Continuous integration with Xcode Bots - ios

I want to to do the continuous integration using Xcode bots. I have installed OSX Mavericks and Server(version 3). I am able to create bots using Xcode 5.0.1. While integrating it is successfully performing analyzing testing but always the final integration result is failure.
Integration failed. Unexpected internal server error. See the integration's logs for more details.`
I didnt understand anything from the server error logs.Its failing due to some wiki service related errors.
Can anyone help me?
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:233 7e026310 +0ms] didReceiveData
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:246 7e026310 +2ms] connectionDidFinishLoading
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:172 7e026310 +0ms] Out of runloop; request completed
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceProxy.m:79 7e026310 +0ms] Received successful response.
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:97 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot run with GUID fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:102 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot run (fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9): {
guid = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
status = failed;
subStatus = "internal-error";
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:151 7e026310 +0ms] Connecting to https://localhost:4443/svc to execute [https]Request{XCBotService.updateBotRun:({
guid = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
status = failed;
subStatus = "internal-error";
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:159 7e026310 +0ms] Secure, async request
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:169 7e026310 +0ms] Before runloop; request pending
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:223 7e026310 +157ms] didReceiveResponse
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:225 7e026310 +0ms] response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fd24a5a7980> { URL: https://localhost:4443/svc } { status code: 200, headers {
"Accept-Ranges" = bytes;
"Content-Length" = 3700;
"Content-Type" = "x-apple/msgpack";
Date = "Tue, 29 Oct 2013 04:48:41 GMT";
Status = 200;
"X-Apple-collabd" = yes;
} }
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:233 7e026310 +0ms] didReceiveData
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:246 7e026310 +0ms] connectionDidFinishLoading
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:172 7e026310 +0ms] Out of runloop; request completed
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceProxy.m:79 7e026310 +0ms] Received successful response.
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:108 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot with GUID 4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:117 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot with latest bot run GUID key
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:124 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot (4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657): {
guid = "4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657";
latestFailedBotRunGUID = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
latestRunStatus = failed;
latestRunSubStatus = "internal-error";
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:151 7e026310 +0ms] Connecting to https://localhost:4443/svc to execute [https]Request{XCBotService.updateBot:({
guid = "4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657";
latestFailedBotRunGUID = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
latestRunStatus = failed;
latestRunSubStatus = "internal-error";
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:159 7e026310 +0ms] Secure, async request
Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:169 7e026310 +0ms] Before runloop; request pending

The problem seems to be that XCode5 Bots do not know how to use pure svn. You have to use svn+ssh.
[UPDATE] You could also use git ... synchronized with your SVN. The workflow ist slightly different, but it works great.
I found this today: subgit
It perfectly integrates into GIT and SVN, you can set up GIT repositories in Xcode Server and upgrade them with subgit - they will both stay in sync. (took me about half an hour to completely understand how it works)
Best of all: a 10 seat license (meaning 10 collaborator via subgit) is totally free (and quite enough for my use case).
[PREVIOUS ANSWER] I made a simple solution that involves an SSH Server on the SVN Server machine. I think it does not matter which one, but I'm currently using Cygwin.
In the /etc/sshd_config you need to add a subsystem
Subsystem "svnserve -t" /etc/svnserve-proxy
You need to create the file /etc/svnserve-proxy
cat > /etc/svnserve-proxy
svnserve -t -r <repository>
You have to modify the svnserve command and repository respectively.
On your local computer you have to modify the file ~/.subversion/config and add a [tunnels] line:
ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -v -l <username> -s
username is the name of the user you want to authenticate with.
This solution is quick and dirty and does not allow for different users to authenticate. In addition, Xcode needs to use the same username on your local machine and the Bot-Server. It is quite possible that you have to create a _teamsuser home directory and put an subversion/config in there as well.
An alternative would be to use public-keys (As the bot server already creates) You can then put these into authorized_keys and put a command in front:
command="svnserve -t -r <repository> --tunnel-user=<user>" rsa-ssh AAA

I had a similar problem. In my case it was issue accessing the source code repository. The OSX Server had DNS issue which was preventing it from reaching the host. Can you check if you are able to access your source code repository?

With Xcode 9 apple brings ease to continuous integration with Xcode bots.
Xcode Server built-in. Continuous integration bots can be run on any Mac with Xcode 9, no need to install macOS Server.
I found very good article explaining how to configure it with Xcode 9.
Xcode9 - Xcode server comprehensive iOS continuous integration


Symfony 4.3.5 - locale loading nonexistent public

In Symfony 4.3.5 when using locale in url (e.q., framework starts loading nonexisting public route to resources;
/en/images/like-icon-58x25.png instead images/like-icon-58x25.png.
I got 404 on each of these resources when server tries to access public route with locale prefixed in route, only plain HTML loads:
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/css/bootstrap.css
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/css/style.css
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/css/fonts.css
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/images/logo-proizd-team-2019-web2.png
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/images/project-1-195x164.jpg
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/js/core.min.js
[Wed Jan 29 19:17:30 2020] [404]: /en/js/script.js
How to solve this problem. Could not find similar problems and solutions.
I've found solution.
Since I'm using Twig, assets must be put into asset() function.
src="{{ asset('images/like-icon-58x25.png') }}"

App crashes only on specific device

After adding VoIP pushes (via Pushwoosh) for VoIP app using Skylink SDK I faced the crash, only on one my device (iPhone 5s 8.4). Looks like it's about video capturing. Another testers feel fine (iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, 8.4.1, 9.1), and my iPhone 4s is not crashing when I force-connect it to room without VoIP pushes.
UPD : crash is randomly reproduced on another devices
Here's crashing logs:
Nov 13 19:43:12 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: didConnectWithMessage (null)
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: didReceiveResponse() 200
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: connectionDidFinishLoading()
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: VERSION 10x
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: Response {"sid":"TBa15c2vlAMqi-3EAAlU","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: websocket supported -> using it now
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: Received All information:
sid: TBa15c2vlAMqi-3EAAlU
heartbeat: 25.000000
Transport: <SocketIOTransportWebsocket: 0x174226ac0>
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: start/reset Heartbeat
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: Prepare to send()
Nov 13 19:43:16 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: queue >>> 2
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: onData 40
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SkylinkP2P[1282] <Warning>: onConnect()
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated, enableFlag=1
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated, enableFlag=1
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_SelectBestMIPIFrequencyIndex_gated - channel: 1, currentRawBitDepth: 1, index: 5
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath ReportCrash[1306] <Error>: task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath ReportCrash[1306] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 1282
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath ReportCrash[1306] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process SkylinkP2P[1282]
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath mediaserverd[19] <Notice>: '' Aft3rmath.SkylinkP2P(pid = 1282) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath locationd[57] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath[1] (UIKitApplication:Aft3rmath.SkylinkP2P[0xff15][1282]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath ReportCrash[1306] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/SkylinkP2P_2015-11-13-194318_iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath.ips
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_FlushInactiveDARTMappings: 0x00000000
Nov 13 19:43:18 iPhone-5s-Aft3rmath SpringBoard[50] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:Aft3rmath.SkylinkP2P[0xff15]' crashed.
And here's all crash free logs look like:
Nov 13 21:43:11 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: didConnectWithMessage (null)
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: didReceiveResponse() 200
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: connectionDidFinishLoading()
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: VERSION 10x
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: Response {"sid":"raDmeW9m-Cue0K5_AAlT","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: websocket supported -> using it now
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: Received All information:
sid: raDmeW9m-Cue0K5_AAlT
heartbeat: 25.000000
Transport: <SocketIOTransportWebsocket: 0x174226aa0>
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: start/reset Heartbeat
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: Prepare to send()
Nov 13 21:43:12 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: queue >>> 2
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: onData 40
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: onConnect()
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 21:43:15 Daniil SkylinkP2P[1852] <Warning>: doQueue() >> 1
Nov 13 21:43:16 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated, enableFlag=1
Nov 13 21:43:16 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 21:43:16 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated, enableFlag=1
Nov 13 21:43:16 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_EnableFastISPClock_gated - using ISP-FAST
Nov 13 21:43:16 Daniil kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::ISP_SelectBestMIPIFrequencyIndex_gated - channel: 1, currentRawBitDepth: 3, index: 5
Any ideas?
UPD: Crashlytics points on cricket::VideoCapturer::SetCaptureState(cricket::CaptureState)
The thing was that standard pushes seem to be handled in main queue, while VoIP pushes are not. So in my
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload forType:(NSString *)type
I had to add
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[P2PConnectionManager sharedManager] handlePushNotification:userInfo];
And everything seems ok now. Hope this will help somebody. Cheers!

Unable to send files to GFE with iOS Xamarin Good Dynamics Framework bindings

We've developed an App using Good Dynamics using Xamarin bindings and everything seems to work as expected.
However we are unable to send files to the Good For Enterprise App (GFE) calling ::SendFileToGFE.
The call returns true, GFE opens up and then immediately switches back to our app.
As we're also using MvvmCross I wanted to rule out any other factors and so I creates a simple test harness. The issue is still there and looking a the logs I get:
*Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.852MB] [056%] [4] InterAppManager::sendFile: allowed 1
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.852MB] [056%] [4] InterAppManager::sendFile:
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.852MB] [056%] [4] InterAppManager::SendPairRequeststartup 0
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.852MB] [056%] [4] InterAppManager::sendFile: pair request sent
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.852MB] [056%] [4] PolicyComplianceChecker::checkComplianceUnlocked
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.863MB] [056%] [4] PolicyManager::policyApplied type 6
Jan 24 16:28:50 Dev-iPad XamarinGood[887] <Warning>: [0472.863MB] [056%] [4] PolicyManager::policyApplied type 4
Jan 24 16:28:51 Dev-iPad kernel[0] <Debug>: Sandbox: Good(327) deny file-read-data /private/var
Jan 24 16:28:51 Dev-iPad kernel[0] <Debug>: Sandbox: Good(327) deny file-read-data /bin
Jan 24 16:28:51 Dev-iPad kernel[0] <Debug>: Sandbox: Good(327) deny process-fork
Jan 24 16:28:51 Dev-iPad kernel[0] <Debug>: Sandbox: Good(327) deny file-read-data /dev*
We're using the latest version of GFE and version 1.4.4166 of the iOS SDK on iOS7. Everything else like http and secure storage seems to be working fine.
To make sure the environment was setup correctly I switched to Xcode and loaded up the SecureDocs example and dropped in the GD Framework, ran it on the save iOS7 device (after deleting the old App first) using the same bundle ID as the harness and it worked fine.
The file exists, CanSendFileToGFE seems to work but the delegate is never called
string path = "/testsecure2/text.txt";
bool exists = GDFileSystem.FileExistsAtPath(path, false);
if (exists && GDSecureDocs.CanSendFileToGFE)
Console.WriteLine("Attempt to send");
GDSecureDocs.SendFileToGFE (path,
result =>
if ( result !=null)
I've raised it with GOOD even though Xamarin isn't supported but if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
I've also got a support thread with Good at but if I find out the reason I'll post any feedback here to keep this thread up to date.
Thanks in advance!

iPhone couldn't receive MDM push messages

I'm developing a MDM solutioin for my own organization. Created an iOS MDM testing server using python mentioned by imdmtools, generate push certs according to softthinker.
Here's the cert details:
Vendor: has an Enterprise Developer Program, the "MDM CSR" type certificate can be found in Apple developer center, downloaded as "mdm.cer".
Customer: same as Vendor, I generated in Windows 2008 IIS where my MDM server was hosted. The customer CSR was generated by the method mentioned by
The cert file has been created successfully, could be imported into keychain and exported in p12 format. I converted it into PEM format:
Locate the certificate in Keychain Access
Export to a .p12 file
Convert to .pem
openssl pkcs12 -in OrigPushCert.p12 -out PushCert.pem
Strip the passphrase
openssl rsa -in PushCert.pem -out PushKeyNoPass.pem
Open PushCert.pem in a text editor
Replace the encrypted "RSA Private Key" section with contents of PushKeyNoPass.pem
Save it out
The .mobileconfig file contains MDM payload:
With the server cert identify.p12
Push service: development mode
After all, the device can be enrolled by https properly, the server could receive Device Token, Push Magic, Unlock Token from device. But when server sends MDM push message: {"mdm" : "PushMagic String>"}, device doesn't receive it. The IPCU device log displays:
Jun 13 16:26:13 unknown MobileSafari[374] <Warning>: webFrameLoader
Jun 13 16:26:16 unknown MobileSafari[374] <Warning>: webFrameLoader
Jun 13 16:26:16 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Profile ā€œ-c-o-m-.-c-i-t-e-c-h-.-m-d-m-.-p-r-o-f-i-l-eā€ -q-u-e-u-e-d -f-o-r -i-n-s-t-a-l-l-a-t-i-o-n-.
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Beginning profile installation...
Jun 13 16:26:20 unknown keybagd[1403] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [keybagd] (690.10)
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Device unlock notification received
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Profile ā€œ-c-o-m-.-c-i-t-e-c-h-.-m-d-m-.-p-r-o-f-i-l-eā€ -i-n-s-t-a-l-l-e-d-.
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[1409] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel starting.
Jun 13 16:26:23 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[1409] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel shutting down.
Jun 13 16:26:23 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: [mdmd] (690.10)
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd starting...
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Looking for managed app states to clean up
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd622270>: connection set enabled topics {(
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Sending filter message for enabled hashes {
<10f79d78 c6984a13 f9fc677a 4556fc35 73249ead> = "";
<141b878f 22242638 a132b5ba 96284394 eb258b67> = "com.citech.mdm.pushtest";
} and ignored hashes {}
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown[1] <Warning>: ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Warning>: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort ''. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown[1] <Warning>: ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Warning>: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort ''. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0x121fa0>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'production' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>: connection set enabled topics {(
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Network reachability has changed.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Network reachability has changed.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd62a150>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd62a150>
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to active
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Calculated minimum fire date [2013-06-13 16:29:31 +0800] (54%) with fire date [2013-06-13 16:36:26 +0800], start date [2013-06-13 16:21:24 +0800], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Calculated minimum fire date [2013-06-13 16:34:23 +0800] (54%) with fire date [2013-06-13 16:42:49 +0800], start date [2013-06-13 16:24:28 +0800], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd stopping...
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x119eb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0x121fa0>
Jun 13 16:26:29 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Canceling system wake for [2013-06-13 16:42:34 +0800]
Jun 13 16:26:29 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Resuming push keep alive timer in normal mode with action PCActionMaintainPushKeepAliveInterval
Changed .mobileconfig push service to Production mode, still couldn't receive. I use to simulate MDM push, nothing happened. I don't think push message or .mobileconfig file has mistakes, maybe there's something wrong about the cert file.
If somebody could offer some help or hint, it would be a great kindness. I've spent several days on it... Thanks.

IOS app crashes when touching the screen, but runs fine in simulator

My app (RedLasers RLSample app) runs fine on the simulator, but on an iPad or iPhone it crashes as soon as you touch the screen. Wondering if libraries are not linked properly?
Nov 13 18:29:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[7561] Builtin profile: container (sandbox)
Nov 13 18:29:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[7561] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/5E83DFC6-50D3-41CD-B34CF4AC [69] (sandbox)
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::newUserClient
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamInUserClient::init
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamInUserClient::start
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::power_on_hardware
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::ISP_Init - Sending full-res lens-shading table for back-camera to firmware
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.ebay.RLSample[0x8db]) Exited with exit code: 32
Nov 13 18:29:37 unknown SpringBoard[29] <Warning>: Application 'RLSample' exited abnormally with exit status 32
Nov 13 18:29:38 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Nov 13 18:29:38 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::power_off_hardware
Nov 13 18:29:38 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamInUserClient::clientClose
Nov 13 18:29:38 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamInUserClient::stop
Nov 13 18:29:38 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamInUserClient::free
