Question marks in project navigator Xcode 5 - ios

i just updated to Xcode 5 and my project is using GIT, after update completed suddenly question marks appear in project navigator file near each file.
when i am trying to Commit i don't see what files have been changed, i cannot pull also
and when i am trying to push it gives :Push Success" message but the repository on GitHub don't updated.

You probably did not set up your git repository properly. There are ways of adding external git repositories, but they tend not to work well for github (in my experience) and always lead to these sorts of issues.
If you want to set up a remote git repository through github on XCode these are the steps you should take.
Make the repository on github. Make sure to add the .gitignore file for Objective-C.
Clone the repository.
Go to XCode, press "create new project"
Create the project in the folder you cloned the repo to. I always name it the exact same thing, but I don't know if that is necessary.
Make sure not to select create local git repository.
This will definitely create a project that is under version control by a remote git repository hosted on github.

Quick fix is to Create or Save the new project 'outside' the directory (say Desktop) that is not linked to your github/bitbucket


Cannot push github cloned Xcode project in the repo

I cloned the project materials from github as advised and then worked on it as shown in the tutorial I'm following. To push the finished project in my own repo -
first I removed the .git from the folder using command line .
But while I try to push those project folders on my git repo, in github desktop it shows the file is empty but in reality it has all the necessary files inside it.
In another scenario, initially I pushed those projects using command line, they got pushed in the repo but was greyed out and couldn't open the folders inside the repo.
I discussed this problem with one senior of my uni. He suggested to create a new folder and moving my mentioned problematic project folders to it. It worked! But couldn't figure out the reason behind this issue though.

I want to use an existing repo in Bitbucket(stash) which no one is using now

I want to use an existing repo in Bitbucket(stash) which was created by some other developer for his project and currently not in use. This repo already has some old project in it. When i am pushing my local git project to this repo i am getting error "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally"

Why not appear the files in submodules added into my Xcode project?

I have a problem with my Xcode project. I'm using submodules of frameworks like alamofire. I added this following the github steps... running the following command:
$ git submodule add
and then the next step like drop into project...
But my problem is then the commit and push. When I clone the project from git using sourcetree in other computer or I remove the repo and I download this, the folder of alamofire and others sdk are empty.
If I open the xcode project is red name, because haven't the files. But in my first local repository all work and if I try change to submodule in sourcetree the files are downloaded and appear.
But if I use:
git clone --recursive FOLDER_NAME
with this command all files are downloaded.
I want get the content of those submodules when I clone my repo into a computer with sourcetree.
How can I solve this to then download the repo appear directly the sdks?
As illustrated in this thread:
There is a "Recurse submodules" option when cloning under "Advanced Options".
That should be enough for your original question.
nothing when pulling, checking out, or switching branched; and no manual recursive submodule update functionality.
The only way I know of updating submodules in SourceTree is to manually open each submodule (and recursively open each nested submodule) and look at the "Uncommitted changed" select only submodules that appear to have change and "Reset" the changes.

Remove svn repository associated with ios project in XCode

I'm a little bit confused with Xcode 5 Source Control options. I recently downloaded a project from Internet. That project had an svn repository associated and now I want to commit this project to one git repository hosted at bitbucket.
The problem is that I'm not able to see where is the option or what do I have to do to delete the association between the svn repository and the project. In the same way, I don't see where can I associate my bitbucket repository with the project.
I will answer myself. First of all I deleted the .svn folder inside my project, after that I opened a terminal, I went to my project folder and I entered:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
After these steps I was able to upload the project to one bitbucket repo =)

Rails: Rubymine: GitHub

I can't seem to figure out how to commit my files to GitHub.
I am using RubyMine 4.5 on the MAC
I have git set up locally
I have a private account on GitHub
From the RubyMine Preferences, I have my GitHub credentials properly set up (and acknowledged as such by RubyMine), but it did not give me an option to select a repository on GitHub.
How do I commit file to the GitHub repository? There are too many CVS and Git menu items in RubyMine.
PS: I've read the online help sections (the only thing available to me), and I followed the instructions in the GitHub integration, but the directory I'm trying to commit is failing to push to GitHub, with RubyMine telling me that there was nothing to commit. This is the first time I use RubyMine for GitHub. Nothing about this on StackOverflow.
Okay, I think I've recreated your situation locally and it appears that RubyMine has terrible support for managing remotes. If you create a Git repository locally, then (separately) create a repository on GitHub, there's no obvious way to marry the two from within RubyMine.
Basically, you need to set up GitHub as a remote for your local repository from the shell, and once that's done then RubyMine will be able to push as normal.
Please note that the below instructions assume you want to overwrite your GitHub repository with the full history from your local repository -- If your GitHub repository has data that you do not want to lose, do not execute these commands! See Below.
Open up Terminal:
cd /path/to/my/project/root
git remote add origin
git push -u origin +master
Now, RubyMine should be able to push to your GitHub repository via VCS > Git > Push
If your GitHub repository has already been committed to and you don't want to lose those changes, you'll need to either create a new GitHub repo or clone your GitHub repo into another folder and merge your local repository into the clone.
This can be avoided entirely if you're trying to push your existing local repository to a new GitHub repo: Simply use the VCS > Import into Version Control > Share project on GitHub option and use the dialog to create a new GitHub repository.
