view search queries by popuarity containing keyword - search-engine

I have been spending some time watching the search queries that bring people to my site on google analytics recently, in order to see if people are finding exacty what they are looking for and if not creating that new content. But i figured an easier way would be to what search queries are popular. But containing a keyword that relates to my site.
for example, i want to see all the most queried search terms that contain "in japanese".
like "dog in japanese", "i love you in japanese"
I have found
but after playing with it for a while it doesnt seem like i can do this. seems like i can just see popularity of spesific queries. I dont want to see how popular specific queries are, i want to see what queries containing x are popular. Anywhere i can do this?

If you join the Google AdWords program, you can use the Keyword Planner tool to try out keywords and immediately get the number of searches per month in a chosen geography. This is a very interesting tool. See
I'm not sure this question belongs here on SO though.


How to get specific results using MediaWiki API in Rails backend?

I'm doing my final project for a coding school that will be a deep song search app that returns every detail about a song (composer, personnel on the track, lyrics, studio, media uses, images, etc). I'm using React frontend/Rails backend API. I'm new to API's and have tried Discogs and Musicbrainz but find the Mediawiki to be the easiest to traverse. Messing with their sandbox using Query, I feel like I'm getting closer but wondering if anyone with more experience out there could help me get precisely what I need.
I would like a music search to return a list of matches (could be same title but different songs or same title but different recordings). A user can click on the results to see the details. I would like the API to return links and hopefully images (album cover, etc). Does anyone know the best way to go about this?
I've also tried using the Ruby Gem wrapper Mediawikitory I like the clean interface but can't quite find the right parameters.
The closest I've come to what I'm looking for in the Mediawiki sandbox is an example like this for the All Star (Smash Mouth):
This gives a list of songs (I'll have to concatenate '(song)' in every search unless there's a specific category parameter I don't know about).
So with further research I was able to drill down to specific song searches (and this will work for any thing this specific). You have to use srsearch and then search option in lists. So an example for a list of songs based on a given title:
Make sure you choose version 2 as it gives you a better formatted Object to map over.
The Mediawiki API is very robust. You just have to spend a little time with it. The sandbox is great.

Performing Google Search In Spreadsheet And Scraping The SERP Data

I hope that you guys are fine. I want to build a simple spreadsheet and I thought I could be able to make one but blank sheet looks horrible to me. I am sure that you guys are kind enough to help me out.
I want to perform multiple Google search queries in Google spreadsheet and want to parse results of each search (top 10 results of each search)
Something like this:
But when I tried his given formula in description to play test, Google returned #Error to me, I don't know why.
Can you guys please help me out in making a simple spreadsheet compatible for multiple queries at once? Like one column for keywords (where I could paste my list of keywords) and then 10 columns of search results. All results for one keyword should come in one row
Something like this:
My 1st Example Query = 1st search result, 2nd search result, 3rd result and so on.
My 2nd Example Query = 1st search result, 2nd search result, 3rd result and so on.
It must be easy to code but yeah, it might be time-consuming and I would be very grateful if anyone of you could help me about it.
Looking forward to your help guys.
The problem is that you want to scrape out of Spreadsheets, that's a bad approach and is almost certainly not going to work. Even if you manage to write a scraper inside that limited environment it will easily be spotted by Google.
As you said time is not a problem, I would suggest another route.
Use a backend tool/script that scrapes the data
Use a backend tool/script that creates/modifies the Google spreadsheet
You can run such a script(s) manually on your PC or from a server full automated using a scheduler/cron job.
To create/modify spreadsheets look here: How do I access the Google Spreadsheets API in PHP?
To scrape Google look here: Is it ok to scrape data from Google results?
So this is PHP as language of choice but you can do the exactly same in Java or Python or C#
There is a third party solution like SerpApi you could use for this. It's a paid API with a free trial.
Google Sheets Add-on: SerpApi - Search Engine Results and Ranks
Example code to extract title from the first result:
=SERPAPI_RESULT("engine=google&q=coffee&location=Austin, Texas, United States&", "organic_results.0.title")

What is the difference between kFIREventSearch and kFIREventViewSearchResults?

There are 2 built in Firebase analytics event type related to search which is kFIREventSearch and kFIREventViewSearchResults.
When a user searches for something (for example "turtles" on Google), doesn't it mean that the user also immediately views the search results? When should I use which? Thanks!
kFIREventSearch revolves around the search terms themselves and kFIREventViewSearchResults is related to the results of the search. Eventually, this will tie into remarketing, if you run remarketing campaigns on the items in the search results.

Facebook Search in Graph API

I'm developing an iOS application that let the user to search for a person throught the Graph API.
What I want is the SAME behavior that it's present on the Facebook website. You know when you begin to search for a person in the top text input? The first results will be mostly your friends AND some people you MAY know or people you already looked for.
The problem? Try to use the same search pattern here to search a person: Graph Api Explorer
The Graph Api returns DIFFERENT results than the search input on the Facebook website.
Does anyone knows why? Is there a way to achieve the same results?
Facebook are using many algorithms to display search result like Relevance Indicators, Complexities of User-Centric Search and The Product.
One of the algorithm to display result on their page as below.
Personal Context:
Unlike most search engines, every Facebook search involves two key elements - a query and a querier.
Just as we need to understand the query, it’s as essential to understand the person behind the query.
People are more likely to be looking for things located in their own city/country or for people who share the same college/workplace.
We consider this information and much more when ranking results. The more we know about you, the better your search results will be.
In Graph API, they are not using this algorithm.They are just displaying the queried result. Hence you can not achieve same result using graph search API.
To achieve this you can use following apporach -
Get the friend list of user using me/friends?limit=1&offset=1
Get the user list using search api
merge both the result
show result(s) to user
For more information(approach/algorithm) you can check Intro to Facebook Search
Is there a way to achieve the same results? - NO
Does anyone knows why? - NOT REALLY
(Edit: Seems in another answer, someone does actually, but it doesn't change the answer for "If you can achieve it")
But its safe to presume that Facebook does not allow all functionality through the API, why would they after all ? They need to keep the people coming to their own platform. So I can't give you a straight forward response on WHY, but IF ? Not possible, there is zero documentation about more specified search for type user. When you request user friends, you will only get the user friends who are using the same app starting v2.0
Am afraid that you will have to drop the functionality you want to achieve.
It is not just the graph search. When you refresh your TimeLine. The order of posts gets changed every time because Facebook takes a Pull on Demand approach. Which means whenever you login, the data from your friends is fetched. Which is why facebook has a limit to maximum number of friends.
Talking about the Graph search and Graph API. They are not same and the Graph Search cannot be accessed through the Graph API. So, you would have to change your approach.
To explain why the graph search gives different results on same search term. I would guess that it follows the game Pull on Demand model ( although it is not open and we cannot know for sure ). Following that model makes sense though.

From a development perspective, how does does the URL structure and site work?

On the webmaster's Q and A site, I asked the following:
But, I would like a little more information about this from a development perspective.
If you search Google for anything job related, for example, Gastonia Jobs (City + jobs), then, in addition to their search results dominating the first page of Google, you get a URL structure back that looks like this:,-NC-jobs.html
I am assumming that the L stands for location in the URL structure. If you do a search for an industry related job, or a job with a specific company name, you will get back something like the following (Microsoft jobs):
With just over 40,000 cities in the USA I thought, ok, maybe it's possible they looped through them and created a page for every single one. That would not be hard for a computer. But then obviously the site is dynamic as each of those pages has 10000s of results and paginated by 10. The q above obviously stands for query. The locations I can understand, but they cannot possibly have created a web page for every single query combination, could they?
Ok, it gets a tad weirder. I wanted to see if they had a sitemap, so I typed into Google " sitemap.xml" I got the response:
.. again, I searched for " url structure" and, as I mentioned in the other post on webmasters, I got back:
Is somehow using programming to create a webpage on the fly based on my search input into google? If they are not, how are they able to have a static page for millions and millions and millions possible query combinations, have them dynamically paginate, and then have all of those dominate google's first page of results (albeit that very last question may be best for the webmasters QA)?
Does the javascript in the page somehow interact with the URL
It's most likely not a bunch of pages. The "actual" page might be The site then cleverly produces a human readable URL using URL rewrite, fetches jobs in the database that matches the query, and voíla...
I could be dead wrong of course. Truth be told, the technical aspect of it can probably be solved in a multitude of ways. Every time a job is added to the site, all pages that need to be done to match that job, might be created, thus producing an enormous amount of pages for Google to crawl.
This is a great question however remains unanswered on the ground that a basic Google search using,
returns over 120MM results and secondly a query such as, "product manager new york" ranks #1 in results. These pages are obviously pre-generated which is confirmed by the fact the page is cached by the search engine (sometimes several days before) has different results from a live query on the site.
Easy when Googles search bot crawls the pages on indeed or any other job search site those page are dynamically created. Here is another site: i run this which is similar to how indeed works.
PHP is your friend in this and Indeed don't just use standard databases look into Sphinx and Solr as they offer Full text search for better performance then MySql etc.
They also make clever use of rel="canonical" and thorough internal linking:
Notice that all the pages that actually rank can be found from that direct internal link structure.
