Weird segue transition after disabling autolayout - ios

I don't know how to explain this, it's really strange.
Ok think about two view controllers, the first one is a tableview controller and has a button in his navigation bar connected via push segue to the second view controller.
When pushing the button, the second view controller comes in from the right and at the same time pushes the first view controller out, to the left.
I wasn't using auto layout for my project but I've activated it to test something (I've just activated two constraints for two labels in the prototype cell). Then I've disabled the auto layout and now when I push the button on the first controller the second one comes in, but instead of pushing out the first controller, it slides on the back of the first one, that disappears only when the animation ends.
It's like if all the cells in my first controller become transparent during the transition.
I can't see anything strange in my settings so I don't know how to solve this.

Well, as Ryan said, it was one of those annoying problems where you dig around for 30 (for me it's been 90) minutes with no success and then find out how to fix it with a single click.
It turns out that the second view controller had a transparent background (don't know why), so reverting it to white solved the problem.
Thanks God I din't delete the storyboard to make it ex-novo.


Transition of a view controller embedded in a navigation controller

I have a problem with a transition. I am modifying this project in order to have the transition from the right instead of the bottom. This part is fine. My transition comes from the right.
My problem is that I'm embedding the presented modal view controller into a Navigation Controller. I do this so I can use the "pushViewController" function when I click on a cell of my modal view controller.
My hierarchy is as follow. I have a dashboard. From the right, I drag a TableViewController X. If I drag back in the opposite direction, I come back to my dashboard. Fine. Now, If I tap a cell, it pushes a new ViewController Y.
Now, if I am in my new ViewController Y and that I drag back, I come back directly on my dashboard instead of going back to my TableViewController X, as a natural navigation controller should behave.
I did a small project on github that does only that, so you can easily see my entire code.
I understand why it behaves like this, but I would like to know how I can override the transition set on the navigation controller in order to have the normal behaviour of my navigation controller once it is presented.
Another problem I have not been able to solve. On the project I used as a starter (the one from xxxAIRINxxx) the transition is perfectly smooth. On mine, the first time I trigger the transition, it blinks and get stuck. Once I did it once, it is smooth the next time I drag my view. But the first time is always awful. I don't know why either :(
Thank you a lot for your help!

Show (Push) Segue Leaving Imprint of Previous View

I have two views. Upon clicking a button, the other view should be segued onto the screen with a show (previously called push) segue. This works flawlessly, however, for some strange reason when transitioning a short imprint of the previous view is left behind. This seems to be happening only for these 2 views, I can not reproduce it with others, and the bug occurs both on the simulator and an actual device. Here is a GIF of what is happening:
(Stackoverflow doesn't support direct Gif's in post as far as I'm aware, so sorry for the external link)
Sorry for the low quality.
I simply control-dragged from the "Signup" button to the other screen to create the segue. This seems to be the only transition that is doing this throughout my entire app. This is what it looks like in storyboard. I'm doing nothing programmatically before/after the segue sends.
I've tried programmatically creating the segue as well, however the same effect is occurring. I could not find any similar stackoverflow posts.
Any clues on why this is happening and any possible fixes would be great. If you need more information please let me know.
I am not doing anything to resource extensive on the view initialization (I'm simply making the nav bar translucent and modifying a few outlets). I feel it is important to note that the background (The blue) and the sonus logo are both Image Views. I've attempted programmatically setting the background image, however this made no effect on the outcome of the problem.
Go through the below Solution:
Click on "Second View Controller"
Select the top UIView
Now change it's background color to Default
This will solve your problem!

Xcode segue leads to back screen sometimes

I have two view controllers that are linked to each other via segues. Both segues are modal, and have identifiers. Both view controllers have storyboard IDs and titles. When I go to my second view controller (VC2) I sometimes get a completely black screen (except for, strangely, a UILabel which has its text updated by a NSTimer every second). I have to check/uncheck animated on the segue several times to get it to work again. I have no idea why this is happening. I tried switching the views programmatically, and the problem went away, but I'd prefer to use less code and I have to share data between the segues. Anyone have an idea?
Either try what Calvdeos is saying
Or Use Navigation controller. Push first VC in the navigation controller. Then upon user action, push second VC on top of it. Then when VC2 is done, pop it off the VC stack.
It really depends on what the flow is. If you expand on the logical flow, i can suggest better.
Thanks everyone. Managed to fix it. The UILabel that would show up under the black screen had a bad IBOutlet. I deleted that outlet and fixed it, everything worked fine.

UIButton doesn't respond to touch on first load, but works after segueing back from another view controller

I'm not sure when or how this happened in my project, but it did. The main button in the middle of my initial view controller ignores all touch events when I first load the app. The buttons in my navbar on the bottom all work fine.
If I follow one of those buttons through a modal segue to another view controller and then segue back into the initial view controller, the button works perfectly.
I'm at a loss. Any idea how this could have occurred or how I could fix it?
I can't put my finger on what, but this has something to do with my constraints. If I remove them (and my app tumbles into a mess on 3.5 inch phones), the button works at all times.
I have the same problem: on the first load of the view one particular UIButton doesn't work, but if I tap on other tab bar element, launching a segue and then coming back to my home screen, it works perfectly.
My problem persists even if I remove every constraints for the view.
In my case, the POSITION of the button seems to be the cause of the issue: in the right side of the view it becomes not working, but if I move the same button on the center or left of my view it becomes available.

Creating an animated slide-down menu using Autolayout

I'm trying to upgrade my app to use Autolayout, basically to be future-proof, but I'm running into a huge amount of problems TRYING to use autolayout.
What I have is a view controller which contains two UINavigationControllers (using view controller containment). If I press a button, I want the menu to come down. Within the menu, i'll push view controllers and whatever else, and if the user wants to quickly get out of the menu they can tap the bottom part of the view at the bottom. Basically, if you've used Uber, something similar to that.
I have fiddled and fiddled but I can't get it to work correctly. The best I got was set up a XIB for the container view, and have two views within it (as well as a few outlets for some constraints). Within code, I change the constants of these constraints to make the menu view move and to force the correct height of the menu (which is the same as the bottom minus an offset).
The problem comes in when I try to push another view controller in the menu as it seems to throw away the height constraint set on the menu -- new view controllers take up the entire screen. I don't want to use clipSubviews because that doesn't really solve the problem, and sometimes I use overlays which need to go outside of the view.
To be honest, I don't even really care that much if this animation even uses autolayout, but I want to be able to use it on the view controllers within each navigation controller. Right now, if I turn it on, the animation won't work at all.
Any ideas?
