Aviary SDK frame issue - ios

I have updated the Aviary SDK for iOS 7 compatibility . Previously everything working good but in the iOS 7 I am having the following frame issue . Cancel button and Done buttons are cutting down at the edges and there is some gap from status bar and Aviary present modal view . Any ideas or help would be grateful .

I have found a solution for changing colour for "done" and "apply" button in "AFPhotoEditorController".
select & open "AviarySDKResources.bundle" from your project
open "AviarySDKColors.plist"
open "accentColor"
change value for key "hex" to what you want.

To fix frame dimensions I used
- (void)setPhotoEditorCustomizationOptions
[AFPhotoEditorCustomization setUsingIOS6SDK:YES];

In IOS 7 they are using Border less navigation bar buttons with text highlight effect,No options to adjust the bar buttons,For Aviary suggesting bar buttons with example IOS 7 screens Layout in the style guide and you can achieve this effects by adjusting bar button color and opacity in Aviary SDK tool.


iOS 13 Navigation Bar Prompt is Always Black

I have read the other posts about the UINavigationBar's Prompt not following the color values of the actual Title. Most of the posts are from the iOS 11 era, and the solutions no longer work on iOS 13.
These are examples of previous posts that no longer have working solutions:
Can't change UINavigationBar prompt color
Change font of prompt in UINavigationController
iPhone: Possible to change the color of just the prompt of the UINavigationBar?
Has anyone else encountered this?
I would suggest the following:
Check that the device is not running in Dark Mode.
Verify that the background-color was not modified anywhere in the code.
Make sure that the style is set to default like in the screenshot below:

iOS - scrubber bar is hide while scroll to next page using PSPDFkit framework version 7 in iOS

In iOS app, While scrolling pdf page, scrubber bar ( PSPDFThumbnailBarModeScrubberBar ) is hide and not appearing again using PSPDFKit version 7 for iOS - Objective C.
Please help...Thanks.
I found the solution and it might be help others if facing same issue.
Just set builder configuration property as "shouldHideUserInterfaceOnPageChange = NO"
This property is by default YES.

How to remove Tab Bar top border (shadow) in > iOS 10 and Swift 4 with a background image?

I've been trying to remove the top border (shadow) line from Tab Bar in Swift 4 for > iOS 10. I'm also using a custom background image. I've just given up after searching for solutions, since none of them work.
The solution which came closest was this post.
The solution given everywhere works if there is no background or for < iOS 10. For iOS > 10 and using a custom background image none of solutions work.
I even tried using a transparent shadow image, but it required setting cliptobounds to true which doesn't show custom background image.
So at the end of all these solution I'm stuck. Couldn't find any working solution.
I'm setting these custom values in AppDelegate so that it works for all Tab Bars.
I just created a sample project using tab bar template from Xcode and write three lines of code
self.tabBar.layer.borderWidth = 0
self.tabBar.clipsToBounds = true
self.tabBar.backgroundColor = .blue
And tab bar top border is no longer visible. I've tested this on Simulator iphone 6 with ios 11.2

How to get rid of the status bar background on the UIWebView?

Since iOS 11, when the UIWebView is full screen, a fake background appears on the status bar with the same color of the UIWebView background.
Anyone knows how to get rid of it?
Even adding the IUWebView to a storyboard and make it full screen will make the status bar background to appear
I've been trying to edit the size and some other properties of the UIWebView and none of them worked, but it's definitely something from the UIWebView.
Also tried to see all the subviews and it's sizes and didn't see anything strange.
Attached a screenshot, see the grey "statusbar", it disappears when scrolling, and doesn't appear if the UIWebView is not over that part of the screen.
I want it as on the second screenshot, only remove the fake background, not the status bar.
This happens because of UIScrollView new behavior to adjust the content inset to include safe area insets like the status bar.
To fix it, just set it to UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentNever
[self.webView.scrollView setContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior:UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentNever];
Since iOS 11 Beta 4 you can add this to your viewport and will also remove the fake statusbar
To do this entirely in HTML/CSS, viewport-fit=cover in the Viewport meta tag is the correct way to handle this.
But you'll also want to adjust your padding dynamically to handle the differently sized status bar on iPhone X with its notched camera/speaker.
Luckily, Apple exposed some CSS constants for the safe area insets, so you can take advantage of those in your CSS:
i.e., padding-top: constant(safe-area-inset-top);
I wrote a bit more about this scenario and the new features for iOS 11 and iPhone X: https://ayogo.com/blog/ios11-viewport/
Swift version:
webView.scrollView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never

How to zoom in Xcode on a code window

How do you zoom in to see code better in xcode. I'm looking for a shortcut, and not to change the projects display preferences. Also using CTRL + two fingers on mouse is not suitable as I'm using a multi-monitor set up and that zooms both monitors. I only want to zoom in on the code text. I found another solution here that allows zooming on the storyboard : Storyboard Zoom In/Out Keyboard Shortcut but this doesn't work on any of the code files.
Any ideas?
For XCode 9 and above:
Use Cmd + + to increase text size
Use Cmd + - to decrease text size
I'm using xcode 7:
1. Xcode menu-> Preferences.
2. Choose the tab Fonts & Colors.
3. Choose theme on the left side.
4. On the right side cmd+A to choose all type of source.
5. In font field, click to T icon.
6. Choose a font size that you want to set.
I needed to install a plugin to have the functionality - This is the plugin https://github.com/zats/AdjustFontSize-Xcode-Plugin
Click two times on the screen and drag left or right
In Xcode 7.2 you can change the font size and colors on Xcode menu (preferences).
Option (⌥ alt) + mouse scroll wheel works for Xcode13.2.1 on mac to zoom in/out in the storyboard.
