is there a way in gimp to find points on the layer? - gimp

Suppose I have an image with several dots (as int the attached file). Is there a way for a script to find these dots and give me an array of them?
I guess I can do this via image processing, but I was hoping that there was a script that will do this.

I don’t think is is a good idea to do this in Script-Fu. Iterating over pixels with Script-Fu is extremely slow, because it involves an overhead of allocating an array and a list for every pixel.
I’ve quickly written script to do this, but it is extremely slow — it takes about 5 minutes on my machine for your image:
; Returns an array of cons pairs
(define (count-points image)
(let* ((duplicate (car (gimp-image-duplicate image)))
(layer (car (gimp-image-flatten duplicate)))
(width (car (gimp-image-width duplicate)))
(heigth (car (gimp-image-height duplicate))))
(display (gimp-drawable-is-gray layer)) (newline)
(if (not (equal? (car (gimp-drawable-is-gray layer)) 1))
(gimp-image-convert-grayscale duplicate))
(plug-in-blur 0 duplicate layer)
(gimp-threshold layer 0 127)
(let loop ((x 0) (y 0) (result '()))
(if (>= y heigth)
(if (>= x width)
(loop 0 (+ y 1) result)
(loop (+ x 1)
(let ((vals (cadr (gimp-drawable-get-pixel layer x y))))
(if (< (aref vals 0) 127)
(cons (cons x y) result)))))))))
;; Call in Script-Fu Console like this (to calculate points
;; of the last image opened/created):
;; (let ((imgs (gimp-image-list)))
;; (count-points (vector-ref (cadr imgs) 0)))
I suggest exporting the image (blur it and use treschold before) to some dumb format like PGB/PBM and then doing the calculations with an external program in C or some other compilable language.


Do Racket streams memoize their elements?

Does Racket use memoization when computing large amounts of numbers from an infinite stream? So, for example, if I printed out (aka, computed and displayed) the first 400 numbers on the infinite stream of integers:
(1 2 3 ... 399 400)
And right after I asked to print the first 500 numbers on this infinite stream. Would this second set of computations use memoization? So the first 400 numbers would not be computed again?
Or does this functionality need to be coded by the user/obtained from libraries?
The built-in racket/stream library uses lazy evaluation and memoization to draw elements from a stream:
(require racket/stream)
(define (print-and-return x)
(displayln "drawing element...")
(define (in-range-stream n m)
(if (= n m)
(stream-cons (print-and-return n) (in-range-stream (add1 n) m))))
(define s (in-range-stream 5 10))
(stream-first s)
(stream-first s)
(stream-first (stream-rest s))
The expressions passed to stream-cons are not evaluated until requested either with stream-first or stream-rest. Once evaluated, they are memoized. Notice that despite the four stream operations performed on s, only two `"drawing element..." messages are displayed.
You can use the memoize package.
GitHub source:
raco pkg install memoize
Using it is as simple as replacing define with define/memo. To quote its example:
(define (fib n)
(if (<= n 1) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
> (time (fib 35))
cpu time: 513 real time: 522 gc time: 0
> (define/memo (fib n)
(if (<= n 1) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
> (time (fib 35))
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
Also, it is generally quite easy to implement memoization yourself using a Racket hash-table.
For other Scheme implementations that use SRFI 41 streams, those streams also fully memoise all the materialised elements.
In fact, in my Guile port of SRFI 41 (which has been in Guile since 2.0.9), the default printer for streams will print out all the elements so materialised (and nothing that isn't):
scheme#(guile-user)> ,use (srfi srfi-41)
scheme#(guile-user)> (define str (stream-from 0))
scheme#(guile-user)> (stream-ref str 4)
$1 = 4
scheme#(guile-user)> str
$2 = #<stream ? ? ? ? 4 ...>
Any of the elements that aren't being printed out as ? or ... have already been memoised and won't be recomputed. (If you're curious about how to implement such a printer, here's the Guile version.)

What is the return statement in Scheme?

I am trying to translate this Python program to Scheme:
def test(x):
if x > 1:
if x > 10:
if x == 4:
test(2) # prints 'foo'
test(4) # prints 'foo\nbar'
test(11) # prints 'foo'
What is the return statement in Scheme?
In Scheme there isn't an explicit return keyword - it's a lot simpler than that, the value of the last expression in a sequence of expressions is the one that gets returned. For example, your Python code will translate to this, and notice that the (> x 10) case had to be moved to the bottom, so if it's true it can exit the function immediately with a #f value.
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
(if (= x 4)
(if (> x 10)
(test 11)
=> #f
In fact, after reordering the conditions we can remove the last one, but beware: an unspecified value will be returned if x is not 4, according to Guile's documentation - in other words, you should always return a value in each case, and an if expression should have both consequent and alternative parts.
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
(if (= x 4)
(test 11)
=> unspecified
And by the way, I believe the logic in the Python code is a bit off. The first condition will always be evaluated whenever a value of x greater than 1 is passed, but if it is less than or equal to 1 the returned value in Python will be None and in Scheme is unspecified. Also the original function isn't explicitly returning a value - in Python this means that None will be returned, in Scheme the returned value will be either (do-something) if x happens to be 4, or unspecified in any other case.
In Racket the most literal translation is:
#lang racket
(define (test x)
(let/ec return
(when (> x 1)
(when (> x 10)
(return 42))
(when (= x 4)
(define (do-something)
(display "!"))
(test 11)
The let/ec is short for let/escape-continuation. Look up the equivalent control structure in the manual for your Scheme implementation of choice.
The example displays one ! and then returns 42.
The implicit return of Scheme can be illustrated by comparing how you can implement a simple function, such as square, in Python and scheme.
In Python:
def square(x):
return x*x;
In Scheme:
(define (square x)
(* x x))
As others have said, the last expression's value in a function is its return value, so you just have to arrange for exclusive execution pathways in your code, to achieve this effect.
(if <test> <consequent> <alternative>) is the basic branching operation in Scheme:
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
(if (> x 10)
#f ; return #f
;; else:
(if (= x 4)
;; else:
(test 11)
Or we could use cond to avoid the needlessly nested structure in the code:
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
( (> x 10) #f)
( (= x 4) (do_something))
( else #f)))
You may use call/cc
(define (test x) (call/cc (lambda (k)
(if x
(k x)
(display "never displayed"))))
> (test 3)
> (test #f)
You can return no value using (k).
Read about Continuations.
I meet same question as you asked when I tried to implement a "tile" function to duplicate a list for multiple times. The idea is 1) create a variable to store the temporary result; 2) use "append" function in a for-loop; 3) return the temporary result.
The solution seems easy, as follows:
(define (tile ls n)
(define r (list ))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((> i (- n 1)))
(set! r (append r ls))
actually a sole variable name itself will let the whole function return the value of this variable. This is because the Scheme always returns the last executed statement as the value of this function.
There is no return statement in Scheme. The body of a procedure is a sequence of expressions and the return value is the value of the last expression. So here is an equivalent Scheme program:
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
(display "foo\n"))
(if (not (> x 10))
(if (= x 4)
(display "bar\n"))))
(test 1)
(test 2) ; prints "foo"
(test 4) ; prints "foo\nbar"
(test 11) ; prints "foo"
You can simplify it to this program:
(define (test x)
(if (> x 1)
(display "foo\n"))
(if (= x 4)
(display "bar\n"))))

Invocation Stack History Overflow

Been playing around with LISP in class. This is admittedly the first LISP code I've written. I can't figure out why this code produces the error "invocation stack history overflow" for input values over 2000 to the function (longest_collatz n). Can anyone with more experience in this language help me understand the error?
(defun longest_collatz(n)
(loop for x from 1 to n
collect (list x (length (collatz x)))))))
(defun collatz (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(if (= (mod n 2) 0)
(cons (/ n 2) (collatz (/ n 2)))
(cons (+ (* n 3) 1) (collatz (+ (* n 3) 1))))))
(defun maxlist (z)
(if (> (length z) 1)
(if (< (cadr (elt z 0)) (cadr (elt z 1)))
(maxlist (cdr z))
(maxlist (cons (elt z 0) (cddr z))))
(car z)))
Yout collatz function is not tail recursive, so it is unlikely that it is converted to a loop even if you compile your code.
You can rewrite it using an accumulator, so that it is converted to a loop by the compiler:
(defun collatz (n &optional acc)
(unless (plusp n)
(error "~s(~s): positive argument is required" 'collatz n))
(if (= n 1)
(nreverse (cons 1 acc))
(let ((next (if (evenp n)
(ash n -1) ; same as (mod n 2)
(1+ (* n 3)))))
(collatz next (cons next acc)))))
(this is a bug-for-bug reimplementation).
Avoid elt; using first and second instead would be must better.
Rewriting maxlist using reduce would make it both faster and clearer.
Here's a function that just returns the length of the collatz list instead of the list itself. It could be more efficient (and is tail recursive).
(defun collatz_length2 (n cnt)
(if (<= n 1)
(if (= (mod n 2) 0)
(collatz_length2 (/ n 2) (1+ cnt))
(collatz_length2 (+ (* n 3) 1) (1+ cnt)))))
(defun collatz_length (n) (collatz_length2 n 1))

Adjusting `simplify` tactic in Z3

I've got several questions about Z3 tactics, most of them concern simplify .
I noticed that linear inequalites after applying simplify are often negated.
For example (> x y) is transformed by simplify into (not (<= x y)). Ideally, I would want integer [in]equalities not to be negated, so that (not (<= x y)) is transformed into (<= y x).  I can I ensure such a behavior?
Also, among  <, <=, >, >= it would be desirable to have only one type of inequalities to be used in all integer predicates in the simplified formula, for example <=.   Can this be done?
What does :som parameter of simplify do? I can see the description that says that it is used to put polynomials in som-of-monomials form, but maybe I'm not getting it right.  Could you please give an example of different behavior of simplify with :som set to true and false?
Am I right that after applying simplify arithmetical expressions would always be represented in the form a1*t1+...+an*tn, where ai are constants and ti are distinct terms (variables, uninterpreted constants or function symbols)? In particular is always the case that subtraction operation doesn't appear in the result?
Is there any available description of the ctx-solver-simplify tactic? Superficially, I understand that this is an expensive algorithm because it uses the solver, but it would be interesting to learn more about the underlying algorithm so that I have an idea on how many solver calls I may expect, etc. Maybe you could give a refernce to a paper or give a brief sketch of the algorithm?
Finally, here it was mentioned that a tutorial on how to write tactics inside the Z3 code base might appear. Is there any yet?
Thank you.
Here is an example (with comments) that tries to answer questions 1-4. It is also available online here.
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
;; 1. and 2.
;; The simplifier will map strict inequalities (<, >) into non-strict ones (>=, <=)
;; Example: x < y ===> not x >= y
;; As suggested by you, for integer inequalities, we can also use
;; x < y ==> x <= y - 1
;; This choice was made because it is convenient for solvers implemented in Z3
;; Other normal forms can be used.
;; It is possible to map everything to a single inequality. This is a straightforward modificiation
;; in the Z3 simplifier. The relevant files are src/ast/rewriter/arith_rewriter.* and src/ast/rewriter/poly_rewriter.*
(simplify (<= x y))
(simplify (< x y))
(simplify (>= x y))
(simplify (> x y))
;; 3.
;; :som stands for sum-of-monomials. It is a normal form for polynomials.
;; It is essentially a big sum of products.
;; The simplifier applies distributivity to put a polynomial into this form.
(simplify (<= (* (+ y 2) (+ x 2)) (+ (* y y) 2)))
(simplify (<= (* (+ y 2) (+ x 2)) (+ (* y y) 2)) :som true)
;; Another relevant option is :arith-lhs. It will move all non-constant monomials to the left-hand-side.
(simplify (<= (* (+ y 2) (+ x 2)) (+ (* y y) 2)) :som true :arith-lhs true)
;; 4. Yes, you are correct.
;; The polynomials are encoded using just * and +.
(simplify (- x y))
5) ctx-solver-simplify is implemented in the file src/smt/tactic/ctx-solver-simplify.*
The code is very readable. We can add trace messages to see how it works on particular examples.
6) There is no tutorial yet on how to write tactics. However, the code base has many examples.
The directory src/tactic/core has the basic ones.

Scheme streams with Taylor series

I've been doing some homework, wrote some code and can't actually find the reason why it doesn't work. The main idea of this part of the work is to make a stream that will give me elements of Taylor series of cosine function for a given X (angle i guess). anyways here is my code, I'd be happy if some one could point me to the reasons it doesn't work :)
(define (force exp) exp)
(define (s-car s) (car s))
(define (s-cdr s) (force (cdr s)))
; returns n elements of stream s as a list
(define (stream->list s n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons (s-car s) (stream->list (s-cdr s) (- n 1)))))
; returns the n-th element of stream s
(define stream-ref (lambda (s n)
(if (= n 1)
(s-car s)
(stream-ref (s-cdr s) (- n 1)))))
; well, the name kinda gives it away :) make factorial n!
(define (factorial x)
(cond ((= x 0) 1)
((= x 1) 1)
(else (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
; this function is actually the equation for the
; n-th element of Taylor series of cosine
(define (tylorElementCosine x)
(lambda (n)
(* (/ (expt -1 n) (factorial (* 2 n))) (expt x (* 2 n)))))
; here i try to make a stream of those Taylor series elements of cosine
(define (cosineStream x)
(define (iter n)
(cons ((tylorElementCosine x) n)
(lambda() ((tylorElementCosine x) (+ n 1)))))
(iter 0))
; this definition should bind cosine
; to the stream of taylor series for cosine 10
(define cosine (cosineStream 10))
(stream->list cosine 10)
; this should printi on screen the list of first 10 elements of the series
However, this doesn't work, and I don't know why.
I'm using Dr.Scheme 4.2.5 with the language set to "Essentials of Programming Languages 3rd ed".
Since I was feeling nice (and nostalgic about scheme) I actually waded through your code to finde the mistakes. From what I can see there are 2 problems which keeps the code from running as it should:
If I understand your code correctly (force exp) should evaluate exp, however you directly return it (unevaluated). So it probably should be defined as (define (force exp) (exp))
The second problem is in your lambda: (lambda() ((tylorElementCosine x) (+ n 1)) ) will evaluate to the next element of the taylor series, while it should evaluate to a stream. You probably want something like this: (lambda() (iter (+ n 1)) )
I haven't checked if the output is correct, but with those modifications it does at least run. So if there are any more problems with the code the should be in the formula used.
However I'd suggest that next time you want help with your homework you at least tell us where exactly the problem manifests and what you tried already (the community does frown on "here is some code, please fix it for me" kind of questions).
