where to keep frequently used methods in MVC - asp.net-mvc

I need to implement MVC architecture in my company, So can anyone suggest where to keep frequently used methods to call on all pages. Like:
states ddl, departments ddl also roles list and etc...
Please give me suggestions where to keep them in architecture.

There are different solutions depending on the scale of your application. For small projects, you can simply create a set of classes in MVC application itself. Just create a Utils folder and a DropDownLists class and away you go. For simple stuff like this, I find it's acceptable to have static methods that return the data, lists, or enumerations you require.
Another option is to create an abstract MyControllerBase class that descends from Controller and put your cross-cutting concerns in there, perhaps as virtual methods or properties. Then all your actual controllers can descend from MyControllerBase.
For larger applications, or in situations where you might share these classes with other MVC applications, create a shared library such as MySolution.Utils and reference the library from all projects as required.
Yet another possibility for larger solutions is to use Dependency Injection to inject the requirements in at runtime. You might consider using something like Unity or Ninject for this task.
Example, as per your request (also in GitHub Gist)
// declare these in a shared library
public interface ILookupDataProvider
IEnumerable<string> States { get; }
public class LookupDataProvider: ILookupDataProvider
public IEnumerable<string> States
return new string[] { "A", "B", "C" };
// then inject the requirement in to your controller
// in this example, the [Dependency] attribute comes from Unity (other DI containers are available!)
public class MyController : Controller
public ILookupDataProvider LookupDataProvider { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
var myModel = new MyModel
States = LookupDataProvider.States
return View(myModel);
In the code above, you'll need to configure your Dependency Injection technology but this is definitely outside the scope of the answer (check SO for help here). Once configured correctly, the concrete implementation of ILookupDataProvider will be injected in at runtime to provide the data.
One final solution I would suggest, albeit this would be very much overkill for small projects would be to host shared services in a WCF service layer. This allows parts of your application to be separated out in to highly-scalable services, should the need arise in the future.


Why pass a parameters of multiple services to mvc controller?

I'm new to asp.net mvc world mostly a windows developer moving to web. Be nice...
I found ridiculous when I look at many examples of asp.net mvc web applications that the pass to their controllers a list of services
Like this
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
Would not be better to do something like
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Am I missing the obvious?
As anybody implemented the way I suggest in mvc4 or mvc5. I know mvc6 does it.
But I cannot use mvc6 at work.
Any samples using DI?
What you're missing here is the fact that constructors with many parameters is a code smell often caused by that class having to many responsibilities: it violates the Single Responsibility Principle.
So instead of packaging the services to inject into a 'container' class that allows those services to be accessible using a public property, consider the following refactorings:
Divide the class into multiple smaller classes.
Extract logic that implements cross-cutting concerns (such as logging, audit trailing, validation, etc, etc)out of the class and apply those cross-cutting concerns using decorators, global filters (MVC) or message handlers (Web API). A great pattern for your business logic is the command/handler pattern.
Extract logic that uses multiple dependencies out of the class and hide that logic behind a new abstraction that does not expose the wrapped dependencies. This newly created abstraction is called an Aggregate Service.
I agree that for readability sake, even if you have multiple existing services which are also used in other applications, you could always wrap them in another class to avoid passing a long list of dependencies to the controllers.
When you have code in the API controllers that look like this:
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
That can be a code-smell and is an opportunity to refactor. But this does not mean the original code was a bad design. What I mean is in the API layer, we try not to clutter it with too many services that the controller is dependent on. Instead you can create a facade service. So in your example above, you refactor it to look like this:
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Which is good and then you can move the IServices to your service/business layer. The concrete implementation of that in the service/business layer will look like this:
public class AConcreteService:IServices {
public AConcreteService(ICustomerService cs, IAnotherServiceService as, IYetAnotherServiceService yas)
public List<Customer> GetCustomers(){
return _cs.GetCustomers();
public List<string> GetAnotherServiceData(){
return _as.AnotherServiceData();
public List<string> GetYetAnotherServiceData(){
return _yas.YetAnotherServiceData();
So that code will end up looking like your original code when implemented directly in the controller but is now in the service/business layer. This time it will be easy to unit test in the service class and the API layer will look much cleaner.

WebAPI ODATA -- Consuming With MVC Using Standard Controller/Ioc/Repository/UoW Sort of Architecture

Working with WebAPI ODATA services with javascript is not a problem... but what is a current recommendation to wrap the http calls (CRUD) to be consumed through a MVC5 application with a repository. Much of the guidance I see ultimately goes directly to the entity/dbcontext. I am looking for guidance which demonstrates the "drinking of your own Kool-Aid" and consuming the same ODATA (and it can be plain WebAPI, also) published externally to consumers of an application.
In my mind, I'm looking at this sort of flow:
AppController (site1:443)-->AppRepository-->OdataController (apiSite2:443)-->OdataRepository-->DataSource
The secondary concern is that I don't necessarily want direct access to a datasource by any consumer--especially posts without being vetted and I don't want all (any) of the logic in the controller. I might be overthinking something...
In order to extract the business logic from the controller I typically either push said logic down to domain objects whenever possible. If that isn't possible, then I'll create a class specifically designed to manage the logic in question, such as an interaction between two different objects.
If all else fails, then I'll have the interaction managed by a service. The classes might look something like the following:
public class SomeApiController : ApiController
public SomeApiController(ISomeApiService service)
this.Service = service;
private ISomeApiService Service { get; set; }
public IHttpActionResult SomeMethod(int someObjectId)
// service manages the logic and either defers to the object in question or resolves it through some specialized class
var result = this.Service.SomeMethod(someObjectId);
return this.OK(result);
public class SomeApiService : ISomeApiService
public SomeApiService(ISomeRepository repository)
this.Repository = repository;
private ISomeRepository Repository { get; set; }
... and so on.
The idea being that the layers have no dependencies upon one another which cannot be resolved through the IoC container of your choice and that the dependencies only go one way. That is to say SomeApiService has no dependency on SomeApiController and SomeApiRepository would have no dependency on SomeApiService.

Design of Service Layer and Repositories in Microsoft MVC

I have the following problem - or rather, an urgent need for valuable advice - with Microsoft MVC. A certain action from the client leads to the creation of:
A remark in the table Remarks
An entry in the table for HourRegistrations
An entry in the changelog for Tickets
I use a service layer for business actions and repositories for CRUD actions. The problem is that I at times need to connect objects from different DataContexts so I suppose I use a flawed design. Recently we have started to remove all business logic from our controllers and repositories and this is one of the first things I run into.
BLogic.AddRemarks(Ticket t, ...)
Remark r = _remarksRepository.Create();
r.Ticket = t;
This triggers kBOOM since the Ticket is fetched in the controller using the repository. So Remark r and Ticket t do not share the same data context.
I can alter the signature of the method and provide an int TicketId, but that doesn't feel right. Besides, I then get similar problems further down the line.
My repositories are created at the constructor of the service class. Perhaps I must create them at the start of a method? Even then, I must often transfer Ids instead of the true objects.
My suggestion is to use dependeny injection (or inversion of control - depends how would you like to call it). I use myself castle windor. Really simple to integrate with mvc.net. read more
When IoC is up and running create ContextManager. Somethig like this:
public class ContextManager : IContextManager
private XContext context;
public XContext GetContext()
return context ?? (context = XContext.Create());
Set IContextManager lifestyle as perwebrequest and you got yourself context that you can access from repositories and services. and it's same per one request.
You also have to create your own controllerFactory
then you can use your services and repositories like this:
public class MyController : Controller
public ISomeService SomeService { get; set; }
public IContextManager ContextManager { get; set; }
You dont have to create new instances for services and repositories and you can manage those objects lifestyle from configuration. Most reasonable would be singleton

ASP.NET MVC Configuration Class using IoC

In an MVC app, we the have need to create a configuration settings class that is needed throughout the app. It is a cross-cutting concern in that it is need in controllers, sometimes deep in the domain logic, as well as place like HtmlHelper extensions. The fact that it's needed is so many different places is what is tripping me up.
The class will wrap settings that are pulled from the web.config, as well as a table in a DB. The DB settings query will be cached so I'm not worried about that getting hit up for every request.
In years past I may have created some static type of class or singleton, but I don't want to lose the testability I have now. What would be the best way to instantiate this class and then to be able to access it through pretty much anywhere in the app?
I would continue to use a singleton. But a singleton which is wrapping an interface, which also makes it testable.
public class Configuration
private IConfiguration _config;
public static IConfiguration Instance { get { return _config; }}
public static void Assign(IConfiguration config)
_config = config;
Simply use Assign in global.asax or any of your unit tests.
If you want to do it the correct way, you should provide the configuration settings directly in the constructors of your objects.
Instead of
public class MyService
public MyService()
var confString = Configuration.Instance.GetConnectionString()
You would do:
public class MyService
public MyService(string confString)
Finally, I would not have any configuration dependencies in HTML helpers. By doing so yuo are adding business logic to your views which breaks separation of concerns
I think the codeplex project mvccontrib provided some hooks to use
at least 3 IOC providers as far as I not windsor, structurmap, spring.net...
but I did not used it myself
you can find out more here
and maybe you can look into the sourcecode of this project and see where you can go from there...
I would refactor my app not to use configuration everywhere. I use configuration in controllers only. My views do not have any logic, my domain model does just have business logic, not application logic.

MVC Custom Model - Where is a simple example?

I need to make a web application and I want to use MVC. However, my Model can't be one of the standard Models -- the data is not stored in a database but instead in an external application accessible only via a API. Since this is the first MVC application I've implemented I'm relying on examples to understand how to go about it. I can't find any examples of a non-DB based Model. An example of a custom Model would be fine too. Can anyone point me to such a beast? Maybe MVC is just to new and none exist.
It seems like I might be able to get away with the DataSet Model, however I've not seen any examples of how to use this object. I expect an example of DataSet could help me also. (Maybe it is the same thing?)
Please note: I've seen countless examples of custom bindings. This is NOT what I want. I need an example of a custom Model which is not tied to a specific database/table.
I found a good example from MS located here:
While this is the "answer" to my question, I don't really like it because it ties me to MS's view of the world. #Aaronaught, #jeroenh, and #tvanfosson give much better answers from a meta perspective of moving my understanding (and yours?) forward with respect to using MVC.
I'm giving the check to #Aaronaught because he actually has example code (which I asked for.) Thanks all and feel free to add even better answers if you have one.
In most cases it shouldn't matter what the backing source is for the actual application data; the model should be exactly the same. In fact, one of the main reasons for using something like a repository is so that you can easily change the underlying storage.
For example, I have an MVC app that uses a lot of web services - rarely does it have access to a local database, except for simple things like authentication and user profiles. A typical model class might look like this:
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://services.acme.com")]
public class Customer
[DataMember(Name = "CustomerID")]
public Guid ID { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "CustomerName")]
public string Name { get; set; }
Then I will have a repository interface that looks like this:
public interface ICustomerRepository
Customer GetCustomerByID(Guid id);
IList<Customer> List();
The "API" is all encapsulated within the concrete repository:
public class AcmeWSCustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository, IDisposable
private Acme.Services.CrmServiceSoapClient client;
public AcmeWSCustomerRepository()
: this(new Acme.Services.CrmServiceSoapClient())
public AcmeWSCustomerRepository(Acme.Services.CrmServiceSoapClient client)
if (client == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("client");
this.client = client;
public void Dispose()
client.SafeClose(); // Extension method to close WCF proxies
public Customer GetCustomerByID(Guid id)
return client.GetCustomerByID(id);
public IList<Customer> List()
return client.GetAllCustomers();
Then I'll also probably have a local testing repository with just a few customers that reads from something like an XML file:
public class LocalCustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository, IDisposable
private XDocument doc;
public LocalCustomerRepository(string fileName)
doc = XDocument.Load(fileName);
public void Dispose()
public Customer GetCustomerByID(Guid id)
(from c in doc.Descendants("Customer")
select new Customer(c.Element("ID").Value, c.Element("Name").Value))
// etc.
The point I'm trying to make here is, well, this isn't tied to any particular database. One possible source in this case is a WCF service; another is a file on disk. Neither one necessarily has a compatible "model". In this case I've assumed that the WCF service exposes a model that I can map to directly with DataContract attributes, but the Linq-to-XML version is pure API; there is no model, it's all custom mapping.
A really good domain model should actually be completely independent of the true data source. I'm always a bit skeptical when people tell me that a Linq to SQL or Entity Framework model is good enough to use throughout the entire application/site. Very often these simply don't match the "human" model and simply creating a bunch of ViewModel classes isn't necessarily the answer.
In a sense, it's actually better if you're not handed an existing relational model. It forces you to really think about the best domain model for your application, and not necessarily the easiest one to map to some database. So if you don't already have a model from a database - build one! Just use POCO classes and decorate with attributes if necessary, then create repositories or services that map this domain model to/from the API.
I think what you are looking for is really a non-DB service layer. Models, typically, are relatively simple containers for data, though they may also contain business logic. It really sounds like what you have is a service to communicate with and need a layer to mediate between the service and your application, producing the appropriate model classes from the data returned by the service.
This tutorial may be helpful, but you'd need to replace the repository with your class that interacts with the service (instead of the DB).
There is no fixed prescription of what a "Model" in MVC should be, just that it should contain the data that needs to be shown on screen, and probably also manipulated.
In a well-designed MVC application, data access is abstracted away somehow anyway, typically using some form of the Repository pattern: you define an abstraction layer (say, an IRepository interface) that defines the contract needed to get and persist data. The actual implementation will usually call a database, but in your case should call your 'service API'.
Here is an example of an MVC application that calls out to a WCF service.
