in your templates source code, then you can view it in Xcode as a property list to make sure it's correct. The only thing you have to be careful about here is making sure you are getting no errors. Otherwise this works great!!

overriding front template translations doesn't work

I'm working on prestashop and I'm Trying to override "order detail page" in front (customer's details orders).
This is how I did :
I copied file \controllers\front\OrderDetailController.php into folder \override\controllers\front\OrderDetailController.php
I copied also default template file order-detail.tpl into folder override/customtemplate/order-detail.tpl
And In OrderDetailController.php I have specified template directory like that
$this->setTemplate(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . '/themes/parfum_evo/order-detail.tpl');
I tried, it works fine except translations. Even watching the documentation, no test solution seems to work.
Could anyone help me? Thank you in advance :'(
The php override sits in the correct place. As for the other, you specified the path the override/customtemplate/order-detail.tpl but then placed it in override/themes/parfum_evo/order-detail.tpl. I take it as customtemplate is farfum_evo really, but you need to add another one named themes, after override, using that structure. I think. Because there is a hook named
Which should take care of this, while I believe setTemplate for controllers will always grab from the main theme folder

update database with a ruby function

I have a series of folders that all have files I need linked to the database (via there file path). One option I could do is manually insert all the file paths into my database, however, this can be painful as the number of folders will keep increasing and manual uploading will take too much time.
Is there a way to write a ruby helper function that will search these folders and automatically add the path to the files into a column in my database?
All the file paths have a recognizable pattern, for example:
I need a function that will occupy a field in my database with the path of each of these names.csv files. Very new to ruby and rails, so any help is greatly appreciated. Also, please let me know if anything is unclear.
Something like this should give u all the filenames in the folder, for you to manipulate:
Dir["Tel/**/**/*.csv].each do |file|
* update attribute of your model with the path of the file
Read about the Dir object too.
Thats a example to get all files.
Dir["Tel/a_*/poi1/names.csv"] return a Array with path about all files.

Rails tabs instead spaces

Is there any way to to setup Rails generating files with tabs instead spaces?
Or maybe is there any way to auto replacing spaces to tabs in gedit?
Cause I really prefered tabs and it's really take some time to replace spaces to tabs in new generated files by Rails.
Thanks in advance!
To do this in gedit, try the Tab Converter plugin.
(Don't think there's a way to do it directly in Rails.)
Unfortunately there isn't a simple way. The generators begin copying a template file into your project and then substitute the various variable names into that template.
The template files that are copied into your project use spaces, so you'd need to monkey patch some filter into the generators; a filter that would regex replace the leading spaces with tabs. Not an ideal solution.
