Objective C: iOS: Audio Streaming and Audio Uploading using RTMP - ios

I have to record the high volume sound. It can be upto 60 seconds. The application is already made on flash and the current flash application uses rtmp (red5 server) and streams the recording to the server in real time as FLV. I have uploaded the audio file on server as mp3 from iOS application but this approach is not useful as the volume is very high as mentioned above. So I want to use rtmp (red5 server) for iOS application. I want to ask is it possible that I can record the audio and upload on this server and also can steam from there?
Edit-1: I want to ask that whether Apple can reject the application if we use the RTMP iOS library in our application?
Edit-2: I did some research and found some 3rd party libraries like:
I want to know, whether it is possible to directly connect from iOS to RTMP server?
Or these libraries use the middle layer approach with HTTP to connect to RTMP?
Example: iOS -> HTTP Server -> RTMP Server (red5)
I will appreciate the help.


What is the major role of Streaming Media Server?

I am new to Live streaming of a data. I have been exploring in a web about how to live stream a Video. Actually I am an iOS developer and I want to develop an App that streams video.
I am clear about the fundamentals of live video streaming. I came to know that I will be need a Streaming Media Server which will feed the stream to the viewer. I also came to know that viewer has to have a player which decodes the data and synchronize the audio/video stream.
Now, Wowza is a kind of Streaming Media Server which is recommended. But, I have following questions..
(1) Why Media Server? Why we can't have our own Media server? What actually Media Server do that makes its role necessary ?
(2) In my App, I will have to integrate a library for encoding and feed to a streaming server like Wowza. But, how it would be fed to the streaming server ?
(3) How will my server communicate with a streaming server like Wowza ?
(4) How Wowza will feed the stream to the receiving side i.e. the user having an iPhone and needs to see a live stream.
(5) What should be at the receiving side. What will decode the stream and will play the stream to AVPlayer ?
Guys, I need to develop a streaming App with better quality. So, better I first understand the flow of data and then start.
It would be great if someone gives a graphical representation of the data flow.
Thanks a lot in Advance !!!
Let me quickly add my understanding to your questions:
1a. Why Media Server? ..
You could write your own software for distributing the stream data to all the players as well. But in that case you would need to implement various transport protocols and you would end up implementing a fairly big piece of software, your home grown media server.
1b. What actually Media Server do to make its role necessary?
A way to see the role of the media server is to either receive the live stream from a stream source and handle the distribution of this stream to probably many-many other players. This usually involves taking the data out from the source transport protocol and repackage it into one or more other container format or transport protocol that the clients favour. Optionally the Media Server can change the way the video or the audio is encoded (transcoding), or produce different resolution and quality streams and provide the players with the list of available qualities in the form of a manifest file (e.g. m3u8 or smil file) so they can do so called adaptive streaming.
An other typical use-case of Media Servers is serving non-live video files to players from disk, as well as recording live streams, and so on. If you look at the feature list of popular media servers, you'll see that they are really doing many things, so practically this is something you probably want to get out of the box and not implement your own.
In my App, I will have to integrate a library for encoding and feed to a streaming server like Wowza. But, how it would be fed to the
streaming server?
You need to encode the video and audio with a particular codec (such as H.264 for video and AAC for audio), then you need to choose a suitable container format to put these streams into (e.g. MPEG-TS) and then choose a transport protocol to push the stream to the server (e.g. RTMP). Best if you google for tutorials to see how this looks like in code.
How will my server communicate with a streaming server like Wowza?
The contract is basically the transport protocol, one example is using RTMP protocol to connect to Wowza and publish the stream to it. These protocols cover all the technical details.
How Wowza will feed to the stream to the receiving side i.e. the user having an iPhone and needs to see a live stream.
The player software will initiate the communication with Wowza. This is again protocol dependent but in case you are using HLS, the player will use the HTTP protocol to find out the URL of the consequtive video chunks that it will progressively download and display to the user.
What should be at the receiving side. What will decode the stream and will play the stream to AVPlayer ?
It's not clear whether your app under development is the broadcaster side or the player side. But generally on the player side you need to find a library that is able to pull the stream from the media server with the protocol/transport/codec you are using. I am not familiar with this part in iOS, I only have experience with players embedded in websites.
I am not going to draw this, but imagine 3 boxes connected with arrows and that's the data flow. From encoder to streaming server and finally to player. That's it I guess.. :-)

iOS RTP live audio receiving

I'm trying to receive a live RTP audio stream in my iPhone but I don't know how to start. I'm seeking some samples but I can't find them anywhere.
I have a Windows desktop app which captures audio from the selected audio interface and streams it as ยต-law or a-law. This app works as an audio server that serves any incoming connection with that streaming. I have to say that I've developed an Android app that receives that stream and it works, so I want to replicate this functionality on iOS. In Android we have "android.net.rtp" package to manage this and transmit or receive data streams over the network.
Is there any kind of equivalent package for iOS to implement this? Could you give me any kind of reference / sample to do this, or just tell me where to start?
You can see this libraryHTTPLiveStreaming, But his protocol maybe is not standard one, You can check my fork aelam/HTTPLiveStreaming-1, I'm still working on it, it can be played by ffplay. You can try
check the file rtp.c in ffmpeg, I think it will help out

Streaming live camera video from iOS (iPhone/iPad) to remote PC / server

I've been searching for a while on stackoverflow and around the web for a solution to my video-streaming problem. I need to stream live video being captured from the camera (no high-quality required) from an iOS device to a remote PC in one way, i.e., the iOS device will be sending a video stream to the server/PC but not the opposite.
What appears after some googling and documentation browsing is that there are two main major standards/protocols that can be used:
Apple's HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
Adobe's RTMP
Again, my requirement is that the iPhone/iPad will be streaming the video. From what appears on Apple's website, I understand that HLS is to be used from an encoding perspective server-side, and a decoding perspective iOS side. As of RTMP, most libraries that allow iOS streaming have commercial licenses and closed code or require you to go through their P2P infrastructure (for instance angl.tv or tokbox.com/opentok/quick-start). As of HLS, no encoding libraries seem to exist iOS side.
So my questions are:
Do you know of any SDK/Library preferably open and free that I could integrate to stream captured video from within my app?
If no, do you think developing a custom library would be a risky jungle-crossing endeavour? My guess is to go through AVFoundation and capture camera frames, compress them frame by frame and send them over HTTP. Does that sound crazy performance and bandwidth wise? Note that in that case I would need an HLS or RTMP encoder either ways.
I thank you very much in advance dear friends.
I have developed such a library, and you can find it at github.com/jgh-/VideoCore
I am updating this answer because I have created a simplified iOS API that will allow you to easily setup a Camera/Mic RTMP session. You can find it at https://github.com/jgh-/VideoCore/blob/master/api/iOS/VCSimpleSession.h.
Additionally, VideoCore is now available in CocoaPods.

Can Weborb be used to do live video streaming from an iPhone through a media server?

I am new to multimedia and iOS programming and I came across Weborb while Googling, which provides RTMP library for iOS. It doesn't clearly mention that if it can be used to stream live video through a media server like Red5.
If any one have used this, please let me know that whether it can be used to stream live video from iPhone to a media server and where does it fit in the whole setup.
Does it act like a server itself between a media server and the iPhone application or does it also have its own media server?
I also want some links for tutorials which can help me start the real coding pertaining to RTMP streaming to a media server?
The short answer is yes, the RTMP library for iOS can be used with Red5, FMS, WebORB etc. The library is not the server itself, yet client. It establish the RTMP connection to the server and encodes stream before send it to the server.
As I remember the library distributive contains some example to demonstrate how streaming works. Unfortunately, the official site doesn't show any examples related to streaming, the available examples can be useful to start work with the library (http://www.themidnightcoders.com/products/weborb-for-mobile/ios-integration/rtmp-ios-examples-integration-between-java-net-and-ios.html). The documentation looks up to date - http://www.themidnightcoders.com/fileadmin/docs/ios/.

Capture video on iOS device and live stream it to a server (or another mobile)

I want to be able to record footage using my iOS device and stream it directly to a server.
There's quite a few articles on S.O. that talk about this, but I'm not sure any have answered the question very well.
Should I be using HTTP Live Streaming, or is this just for sending data to an iPhone?
Should I be using AVCaptureSession to grab the video (a segment at a time?), sending each segment to the server?
Should I be using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and ffmpeg for streaming?
I'm a little lost with all this, so any sample code or docs or links would be really appreciated.
Thanks for your help guys.
You have to choose a network protocol for that purpose and find an appropriate media server to receive and process the stream. If the RTMP format is ok for your project, check angl library which supports RTMP streaming from iOS. Currently it's compatible with iOS 6 and 7.
