Show "Black" when you "Scroll" down image - ios

I have a pretty simple scroll view (code below) which i have a picture on
self.detailViewController.scroll.contentSize=CGSizeMake(320, 1200);
However when i "Scroll to the extreme button or extreme top of the picture or extreme button of the "scroll view, it loops and shows the top of the picture or loops back to the buttom of the picture.
I was wondering if there was some sort of "no repeat" i could set so it shows "black" instead of back to the top of the picture.
Thank you.

colorWithPatternImage tiles the image that it is given. So setting it as the background colour will always result in 'wrap around' if the scroll view can be scrolled outside the edges of the tile image.
To prevent this, choose one of:
Set the content size to the size of the tile image and turn off bouncing
Don't use colorWithPatternImage, use a UIImageView added as a subview of the scroll view.


Partially show imageview

I am trying to create an animation where an image view is moving up and down vertically. I have a line that the imageview is passing through, and my intention is to have the imageview hide partially when passing through the line. For example, if the line is halfway between the imageview, then the bottom half of the imageview should be hidden. Therefore, it would be ideal if there was a library of function that could hide a fraction of the imageview based on a specified y position. Please find examples of what I mean in the attached screenshots.
In this screenshot, the part of the circle (imageview) underneath the line should be hidden, but the top half should be shown.
Also, keep in mind that the background is a changing gradient so I wouldn't be able to use a rectangular view with the same background color to hide the circle.

UIScrollView with a background set to the blurred image

I have a UIScrollView that shows certain images based on an index. When an image loads, I want to set the background of the UIScrollView to the blurred version of that image.
Right now I have a container view that houses the scrollView, and I've been trying to add a blurred subView to the container but it's not working out. If I just add the subview it gets rendered over the scrollView which id obviously no good, and If I add the subView and send it to back then I don't see any blurred effect at all.
Is this the right approach or is there a better way to achieve the effect I'm going for?
As you said "and If I add the subview and send it to back then I don't see any blurred effect at all."
To sort it out, You may try changing the background color of Scrollview to clearColor.

Image Positioning when resizing

I have an image that is 1000x134 referred to as logo
I have an UIImageView that contains that logo as AspectFit
I have another view in the back
The user is allowed to pan, pinch, and rotate the logo to position it where ever they want on top of the background view
After they have positioned the logo, I then increase the size of the background view
Problem: After the background view's size gets increased, the position of the logo gets messed up.
Question: How do I scale the logo with the background view in order for it to appear in the same position?
You should make the UIImageView a subview of your background view. That would make it easy to resize the whole view, perhaps using self.view.transform.

mysterious white antialiasing behind UIImageView

I'm using a PageViewController to swipe through a series of daily ViewControllers for a week.
The UIViewController that contains the pageViewController contains a few navigation items that do not scroll with the pageViewController. These stay stationary as you swipe. One of these items is a UIImageView, more specifically a UIButton with an UIImageView image representation.
The trouble I'm having is that this stationary UIImageView has a thin white border to it when it should not. I'm giving it a rounded appearance by using rounded corners that are the size of the image. It is easiest seen in this photo. Note, the white "halo" is not part of the image, it appears for any image. The borderColor, imageBackground, view background, and parent view backgrounds are all clearColor. The red background below is part of the swipeable viewController. Interestingly, the white border only appears when it is stationary. If the image/button is placed in the swipeable View it looks great.
Any thoughts how I can get rid of this white antialiasing?
I changed the button's image from using the backgroundImage to just the image property and the white went away entirely. Glad for an easy fix, hope this helps someone else.

Autolayout position reset

I have a View and i have a an image view inside it and a another UiView and one or two more view in side the top level view. The problem is when i run my app in different screens iphone the image view resizes and i want the other view to change the their position to a little bit down. But only image view gets more space, but i don't want the other view to get more space but i want them to change their position.
Here i want the white view the Placeholder text and the the small picture view to change their position and go a bit down when the app runs on big screen iphone. Th rounded image view above the Mybutton gets more space when the screen resizes which is okay but the white view and other view remain at their same place. Just to add more information all these view are siblings of each other and i have fixed the the width and height of the white view, picture view and the placeholder text label
Any guidance please?
I think you have to start with the "movable" element and then add every "fixed" element.
I think you have to work with Center Y Alignment Contraint even if you have to create new view for it. The beginning could be :
