Search Bar in Navigation Bar in iOS 7 - uitableview

I'm relatively new to iOS programming and I have a Table View Controller that has a Navigation bar at the top and i'm trying to get the search bar from "search bar and search display controller" to appear in the navigation bar.
I've googled around and i've found that:
self.searchDisplayController.displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar = YES;
is supposed to solve my problem but i'm not sure exactly where I would put it. Does it go in the table view controller or do I have to make another control? I've tried creating a UISearchDisplayController class but I couldn't find a way to link it to the search bar. Any help?

You can put this in the viewDidLoad of your view controller. If you are using story boards you create a UISearchDisplayController and Search bar and drag it into your table header.
Keep in mind that if you use the navigation bar for your search bar, it will not show the scope bar.


How to link a tab bar with its view controllers in a storyboard?

If you've only ever used a tab bar controller and not a tab bar on its own, then don't close this or mark it as a duplicate based upon your presumptions and assumptions.
I've added a tab bar to a view controller and now want to connect the tab bar with the view controllers that will be selected via it.
I've done this sort of thing many, many times before using a tab bar controller and assumed it would be just as straightforward as but when a using just a tab bar but no - I just can't find or see any way of doing it. Tried adding tab bar items to the view controller and tried dragging between these and the tab bar, and between the tab bar and the tab bar items and to the view controllers. Millions of combinations and can't get it to work.
Googling or searching for past questions on this isn't as straightforward as you'd think - because the search results all come back involving the use of a tab bar controller, I can't see anything for just a tab bar which is part of a regular view controller.
I think, this is not possible using a storyboard. You should do this in code.
Or maybe hideBottomBarWhenPushed is what you are searching for.

iOS Swift: Incorrect Navigation Bar Appearing

The incorrect navigation bar is appearing on my Table View Controller screen (see Storyboard Below).
I would like what's displayed on the storyboard to be my navigation bar (i.e. with "Main Feed" title and Sign Out button on the top right). However, this is what I'm actually getting -
There are two issues here: 1) The incorrect navigation bar is displaying (this one has a login back button); 2) the first few table view cells are placed underneath the nav bar vs. under it.
This happened after I embedded the Table View controller in the Tab Bar Controller. I want a bottom tab bar in the main portion of my application hence the reason why I added the Tab Bar Controller. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Rather than using the Tab Bar Controller in storyboard, is there a way to do this programatically? Thanks!
The navigation bar that you are seeing on top of the stack is the navigation bar from the UITabBarController itself, that is why you are seeing the back button show "login". There's a few ways to work around this, programmatically:
When you initialize the UITabBarController, set it's navigationController's navigation bar property to "hidden"
Go through each view controller form the beginning of your app up to where you first see this problem and in the "init" method of the viewController you are testing, set the navigationbar to hidden. Something like, self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true;
This is how you can "debug" this issue, but it's going to take some tweaking to get it right.

How to Add a Bar Button Item on a Disappeared Navigation Bar using Storyboard?

I want to add a bar button item on the navigation bar. (Say View 1 here.) The view that will segue to View 1 is embedded in a navigation controller.
However, the navigation bar is not showing in this view.
If I use attribute inspector to add a opaque/ translucent navigation bar, there will be a navigation bar in View 1. But if I drag in a bar button item, it cannot be shown in the storyboard. Though the bar button is in the document outline, it cannot be shown on the storyboard. Also, if I run the application, it is not on the screen.
When running the application in the simulator, View 1 will have a navigation bar on the top of it, since I use "Show" rather than "Show Details" to show View 1. I tried to embed View 1 in a navigation controller again, but it won't help much.
Can anyone tell me how to add a bar button in this situation using storyboard? And why the navigation bar is missing from the storyboard?
Thanks in advance.
I figure it out by myself.
Drag a Navigation Item from the object list, and then add bar button item to it.
Thanks to rdelmar for his idea, though drag out a navigation bar won't work in the way I thought it should work.
In my situation, View 1 is a table view. Drag a navigation bar to the view will cause it to be the header view for the table, rather than a navigation bar I had expected. Then there will be two navigation bar in the view when I run the application.
Of course we can drag out a navigation bar and add a button to it, it might work different with your expectation. As I had said, it might leads to a view which contains two navigation bars.
You can fix this by drag out the Navigation Item (contains the bar button you had added) inside the Navigation Bar out. In my situation, I drag it out and put it the same level with the table view inside the document outline. Then it won't become the header view for the table view.
After that, we can just delete the navigation bar from the document outline.
I have no idea why the navigation bar disappears in my storyboard. If anyone has some idea for this, please let me know.
It sounds like you're adding the navigation bar by using the Simulated Metrics. If so, this doesn't add one at run time, it's only for layout purposes in IB. You should drag out a navigation bar from the objects list, and add your button to it.

Show Navigation Bar in Swift

I'm creating an App in swift. My first viewController (Login) shows perfectly with the action bar. But in others view controller i can't see the navigation bar. I was trying to embed all over controller in the navigationController,but it does not work. For example,i have other view controller with the name showlistas that have a search bar, when it loads, i see only the search bar, the navigation bar does;t appear. How can i solve it please?
Try making all the segues 'push' segues, it seems to make a difference to me.

iOS. Navigation controller toolbar - customize example

I'm newbie with Xcode, I'm learning it and trying to make my app.
Now I would like to put Navigation Bar func at the bottom of the screen with some customize.
I turn on "Shows Toolbar" at Navigation Controller and put my button there, but I cannot customize it.
Everything that I found about customizing Navigation Bar at the top of the screen or about customizing TabBar when people are talking about bottom of the screen.
Please, can you give me a code examples to build something like this at the bottom of the screen:
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure what you are trying to customize (button or bar) but when there is a bar at the bottom of the screen that is not a tab bar it is a tool bar not a navigation bar. The two are related but they each have their own class. Tool bars use UIToolBar not UINavigationBar. The tool bar is independent of the navigation controller and the two work together well. For any views that don't want a tool bar just set it to hidden in -viewDidAppear: (you will need to un hide it in views that use it).
dimimpou is right. You can accomplish this by using a UITabBarViewController and one UIBarButtonItem for "ADD ONE" and "MY STATS".
If you get lost in references(I sometimes get lost too), I may provide a simple example.
Note that if the interface provided by UIKit doesn't meet your need you can:
Use category over UITabBar or UITabBarItem.
If 1. doesn't work sadly you'll have create your own view controller which is simulate UITabBarViewController(requires some time, but it's worth)
You can use a UINavigationController inside a UITabBarViewController.
You can easily do this. The way I understand it, you want this "Toolbar" to show from a button in the navigation bar. Just put a tab bar with what you need and make it show when the user presses the button on the navigation bar. on this buttons action put this code: self.tabBar.hidden = NO; and on the storyboard uncheck the bar visibility option. Hope it helps!
