How do I change a Ruby on Rails (4) application name? - ruby-on-rails

Essentially I have a basic app that I would like to use as base for my other projects.
I ran git clone newfolder
But when I run my rails app rails s I get the following error:
Migrations are pending; run 'rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development' to resolve this issue.
So I run rake db:migrate and start the app again, getting the following error:
I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with the app name as asked in this question but I noticed the solution was provided for Rails 3 and the GitHub project hasn't been updated in two years.
Essentially, I think I have a solution (renaming the app) but I don't know how to do that. However, I may be wrong and I don't know why I am getting this error?

You are getting this error because, one of the css files you are requiring in your application.css is requiring application.css. Go through all the file in your app/assets/stylesheets and make sure that none of the file that is required in application.css is requiring application.css.


rails active_storage:install fails in app created with --minimal

I made an app with --minimal since standard rails apps are bloated and I would rather add pieces one at a time so I don't end up with unused dependencies, etc.
But when I try to add ActiveStorage, I get the following:
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'active_storage:install' (See the list of available tasks
with `rails --tasks`)
Same result with rails active_storage:install:migrations and app:active_storage:install:migrations.
I have uncommented this line in application.rb:
require "active_storage/engine"
But that didn't solve it. I created another app without the --minimal flag and it works just fine for that one so I am sure I am just missing some piece of the puzzle.
Any help is appreciated!
NOTE: I am using Windows Subsystem for Linux with an Ubuntu distro. Rails 6.1.4
Must have done something wrong because it started working. I think the application.rb file didn't get saved.


I've started a rails project using rails new with --webpack=react.
I generated a new controller updated my PostgreSQL password in the database.yml.
Up to this point, everything works fine. At this point all I'm trying to do is get react to render the default hello_react.jsx file that was generated as an example by rails.
When I put <%= javascript_pack_tag 'hello_react' %> in my view and run the server I get the following error:
Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError in Home#index Showing
G:/../../../myGroceryList/app/views/home/index.html.erb where line #1
Webpacker can't find hello_react.js in
G:/../../../myGroceryList/public/packs/manifest.json. Possible causes:
You want to set webpacker.yml value of compile to true for your
environment unless you are using the webpack -w or the
webpack-dev-server. webpack has not yet re-run to reflect updates. You
have misconfigured Webpacker's config/webpacker.yml file. Your webpack
configuration is not creating a manifest. Your manifest contains: { }
I have pushed the project up to GitHub. Any thought on what is going wrong and how to fix this error?
RESOLVED: Resolution in comments
Jonny B,
I encountered the same issue. I was able to determine that I needed to add '.jsx' to my webpacker.yml.
- .js
+ - .jsx
- .sass
- .scss
- .css
I also found that webpacker:compile was not being run on page refresh or when files were changed. I needed to run bundle exec rake assets:precompile (or bundle exec rake webpacker:compile) manually after each change to be able to reload and see the changes.
I am running the application via Apache+Mod_Passenger rather than using rails s (I have too many apps in development at the same time to keep starting and stopping a server on the command line). It seems like this doesn't work well with Webpacker's compile-on-demand functionality. Starting a server with rails s will allow me to hit the app on localhost:3000, but the react app doesn't render correctly. After hitting the page via the Puma server on 3000, I can now see the compiled assets working in my Apache/Passenger instance. So, the on-demand compiling seems to only work properly when running in a server started on the command line (rails s) ...which doesn't render correctly. :-/
The other option (better than running 2 servers) is to compile on the command line using bundle exec rake assets:precompile or bundle exec rake webpacker:compile whenever you make a change. Still a PITA, but at least it works ...for now. If I find a better solution, I'll update the answer.
After a lot of playing around, installing different version of NodeJS, Ruby, rbenv, nvm, etc., I was able to determine that the NODE_ENV wasn't being set for the Apache/Passenger environment. Using Rbenv, I was able to add an .rbenv-vars file in my app root containing:
Now, Webpacker (and NodeJS) see that I am running in development rather than production, and the compile-on-demand is working.
RESOLUTION: As best I can tell this error fires when your public/packs folder is missing the Manifest file or is missing all together. What was happening in my case was Webpackers compilation step was silently failing and not creating the public/packs folder. I checked in a fix to the webpacker gem for this. You can see that fix and conversation here.
if this is the root cause then you can fix with either of these depending on how you prefer to install node packages
yarn install
npm install

'rails generate model' fails to run

I inherited a Rails application and am having quite a difficult time generating a model. Running 'rails generate model Account' pauses for a moment, but then returns me to the command prompt without the output I would normally expect from a successful operation.
Environment info:
-Rails 4.2.5
-Ruby 2.3.0p, loaded via RVM
I've spent hours trying to debug this myself and have found a few interesting things:
1.) Generating a controller works as expected, only models seem broken
2.) If I create a new Rails project I can generate models as expected
3.) I've verified that spring is not running, using "spring stop"
4.) A similar problem is mentioned in this thread by a user with my same environment. I verified I'm in the proper dir, and also tried running "bundle update" as suggested by a user, but that didn't resolve the problem.
A few other resources allude to this being a problem with RVM, but rolling back to older versions of Ruby haven't made a difference.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Try the following commands:
bundle config --delete bin
rake rails:update:bin
Was able to reach out to one of the previous developers and learned that I'm dealing with JSONClient models and that's why it isn't working for me. D'oh!

Heroku not reflecting changes made to Redmine code

I'm having an odd and somewhat confusing problem.
I am trying to install Redmine on Heroku. I followed the instructions and well lets say it hasn't been a smooth ride.
I am now trying to do the db:migrate process. (I had to edit all the cruft in the application.rb to get this far, and don't know yet where this will lead.)
In doing the migration however, I get the message
Plugins in vendor/plugins (/app/vendor/plugins) are no longer allowed. Please, put your Redmine plugins in the `plugins` directory at the root of your Redmine directory (/app/plugins)
Through StackOverflow and some other sites, I have found where this message is generated (environment.rb) and have removed the code that generates it.
However, when I push to Heroku and try the migrate again, the same message reoccurs.
I have tried cloning the Heroku repo/app down to a test directory and when I check the environment.rb file, the code is not there, however if I try the migrate (or any rake task for that matter) the message still occurs. Even from the test directory.
I've looked for the same message in other parts of the code, but haven't found it yet. Have I missed something?
There's one of two things at play here
You're not fixing the problem in your code - running it locally in production mode will show this
You're not pushing your code to Heroku correctly. Are you developing on the master branch? Are you developing in a feature branch? If so, are you pushing that branch into master on Heroku? (git push heroku feature_branch:master)
Okay I figured out what was happening. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can accomplish!
It turns out the cruft in the application.rb file that I mentioned earlier was basically the other files in the config directory appended to app.rb. These included the yml files along with other files like environment.rb and routes.rb. And in amongst this crap was the plugin panic code I had deleted from environment.rb
(It finally came to light when running rake after some changes told me that the application was already initialised!)
So I deleted all this appended nonsense from application.rb and viola! working.
I have no idea why this was done this way as redmine works fine (so far) without it.

rails development environment circular dependency error

Last night I think I did something that hosed my rails development environment, and I'm unable to reverse what I did.
I migrated an update to production and was having some trouble precompiling a stylesheet so I backed out the changes and decided to attempt a precompile on my development machine.
Long story short, the precompile failed on my development machine (local) but when I tried to bring up my test system I got this error:
Sprockets::CircularDependencyError in Devise/sessions#new
/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css has already been required
I'm certain this has something to do with my attempted precompile, even though it failed because prior to that everything was working fine.
I tried to do precompile:clear because I read somewhere that will reverse/delete the precompile.
Am I missing something here? Does a precompile change configuration files somewhere that I need to manually reset?
This is rails 3.1 running on Ubuntu 11.10.
This is happening because your application.css.scss is most likely requiring a css file that's requiring application.css.scss. You'll want to go through app/assets/stylesheets and check the headers of application.css.scss, and then the headers of all the files it requires to make sure that none of them reference application.css.scss.
I fixed it by creating an application.css.scss and by importing each of my files in there, like this:
#import "backend.css.scss";
#import "frontend.css.scss";
then it worked
