pending - Waiting for next available executor - jenkins

I am using Jenkins version 1.537 and I'm having issues running jobs on one of my slave systems. Even though there are no job in the queue for the system, Jenkins keeps showing 'pending - Waiting for next available executor'.
I searched around online and in other posts within stackoverflow, but the solutions are for older versions of Jenkins, and the resolutions do NOT solve my issues.
Thanks for any help,

I increased the number of available executors to 4 & restarted the instance. This solved the issue. Also I got faced with memory issue in the /var/lib/jenkins folder which I fixed by deleting the contents in ./m2 repository which amounted to free space

I was able to fix the issue by re-installing and copying my job folders to the new install. I tried a bunch of other things that did not help.


please wait while jenkins is restarting

It is taking too much time (waiting from last hours). I have only 1 project with multiple jobs. I have updated plugings regarind security issues and few updatest no luck. I have restarted jenkins many times and worked fine but now it stucks. Is there any way out to kill/suspend jenkins to avoid this wait
After lot of reserach, I did not find any answer. So best way is to go to the jenkins folder in the drive, navigate to plugins directory and remove the folder which are installed and updated on the current date. Then strat teh jenkins and download the plugins which are deleted from the plugins folder

Jenkins detecting more than one instance

I realize that this question has been asked before but I feel like my case is different.
About five hours after I launch jenkins I sometimes see this message appear when loading the jenkins administrator panel:
Jenkins detected that you appear to be running more than one instance of Jenkins that share the same home directory '’. This greatly confuses Jenkins and you will likely experience strange behaviors, so please correct the situation."
This is strange, it happens every time I launch it, eventually making Jenkins unusable. I installed Jenkins via homebrew and launch is via the jenkins CLI. I manually do this so I don't see how it's possible that Jenkins launches twice.
I reinstalled Jenkins after completely removing it. Still no luck.
Anyone have any issues like this before?
I also had a similar problem and solved it with following checks:
Check if another java process is running which runs jenkins e.g. in unix using top
If you're using tomcat, search for a second instance of tomcat having the jenkins.war exploded somewhere
Could be helpful to just have one version of java installed

What does the Jenkins iLmBjh process do?

Today I noticed that several of our Jenkins jobs (which are independant, different projects and everything) failed.I investigated an finally listed all processes on the machine that Jenkins uses with the top command. It showed me a very greedy process launched by Jenkins, which name is iLmBjh. Not very clear, isn't it?I tried some things and finally killed it. But it appeared again when I launched a new Jenkins job.Do someone know what this process does? It's the first time I see it on the processes list...
Ok, I guess I found the problem and it's kind of surprising. On our Jenkins instance, we had the JiraTestReporter plugin installed. Our Jira licence ended today. And when I checked the Jenkins logs, it was full of Jira error messages.What is disturbing is that we weren't using it at all... in any of our jobs!I uninstalled it and was able to run my job again. The iLmBjh process did not come back.

Jenkins stuck at editing/creating nodes

I created a slave node and ran a pipeline successfully but after that unable to configure the node. I've tried restarting Jenkins using the weburl as well as the shell. At this point, its stuck at creating a new Node or even when configure is clicked. The page just never opens. Deleting an existing node worked however.
Even the Mutli-Slave config plugin runs into the same problem. I'm guessing some data corruption? It would be a shame to reinstall Jenkins and redo the awful amount of configuration. Any ideas?
I was just beginning to like Jenkins.
PS: Editing the master node works. Using Jenkins 2.5.
I manually created a folder for a node under JENKINS_HOME/nodes and copied a config.xml for the node from some other server. The node appears in the list after server restart but still the option to Configure it hangs forever.
After wasting a lot of time I finally fixed the issue by downgrading Credentials plugin to the previous version: 1.28. Earlier today I had upgraded to the available latest 2.0.
Looks like others also hit the same problem today:

jenkins missing jobs after removal of plugins

I have a Jenkins Server (1.510) on Win 2008 with ~100 jobs.
After installing and then uninstalling the CloudBees (Plugin_1, Plugin_2) set of plugins + restart I have the following issues:
half of the Jobs are now missing.
many plugins are not functioning well, for example the green-balls plugin is not working and also the entry to launch the backup plugin is missing
many built in Jenkins buttons such the new "Credentials" is missing from the "Jenkins Configure" Menu.
Looking at the FS, i still see all the jobs.
I already tried :
Using the reload configuration
Reinstalling the plugins
Reinstalling Jenkins with the same version once again
Still the jobs are missing
Any idea how to solve it?
When job is loaded, many of the related Java classes get instantiated. If instantiation fails, usually because some plugin has been removed and that class is no longer available at all, then the job is hidden.
I suspect you have accidentally removed some other plugin too.
Note: Before actually doing anything, take full backup! Easiest is to backup entire Jenkins folder, where the jobs, configuration etc reside.
Easiest solution might be to just install Jenkins from scratch, install the plugins you do need (see below for troubleshooting if you're missing some), then copy the jobs subfolder to the new Jenkins. It might be best to do any configuration under Manage Jenkins by hand, but you can also just try copying the related XML config files.
If you are missing a plugin and can't figure out which one, you should look at jenkins.out.log and jenkins.err.log log files and search for exceptions happening after Jenkins is started. That may give you a clue on what plugin you are missing.
You can also try editing the job XML files to remove build steps you identified from the exceptions (remember to take backups first!), then restart Jenkins or select Reload configuration from disk from Manage Jenkins page.
If not solved, but you find relevant-looking exceptions or something else interesting, please update the question with details.
After I upgraded Jenkins, one of my jobs disappeared. I found out that although my job directory still existed, the config.xml file inside had somehow gone missing.
I restored this file from a backup, after updating all the plugins that needed updating, and reloaded the configuration, and the job reappeared in Jenkins.
