accelerate rgb planar to rgba interleaved conversion using sse or mmx - image-processing

I have to pass medical image data retrieved from one proprietary device SDK to an image processing function in another - also proprietary - device SDK from a second vendor.
The first function gives me the image in a planar rgb format:
int mrcpgk_retrieve_frame(uint16_t *r, uint16_t *g, uint16_t *b, int w, int h);
The reason for uint16_t is that the device can be switched to output each color value encoded as 16-bit floating point values. However, I'm operating in "byte mode" and thus the upper 8 bits of each color value are always zero.
The second function from another device SDK is defined like this:
BOOL process_cpgk_image(const PBYTE rgba, DWORD width, DWORD height);
So we get filled three buffers with the following bits: (16bit planar rgb)
R: 0000000 rrrrrrrr 00000000 rrrrrrrr ...
G: 0000000 gggggggg 00000000 gggggggg ...
B: 0000000 bbbbbbbb 00000000 bbbbbbbb ...
And the desired output illustrated in bits is:
RGBA: rrrrrrrrggggggggbbbbbbbb00000000 rrrrrrrrggggggggbbbbbbbb00000000 ....
We don't have access to the source code of these functions and cannot change the environment. Currently we have implemented the following basic "bridge" to connect the two devices:
void process_frames(int width, int height)
uint16_t *r = (uint16_t*)malloc(width*height*sizeof(uint16_t));
uint16_t *g = (uint16_t*)malloc(width*height*sizeof(uint16_t));
uint16_t *b = (uint16_t*)malloc(width*height*sizeof(uint16_t));
uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t*)malloc(width*height*4);
int i;
memset(rgba, 0, width*height*4);
while ( mrcpgk_retrieve_frame(r, g, b, width, height) != 0 )
for (i=0; i<width*height; i++)
rgba[4*i+0] = (uint8_t)r[i];
rgba[4*i+1] = (uint8_t)g[i];
rgba[4*i+2] = (uint8_t)b[i];
process_cpgk_image(rgba, width, height);
This code works perfectly fine but processing takes very long for many thousands of high resolution images. The two functions for processing and retrieving are very fast and our bridge is currently the bottleneck.
I know how to do basic arithmetic, logical and shifting operations with SSE2 intrinsics but I wonder if and how this 16bit planar rgb to packed rgba conversion can be accelerated with MMX, SSE2 or [S]SSE3?
(SSE2 would be preferable because there are still some pre-2005 appliances in use).

Here is a simple SSE2 implementation:
#include <emmintrin.h> // SSE2 intrinsics
assert((width*height)%8 == 0); // NB: total pixels must be multiple of 8
for (i=0; i<width*height; i+=8)
__m128i vr = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&r[i]); // load 8 pixels from r[i]
__m128i vg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&g[i]); // load 8 pixels from g[i]
__m128i vb = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&b[i]); // load 8 pixels from b[i]
__m128i vrg = _mm_or_si128(vr, _mm_slli_epi16(vg, 8));
// merge r/g
__m128i vrgba = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(vrg, vb); // permute first 4 pixels
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rgba[4*i], vrgba); // store first 4 pixels to rgba[4*i]
vrgba = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(vrg, vb); // permute second 4 pixels
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rgba[4*i+16], vrgba); // store second 4 pixels to rgba[4*i+16]

Reference implementation with using of AVX2 instructions:
#include <immintrin.h> // AVX2 intrinsics
assert((width*height)%16 == 0); // total pixels count must be multiple of 16
assert(r%32 == 0 && g%32 == 0 && b%32 == 0 && rgba% == 0); // all pointers must to have 32-byte alignment
for (i=0; i<width*height; i+=16)
__m256i vr = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(_mm265_load_si256((__m256i *)(r + i)), 0xD8); // load 16 pixels from r[i]
__m256i vg = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(_mm265_load_si256((__m256i *)(g + i)), 0xD8); // load 16 pixels from g[i]
__m256i vb = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(_mm265_load_si256((__m256i *)(b + i)), 0xD8); // load 16 pixels from b[i]
__m256i vrg = _mm256_or_si256(vr, _mm256_slli_si256(vg, 1));// merge r/g
__m256i vrgba = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(vrg, vb); // permute first 8 pixels
_mm256_store_si256((__m256i *)(rgba + 4*i), vrgba); // store first 8 pixels to rgba[4*i]
vrgba = _mm256_unpackhi_epi16(vrg, vb); // permute second 8 pixels
_mm256_store_si256((__m256i *)(rgba + 4*i+32), vrgba); // store second 8 pixels to rgba[4*i + 32]


How to correctly manipulate a CV_16SC3 Mat in a CUDA Kernel

I am writing a CUDA Program while working with OpenCV. I have an empty Mat of a given size (e.g. 1000x800) which I explicitly converted to GPUMat with dataytpe CV_16SC3. It is desired to manipulate the Image in this format in the CUDA Kernel. However trying to manipulate the Mat does not seem to work correctly.
I am calling my CUDA kernel as follows:
my_kernel <<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( (unsigned short*), img.cols, img.rows, img.step);
and my sample kernel looks like this
__global__ void my_kernel( unsigned short* img, int width, int height, int img_step)
int x, y, pixel;
y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (y >= height)
if (x >= width)
pixel = (y * (img_step)) + (3 * x);
img[pixel] = 255; //I know 255 is basically an uchar, this is just part of my test
img[pixel+1] = 255
img[pixel+2] = 255;
I am expecting this small kernel sample to write al pixels to white. However, after downloading the Mat again from the GPU and visualizing it with imshow, not all the pixels are white and some weird black lines are present, which makes me believe that somehow I am writing to invalid memory addresses.
My guess is the following. The OpenCV documentation states that cv::mat::data returns an uchar pointer. However, my Mat has a data type "16U" (short unsigned to my knowledge). That is why in the kernel launch I am casting the pointer to (unsigned short*). But apparently that is incorrect.
How should I correctly proceed to be able to read and write the Mat data as short in my kernel?
First of all, the input image type should be short instead of unsigned short because the type of Mat is 16SC3 ( rather than 16UC3 ).
Now, since the image step is in bytes and the data type is short, the pixel index ( or address ) should be calculated taken into account the difference in byte width of those. There are 2 ways to fix this issue.
Method 1:
__global__ void my_kernel( short* img, int width, int height, int img_step)
int x, y, pixel;
y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (y >= height)
if (x >= width)
//Reinterpret the input pointer as char* to allow jump in bytes instead of short
char* imgBytes = reinterpret_cast<char*>(img);
//Calculate row start address using the newly created pointer
char* rowStartBytes = imgBytes + (y * img_step); // Jump in byte
//Reinterpret the row start address back to required data type.
short* rowStartShort = reinterpret_cast<short*>(rowStartBytes);
short* pixelAddress = rowStartShort + ( 3 * x ); // Jump in short
//Modify the image values
pixelAddress[0] = 255;
pixelAddress[1] = 255;
pixelAddress[2] = 255;
Method 2:
Divide the input image step by the size of required data type (short). It may be done when passing the step as a kernel argument.
my_kernel<<<grid,block>>>( img, width, height, img_step/sizeof(short));
I have used method 2 for quite a long time. It is a shortcut method, but later on when I got to look at the source code of certain image processing libraries, I realized that actually Method 1 is more portable, since the size of type can vary across different platforms.

How to store multiple images and remove individual image ID in a bitmap file (by C++/Python/Java)

An image is a matrix of pixels. Each pixel can be represented by 4 components: Red, Green, Blue and Alpha. Each component value can be from 0 to 255. An image could be up to 4K quality, i.e. 3840 × 2160 pixels.
Implement an image repository which is a single file that can store many images (with different size) at the same time. An image within the repository file can be identified by its unique ID (4 bytes long)
The program should be able to:
Open/create a repository file
Add/Update/Delete an image into/from the opened repository file.
Extract an image out of the repository using its ID with complexity level less than O(N) - where N is the number of images within the repository.
Quickly detects if we add the same image into the repository (2 images are the same if all their pixels at the same position are the same)
Here's the code to write image to bmp file.
void writeBMP(unsigned char **Matrix, int Matrix_dimension){
FILE *out;
int ii,jj;
long pos = 1077;
out = fopen("output.bmp","wb");
// Image Signature
unsigned char signature[2] = {'B','M'};
// Image file size
uint32_t filesize = 54 + 4*256 + Matrix_dimension*Matrix_dimension;
// Reserved
uint32_t reserved = 0;
// Offset
uint32_t offset = 1078;
// Info header size
uint32_t ihsize = 40;
// Image Width in pixels
uint32_t width = (uint32_t) Matrix_dimension;
// Image Height in pixels
uint32_t height = (uint32_t) Matrix_dimension;
// Number of planes
uint16_t planes = 1;
// Color depth, BPP (bits per pixel)
uint16_t bpp = 8;
// Compression type
uint32_t compression = 0;
// Image size in bytes
uint32_t imagesize = (uint32_t) Matrix_dimension*Matrix_dimension;
// Xppm
uint32_t xppm = 0;
// Yppm
uint32_t yppm = 0;
// Number of color used (NCL)
uint32_t colours = 256;
// Number of important color (NIC)
// value = 0 means all colors important
uint32_t impcolours = 0;
// Colour table
unsigned char bmpcolourtable[1024];
for(ii=0; ii < 1024; ii++){
bmpcolourtable[ii] = 0;
for(ii=0; ii < 255; ii++){
bmpcolourtable[jj+1] = ii+1;
bmpcolourtable[jj+2] = ii+1;
bmpcolourtable[jj+3] = ii+1;
pos+= 1;
fwrite(&Matrix[ii][jj],(sizeof(unsigned char)),1,out);

Image Processing: Image has grid lines after applying filter

I'm very new to working with image processing at a low level and have just had a go at implementing a gaussian kernel with both GPU and CPU - however both yield the same output, an image which is severely skewed by a grid:
I'm aware I could use OpenCV's pre-built functions to handle the filters, but I wanted to learn the methodology behind it, so I built my own.
Convolution kernel:
// Convolution kernel - this manipulates the given channel and writes out a new blurred channel.
void convoluteChannel_cpu(
const unsigned char* const channel, // Input channel
unsigned char* const channelBlurred, // Output channel
const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, // Channel width/height (rows, cols)
const float *filter, // The weight of sigma, to convulge
const int filterWidth // This is normally a sample of 9
// Loop through the images given R, G or B channel
for(int rows = 0; rows < (int)numRows; rows++)
for(int cols = 0; cols < (int)numCols; cols++)
// Declare new pixel colour value
float newColor = 0.f;
// Loop for every row along the stencil size (3x3 matrix)
for(int filter_x = -filterWidth/2; filter_x <= filterWidth/2; filter_x++)
// Loop for every col along the stencil size (3x3 matrix)
for(int filter_y = -filterWidth/2; filter_y <= filterWidth/2; filter_y++)
// Clamp to the boundary of the image to ensure we don't access a null index.
int image_x = __min(__max(rows + filter_x, 0), static_cast<int>(numRows -1));
int image_y = __min(__max(cols + filter_y, 0), static_cast<int>(numCols -1));
// Assign the new pixel value to the current pixel, numCols and numRows are both 3, so we only
// need to use one to find the current pixel index (similar to how we find the thread in a block)
float pixel = static_cast<float>(channel[image_x * numCols + image_y]);
// Sigma is the new weight to apply to the image, we perform the equation to get a radnom weighting,
// if we don't do this the image will become choppy.
float sigma = filter[(filter_x + filterWidth / 2) * filterWidth + filter_y + filterWidth/2];
//float sigma = 1 / 81.f;
// Set the new pixel value
newColor += pixel * sigma;
// Set the value of the next pixel at the current image index with the newly declared color
channelBlurred[rows * numCols + cols] = newColor;
I call this 3 times from another method which splits the image into respective R, G, B channels, but I don't believe this would cause the image to be so severely mutated.
Has anybody encountered a problem similar to this before, and if so how did you solve it?
EDIT Channel Splitting Func:
void gaussian_cpu(
const uchar4* const rgbaImage, // Our input image from the camera
uchar4* const outputImage, // The image we are writing back for display
size_t numRows, size_t numCols, // Width and Height of the input image (rows/cols)
const float* const filter, // The value of sigma
const int filterWidth // The size of the stencil (3x3) 9
// Build an array to hold each channel for the given image
unsigned char *r_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
unsigned char *g_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
unsigned char *b_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
// Build arrays for each of the output (blurred) channels
unsigned char *r_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
unsigned char *g_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
unsigned char *b_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
// Separate the image into R,G,B channels
for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows * numCols; i++)
uchar4 rgba = rgbaImage[i];
r_c[i] = rgba.x;
g_c[i] = rgba.y;
b_c[i] = rgba.z;
// Convolute each of the channels using our array
convoluteChannel_cpu(r_c, r_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);
convoluteChannel_cpu(g_c, g_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);
convoluteChannel_cpu(b_c, b_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);
// Recombine the channels to build the output image - 255 for alpha as we want 0 transparency
for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows * numCols; i++)
uchar4 rgba = make_uchar4(r_bc[i], g_bc[i], b_bc[i], 255);
outputImage[i] = rgba;
EDIT Calling the kernel
while(gpu_frames > 0)
//cout << gpu_frames << "\n";
camera >> frameIn;
// Allocate I/O Pointers
beginStream(&h_inputFrame, &h_outputFrame, &d_inputFrame, &d_outputFrame, &d_redBlurred, &d_greenBlurred, &d_blueBlurred, &_h_filter, &filterWidth, frameIn);
// Show the source image
imshow("Source", frameIn);
// Allocate mem to GPU
allocateMemoryAndCopyToGPU(numRows(), numCols(), _h_filter, filterWidth);
// Apply the gaussian kernel filter and then free any memory ready for the next iteration
gaussian_gpu(h_inputFrame, d_inputFrame, d_outputFrame, numRows(), numCols(), d_redBlurred, d_greenBlurred, d_blueBlurred, filterWidth);
// Output the blurred image
cudaMemcpy(h_outputFrame, d_frameOut, sizeof(uchar4) * numPixels(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
gpuTime += g_timer.Elapsed();
cout << "Time for this kernel " << g_timer.Elapsed() << "\n";
Mat outputFrame(Size(numCols(), numRows()), CV_8UC1, h_outputFrame, Mat::AUTO_STEP);
imshow("Dest", outputFrame);
// 1ms delay to prevent system from being interrupted whilst drawing the new frame
And then within the beginStream() method, images are converted to uchar4:
// Allocate host variables, casting the frameIn and frameOut vars to uchar4 elements, these will
// later be processed by the kernel
*h_inputFrame = (uchar4 *)frameIn.ptr<unsigned char>(0);
*h_outputFrame = (uchar4 *)frameOut.ptr<unsigned char>(0);
There are many doubts in the problem.
At the start of the code, its mentioned that the filter width is 9, thus making it a 9x9 kernel. But in some other comments its said to be 3. So I am guessing that you are actually using a 9x9 kernel and the filter do have the 81 weights in them.
But the above output can never be due to the above mentioned confusion.
uchar4 is of 4-byte size. Thus in gaussian_cpu while splitting the data by running the loop over rgbaImage[i] on an image that doesnot contain alpha value (it could be inferred from the above mentioned loop that alpha is not present) what actually gets done is that your are copying R1,G2,B3,R5,G6,B7 and so on to the red-channel. Better you initially try the code on a grayscale image and make sure you are using uchar instead of uchar4.
The output image seems exactly 1/3rd the width of the original image, which makes the above assumption to be true.
Is the input rgbaImage to guassian_cpu function RGBA or RGB? videoCapture must be giving a 3 channel output. The initialization of *h_inputFrame (to uchar4) itself is wrong as its pointing to 3 channel data.
Similarly the output data is four channel data, but Mat outputFrame is declared as a single channel which points to this four channel data. Try Mat outputFrame as 8UC3 type and see the result.
Also, how is the code working, the guassian_cpu() function has 7 input parameters in the definition, but when you call the function 8 parameters are used. Hope this is just a typo.

CRC Calculation Of A Mostly Static Data Stream

I have a section of memory, 1024 bytes. The last 1020 bytes will always be the same. The first 4 bytes will change (serial number of a product). I need to calculate the CRC-16 CCITT (0xFFFF starting, 0x1021 mask) for the entire section of memory, CRC_WHOLE.
Is it possible to calculate the CRC for only the first 4 bytes, CRC_A, then apply a function such as the one below to calculate the full CRC? We can assume that the checksum for the last 1020 bytes, CRC_B, is already known.
I know that this formula does not work (tried it), but I am hoping that something similar exists.
Yes. You can see how in zlib's crc32_combine(). If you have two sequences A and B, then the pure CRC of AB is the exclusive-or of the CRC of A0 and the CRC of 0B, where the 0's represent a series of zero bytes with the length of the corresponding sequence, i.e. B and A respectively.
For your application, you can pre-compute a single operator that applies 1020 zeros to the CRC of your first four bytes very rapidly. Then you can exclusive-or that with the pre-computed CRC of the 1020 bytes.
Here is a post of mine from 2008 with a detailed explanation that #ArtemB discovered (that I had forgotten about):
crc32_combine() in zlib is based on two key tricks. For what follows,
we set aside the fact that the standard 32-bit CRC is pre and post-
conditioned. We can deal with that later. Assume for now a CRC that
has no such conditioning, and so starts with the register filled with
Trick #1: CRCs are linear. So if you have stream X and stream Y of
the same length and exclusive-or the two streams bit-by-bit to get Z,
i.e. Z = X ^ Y (using the C notation for exclusive-or), then CRC(Z) =
CRC(X) ^ CRC(Y). For the problem at hand we have two streams A and B
of differing length that we want to concatenate into stream Z. What
we have available are CRC(A) and CRC(B). What we want is a quick way
to compute CRC(Z). The trick is to construct X = A concatenated with
length(B) zero bits, and Y = length(A) zero bits concatenated with B.
So if we represent concatenation simply by juxtaposition of the
symbols, X = A0, Y = 0B, then X^Y = Z = AB. Then we have CRC(Z) =
CRC(A0) ^ CRC(0B).
Now we need to know CRC(A0) and CRC(0B). CRC(0B) is easy. If we feed
a bunch of zeros to the CRC machine starting with zero, the register
is still filled with zeros. So it's as if we did nothing at all.
Therefore CRC(0B) = CRC(B).
CRC(A0) requires more work however. Taking a non-zero CRC and feeding
zeros to the CRC machine doesn't leave it alone. Every zero changes
the register contents. So to get CRC(A0), we need to set the register
to CRC(A), and then run length(B) zeros through it. Then we can
exclusive-or the result of that with CRC(B) = CRC(0B), and we get what
we want, which is CRC(Z) = CRC(AB). Voila!
Well, actually the voila is premature. I wasn't at all satisfied with
that answer. I didn't want a calculation that took a time
proportional to the length of B. That wouldn't save any time compared
to simply setting the register to CRC(A) and running the B stream
through. I figured there must be a faster way to compute the effect
of feeding n zeros into the CRC machine (where n = length(B)). So
that leads us to:
Trick #2: The CRC machine is a linear state machine. If we know the
linear transformation that occurs when we feed a zero to the machine,
then we can do operations on that transformation to more efficiently
find the transformation that results from feeding n zeros into the
The transformation of feeding a single zero bit into the CRC machine
is completely represented by a 32x32 binary matrix. To apply the
transformation we multiply the matrix by the register, taking the
register as a 32 bit column vector. For the matrix multiplication in
binary (i.e. over the Galois Field of 2), the role of multiplication
is played by and'ing, and the role of addition is played by exclusive-
There are a few different ways to construct the magic matrix that
represents the transformation caused by feeding the CRC machine a
single zero bit. One way is to observe that each column of the matrix
is what you get when your register starts off with a single one in
it. So the first column is what you get when the register is 100...
and then feed a zero, the second column comes from starting with
0100..., etc. (Those are referred to as basis vectors.) You can see
this simply by doing the matrix multiplication with those vectors.
The matrix multiplication selects the column of the matrix
corresponding to the location of the single one.
Now for the trick. Once we have the magic matrix, we can set aside
the initial register contents for a while, and instead use the
transformation for one zero to compute the transformation for n
zeros. We could just multiply n copies of the matrix together to get
the matrix for n zeros. But that's even worse than just running the n
zeros through the machine. However there's an easy way to avoid most
of those matrix multiplications to get the same answer. Suppose we
want to know the transformation for running eight zero bits, or one
byte through. Let's call the magic matrix that represents running one
zero through: M. We could do seven matrix multiplications to get R =
MxMxMxMxMxMxMxM. Instead, let's start with MxM and call that P. Then
PxP is MxMxMxM. Let's call that Q. Then QxQ is R. So now we've
reduced the seven multiplications to three. P = MxM, Q = PxP, and R =
Now I'm sure you get the idea for an arbitrary n number of zeros. We
can very rapidly generate transformation matrices Mk, where Mk is the
transformation for running 2k zeros through. (In the
paragraph above M3 is R.) We can make M1 through Mk with only k
matrix multiplications, starting with M0 = M. k only has to be as
large as the number of bits in the binary representation of n. We can
then pick those matrices where there are ones in the binary
representation of n and multiply them together to get the
transformation of running n zeros through the CRC machine. So if n =
13, compute M0 x M2 x M3.
If j is the number of one's in the binary representation of n, then we
just have j - 1 more matrix multiplications. So we have a total of k
j - 1 matrix multiplications, where j <= k = floor(logbase2(n)).
Now we take our rapidly constructed matrix for n zeros, and multiply
that by CRC(A) to get CRC(A0). We can compute CRC(A0) in O(log(n))
time, instead of O(n) time. We exclusive or that with CRC(B) and
Voila! (really this time), we have CRC(Z).
That's what zlib's crc32_combine() does.
I will leave it as an exercise for the reader as to how to deal with
the pre and post conditioning of the CRC register. You just need to
apply the linearity observations above. Hint: You don't need to know
length(A). In fact crc32_combine() only takes three arguments:
CRC(A), CRC(B), and length(B) (in bytes).
Below is example C code for an alternative approach for CRC(A0). Rather than working with a matrix, a CRC can be cycled forward n bits by muliplying (CRC · ((2^n)%POLY)%POLY . So the repeated squaring is performed on an integer rather than a matrix. If n is constant, then (2^n)%POLY can be pre-computed.
/* crcpad.c - crc - data has a large number of trailing zeroes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
#define POLY (0x04c11db7u)
static uint32_t crctbl[256];
void GenTbl(void) /* generate crc table */
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t c;
uint32_t i;
for(c = 0; c < 0x100; c++){
crc = c<<24;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
/* assumes twos complement */
crc = (crc<<1)^((0-(crc>>31))&POLY);
crctbl[c] = crc;
uint32_t GenCrc(uint8_t * bfr, size_t size) /* generate crc */
uint32_t crc = 0u;
crc = (crc<<8)^crctbl[(crc>>24)^*bfr++];
/* carryless multiply modulo crc */
uint32_t MpyModCrc(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) /* (a*b)%crc */
uint32_t pd = 0;
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){
/* assumes twos complement */
pd = (pd<<1)^((0-(pd>>31))&POLY);
pd ^= (0-(b>>31))&a;
b <<= 1;
return pd;
/* exponentiate by repeated squaring modulo crc */
uint32_t PowModCrc(uint32_t p) /* pow(2,p)%crc */
uint32_t prd = 0x1u; /* current product */
uint32_t sqr = 0x2u; /* current square */
prd = MpyModCrc(prd, sqr);
sqr = MpyModCrc(sqr, sqr);
p >>= 1;
return prd;
/* # data bytes */
#define DAT ( 32)
/* # zero bytes */
#define PAD (992)
/* DATA+PAD */
#define CNT (1024)
int main()
uint32_t pmc;
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t crf;
uint32_t i;
uint8_t *msg = malloc(CNT);
for(i = 0; i < DAT; i++) /* generate msg */
msg[i] = (uint8_t)rand();
for( ; i < CNT; i++)
msg[i] = 0;
GenTbl(); /* generate crc table */
crc = GenCrc(msg, CNT); /* generate crc normally */
crf = GenCrc(msg, DAT); /* generate crc for data */
pmc = PowModCrc(PAD*8); /* pmc = pow(2,PAD*8)%crc */
crf = MpyModCrc(crf, pmc); /* crf = (crf*pmc)%crc */
printf("%08x %08x\n", crc, crf);
return 0;
Example C code using intrinsic for carryless multiply, pclmulqdq == _mm_clmulepi64_si128:
/* crcpadm.c - crc - data has a large number of trailing zeroes */
/* pclmulqdq intrinsic version */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <intrin.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#define POLY (0x104c11db7ull)
#define POLYM ( 0x04c11db7u)
static uint32_t crctbl[256];
static __m128i poly; /* poly */
static __m128i invpoly; /* 2^64 / POLY */
void GenMPoly(void) /* generate __m12i8 poly info */
uint64_t N = 0x100000000ull;
uint64_t Q = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < 33; i++){
Q <<= 1;
Q |= 1;
N ^= POLY;
N <<= 1;
poly.m128i_u64[0] = POLY;
invpoly.m128i_u64[0] = Q;
void GenTbl(void) /* generate crc table */
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t c;
uint32_t i;
for(c = 0; c < 0x100; c++){
crc = c<<24;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
/* assumes twos complement */
crc = (crc<<1)^((0-(crc>>31))&POLYM);
crctbl[c] = crc;
uint32_t GenCrc(uint8_t * bfr, size_t size) /* generate crc */
uint32_t crc = 0u;
crc = (crc<<8)^crctbl[(crc>>24)^*bfr++];
/* carryless multiply modulo crc */
uint32_t MpyModCrc(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) /* (a*b)%crc */
__m128i ma, mb, mp, mt;
ma.m128i_u64[0] = a;
mb.m128i_u64[0] = b;
mp = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(ma, mb, 0x00); /* p[0] = a*b */
mt = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(mp, invpoly, 0x00); /* t[1] = (p[0]*((2^64)/POLY))>>64 */
mt = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(mt, poly, 0x01); /* t[0] = t[1]*POLY */
return mp.m128i_u32[0] ^ mt.m128i_u32[0]; /* ret = p[0] ^ t[0] */
/* exponentiate by repeated squaring modulo crc */
uint32_t PowModCrc(uint32_t p) /* pow(2,p)%crc */
uint32_t prd = 0x1u; /* current product */
uint32_t sqr = 0x2u; /* current square */
prd = MpyModCrc(prd, sqr);
sqr = MpyModCrc(sqr, sqr);
p >>= 1;
return prd;
/* # data bytes */
#define DAT ( 32)
/* # zero bytes */
#define PAD (992)
/* DATA+PAD */
#define CNT (1024)
int main()
uint32_t pmc;
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t crf;
uint32_t i;
uint8_t *msg = malloc(CNT);
GenMPoly(); /* generate __m128 polys */
GenTbl(); /* generate crc table */
for(i = 0; i < DAT; i++) /* generate msg */
msg[i] = (uint8_t)rand();
for( ; i < CNT; i++)
msg[i] = 0;
crc = GenCrc(msg, CNT); /* generate crc normally */
crf = GenCrc(msg, DAT); /* generate crc for data */
pmc = PowModCrc(PAD*8); /* pmc = pow(2,PAD*8)%crc */
crf = MpyModCrc(crf, pmc); /* crf = (crf*pmc)%crc */
printf("%08x %08x\n", crc, crf);
return 0;

Creating a Mat object from a YV12 image buffer

I have a buffer which contains an image in YV12 format. Now I want to either convert this buffer to RGB format or create a Mat object from it directly! Can someone help me? I tried this code :
cv::Mat input(widthOfImg, heightOfImg, CV_8UC1, vy12Buffer);
cv::Mat converted;
cv::cvtColor(input, converted, CV_YUV2RGB_YV12);
That's possible.
cv::Mat picYV12 = cv::Mat(nHeight * 3/2, nWidth, CV_8UC1, yv12DataBuffer);
cv::Mat picBGR;
cv::cvtColor(picYV12, picBGR, CV_YUV2BGR_YV12);
cv::imwrite("test.bmp", picBGR); //only for test
Opencv color conversion flags
The height is multiplied by 3/2 because there are 4 Y samples, and 1 U and 1 V sample stored for every 2x2 square of pixels. This results in a byte sample to pixel ratio of 3/2
4*1+1+1 samples per 2*2 pixels = 6/4 = 3/2
YV12 Format
Correction: In the last version of OpenCV (i use oldest 2.4.13 version) is color conversion code changed to
cv::cvtColor(picYV12, picBGR, COLOR_YUV2BGR_YV12);
here is the corresponding version in java (Android)...
This method was faster than other techniques like renderscript or opengl(glReadPixels) for getting bitmap from yuv12/i420 data stream (tested with webrtc i420 ).
long startTimei = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
Mat picyv12 = new Mat(768,512,CV_8UC1); //(im_height*3/2,im_width), should be even no...
picyv12.put(0,0,return_buff); // buffer - byte array with i420 data
Imgproc.cvtColor(picyv12,picyv12,COLOR_YUV2RGB_YV12);// or use COLOR_YUV2BGR_YV12 depending on output result
long endTimei = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
Log.d("i420_time", Long.toString(endTimei - startTimei));
Log.d("picyv12_size", picyv12.size().toString()); // Check size
Log.d("picyv12_type", String.valueOf(picyv12.type())); // Check type
Utils.matToBitmap(picyv12,tbmp2); // Convert mat to bitmap (height, width) i.e (512,512) - ARGB_888
save(tbmp2,"itest"); // Save bitmap
That's impossible.
Y'UV420p is a planar format, meaning that the Y', U, and V values are
grouped together instead of interspersed. The reason for this is that
by grouping the U and V values together, the image becomes much more
compressible. When given an array of an image in the Y'UV420p format,
all the Y' values come first, followed by all the U values, followed
finally by all the V values.
but cv::Mat is a RGB color model, and arranged like B0 G0 R0 B1 G1 R1... So,we can't create a Mat object from a YV12 buffer directly.
Here is an example:
cv::Mat Yv12ToRgb( uchar *pBuffer,long bufferSize, int width,int height )
cv::Mat result(height,width,CV_8UC3);
uchar y,cb,cr;
long ySize=width*height;
long uSize;
uchar *;
uchar *pY=pBuffer;
uchar *pU=pY+ySize;
uchar *pV=pU+uSize;
uchar r,g,b;
for (int i=0;i<uSize;++i)
for(int j=0;j<4;++j)
//ITU-R standard
return result;
You can try as YUV_I420 array
char filePath[3000];
int width, height;
cout << "file path = ";
cin >> filePath;
cout << "width = ";
cin >> width;
cout << "height = ";
cin >> height;
FILE *pFile = fopen(filePath, "rb");
unsigned char* buff = new unsigned char[width * height *3 / 2];
fread(buff, 1, width * height* 3 / 2, pFile);
cv::Mat imageRGB;
cv::Mat picI420 = cv::Mat(height * 3 / 2, width, CV_8UC1, buff);
cv::cvtColor(picI420, imageRGB, CV_YUV2BGRA_I420);
imshow("imageRGB", imageRGB);
