Rails 4 hstore defining datatypes - ruby-on-rails

So I know that hstore only stores in string either key and especially value. I'm looking for a way to set their datatypes. Is there a way in rails or hstore to do this?
So far what I did was to override the getters and depending on the datatype I want. This is what I have so far:
class ModelWithHstore < ActiveRecord::Base
store_accessor :properties, :some_boolean_field, :some_integer_field, :some_datetime_field
validate :validate_range
def some_boolean_field
return if self[:properties].nil? || self[:properties][__method__.to_s].nil?
if [true, 'true', '1'].include? self[:properties][__method__.to_s]
return true
elsif [false, 'false', '0'].include? self[:properties][__method__.to_s]
return false
def some_integer_field
return if self[:properties].nil? || self[:properties][__method__.to_s].nil?
def some_datetime_field
return if self[:properties].nil? || self[:properties][__method__.to_s].nil?
DateTime.strptime(self[:properties][__method__.to_s].to_s, '%F %T')
def validate_range
errors.add(:some_integer_field, "value out of range") if !some_integer_field.between?(10, 90)
And since they are getters. I think they are being used too in validators and some other places. But I really am not sure if something like this already exists or is there a better way to implement this.

You can try hstore_accessor gem


Rails checking model to see if all fields are empty

As far as I've tested it, this helper method works exactly as it's meant to, however I want to know if there is any easier, built-in, or smarter way to run this check! I also am aware that having this in the ApplicationHelper probably isn't ideal. Not sure if I should just put it in the parent object (the Inspection), some other model, or leave as is.
With is_model_empty? I need to run through every field of any one of eleven different (but similar) models to check to see if all of them are Empty. All of them except the :id, :inspection_id, :created_at, and :updated_at fields which will never be blank. Empty can be nil, can be [], or can be ['']. An empty string would actually imply that the user entered something so that won't be included. The value can be either a string or an array so .empty? won't work.
def is_model_empty?(model)
model.attributes.each do |k, v|
unless ['id', 'inspection_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].include?(k)
return false unless v.nil? || v == [] || v == [""]
The eleven models all belong to the Inspection and each has a has_one relationship:
has_one :first_info_section
has_one :second_info_section
has_one :third_info_section
Any advice/feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Your method can be simplifed as an instance method on each of the models. If the attribute exceptions are the same for all the models you can create a shared library and include it each of the models.
module EmptyDetection
def empty?
attributes.all? do |k, v|
['id', 'inspection_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].include?(k) || v.nil? || v == [] || v == [""]
Include that module in each model you want to be able to check for the empty conditions. For example, the Widget model:
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
include EmptyDetection
Now you can use it on any instance of a Widget:
widget = Widget.find(45)
Here's a really basic refactor:
def is_empty?(model)
whitelist = %w[ id inspection_id created_at updated_at ]
model.attributes.all? do |attr, val|
whitelist.exclude?(attr) || val.nil? || val == [] || val == [""]
What you really want, though, is a validator, which is described in the Active Record Validations Rails Guide:
In this case it would look like this:
class EmptyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
WHITELIST = %w[ id inspection_id created_at updated_at ].freeze
def validate(record)
return unless model.attributes.all? do |attr, val|
WHITELIST.exclude?(attr) || empty?(val)
record.errors[:base] << "You missed one!"
def empty?(val)
val.nil? || val == [] || val == [""]
Then, in each of your models...
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_with EmptyValidator
I hope that's helpful!

Validate Param Types in Rails

I've been looking all over the place and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. And just to double check, I'll ask you guys!
So I'm receiving params in a Rails controller. One key, value pair is :status => true/false. However, I find that when I try to post status as a string like
:status => "THIS IS NOT A BOOLEAN"
and create my object in my controller, the :status attribute of my object becomes false.
Therefore, is there any clean way in rails to validate that my :status corresponds to a boolean?
This very strange method will to the trick
def is_boolean?(item)
!!item == item
params[:status] = 'some string'
# => false
params[:status] = true
# => true
A slightly more intuitive version would be
def is_boolean?(item)
item == false || item == true
The Rails way to do it is to validate in the model (from the docs):
Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :status, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }, message: "True / False Required!"
The reason for this is twofold:
If you want to keep your application DRY, you need to make sure you have only one reference to a validation throughout. Known as the "Single Source Of Truth", it means if you try and populate the model with other controllers / methods, you'll still invoke the same validation
Secondly, you need to consider the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. MVC is a core aspect of Rails, and means you have to use your controller to collate data only - pulling & compiling data in the model. This is also true for validations -- always make sure you keep your validations with the data (IE in the model)
The above #Iceman solution is good if you are only doing it once place but you keep doing/repeating it in other places i suggest you to create to_bool method. i.e
class String
def to_bool
return true if self == true || self =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i)
return false if self == false || self.blank? || self =~ (/(false|f|no|n|0)$/i)
raise ArgumentError.new("invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"")
and put this method in intializer or in library. And, you can simply do this
Mymodel.new(status: params[:status].to_s.to_bool)
we are doing to_s just because to convert nil to '' incase the status key isn't in params .

Validation Hash fields using mongoid

I am working on mongoDB with Rails. So using gem mongoid, Anyone know how to validate Hash fields in model?
We have to write custom validation methods
Here explained how we are writing custom validation methods
Looking for a solution, I came to a custom validator that appears good to me and it can be used generically.
def fix_content(input_hash, valid_fields)
temphash = {}
input_hash.each do |k,v|
if valid_fields.has_key? k
case valid_fields[k]
when 'integer'
when 'boolean'
v=(v=='true' || v==true)
when 'float'
when 'array'
v = "#{v.class}"=="Array" ? v : []
Let's suppose we have this field:
field :fieldname, type: Hash, default: {hfield1: 0, hfield2: [], hfield3: false}
Actually, it's not a validator, it's a callback. It works like this:
before_save :fieldname_fix_content
Under private:
def fieldname_fix_content
# we show the callback what fields will be processed. All others will be disposed of
self.fieldname = fix_content(self.fieldname, {:hfield1=> 'integer', :hfield2=>'array', :hfield3=>'boolean'})

Does Rails have a way to convert checkboxes from "on" to true?

When a controller receives the params of a checked checkbox it comes back as "on" if the box was checked. Now in my case I'm trying to store that value as a boolean, which is typically what you want to with values from checkboxes. My question is, does rails have a way to automatically convert "on" (or even exists) to true/false or do I need to do the following?
value = params[my_checkbox] && params[my_checkbox] == "on" ? true : false
You can just use:
value = !params[:my_checkbox].nil?
as the checkbox would not return any value if not checked (implied by this forum)
The best way of doing this is to create a custom setter for the field in the database, something like this:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
def active=(value)
value = value == 'on' ? true : false
That way you don't have to worry about it in the controller and it's the model that knows what value it is supposed to be. When you go to the view rails automatically checks a checkbox from a boolean field. Just in case that didn't work you could also define your own getter.
This can be then used for example in conjunction with store accessor something like this:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :active, inclusion: {in: [true, false]}
validates :remember_password, inclusion: {in: [true, false]}
store :settings,
accessors: [:active, :remember_password],
coder: JSON
def active=(value)
value = value == 'on' ? true : false
def remember_password=(value)
value = value == 'on' ? true : false
Note that the setting field in the database has to be text so you can put more stuff in it.

Validate uniqueness of value between multiple fields

I understand that validating uniqueness of a standard, single field like "username" is easy. However, for something that has an unlimited number of inputs like, for example, "Favorite Movies" where a user can add as many favorite movies, is something I can't figure out.
They can choose to add or remove fields via the builder, but how do I ensure that no two or more entries are duplicates?
I think the easiest way to accomplish something like this is to validate the uniqueness of something in a scope. I can't say for sure how it would fit in your scenario since you did not describe you model associations but here is an example of how it could work in a FavoriteMovie model:
class FavoriteMovie < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates_uniqueness_of :movie_name, :scope => :user_id
This makes sure that there can't be two movie names that are the same for one specific user.
It turns out that when using nested attributes, you can only validate what's already in the database and not new duplicate occurrences. So, a validation extension (below) with memory validation is really the only option, unfortunately.
class User
has_many :favorite_movies
validate :validate_unique_movies
def validate_unique_movies
favorite_movies, [:name, :user_id], 'Duplicate movie.')
module ActiveRecord
class Base
def validate_uniqueness_of_in_memory(collection, attrs, message)
hashes = collection.inject({}) do |hash, record|
key = attrs.map {|a| record.send(a).to_s }.join
if key.blank? || record.marked_for_destruction?
key = record.object_id
hash[key] = record unless hash[key]
if collection.length > hashes.length
A very un-rails like solution to the problem would be to add a unique key constraint on the columns that in combination are required to be unique:
create unique index names_idx on yourtable (id, name);
you could easly check it like:
params[:user][:favourite_movies].sort.uniq == params[:user][:favourite_movies].sort
or in model:
self.favourite_movies.sort.uniq == self.favourite_movies.sort
irb(main):046:0> movies = ['terminator', 'ninja turtles', 'titanic', 'terminator' ].map {|movie| movie.downcase }
=> ["terminator", "ninja turtles", "titanic", "terminator"]
irb(main):047:0> movies.sort.uniq == movies.sort
=> false
You can try to create virtual attribute and check it uniqueness:
def full_name
[first_name, last_name].joun(' ')
def full_name=(name)
split = name.split(' ', 2)
self.first_name = split.first
self.last_name = split.last
You can check uniqueness on the database level by fix your migration:
CREATE TABLE properties (
namespace CHAR(50),
name CHAR(50),
value VARCHAR(100),
execute <<-SQL
ALTER TABLE properties
ADD CONSTRAINT my_constraint UNIQUE (namespace, name)
Little more modern approach: validates method
validates :movie_name, :uniqueness => {:scope => : user_id}
