IOS 7 Issue For My MGWT Application - ios

I have created one MGWT application with the help of RPC,PHONEGAP&GWT technologies.My application is working properly until IOS 6 version ,In IOS 7 my home screen is shrinking when i am tapping one icon,in that opening one drop down list and directly get back into my home screen, at that time my home screen is not displayed properly. Please look into my issue .
Thanks in advance..
For Example: The Complete structure of my application. First Login screen .After login into my application home screen is coming ,in that settings,about..etc icons are there.In that i am selecting settings icon in that work type drop down list is there and i am tapping work type then tap the back button coming to home screen at that time my home screen is not displayed properly.

On iOS 7, the app height and width needs to be set to device height and width to view port to resolve the issue. Below is a sample code to be included in onModuleLoad to resolve the issue.
ViewPort viewPort = new MGWTSettings.ViewPort();
viewPort.setUserScaleAble(false) .setMinimumScale(1.0).setMinimumScale(1.0).setMaximumScale(1.0);


Issues with buttons, clock control from previous screen overlay on current screen before refresh

In iPhone App there is an issue of buttons from previous screen appear on the current screen when the screen got loaded. they will disappear when the refresh is manually triggered. I have used white and blue colors for the App. is there any way I can avoid happening this. This is only occurs on IOS App and not on Android App

ios11 Safari Web App, overlapping title bar

With ios11, when a site is added to home screen which has the web-app enabled. The title bar overlaps the site content in certain cases.
To reproduce the issue -
Add any site which has web-app enabled to home screen
Open the added app from the home screen Change the orientation from portrait to landscape
Now from landscape to portrait again
Now you will notice that the title bar overlapping the site content.
I have raised an issue at bug reporter with apple but did not get any response
The meta tag for the title bar is default, which behaves properly until the above steps are done
This is happening with all the sites which have the ability to be added to the home screen and function as an app. Any suggested fixes? Thanks.
The issue is resolved in ios 11.3 beta version. Hopefully this stays when the actual release version is out.

Xcode 7.3.1 view controller in storyboard disappeared

I'm making an iOS app using Bluetooth. The app is supposed to show a list of Bluetooth device when the button "Bluetooth" is clicked. The list is a tableView shown as a popOver view controller.
When I turn on my computer the next day, the popOver view controller disappeared, but you can still see it in the list on the left side(Bluetooth device scene), and it is there when running it in simulator. But it is not visible or clickable in the interface builder.
I did nothing but closed my laptop, and opened it the next day. It's not that I'm using the wrong w/h size. I've tried that. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks a lot.
Screen shot of my storyboard

UICollectionView in UITabBar display wrong position on first load

I have been stuck at this for days. The problem is that the collection view that is in a tab bar after its first load. It will be display incorrectly. If I press any tab the problem will disappear forever until the app is restarted. Note that it's not just a white space that appearing. The whole container is getting shift down so the white space appear.
This problem only seem to exists on the iPhone and not the simulator. Tried it with iPhone 4 and 5.
After a second try I think it only happens in iOS 7 and not iOS 8
Can confirm that it only happens on iOS 7. Upgraded one iPhone 5 to iOS 8 and the bug is gone while another iPhone 5 is still iOS 7 and the problem appears every time.
See the white space below?
It disappear after I press another tab
It doesn't even come back if I go back to the original one
I uploaded an example project with this problem here:
Change the constraints as in the following screen shot:

How to stop iOS simulator hiding xcode

I am trying to follow some tutorials online. Every time i run the iOS simulator my xcode seems to minimise and focus goes to the simulator on the desktop
Is it possible to stop this and have the simulator load on top of the Xcode window?
Focus will switch over but Xcode itself doesn't minimise. However, if you're running Xcocde full screen (you have clicked on the <-> arrow in the top right of the screen) then you will switch to a different screen - this is standard behaviour for all maximised apps. Clicking on the green full screen icon in Xcode will make the window take up all available space but without taking a separate screen, which will give the behaviour that you want -- though note this is for 10.9; I seem to recall that clicking the green button on later versions of OSX may automatically trigger the full/separate screen mode.
