Enterprise provisioning profile. Sign devices without adding them - ios

please correct me. I had apple developer account and worked as individual developer. Right now I have access to the enterprise account. I have information that I can build app using an enterprise profile even without adding UDID to it. So it means I can build apps on all my devices without signing them on portal. Am I right?
Can someone link to some topic or tutorial how to make the profile like I've described of course it it makes sense. I am not sure maybe I am confused about it.

Yes in case of enterprise profile you don't need to add UDID of your device[or any one else's] in it, you can make build with it and can install it in any iOS device.
You can see some questions and answers about enterprise account

No using an iOS Enterprise Program distribution deployment method need not to enter every device id.
All you need is a distribution certificate for signing and a provisioning profile built for it. Note that ANYONE that has the profile can run the app on their device, although you can revoke the profile if necessary.
You are also given the standard test and Ad Hoc deployment mechanisms as with the standard Development Program. The Ad Hoc is limited to 100 devices, which I don't understand, but anyway, there it is.
You can visit this link for your reference


Why iOS ad-hoc distribution still need to trust enterprise developer?

We have an enterprise account and need to distribute the App with ad-hoc distribution.
But with the ad-hoc distribution, the testers were still asked to trust enterprise developer and we cannot find the profile & device management in the Setting. Why does iOS ad-hoc distribution still need to trust enterprise developer?
Is there anyone who encountered the similar issue?
Once you installed application,
1: Go to setting -> General
2: Profile and Device Management
3: Click on "Untrusted app"
4: There is option for "trust"
As described here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7611217 , the "profile and device management" setting only shows up when a profile has been installed. If it is not showing up it means the tester did not install the profile.
The ad-hoc requires the user to trust it because it has not gone through the apple approval process. This is a security feature to make sure users are not installing random, potentially malicious apps on their phones. Its meant to make them aware that this isn't a verified app yet and they need to be sure they trust the person who sent it to them
I had this issue since 3 weeks. After xcode 9.3 update, I couldn't run ad-hoc build on the device with enterprise account. It was asking to trust developer on settings but you don't need to trust developer on ad-hoc build, you just need to add device uuid to provision profile. Also there is not an option about it on device management section on settings, if ipa file was generated via ad-hoc distribution.
I tried with newly generated ad-hoc provision profile but there was no luck. I tried newly created project with new app id and still no luck.
I think there are some changes about ad-hoc distribution on enterprise account or some bugs.
I used company account to export ad-hoc build to workaround the issue.

After adding new UDIDs to provisioning profile, do I need to rebuild the IPA?

I have an app (adhoc dist.) and uploaded it to Diawi.
Now, I should add new UDIDs. After add them, do I need to recreate or rebuild the IPA and re-upload to Diawi?
Thanks in advance
An Ad-hoc IPA will only install on the devices listed in the embedded provisioning profile. If you want the app to be able to be installed on additional devices then yes, you need to provide an updated IPA with the updated profile.
Better yet, use TestFlight and avoid all of this hassle.
The answer to your query may be in two types of accounts
1) If you have an Enterprise Apple Account: No need to add tester UUDI to the account as the app can be released using Universal distribution binary which any device can install using OTA installation method.
2) If you have the developer account: your existing app will have no impact but yes for the new devices to install you have to regenerate the profile as the existing as on store account portal will get Invalid and needs to be updated for New IPA compilation. The old one will not work.
I would always recommend having an Enterprise account for a testing/building app company as Appstore Developer account is better for Distribution on Appstore or small scale company who rarely adds device ID for debugging and testing unless its standalone developer like scenario.

Make an .IPA for iPhone and iPad

As I had asked this question already and didn't get the answer that I needed, the problem is as follows:
I developed a game for both iPhones and iPads. Everything is working fine but now I want to Archive my project. As I already have signed in for an Apple account, the problem is I don't have another device to register with.
And, according to Apple's terms and condition "Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your Account."
Is there any way we can get it done without costing any money?
You mentioned in the comments that the purpose of the archive is to send the IPA to someone else. For that to work, the app needs to be provisioned for the device it's going to run on - that other person's device.
So, ask that person for their device UDID (that they can get from iTunes), then register it in your account in the apple developer portal member center and build using that.
It should be an ad-hoc configuration that you create.
What XCode is complaining here is that you need to register the devices that you want the archive to run on! Or, it can be an expired license causing the trouble.
Note: Check in Keychain for any expired licenses. Go to View -> Show Expired Licenses. And, remove any or all of the expired licenses in System, Root, and any other categories. Mainly its the WWDC License causing the hassle.
Remove your iOS Development and Provisioning License(s).
Now, after removing all the licenses, add back your Provisioning profile, and the developer profile license. That should do it.
Start a clean build, and archive now. This should accept the archive. Do not forget to register a new device UDID in developer.apple.com portal. It is needed for TestFlight.
If you have any queries, please ask us in the comments.

IOS Enterprise In-house distribution account to use

In years gone by we found that we could only have 1 distribution certificate per logged on user so we created as many accounts as was need, 3 in our case, 1 for each developer program and logged onto the mac using the required account.
So anytime an app was developed and need to be distributed in-house I would log onto the mac using the enterprise account and archive and distribute for in-house and sent the resulting .ipa file and the provisioning profile to the users.
I have now discovered I can have multiple distribution certificates on the mac and am trying to see if I can distribute via in-house logged on to the mac as me and use my own profile or the team profile that link to the enterprise developer program.
The app build ok and generates the ipa file and I can install using iTunes but I get a faded icon on the iphone and when tapped it says installing but never does?
So, my two part question is:
a) is it possible to distribute in-house using my enterprise linked account logged on as me and using my profile or team profile
b) I read you do not need to give the user the profile, but I have always done this as was the requirement when I first learned to do this?
a) Yes. I have 10 or so certificates (dev & dist) on my computer for various clients. I keep them in separate keychains for peace of mind. When it comes to time distribute your in-house binary, you archive in Xcode then hit the Distribute… button in the Xcode organizer, choosing the correct Enterprise profile.
b) This is no longer necessary as the Distribute… step mentioned above embeds the profile in the app. Things are much easier than they used to be.
NB: I avoid wildcard provisioning profiles as they can cause heartache, even in simpler situations than yours (e.g. if Xcode chooses a wildcard Ad Hoc profile during Archive, then your entitlements may be wrong once you Distribute), so for this reason I recommend you always use explicit profiles.

Showing beta versions of an app to a customer

Can I send to my customer a beta version of my iOS app that he can run in the Simulator ?
Can I install Simulator only (without Xcode) on a Mac ?
I actually need an efficient methodology to send him the beta versions of the app, without having to meet him at each update.
Also, (3.) is there a way to install a beta version of the app, I developed in my xCode on its iOS device without app store ?
No, I do not believe you can.
No, I don't think so. If you could, however, you'd also have to put all your source code on that machine and build your app there, just to run it in the simulator.
Yes, it's called an Ad Hoc build. You create a special provisioning profile through the provisioning portal on Apple's Developer portal. You then sign the build with that provisioning profile (actually, "Build and Archive"). Then you can, through the Xcode Organizer, share that build via e-mail with your customer. The Organizer creates an .ipa file and includes it along with the provisioning profile into an e-mail message which you can then compose and send.
Edit: The Ad Hoc provisioning profile will, of course, need to include the UDID's of your customer's device(s) on which they would like to test. That is the missing piece here that ties it all together: UDIDs, Ad Hoc profile, signed app with that profile, e-mail it to the customer and they can install both files (ipa and profile) via iTunes.
Lots of documentation on this, right in the Developer portal.
TestFlightApp.com is a great way to easily manage and distribute beta tests and ad-hoc builds. It's nothing you couldn't do yourself, manually, but it really helps make it easy, and is free.
