How to secure method of Web API -

Since many website will calling service by Web API. In that case, those methods will be exposed for every one. How can I ensure only my web site can calling my Web API service?

One of the easiest way to secure it as a developer is to get the IT people to do it by limiting access down by IP address from site to site. You could also do this in the app by validating the incoming IP addreseses. Sometimes IP addresses change sometimes they don't. Whenever I have done this have used certificates as there is a trust on both sides of the data divide. Have a look at John Petersens article Making web api's secure it has a section on implementing IP security in your app as well as x509 certificates; complete with code examples that I wont reproduce here. You could try and secure it with SSL and create your own key / trust but its easier to maintain (imo) using x509. Perversely it was much easier in the web service world Microsoft had an API to do this much more simple in WSE extension..


How to hide ios app IP address from third party servers?

My ios app retrieves some data from third party servers during runetime.
For privacy reasons, I want to hide the IP addresses of my users, in order to prevent those servers to know them. How can I do that ?
My idea is to set up a kind of "proxy server" or "VPN server" inbetween the app and the third party servers. Is that a good idea ?
Thanks for your help!
Yes, proxying is the right way to do this. You could do it with a VPN, but that's overkill, and requires considerable setup on the client side which you don't control.
You can get a web server such as Nginx or Apache to act as a proxy directly through config options, or you can do it via scripting with PHP or whatever. I do the latter to provide a proxied service to The principle is quite straightforward:
Accept a request from your client.
On your server side, make a request (using an HTTP library, such as Guzzle) to the 3rd party service to get whatever is needed.
Parse the response from there and create a response suitable for your client.
This way the 3rd party service will only ever see the IP of your server, not your client, and you can choose exactly what data from the client you pass through. In my gravatar example, it sends an MD5 hash of the user's email address, which has its own privacy implications, but that's a separate problem!

Best practices for securely granting user credential access to other internal services (API key)?

I have a Ruby on Rails application with a database that stores sensitive user information (hashed with Devise). I now need to pass some of this sensitive information to another internal service on another server that needs it to make calls to third party APIs, so it needs a way to request that information from the RoR app.
What's the best approach to something like this? My first intuition was to grant an internal API key that would grant access to all sensitive information in the DB (via a private endpoint), the same way developer keys give access to a subset of API endpoints. Is this secure enough as long as I hash the API key? What's the best approach to passing sensitive information around through internal services?
Private APIs
My first intuition was to grant an internal API key that would grant access to all sensitive information in the DB (via a private endpoint), the same way developer keys give access to a subset of API endpoints
Well private endpoints or private APIs don't exist in the sense of only protecting them by using an API key. From a web app you only need to see the html source code to be able to find the API keys. In mobile devices you can see how easy is to reverse engineer API keys in this series of articles about Mobile API Security Techniques. While the articles are in the context of mobile devices, some of the techniques used are also valid in other type of APIs. I hope you can see now how someone could grab the API key and abuse from the API you are trying to secure.
Now even if you don't expose the API key in a mobile app or web app, the API is still discoverable, specially if the endpoint is served by the same API used for the other public endpoints. This is made even easier when you tell in robots.txt that bots should not access some of the endpoints, because this is the first place where hackers look into for trying to enumerate attack vectors into your APIs.
Possible Solutions
Private API Solution
What's the best approach to something like this? My first intuition was to grant an internal API key that would grant access to all sensitive information in the DB (via a private endpoint)
In order to have a private API the server hosting it needs to be protected by a firewall and locked to the other internal server consuming it with certificate pinning and maybe also by IP address. In order to be able to properly secure and lock down the internal server hosting the supposed private API it MUST not support any public requests.
Certificate Pinning:
Pinning effectively removes the "conference of trust". An application which pins a certificate or public key no longer needs to depend on others - such as DNS or CAs - when making security decisions relating to a peer's identity. For those familiar with SSH, you should realize that public key pinning is nearly identical to SSH's StrictHostKeyChecking option. SSH had it right the entire time, and the rest of the world is beginning to realize the virtues of directly identifying a host or service by its public key.
Database Direct Access Solution
What's the best approach to passing sensitive information around through internal services?
Personally I would prefer to access the database directly from the other server and have the database software itself configured to only accept requests from specific internal servers for specific users with the less privileges possible to perform the action they need. Additionally you would employ the firewall locking to and use certificate pinning between the internal servers.
No matter what solution you choose place your database with the sensitive data in server that only hosts that database and is very well lock-down to your internal network.
Anyone needing to access that sensitive data MUST have only read privileges for that specific database table.

Restrict access to web service to only allow mobile clients

I'm currently building a mobile application (iOS at first), which needs a backend web service to communicate with.
Since this service will be exposing data that I only want to be accessed by my mobile clients, I would like to restrict the access to the service.
However I'm in a bit of a doubt as to how this should be implemented. Since my app doesn't require authentication, I can't just authenticate against the service with these credentials. Somehow I need to be able to identify if the request is coming from a trusted client (i.e. my app), and this of course leads to the thought that one could just use certificates. But couldn't this certificate just be extracted from the app and hence misused?
Currently my app is based on iOS, but later on android and WP will come as well.
The web service I'm expecting to develop in nodejs, though this is not a final decision - it will however be a RESTful service.
Any advice on best practice is appreciated!
Simple answer: You cannot prevent just anybody from acecssing your web site from a non-mobile client. You can, however, make it harder.
Send a nonstandard HTTP header
Set some unique query parameter
Send an interesting (or subtly non-interesting) User Agent string
(you can probably think of a few more)
Implement a challenge/response protocol to identify your client
(Ab)use HTTP as a transport for your own encrypted content
(you can probably think of a few more)
Of course anybody could extract the data, decompile your code, replay your HTTP requests, and whatnot. But at some point, being able to access a free Web application wouldn't be worth the effort that'd be required to reverse-engineer your app.
There's a more basic question here, however. What would be the harm of accessing your site with some other client? You haven't said; and without that information it's basically impossible to recommend an appropriate solution.

oAuth implementation from the beginning or later

I'm starting a new system creating using .NET MVC - which is a relatively large scale business management platform. There's some indication that we'll open the platform to public once it is released and pass the market test.
We will be using ExtJs for the front-end which leads us to implement most data mining work return in JSON format - this makes me think whether I should learn the OAuth right now and try to embed the OAuth concept right from the beginning?
Basically the platform we want to create will initially fully implemented internally with a widget system; our boss is thinking to learn from Twitter to build just a core database and spread out all different features into other modules that can be integrated into the platform. To secure that in the beginning I proposed intranet implementation which is safer without much authentication required; however they think it will be once-for-all efforts if we can get a good implementation like OAuth into the platform as we start? (We are team of 6 and none of us know much about OAuth in fact!)
I don't know much about OAuth, so if it's worth to implement at the beginning of our system, I'll have to take a look and have my vote next week for OAuth in our meeting. This may effect how we gonna implement the whole web service thing, so may I ask anyone who's done large-scale web service /application before give some thoughts and advice for me?
OAuth 1 is nice if you want to use HTTP connections. If you can simply enforce HTTPS connections for all users, you might want to use OAuth 2, which is hardly more than a shared token between the client and server that's sent for each single request, plus a pre-defined way to get permission from the user via a web interface.
If you have to accept plain HTTP as well, OAuth 1 is really nice. It protects against replay attacks, packet injection or modification, uses a shared secret instead of shared token, etc. It is, however, a bit harder to implement than OAuth 2.
OAuth 2 is mostly about how to exchange username/password combinations for an access token, while OAuth 1 is mostly about how make semi-secure requests to a server over an unencrypted connection. If you don't need any of that, don't use OAuth. In many cases, Basic HTTP Authentication via HTTPS will do just fine.
OAuth is a standard for authentication and authorization. You can read about it in many places and learn; Generally the standard lets a client register in the authentication server, and then whenever this client attempts to access a protected resource, he is directed to the auth-server to get a token (first he gets a code, then he exchanges it with a token). But this is only generally, there are tons of details and options here...
Basically, one needs a good reason to use oAuth. If a simpler authentication mechanism is good for you - go for it.

Securing REST and JSON

I want to build my web services serving JSON data utilizing RESTful architecture.
But I want my own client apps only that can request from my web services.
Basically, my web services contain sensitive data that is not for public consumption, but I wanted to build it that way so I can build many different client apps that connects to my web service.
Would appreciate any ideas for this, thanks.
The fact that it's RESTful or uses JSON isn't a relevant factor when it comes to securing a web service. Any web service would need to be secured in the same manner. There are a few things you should do:
If possible, don't host your web service on the Internet. If the web service is hosted within your company's LAN, for example, it won't be exposed to public consumption unless you specifically exposed it through your router.
Set up authentication and authorization rules. If you're hosting your web service inside of a Windows domain, you could simply use Windows authentication and set up rules based on Active Directory users and groups. Other options are to use HTTP authentication, client certificate authentication, or if you're developing in .NET, forms authentication.
Use encryption (HTTPS), especially if your web site is hosted on the Internet.
You just need a couple things in place to do this. First, the service client will need to authenticate against your service (over HTTPS) to make a request. Once the client is authenticated, you can return a private token which the client has to include with this token. As long as the token expires after a reasonable amount of time, and a secure algorithm is used to generate it, this should do what you want.
If you have more strict security requirements, you can follow Jakob's suggestion, or have the client start a VPN session prior to making requests.
