Jenkins: Make file publicly available - ant

I am creating files with a custom version number during the build that I want to be publicly available through http.
Assuming I am building the project "MyTestApp", I want the version number text file I created to be available at a location like
Any idea how to achieve this?

David, this depends on what you mean by "publicly available". If your Jenkins instance is secured (, then access to artifacts requires that your http session be authenticated. If all users who need access have accounts on the Jenkins server, then you just need to use the post-build action "archive the artifacts", and your text file would be available here:
Or here:
See this screenshot:
If you need unauthenticated access, you could publish your artifacts to another web server on the same or a different host. Or you could upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket.


How to take allure from S3?

I want to save and use the allure report from amazon S3 (not in-home workspace), so used S3 publisher plugin
target/allure-results and allure-report folders with files were published into amazon S3, but I can't take allure form S3
How I can do that?
If you really want to enable public access to your Allure reports from within S3, you can follow the official guide. In this case, a custom domain name is used. However, you can do the same w/o it just by enabling website hosting and relaxing bucket restrictions.
Note that it's not a secured way to access your reports, as they become visible to the outside world. Even if you use a CloudFront to restrict access to your bucket, it won't solve the visibility problem. It's a critical security issue, as you usually expose different URLs and credentials in test reports.
On one of my projects, there was a GitLab, and we created a simple html page with links to build logs and Allure / Swagger coverage reports. This page was registered to a customer's subdomain and accessible by authorized GitLab users only. Everything else (results aggregation, report generation, copying history, etc.) was handled from within GitLab pipeline.
I'd recommend talking to your DevOps and explain what you are trying to achieve considering all the security concerns. It's basically a one-day job for them.

WSO2 loss APIs after changes in docker container

I'm having another problem using WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0: I have installed it in docker using three containers (one for APIM, one for Analytics and one for MySQL) and I replace some configuration files with my custom version (e.g. DB, server name, gateway setup...).
Both APIM and Analytics are configured to save data in the MySQL container and I am able to see changes in the DB.
The issue is that I cannot find my APIs neither in the publisher nor in the store after the container has been rebuilt. Changes in the DB persists, I can see the statistics for all my APIs and I get an error if I try to create a new API using the same name or context, but the store is always empty after a new build.
I have also tried to put both /repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default and /repository/tenants/ in two volumes and I can see the files created in /.../default/api/ for my APIs, but I cannot figure out the issue.
Should I persists some additional directory not mentioned in the guide?
I don't want to put the whole APIM and Analytics homes in volumes if possible.
First, check whether artifacts can be located in Resources Browser.
If you can find the API related files, then the issue is related to indexing.
Do the following to re-index the artifacts in the registry:
Rename the <lastAccessTimeLocation> element in the <APIM_2.0.0_HOME>/repository/conf/registry.xml file. If you use a clustered/distributed API Manager setup, change the file in the API Publisher node. For example, change the /_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime registry path to /_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime_1.
Shut down the API Manager, back up and delete the <APIM_2.0.0_HOME>/solr directory.
Finally start the API Manager.
The Api Information resides in the DB and in the File system.(/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/api) It is possible that the registry artifacts are not indexed properly. Can you try following?
Delete the solar directory.
Open registry.xml and change the following line as shown below. < lastAccessTimeLocation>/_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime-1
Now restart the server. Server will re-index all the files again.
Also make sure the Databases are properly configured. Specially Registry mounting related configurations.

How to add credentials to jenkins without using UI?

As part of automating my jenkins setup I need to add credentials for use with any svn configuration in my build jobs.
Manually you would add a domain to here
http://< your server >:8080/credential-store/
Then add credentials here:
http://< your server >:8080/credential-store/domain/< your domain >/newCredentials
Has anyone managed to automate this? There doesn't seem to be a usable api and the xml files contain hashed passwords which stops me from just copying
files around (plus i worry about security with this)

How to restrict credentials in Jenkins?

I have multiple users on a Jenkins server, each with their own credentials for external secured servers needed to run their builds. I am using the credentials plugin to manage the stored credentials. Currently, when a user configures a project, they can use anyones credentials for doing external jobs. I need to make it so that each user only sees the credentials they own when they configure jobs on the jenkins server. How would I do this?
The Folders plugin allows to limit the scope of credentials to a specific folder.
If you're fine with restricting access of different users to different folders (e.g., with the Role Strategy plugin), then this could be a solution.
Just create the folder, enter the folder, then select the "Credentials" link on the sidebar. A new link should appear called "Folder" click that and then define your credentials. Jobs in other folders will not be able to use those.

Jenkins: Use personal credentials for project

I'm hosting a project on my Jenkins server. That project has a GitHub repo and I have it set up so it automatically builds new commits. In order for that to work, I need to input credentials for a github account that has full access to the repo.
The problem is, that if I want him to add his login info to the credentials list, I'd have to give him acces to all credentials on the server (I don't want that).
I tried using the credentials under "{username}" > "Credentials", but those didn't show up in the project setup (even with 100% access to everything on the server).
Is there a way for the user to store his credentials and use them for the project without giving him full access to all credentials on the server?
Add the user's credentials under Global security and then allow project based Matrix Authorization Strategy per project as shown:
I found the answer in this mailing list entry:
In short: You need to
install and activate the Authorize Projects Plugin,
enable "run as specific user" strategy in global security settings,
enable this for the project in question.
This allows you to use the credentials for this specific user.
Enabling ssh-agent is the final step to make this work conveniently.
