there are different folders or strings like 4.5, 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.5, 4.11.1, 4.12 , 4.13.2...etc
My input will be 4.10.1 to 4.11.1 and it should fetch only the respective strings.
I should be able to get an output like 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.5, 4.11.1.
Now, am able to split the strings, but not possible to increment to get the next strings.
You didn't provide enough details (what means respective ..), but basicly you'll need some kind of looping.
Either use ant script task with a scripting language, like javascript (already contained in JDK >= 6) or groovy or use some Ant addon like f.e. Flaka or Antcontrib.
Some basic snippet with Flaka :
Use for task combined with split function to iterate over your list
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<property name="whatever" value="4.5,4.10.1,4.10.2,4.10.5,4.11.1,4.12,4.13.2"/>
<fl:for var="substring" in="split('${whatever}', ',')">
<!-- do something with substring ...-->
For further snippets see FlakaExamples and Flaka Manual.
I have an Ant buildfile (build.xml) which is called by some application. I would like to know exactly what kind of properties are used to invoke Ant. Therefore I would like to modify the build.xml file to display all properties specified in the call, e.g.:
ant aTarget -Dxslt.parser=SAXON -Dbasedir=aFolder
would display list as below
- target: aTarget
- xslt.parser = SAXON
- basedir=aFolder
Please note that I do not know exactly what is being using to invoke Ant. Therefore, I need to use some sort of a loop get all properties, options.
The simplest thing that comes to mind is to place a line like:
<echo message="Ant invocation is '${}'" />
In the buildfile outside of any target. It'll look something like:
% ant aTarget -Dx=y
[echo] ant invocation is: ' -cp . aTarget -Dx=y'
It shows you what was passed to the Ant Launcher, which might will likely be a little more than what was passed to the ant wrapper script, but should do.
I would avoid trying to parse the line, as you say, you don't know what might be there, and it could quickly get complicated.
Take a look at the <echoproperties> task:
<property name="in.file.prop" value="value2"/>
in.file.prop and its value will be printed. However, over 60 other properties will be printed as well including properties built into Ant.
You can save the results of <echoproperties> to a file and then filter that file with something like a <linecontains> filter.
I want to use an condition property to set the property value to X if another property is defined and Y otherwise. However, I don't want the user to be able to override the condition property from the command line.
How can this be achieved?
Starting from ant 1.8 for some use cases local task may be applicable. Since a property is made local it starts with an empty value. It's scope is limited to current target, but you may pass it to subsequent targets using param argument in antcall.
Nope, you can't override a property set on the command line. At least, it's not easy to do. The whole purpose of overriding properties on the command line is to allow users to override defaults in order to make modification in the way your project builds. For example:
<property file="${basedir}/"/>
<property name="javac.debug" value="no"/>
<target name="compile">
<javac destdir="${main.destdir}"
By default, the Java code is compiled without debugging information. Maybe this is done to make jar files smaller, or faster interpretation, or maybe to make the code harder to decompile and read. Whatever reason, this build won't put debug information into the classfiles.
However, developers do want this debugging information, so they want to be able to override this setting:
$ ant -Djavac.debug=true compile
Or, they can create a file and put the value in there.
This type of issue comes up when you're not using Ant for builds. I know several sites that use Ant scripts to do deployments. I usually discourage this because Ant isn't really made for this type of thing. For example, Ant doesn't have any built in logic or loops. Once a property is set, it can't be changed. These are good ideas for a build language, but a terrible idea for a general purpose programming language.
Also, developers shouldn't be doing builds for QA or production. Those should be done by a build server that won't override defaults.
Now how to destroy this whole well thought out system and cause absolute havoc:
You can use the ant-contrib tasks in your project. Doing this will allow you to access the Ant Contrib var task to unset properties.
Download the ant-contrib.jar file (whatever the latest version is), and put it in a lib directory under your project. Then you can do this:
<project name="danger-will-robinson" default="package" basedir="."
<!-- Define the Ant-Contrib tasks -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
<include name="ant-contrib*.jar"/>
<!-- Unset Property "foo", so you can use it -->
<ac:var name="foo" unset="true"/>
Note that the <classpath> points to the ant-contrib jar in the ${basedir}/lib directory. If you check that into your source repository, it will allow everyone who checks out your project to be able to do the build without installing the ant-contrib jar on their system.
Note that I've defined a "ac" XML namespace, so Ant-Contrib tasks won't overlap other possible third party tasks.
Properties in ant once set are immutable by design. You may overwrite an existing property with any scripting language that provides access to ant api, i.e. javascript.
JDK >= 1.6 already ships with a javascript engine, so you may use something like :
<property name="x" value="whatever"/>
<script language="javascript">
project.getProperty('x') ?
project.setProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setProperty('foo', 'false');
<echo>$$[foo} => ${foo}</echo>
out of the box.But that won't help if someone uses ant -f yourbuild.xml -Dfoo=bla !! as userproperties (those properties defined via -Dkey=value) have a special protection.
So your requirement "..However, I don't want the user to be able to override the condition property from the command line". is not fullfilled.
But the let task from Ant addon Flaka provides the possibillity to overwrite even userproperties :
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<property name="x" value="whatever"/>
:= defines a new property whereas
::= overwrites any existing property
even userproperties
<fl:let> foo ::=['x'] ? 'true' : 'false'</fl:let>
<echo>$$[foo} => ${foo}</echo>
Run both scripts with ant -f yourbuild.xml -Dfoo=bla to see the difference.
Ant api has also method project.setUserProperty(String,String) so you may use also:
<script language="javascript">
project.getProperty('x') ?
project.setProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setProperty('foo', 'false');
project.getUserProperty('x') ?
project.setUserProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setUserProperty('foo', 'false');
to prevent the foo property to be set via .. -D .. and it will work even if property x is defined on commandline -Dx=whatever You have to make your choice, script task with javascript out of the box or Flaka let task
oneline solution but Flaka jar needed.
I use an ANT build file to build my project and also generate the JavaDocs with it. Therefore I use the "javadoc"-command from ANT. Until now I have the version number inserted directly in the .java-file with the "#version"-literal. So if I want to increase the version number I have to open every .java-file and change the number.
Is it possible to define the version number once in the ANT file and let ANT insert this version number into the JavaDocs itself? How can you do this?
Looking at the available options of the JavaDoc task I would use the Header atribute/element which allows to include HTML text defined in every generated file. The HTML text is defined in the the ANT task similar to the doctitle attribute:
<javadoc ...>
<header><![CDATA[<p>Version: ${myversion}</p>]]></header>
I Have a property file which contains list of jars from different paths like this
I have around 1000 jars like this in this list.
I would like to remove relative paths before jar name and out put jar names in a new file some thing like this
This is not a one time activity, so i would like to create a target or task in My build.xml for daily usage.
<replaceregexp file="file.txt" match="[^ ]*/" replace="" byline="true" flags="g"/>
Ant isn't well suited for tasks like this. It's probably much more simple to write a simple Ant Task in Java for that (or a small Java program; just create File objects and invoke getName() to get the last path element).
But if you have to: script and scriptdef are probably your friends (provided that your version of Ant is recent enough; the docs mention 1.6.3). You can call any Java method from these scripts. See the manual for examples.
I have a properties file in which the keys represent strings in source code files that I would like to search for, and the values represent the replacement string that I would like to replace the strings with (see below for an example).
I would like to perform these replacements over a set of files during my Ant build, however I cant seem to figure out how to perform this operation. A simple replace is easy using the Ant replacement task, but I can't determine if there is a way using Ant tasks to perform this bulk search and replace using a properties file to indicate what to search and replace. I think I may need to write a script to perform this.
Anyone have any ideas if this is possible using Ant tasks?
Original Source
if(dataitem.gameStatusCode === 'pre'){
var tmp = dataitem.gameHomeName;
Replacement Source
if(dataitem.statusCode === 'pre'){
var tmp = dataitem.homeName;
Use the replace task with replacefilterfile attribute:
<replace dir="${src}" replacefilterfile="example.props">
<include name="**/*.java"/>