Problems while implementing SSO with Spring Security CAS extension - spring-security

I'm trying to use Spring Security CAS extension to authenticate users on my applications. Earlier there was only one application, so SSO was not needed. Now there is one more application and I want the user to log in once and use all the applications without having to go through authentication again (SSO, basically). I've a bunch of questions like these -
All the applications I have are part of a single tomcat container and will be served via same domain. I checked Tomcat SSO Valve, but it seems to need container based authentication, I'm not really sure if I would want to use that for authentication / authorization. I'm using spring security form-based login. Do I really need something like Jasig CAS or will it be an overkill?
Spring Security and CAS deployerContext Configuration - and
I set up Spring Security CAS with Jasig server and SSO seems to work as logging in to any of the applications suffices to access the other application. I've modified the deployerConfigContext.xml to replace the inMemoryServiceRegistryDaoImpl with JPA / Hibernate one. But I always see the below line in my logs. Though the tables have been created (SERVICETICKET and so on) in my db. These tables are always empty when I try logging in and out.
2013-10-17 16:41:18,882 INFO [] - <Loaded 0 services.>
When I try to access URL https://localhost/cas/services, it returns an error "This website has a redirect loop". and I see the below piece repeating n number of times in the logs (with different ticket numbers)-
I don't have any REST or stateless services accessing authenticated resources, do I need proxy tickets at all?
Note: I'm using Spring Security 3.1.4.RELEASE and CAS server 3.5.2 version.
Any pointers will be helpful.

I set up Spring Security CAS with Jasig server and SSO seems to work
as logging in to any of the applications suffices to access the other
application. I've modified the deployerConfigContext.xml to replace
the inMemoryServiceRegistryDaoImpl with JPA / Hibernate one. But I
always see the below line in my logs. Though the tables have been
created (SERVICETICKET and so on) in my db. These tables are always
empty when I try logging in and out.
When I try to access URL `https://localhost/cas/services`, it returns an error "This website has a redirect loop". and I see the
below piece repeating n number of times in the logs (with different
ticket numbers)
I figured out the solution to this. This was happening as filterProcessesUrl in CAS server configuration had the string "acegi" (old name for Spring Security), which didn't match to "spring", hence the problem. Modifying that helped. Not sure why old name was hardcoded there. Also, it didn't pick up this string from, so figuring it out was a little more difficult.
I hope to get answers for other questions.


Java Spring Application - Integration with Azure AD for SSO

I have a Java Spring MVC application (note that its not spring boot).
We have a requirement to implement SSO for the users of our application. I did some research, the identity provider (IDP) in our case is Azure AD. The service provider would be my application in this case. I am thinking of using SAML protocol for SSO.
Also note - The application is http based (not HTTPS)
What I've done so far -
I've created an Enterprise Application on Azure and configured entityId and replyURL. I also added a user for this application.
Where I'm stuck -
Although I did read the related Spring documentation to achieve this, since I'm a newbie here, I still don't have a clear path as to how can I take this forward in my application. I found some solutions, they seem to be examples for spring boot. Can someone please help me with guides as to how this can be done in Java Spring? Which maven dependency I could use and any sample example to start working with SAML? A step by step explanation would be highly appreciated, thankyou.
Also, any other options than SAML would also be fine.
The Spring Security SAML extension ( had an example web app. You may read the referenced doc and apply it to Spring Security SAML. It should not be too much difference.
I’m very glad to register the flow in the event of implementing Azure AD B2C OIDC/OAuth protocol with existing Spring MVC architecture.
Below Spring docs reveal that how was our existing project's spring-security layer being served in the context of filter-chain.
Authentication Filter - Form Based Login with Legacy IDP
Authentication Manager – Providing the user details authorities along with http session object
For accomplishing this Azure B2C Integration, we've gone thro' lot of repos but most of them are relying with Java config based but we were interested on Spring namespace with limited code/architectural change.
Then finally we came to the conclusion that how to extend the spring default auth-filter/manager for getting valid session object from security context based on the Azure provided (id/access) token after the successful user authentication.
Customizing Spring-Security
The detailed documentation on how to extend auth-filter/manager is available here with © reserved by
We customized the spring security in such a manner that auth-filter will carry the token_validation against the given token from Azure and authentication manager will extract user details such as roles/privileges w.r.t to the object-id mapped in our DB's user entity.
Once the Spring security customization is done then we can able to integrate the Authorization-server [Azure in our case] and Resource-server [Existing Spring Application] by following the conventional methods.

Grails spring-security-ldap caching caching with Redis

Newbie question so bear with me...
Currently I have a Grails 2.4.4 app that used spring-security-ldap 2.0.1 to authenticate + authorised users with an OpenLdap server.
The LDAP people are concerned that without caching this app when move to Production might impact the LDAP server's performance. They had recommend looking into using Redis as a app level caching for users, b4 hitting the LDAP server.
I would like to get some directions before I dive into the POC, make sure I start on the right path:
i) I briefly looked into the 'Grails 1 & 2 Plugins' from Grail org, there are a couple of plugins appeared when I searched for Redis... Which one(s) actually are relevant to what I am trying to achieve?
ii) Assume I had integrated Redis caching to my Grails, how/where do I tell spring-security-ldap to look into the Redis cache first, b4 hitting up the Ldap server?
Thanks in advance any info/guide..
Here are some advices, as you're not looking for ready-to-use solutions:
caching any type of authentication is big security failure as hackers will be able to take advantage of this to bypass some rules implemented into your LDAP solution, such as brute force protections (e.g. block account after N bad password)
in order to handle the load on LDAP server side, you could adjust the session token expiration (JSESSIONID or JWT, depending on how Spring security has been configured). For example, if token expiration is 1 hour, you will receive only 1 request per hour per user.
you could had refresh token mechanism to renew session token without querying LDAP. In this case you will have only 1 LDAP request per device per user, which might be acceptable. Here is how to do it using Grails JWT
In this doc you will see that REDDIS can be used to store token, which is quite related to what your initial solution

LDAP AuthN and AuthZ for Spring Cloud Data Flow

SCDF Server for Cloudfoundry: 1.2.4.RELEASE
Configuring the security properties for LDAP authentication, and I have the authentication part working, but authorization is proving a little strange.
SCDF's security implementation appears to be looking for some roles like this:
But for me, the standard group names require some specific naming convention in AD similar to the following: app_myapplication_authz_CREATE, app_myapplication_authz_MANAGE, and app_myapplication_authz_VIEW
When I debug through the SCDF authentication output, I can see that my authenticated principal's group memberships are being retrieved correctly. They show up in the DEBUG output as: ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_CREATE, ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_MANAGE, ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_VIEW
Now, I include a YML security configuration that looks like this:
enabled: true
- GET /metrics/streams => hasRole('ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_VIEW')
- etc, etc, etc
And so on, for all the endpoint authorizations.
However, I'm still receiving a message after successful authentication that I don't have the appropriate roles and I need to talk to my administrator.
What am I misconfiguring, or what am I missing in this setup?
I downloaded the source code for the 1.2.1.RELEASE version of the spring cloud dataflow ui from here: GitHub spring-cloud-dataflow-ui
And discovered that in all the .html view files, the role names are hard-coded for ROLE_VIEW, ROLE_CREATE, ROLE_MANAGE. Thus, it looks like my configuration will allow me to customize the authorization on the REST endpoints based on my LDAP group names, but I will not be able to do the same with the actual UI views. I think I have one option here, which would be to build/generate my own custom version of the UI, and bundle that with the spring-cloud-dataflow-server JAR instead of using the OOTB ui.
I'll have to weigh whether I really want to do that.
We don't yet have the direct mapping of LDAP AD Groups <-> SCDF Roles. We haven't had anyone from the community or customers' ask for this integration, though. UAA backed OAuth turns out to be the popular choice in PCF so far.
That said, I created spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#2084 to track the support for group mapping. It could be trivial to implement it (Group vs. ROLE mapping in YAML and parsing logic in the backend code); I marked it for 1.5, but we may pick it up sooner for the 1.4 release next week.
I'd recommend not venturing into adjusting the UI code directly, though. Too much on the local fork and you'll have to maintain it.

Spring Security using OAM (Oracle Access Manager) SSO (Single Sign-On)

I am new to Spring world and with the help of lots of information available online, I have pretty much developed Spring MVC Application I am working on currently.
Last piece I have to implement is to integrate OAM SSO in my application to use as authentication.
I searched a lot on web but couldn't find single example of implementing third party Authentication provider.
I finally realized that I have to use PreAuthentication but I am not sure how I would implement it.
I am unable to share my code because any thing I tried until now is not working and I feel that I haven't got right path yet.
Any help would be much appreciated.
To give you brief idea about OAM, OAM authenticates user ID and Passwords and sends you authenticated requests with a cookied, OBSSOCookie. Using this cookies, you need to contact OAM and get User ID and password and also User Roles (Authorities). Any request coming to your application is already authenticated so you do not need to authenticate again. all you need to do is, using this cookie, need to retrieve user Authorities.
For Spring MVC, you could use the spring-webmvc-pac4j security library, instead of Spring Security. Use a CookieClient to deal with the OBSSOCookie and create your own Authenticator to check this cookie against OAM.

how to get current user in spring security integrated with cas?

I have integrated CAS to Spring Security using Spring security tutorial on cas wiki. Now I want to get the current user and don't know how!
Should I get it from Spring security or CAS?
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() returns null :|
If SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() is null means that the user is not authenticated yet.
Some pointers on CAS
Make sure that you use SSL for the communication to CAS thus CAS
must be hosted on SSL ports (443 or 8443)
Make sure that you Spring
Apps is hosted on SSL ports so that CAS can call to your Spring via
SSL server.
Common error is that both CAS and Spring Apps are not on SSL ports.
If this is the case, get a free SSL cert from
Found the problem! I was going to use my own Access Control system, so I commented filters who where responsible for checking user's roles to access URLs. Apparently if I don't intercept URLs, spring security's context won't be accessible through that request (or at least it seems like that! I am not a big fan of Documents, so I try out codes and when I get an exception, I try to guess the reason! I really should stop doing that :| but anyway now that I intercept URLs, SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() doesn't return null anymore :) )
